Chapter 21

Third person's POV

The Queen is left sitting there stunned because the story eventhough anonymous, but anyone could easily tell that it is all about Mina and the Queen herself. Chaeyoung is not sure if she should be impressed at how accurate Mina summed up their love story in such a short amount of time, or she should be angry because the girl just fearlessly called all of her very supportive government members "a bunch of Wolves". But most importantly, right in front of her face and this defiant Princess outright criticised her and called her "clueless", which to this proud Queen, it is unacceptable on so many different levels. 

Slowly swallowing the bitterness in her mouth, the Queen then decided to do both, praise first, scold right after,

Firstly, being the Queen of this Kingdom, Chaeyoung has to keep her word, 'I have to admit that it is a good story. I'm quite impressed at how you came up with it so quickly, therefore Mina, you can come with me in next year hunting trip.'

'Yessss!!!' Mina celebrates with two subtle fist pumps,

Chaeyoung then continues, 'But... how insolent of you! Mina, this time I can't forgo your disrespectful behaviour.' The Queen tells Mina while tapping on the girl's forehead, scolding her, 'So you are the innocent little Penguin, and I'm the clueless Tiger? Huhm?' She has to address Mina's insolent words,

Mina blinks her eyes at every tap that The Queen made, she pouts her lips sadly because she herself knows she went a little too far with the choice of her words. Mina has already regretted right after she finished her story, and she was just hoping that Chaeyoung didn't notice it, 'Your Majesty, it... just came out of my mouth without me even realising it, so please... can you pretend not to hear that bit?' She bargained. The Queen's immeasurable amount of adoration for Mina has made the girl feels so comfortable, too comfortable that she sometimes forgets that it's The powerful Queen in front of her, and because of that she just used the word without much thinking,

'Pretend not to hear it? How could I? Mina, it was so obvious! You called me "clueless" not just once, but twice, the first one might be accidental, but the second one is definitely intentional.' The Queen continues to scold,

Mina sadly looks down at her lap, 'How about the other parts where I called you strong, smart, powerful and capable? Why didn't you notice those?' She complained with a real sad face,

'Well, the "clueless" part stands out the most.' Chaeyoung is feeling quite bitter because of the fact that this is the first time ever anyone dares to call her like that. She continues to tell the girl, 'You are clearly a daredevil who is scared of nothing. Mina, this time... I can't let you off the hook this time.' The Queen strictly pressed.

Mina starts to fidget with her fingers nervously, she knows she has been so lucky given how Chaeyoung would always be so forgiving with her. But this time, Mina is very sure that she has used all of her luck for today. So right now, she can't do anything but to obediently sit there so still and wait for her punishment. After all, Mina believes that Chaeyoung loves her too much to punish her with anything harsh,

And Mina is absolutely right, The Queen has been furiously thinking of a punishment for the girl she loves. She adores Mina too much to hurt her, so what Chaeyoung wants is a punishment that doesn't hurt Mina at all but at the same time, will be enough so the girl will have to learn and remember it. It's actually not easy to find that type of punishment, but with her mind working with full capacity, not long after, the Queen decided, 'Mina, for daring enough to call the Queen of this Kingdom "clueless", I will punish you to write this paragraph, "Your Dearest Majesty, I, Myoui Mina will never use disrespectful words towards you ever again. And from now on, everytime I get to go on the hunting trip with you, I won't ever step out of the safe zone and put myself in danger again. Also, I promise to never ever try to take punishment for others."

'That's too long.' Mina complains with her super cute sulky face, she's really not happy about the length of the paragraph that she has to write as a punishment,

'Too long?' The Queen tries her best to keep a straight face because Mina is just so adorable for words, 'I haven't even finished my sentence yet. Mina, to make sure that you will learn your lesson this time, you have to write that paragraph 50 times.' She ordered,

'Your Majessstttyyy!!!' Mina pouts her lips to the max, she stomps her feet in place, protesting,

But the next moment, Mina finds herself sitting at a table, writing away her punishment. She's sitting on a chair right next to The Queen, writing in such an uncooperative manner. She moves her brush pen forcefully, every comma and every full stop is a purposed little bang she left on the table with the pen, she makes sure it's obvious that she's not happy so Chaeyoung can see it,

On the other hand, The Queen is resting her head sideway on her hand with the support of her elbow on the table. She's just sitting like that and watches Mina with so much love and adoration. Of course she notices the way Mina is sulkily protesting against her punishment eventhough the girl has barely just finished writing the paragraph for the fifth time. Chaeyoung chuckles to herself at Mina's childish behaviour, she then reaches her hand over and taps on the girl's still pouting lips a few times, 'What's with these pouty lips of yours? Huhm Mina?' She asks with so much love,

Mina paused her writing right away, she looks at Chaeyoung, half sulking half pleading, 'Because... because this writing punishment is mostly used for children. But me... I'm all grown up now, Your Majesty.' She just doesn't want to have to continue writing the long paragraph for another 45 times,

'Is that so?' The Queen asks, she then stares at Mina intensely, 'Then... should I punish you with something a little more... adult like?'

