Chapter 35

Third person's POV

Next morning, Mina got up after the most amazing and satisfied sleep she has ever had. The new Consort slowly opens her eyes to see herself is still in The Queen's loving arms just like how they went to sleep last night. Mina takes the chance to stare at Chaeyoung's pretty face while she's still asleep, she smiles triumphantly remembering the moment this great Queen said that she is hers, 'You are mine, Chaeyoung ah.' Mina proudly thought to herself while placing a very light kiss on the side of Chaeyoung's jaw, very carefully not to wake her up,

But when Mina herself heard her own thoughts out loud, the smile slowly disappeared from her face because she just remembered the fact that The Queen has many many other women, and that Chaeyoung probably does what they did last night with every single one of them,

Mina's eyes dropped, her lips sadly pout on their own, 'Uhmmmm....' She subconsciously made a long complaining sound,

'Huhm?' Chaeyoung also subconsciously lets out an adoring soothing sound even before waking up. She then slowly opens her eyes and looks for her Treasure to see the girl is still in her arms but having her head down, 'What's wrong, my Treasure?' She worriedly asks,

'Nothing's wrong.' Mina sulkily replies,

The Queen creases her brows, she moves her head down a little to look at Mina in the eyes, 'Mina, you know that you can tell me anything. Anything at all.'

The innocent Princess looks into The Queen's eyes, she knows she shouldn't be feeling like this but it's just human nature, when you love someone so much, you wouldn't want to share that person with anyone else. Mina knows she needs to learn a lot to be as generous as Consort Tzuyu, but no matter how much she thinks about it, she probably won't ever be that generous, especially when it involves sharing her Chaeyoung, 'Your Majesty, I... I'm jealous.' She admits with her still pouting lips,

'Oh?' The Queen isn't sure what Mina is jealous with, as she's still half asleep,

The sulky Princess continues to tell Chaeyoung while looking at her with such a sad pair of puppy eyes, 'Your Majesty, I... I know I shouldn't be saying this, and... you probably will... punish me after hearing it, but... but I don't like the fact that you... do all the things we did last night to... your other women.'

Chaeyoung is now listening intensely while her eyes refuse to steer away from her jealous wife. Of course she knows very well all the conflicts, all the problems occurred many times between some of the Consorts and Concubines are all coming from jealousy, however none of them has ever admitted that they are jealous, or they are simply too scared to say it out loud because it's an unspoken rule of not mentioning about The Queen's other women in front of her if one wants to avoid any source of troubles. But here she is, Mina tells The Queen honestly that the girl is jealous, and it certainly sets her apart from everyone else in Chaeyoung's eyes. The fact that her Treasure isn't hiding anything from her made The great Queen actually feeling quite happy, and she's also very proud that Mina is jealous because that only means the girl is deeply in love with her.

Without a slight anger or upset after hearing what her wife said, Chaeyoung proceeds to gently pull Mina closer to her until the girl's head is rested into the crook of her neck, 'My Mina, eventhough it might be quite mean of me to say this, but... I don't love every single women I have in this palace. They are simply my responsibility and obligation. I don't even sleep with more than half of them.' The Queen is explaining very softly,

The new Consort looks up at The Queen, listening attentively,

'And those who I sleep with, I just simply need them to bear a child for me, no feelings involved whatsoever. Therefore, what I do with them aren't... making love, I don't kiss them all over like how I kissed you last night.' Chaeyoung continues to explain,

'Oh...' Mina's jealousy has now reduced more than half,

The Queen stares into Mina's eyes while continuing, 'But I've gotta be honest with you, because Tzuyu and Sana are also my wedded wife, I... also make love to them.' She admits,

The new Consort eventhough still feels quite jealous hearing that, but deep down inside she knows she married a Queen and this matter is of course unavoidable, 'I understand...' her voice is a little sad but her arms are already hugging onto Chaeyoung's waist so tight,

The Queen gently caresses her wife's cute cheek while telling her, 'But my darling Treasure, you are my one and only Treasure, do you know that?'

Mina nods her head, of course she knows the love Chaeyoung has for her is incomparable, 'But... Your Majesty, I understand if you love Consort Tzuyu and Consort Sana a lot too. They are simply Goddesses, especially Consort Tzuyu, she's very kind and gentle and generous...'

The Queen places a loving kiss on Mina's forehead as she can tell that the girl is still a little jealous, she decided to open up even more, 'Sharing the same bed with Consort Tzuyu makes me feel safe, familiar, comfortable and at ease. On the other hand, being with Consort Sana makes me feel like I'm on an adventure, it's new, it's dangerous, it's unexpected...'

