Chapter 38

Third person's POV

When the party is more than half way done. King Siwon decided to continue with his plan which he planned long before coming to Macedon. He's so shameless that he doesn't even remember the humiliation just earlier. He stood up from his seat and get The Queen's attention once more, 'Queen Chaeyoung, I hope you like all the gifts that my Benalla government prepared. However, there's one more present that I especially prepared for you.'

'Oh? There's no need for that many gifts. Those ones from earlier are more than sufficient.' Chaeyoung tells him,

'Queen Chaeyoung, it's a wedding gift. You can't refuse it.' He pressed before doing a gesture with his hand,

Right away, a beautiful girl with an amazingly curvy body in her very see-through and alluring dancer outfit walks out and stands in the middle of the big hall. She has a pretty smile on her face while bowing to the Queen, then she's just standing there and stares right at Chaeyoung in such a seductive manner,

Meanwhile, Consort Tzuyu, Consort Sana and Consort Mina are subconsciously glancing at each other, then to The Queen, then their eyes stay fixed at this dancer. The three of them have such an unfriendly look on their faces while staring at the girl with piercing eyes, because more than anyone, they know so well what this girl wants with that prepared seductive look from head to toe, right in front of their Queen.

'Your Majesty, I have heard many great things about you, and now that I have seen you in person, I can confirm that those things I heard are all true. My name is Kang SeulGi. It's my honour to serve you.' The dancer speaks up in her attractive tone, grabbing almost everyone's attention in the room,

Except for the three Consorts of course. Tzuyu, Sana and Mina are not impressed at the obvious way the girl is trying to get their Queen's attention,

But even before the Queen has time to speak, Benalla music is already playing, and SeulGi is also starting to dance. It's a detailed and artistic dance routine, with many difficult dance moves filled of seductive vibes. On top of that, this skilled dancer has perfect facial expression matching the dance performance perfectly. Her pretty face and body lines are too mesmerising, people in the room are drawn into watching the performance in awe. From all the government members, to even Vice Chief of royal guards Dahyun and Vice Minister of war JeongYeon, and last but not least, our art loving Queen can not take her eyes off this artistic performance,

Sitting on the left side of the throne, Consort Sana is feeling so irritated. She's not happy because not only her Queen pays all the attention to the dancer at the moment, but she's also upset because... Vice Chief of royal guards Dahyun is also watching the girl without even blinking. Sana knows Dahyun loves her, and she wants Dahyun to continue to love her and pay attention to her only, eventhough she knows she can never repay that love,

On the other hand, our Consort Mina is now throwing daggers at the Queen with her eyes. She's like sitting on fire at the moment, seeing how attentively Chaeyoung is watching this seductive performance.

Once the performance is over, the pretty dancer SeulGi receives an explosive round of applause from almost every single person in the room, including our great Queen of course, 'Amazing! Great performance!' She praises while clapping whole heartedly, accompanied with an impressed smile on her face,

But suddenly Chaeyoung can feel the cold air are coming from both sides of her throne. She glances to her left to see Consort Tzuyu and Consort Sana are both glaring at her. The Queen then quickly turns to her right to see her Treasure is not only glaring fire at her, but also the girl's not so happy face is what got Chaeyoung gulped nervously. Our great Queen immediately stopped clappings and wiped that impressed smile off her face real quick.

Sitting in the guest area, King Siwon smirks, seeing how everyone loved the performance. He then steps out, 'Queen Chaeyoung, the gift I prepared for you isn't just that dance performance, but Kang SeulGi... is the gift herself. Just a small Concubine position in your palace will make the pretty girl happy.'

The big room turned silence, everyone is glancing at The Queen then to Consort Mina, then to the dancer. Eventhough gifting a girl to a powerful person isn't a rare thing, but this is a wedding gift as King Siwon said earlier which made it weird. Who would gift a girl to someone who just got married? Only King Siwon can, and it just shows how twisted and shameless he really is.

Meanwhile, after hearing what King Siwon just said, Mina almost stands up to step over and sit on Chaeyoung's lap, marking her territory. However she stays put because she is aware that she's now a Pure Consort and she has to keep her calm posture in front of all these people.

King Siwon is eagerly waiting for the Queen's response to his offer. He's feeling very confident that his plan of having his person from Benalla staying right next to the Queen of Castlemaine will bring him lots of benefits. And if somehow Kang SeulGi gets to win the Queen's heart, Castlemaine will then basically under Benalla's control.

But what he doesn't know is that Chaeyoung's heart belongs to one person only. Many many exceptionally beautiful women in Castlemaine palace still have no chance, why would The Queen accept a person from Benalla. Pretty, talented, sexily attractive... all mean nothing to Chaeyoung if one's name is not Mina.

The Queen smiles politely, 'SeulGi, you are a skilled dancer, and I really enjoyed your performance. Well done! You deserve a reward.' She says while doing a gesture with her hand,

A maid then walks over with a tray of gold bars and hands it to SeulGi. The dancer holds the big reward on her hands but her face clearly displayed a huge disappointment, because she knows this reward means rejection. She really thought she would have a chance with this famously talented Queen, but a dream will forever be a dream,

'Queen Chaeyoung, why...?' King Siwon is about to try to persuade some more, as he really thought all Kings and Queens are just like him who would take in as many women as possible, but no, he is so wrong. Chaeyoung cuts him off,

'King Siwon, with utmost regret, I will have to reject your gift. I truly appreciate your thoughtful preparation, so please don't feel disheartened.' She doesn't want to leave any bitterness in this political relationship.