'Huh?' And while the innocent Princess is still processing what that means, The Queen has already leaned over and captured those pouty lips with hers, she kisses Mina with so much love, as she has missed the taste of the girl she loves like crazy, those pouty lips taste so good that Chaeyoung can't deny the fact that they are her addiction now. Right before parting their lips, The Queen makes sure to do a little bite on Mina's bottom lip as a form of adult like punishment that she was talking about,

Mina jolts a little at the sudden biting, but when she hasn't even recovered from that yet, Chaeyoung had already moved down to Mina's neck and placed a deep kiss on the side of the girl's neck, then another sensual bite on it before sitting back down onto her chair,

'Gasp!' Mina gasped sharply at the unexpected move, especially because it's at her very sensitive spot. Those bites weren't meant to be painful cause my God, The Queen would never want to hurt that soft milky porcelain skin. But those bites surely made an impact because right now Mina doesn't know why her body is starting to react to them so weirdly, like the unfamiliar heat has raised and taken control all over her whole being, like every bit of her skin is screaming for the same sensual biting from those teeth,

Chaeyoung smiles charmingly at Mina after seeing the girl's blushed pinky cheeks caused by the heat inside of her, 'So... have you learned your lesson yet, Mina?' She asks the stunned girl,

Mina diverts her eyes to Chaeyoung, just to look away right after because of how intense The Queen is staring at her at the moment. She nods her head as an answer, as she's still speechless,

Chaeyoung reaches her hand over and holds onto Mina's chin, gently making the girl to face her, 'Good! Because next time, if you dare to use disrespectful words towards me again, I will... kiss and bite somewhere... a little... lower.' She threatened while having her eyes scan Mina's body from her neck downwards, then she stopped her eyes right at the girl's breasts,

Mina's face turned red as of that instant, she unconsciously have both of her arms covered her chest, she also wants to quickly hide her red face as well but she can't because Chaeyoung has her chin captured at the moment,

The Queen laughs out loud at Mina's cute and innocent reaction, 'Oh Mina, Mina, my darling Treasure, I thought you are innocent, but I guess I was wrong.' She teases,

Mina creases her brows at Chaeyoung as she doesn't understand why Chaeyoung said that. The Queen then smiles lovingly at Mina while gently caressing her cheek, 'A little lower than your neck, I meant your collar bones, Mina. What were you thinking about? Huhm?'

'Your Majessstttyyy!!!' Mina cried out in a protesting manner as now that she knows Chaeyoung was just teasing her this whole time,

The Queen immediately hugs Mina tightly despite the fact that the girl is still protesting by trying so hard to break free, 'Alright, alright! My sulky Mina, I was bad, I shouldn't tease you like that.'

The sulky Princess stops moving and stays still in the Queen's loving arms after the soothing, but her lips are still pouting, and because those lips are so cute, they earned another kiss from Chaeyoung, 'Tell me Mina, how can I resist your adorably soft lips? Huhm?'

Mina smiles proudly at that, knowing so well how smitten The Queen is with her. She is now just melted right in Chaeyoung's protective hold after the adoring gestures, and The Queen just loves this feeling of closeness with the girl of her life, 'Mina, eventhough I did teased you at the end, but before that, those kisses and those bites on your lips and your neck earlier weren't a tease or a punishment. I did it out of my love for you from my heart. I... just want you to know that.' She whispered into Mina's ear.

That sweet statement got Mina smiles shyly, she can literally feel the love she has for this charismatic Queen just keeps getting deeper and deeper. She stares right into Chaeyoung's eyes with so much love, 'Your Majesty, I'm sorry that I used such a disrespectful word towards you, but... but I only did that out of my sulkiness. The truth is that I respect you, Your Majesty. I respect you more than anyone else on this earth. I... just want you to know that.' She whispered right back into The Queen's ear,

Chaeyoung has this huge grin on her face, she feels so proud hearing that from the girl she loves. And the fact that Mina used the same sentence which she used earlier "I... just want you to know that" has definitely proved that the two of them speak the same language, share the same humour, head the same direction and feel the same immense amount of love for each other.

After the hunting trip, everything got back to normal daily life. The Queen who always values her friend's opinion, she finally forgives Consort Sana's mistake just like how Dahyun advised her to. Plus, she also needs to keep the peace and harmony in the palace, so keeping all her wives happy is an obligation,

On the other hand, there's no word to describe how happy Consort Sana is the moment she first saw Chaeyoung stepped into her palace after such a long time. Of course the hate and jealousy she has for Mina are still there, but the Consort is determined to keep it inside for now. She's clever enough to not risk the Queen's affection anymore. After all, she believes that no matter how much the Queen loves Mina, but for Mina to become the Queen's wedded wife like herself is close to impossible,

But little did she knows, Mina is half way there. After Chaeyoung proved to her government members that the Princess is at no threat to her, no one would ever try to separate Mina from the Queen. On top of that, given the obvious immense amount of love and adoration Chaeyoung has for Mina, the government members won't go against the idea of the Queen making a maid hers, as it is a fact that a powerful Queen of a Kingdom can just have whoever she wants,

However, despite that fact, Chaeyoung cares for Mina so much that she doesn't have the heart to take the girl's virginity without a proper wedding. Chaeyoung loves Mina too much to just make Mina serves her in bed as a maid serving a Queen. This powerful Queen is so so smitten with this Princess, that she has promised herself to respect Mina's dignity by only making Mina hers after officially marrying her and giving her a royal title that the girl deserves.