The innocent Princess is now looking up at The Queen intensely, her "not so sure where this is going" face is just too cute for words,

Chaeyoung flashes the most charming smile at her super adorable wife before continuing, 'But you, my Treasure... you manage to do both.' She says with an adoring tap on Mina's nose tip,

Mina tries very hard not to show that she's over the moon hearing that statement, the statement confirming that she's indeed the winner of this great Queen's heart. However, her own lips betrayed her and curved into one of the biggest smile, reaching her ears, and she just can't seem to stop it. The girl avoids the intense eye contact from The Queen and pulls the blanket up to cover half of her face, hiding the victorious smile underneath,

'Cute.' Chaeyoung thought to herself while staring at Mina with so much love. Her Pure Consort is so pretty even when she just got up in the morning, The Queen just cannot take her eyes off her. Chaeyoung might have been staring for too long because Mina is now starting to get out of the blanket and stood up, looking for her clothes to cover her nakedness,

'Where do you think you are going?' Chaeyoung quickly asks and immediately pulls her wife back down onto the bed. She gets on top and proceeds to pin both of Mina's hands down onto the bedsheet on both sides of her head,

'Uhmmm... Your Majesty, what are you doing?' Mina helplessly complains as she cannot move under this strong warrior's hold,

'What am I doing? I'm not letting my wife going anywhere, that's what I'm doing. And you, my Darling, where do you think you are going?' The Queen replies with a question at the end,

'Your Majesty, I've gotta put my clothes on so then I can get the maids to prepare breakfast for you.' Mina answers very softly,

'Oh? Is my Mina hungry?' The Queen asks, still not letting go of Mina's hands,

'I'm not that hungry yet, Your Majesty. It's actually still a little early for me to eat breakfast. It's you I'm worried about.' The Consort is taking good care of her Queen already,

Chaeyoung smiles proudly hearing the concern in Mina's voice, but right now she has a different idea in her mind, 'I think I will be alright, my Treasure, because... I can have you for breakfast.'

'Your Majesttttyyyy...' Mina's face turned red all over because of the fact that Chaeyoung just said that she would eat her up,

'No? So my Treasure doesn't want to be my breakfast?' The Queen is half serious, half teasing while starting to let go of Mina's hands,

'Your Majesty... wait...' The new Consort hurriedly wraps her arms round the back of the Queen's neck, pulling her back down. She placed a long deep kiss onto those plump lips before continuing to talk in such an alluring manner, 'I didn't say I don't like it. I... I want to be your breakfast, your lunch as well as... your dinner.' The innocent Princess has let her inner desire taken over her,

Chaeyoung smiles triumphantly, 'Your wish is my command.' She says before heading straight to her wife's glorious body, pleasing the girl all over again, taking them both back into an amazing circle of euphoria which none of them ever wants to get out of.


And just like that, The Queen and her new Consort are inseparable. During the one week honeymoon, the two stick together like love birds. Then even after the honeymoon ended, Chaeyoung would not step near any other Consorts or Concubines's palaces. Apart from going to the throne hall for important meetings, The great Queen would just spend all of her time at Consort Mina's palace. It has become the talk of the town, how The Queen showers her new wife with so much love and attention, but is it a surprise? Not really, almost everyone expected this outcome, given how much Chaeyoung adores Mina even before their marriage,

Despite all that, The Queen certainly doesn't forget her responsibility and obligation with her other women, but right now, she can't help it. The love she has for her Treasure is just too big that she allows herself to follow her heart for as long as she could.

Ever since Mina married to Chaeyoung, the Consort somehow just keeps getting prettier, her face is glowing with happiness, her royalty aura has stepped up on another level giving how much The Queen spoils her with anything and everything,

Day by day, with her gentle, kind and down to earth personality, Mina has managed to have friendly relationships with most of the Consorts and Concubines in the palace. Among those, she likes to visit Consort Tzuyu often and learns things from her. The innocent Princess is now actually willing to remind The Queen to spend more time with Consort Tzuyu, and that is Consort Tzuyu only, she doesn't bring any other women's names up with her Queen. The girl seems to be only generous when it comes to Tzuyu, because she's forever grateful for Consort Tzuyu's help right from the beginning until now.


It's one of those days, while The Queen is at the throne hall for a meeting, The Pure Consort is at her own palace, diligently learning the art of hand embroidery,

'Ah...' Mina yelps out in pain for how many times already as the needle in her right hand just keeps poking straight at her left hand's fingers,

JiHyo hurriedly runs into the room, 'Your Highness, are you alright?'

Mina is now having the tip of her bleeding finger in her mouth, trying to stop the bleeding, 'The needle pricked my fingers again JiHyo ah.' She replied,

JiHyo walks over while sighing deeply, 'Your Highness, why does it have to be embroidery? You are excellent at almost everything else, from poetry, story telling to painting, even dancing... Why don't you just gift Her Majesty one of those things that you are very good at?' JiHyo has tried many times to talk the stubborn Consort out of embroidery, which is clearly isn't what the girl is talented in,

'No JiHyo ah, it's more meaningful to gift Her Majesty something that I'm not good at. I'm sure she will be more surprised.' And of course Mina sticks with her decision no matter how much her fingers are suffering, The pretty Consort has a dreamy smile on her face while telling JiHyo, 'I want to embroider a beautiful pair of swans onto a pillow case for Her Majesty, so Her Majesty will sleep on it every night.'

JiHyo is now staring at Mina with interrogating eyes, 'You want Her Majesty to think of you every night even if she can't come here with you, am I right?'

Mina quickly avoids the stare, she clears her throat, feeling a little embarrassed because JiHyo can just easily read her plan, 'Ehmmm... nothing is wrong with that.'

JiHyo smiled at her best friend's little plan, 'Yes, nothing is wrong with that, Your Highness. But remember how Her Majesty said you are not allowed to get hurt without her permission?So I've gotta warned you, if Her Majesty found out how much your fingers are suffering because of these needles, not only you will be scolded by her, but she might also ban the whole Castlemaine from embroidery, and that would be a disaster.'