The Castlemaine government members together with the three Consorts are looking at their Queen with so much respect. They feel so proud to serve a very smart and upright leader who always makes the most fitting decisions even in hard situations like this one.


After the party, The Queen is of course leaving the throne hall with her Treasure. The two are heading back to Mina's palace together, but certainly, Chaeyoung noticed how quiet Mina is. Eventhough the Consort lets the Queen holds her hand, but Chaeyoung can totally feel the heat of sulkiness from her Treasure ever since they left the throne hall,

Arrived at her palace, the sulky Consort walks straight into her room without saying a word to her Queen. And Chaeyoung just patiently followed behind her wife into the room without a single word of complain,

Chaeyoung sits down right next to Mina who is of course facing the wall at the moment. The Queen gently hugs her Consort sideway while tilting her head to give those pouty lips a peck, 'These pouty lips are so cute!' She breaks the ice,

'Uhmmm...' Mina complains while pouting her lips even more, 'They suppose to make me look mad, not cute.'

Chaeyoung smiles at Mina adoringly, 'What's bothering my Treasure? Huhm?!' She asks the obvious,

The Consort looks at her Queen with sulkiness plus jealousy written all over her face, "With utmost regret, I have to reject your gift." She imitates exactly how Chaeyoung sounded in the throne hall earlier, 'With utmost regret? Really Your Majesty? You seem really regretting your decision of letting the pretty girl go.'

The Queen chuckles at how adorable Mina is right now, the girl's jealousy is on another level of cuteness, 'My Darling, if you let someone down, you've gotta let them down easy. Have you heard of that saying? Huhm?! I was just trying to refuse in the most polite way as possible.'

'But... you seemed to really enjoy the dance. Your clappings and cheerings were the loudest.' The sulky Consort continues to complain,

'Were I that loud?' Chaeyoung asks Mina, 'But you have to agree that was a great performance.' She is now half teasing her jealous wife,

'I can dance too, Your Majesty. I'm in fact quite a skilled dancer.' The spoiled Princess's competitive side is now waking up,

'Oh I know that. The first time I saw you, you were dancing very well with your... fiance.' The Queen shows Mina that she can feel jealous too. She brought up the past while tapping on her Consort's nose tip in a scolding manner,

Mina blinks her eyes at every tap Chaeyoung made, 'Your... Your Majesty, I wasn't willing to dance with... him. I was... forced to.' The pretty Consort finds herself frantically explaining after thinking that The Queen is really scolding her,

'Is that so?' The Queen pressed. Mina is just so cute when she tries to explain herself, so so cute that Chaeyoung can't help but to tease her, 'Well, the way your hands were on his shoulders seemed very natural to me. On top of that, you let him hold onto your waist too.'

Mina quickly holds onto Chaeyoung's hand to continue her explanation, 'Your Majesty, it's not like that. My... my King Father told me to dance with him, so I had to, eventhough I didn't want to...'

Knowing how sooky her Treasure is, the Queen knows Mina might cry any moment now if she keep going with the tease, so she quickly pulls the Consort into her warm embrace, 'I know, I know. My Treasure, you don't have to explain anything else, huhm?! I'm not jealous anymore.' She soothes her girl while gently caressing her hair,

Mina hugs Chaeyoung so tight, feeling the safest whenever she's in her lover's arms. But then a moment later, Mina's lips slowly curved into a smile because suddenly a thought of what Chaeyoung said came into her mind, 'Oh? Wait a moment. Your Majesty, the way you described the dance which I did was very detailed, so... you were watching me the whole time eventhough those girls were all over you at the time?'

The Queen slowly breaks the hug, she looks into Mina's eyes with so much love, 'In the room full of people, I only saw you. My Darling, you were, you are and you always will be the only apple of my eyes.' She confirmed with Mina that there's no need for the girl to feel jealous,

The Pure Consort's heart just melts at how sweetly romantic that sounds, she throws herself back into The Queen's embrace, feeling so so deep in love with this charismatic Queen. 'I love you, Your Majesty.' Mina softly says. Just one sentence from Chaeyoung and all of her jealousy flies out of the door, what's left is love, trust and respect.

On the other hand, The great Queen is just so thankful that she found the love of her life who can easily set the butterflies free inside her stomach with every moves the girl makes. To Chaeyoung, Mina is just so adorable, especially when the girl is sulky or jealous, she is just too cute that the Queen probably will never stop teasing her even when their hair turn grey. Chaeyoung squeezes Mina's body lovingly, 'I love you more, Mina.' She places a kiss on top of the girl's head before continuing, 'Next month is my parent's death anniversary, I will go to visit their graves in the Willow Palace just outside the capital city. I want to bring you with me.'

Mina slowly breaks the hug and looks at Chaeyoung in surprise. She's quite stunned to hear that because she thought for sure, she would never get to be introduced to The Queen's parents, given the history between the Sons and the Myouis, 'Your Majesty, am I... allowed to?' She carefully asked,

'I want my parents to see their pretty daughter in law...' Chaeyoung answered while gently caressing Mina's cheek, 'I want my parents to see how happy I am now, and I want to tell them that they can rest in peace without having to worry about me anymore, because I have found the love of my life, and she's making my world a whole lot better than it's ever been.'

Mina's tears are now falling one by one, as she can literally feel the immense amount of love The Queen is giving her. The Consort's heart feels so at ease right now, as if an imaginary weight inside her heart has been released, because this ultimate decision from The Queen means that all the hatred, all the disputes, all the vengeance between the Sons and the Myouis are finally officially over.
