Slip up on stage

Zayn's point of view:

"Niall slow down, we'll make it." I laugh grabbing him around his waist before he took out a group of people in the hallway.

"Sorry Zee but I'm just excited." Niall cheered wiggling around in my arms trying to get free. A little squeal then comes from his mouth as I lift him over my shoulder.

"Zee" Niall wines but anyone could tell he was just joking because of the giggle that came after, as well as a few taps to my bottom. But that only ended with me doing the same back leaving the hallway full of Niall's giggles.

Even after arriving backstage where Liam, Louis and Harry were waiting, their stern looks faded when they saw the giggling Niall on my shoulder.

"Guessing Niall tried to run through the hallway again?" Harry asked raising one eyebrow. I only nodded in return with a fond smile as I gently placed Niall on his two feet. Then, gave his bum a little pat to get him moving which he did, skipping over to Louis to get his ear pieces in.

"Here's your ear pieces and microphone." Liam laughed handing me the said items, then turning and taking his place on the stage lift.

Just as I was putting in my left ear piece Niall ran past, grabbing my wrist and pulling me over to the lift. Liam helped to unwrapped Niall from around me just as one of the stage crew started counting down. The music started and the stage wall lifted revealing loud screams and colourful stage lights.

"What's going on London?!" Niall yelled, running down to the front of the stage.

~~~~ Half way through the concert ~~~~

"Louis!" Niall yelled, trying to run from him.

The fans scream and laugh as Louis catches him and pours two water bottles over his head. I tried to keep a straight face, but after seeing Niall's pouty puppy face I couldn't help but laugh. Shaking my head I walk closer to introduce the next song, but piercing screams stop me from lifting my microphone. Looking around I couldn't see anyone around me on stage. But once I turn around to face the back of the stage, I see Niall hanging by the safety rope on the microphone stand.

Without even thinking I run up the stairs in wolf speed grabbing Niall around the waist and pulling him back up onto his two feet in a matter of seconds. Unfortunately since I used my wolf abilities my eyes were glowing red. (The colour of an Alpha). Niall just stood there looking at me in shock. I gently took a step back unwrapping my arms from around his waist.

"H-how?" Niall stuttered, staring directly at my eyes.

I didn't answer just turned and ran down the stairs and off stage. I kept running until I was out the back of the stadium.


I heard someone yell behind me, but I ignored them. I decided then and there that I was going to just run back to the hotel and hope everyone would just forget what happened. But thanks to my powers I knew that wasn't going to be the case at all.

This was just the beginning.


The chapters will start getting longer, I promise.
