Chapter 5: Loki's Prisoner

*Alli's POV*

I wake up in an unfamiliar room with a bright light blinding me. My head starts spinning as I slowly get up. My eyes start to adjust to the light and I look around seeing that I'm trapped in a glass cage. I look through the glass and see the room filled with computers and other stuff. I eventually see something glowing blue. Then I realize that it was the teseract. I remember now, I tried to find Thor when I felt someone following me. It was Loki and he kidnapped me. I just hope that Peter or anyone else noticed I was gone.

"Ah, the girl has finally awoken" I hear Loki say walking toward the cage. I look at him with an angry face and ask, "What do you want with me?". He looks at me with an evil smirk and says, "Nothing much, just for you to give me information on what my brother and the fools he is with are doing". "I'm not gonna tell you shit" I say crossing my arms across my chest.

"Oh, foolish girl. You will tell me sooner or later" he says to me inching closer.

"I don't know shit, I left before I could know anything" I say to him.

"He smashes his fist against the glass and says, "You mewling quim, you do know but you just don't want to tell me".

I roll my eyes and look at a device on the table and levitate it. I look back at Loki but keep my concentration on the thing I'm levitating. As soon as it's in shooting range I dive to the ground and shoot the device at the glass which it breaks. It makes a hole big enough for me to get out of the cage. I run out grabbing the teseract on the way too. "Stop, foolish child" I hear Loki say and I see him point the staff at me. "How can you stop me if you can't see me?" I say as I close the brief case and turn myself invisible.

I run out of the building and turn visible only for a man to tackle me to the ground. "Get off of me!" I yell to him and kick him where it really hurts. He gets off and I run again only to be tackled again. "Damn you bitches!" I yell to them angrily. "Alli, is that you?" I hear in my ear and realize my hidden ear piece was still in. "Peter?" I say to him confused that he could hear me. "Alli, where are you?" he asks me.

"I have no fucking clue. I just woke up at this place after I was knocked out" I say.

"Don't go anywhere we'll track you down, ok?"

"It's hard to do that when your prisoner right now and you tried to escape right now"

"Just try again and I'll try to get a location as fast as I can"

I take the rocks out of the ground and hit the man holding my arms and everyone around him. "Ok, they're knocked out it's not long till Loki sends other guys to get me" I say turning invisible so the goons that Loki will send won't find me. As I stay there I realize that my ear piece wasn't on. Peter's voice was in my mind were me and Peter just mind talking, I mean I was thinking of him when I was trying to get out. "Ok, got it I'll be there soon" Peter says to me. "Your not gonna bring the others with you?" I ask him confusingly. "Nope, I'm flying solo I'll get you, I promise" he says and with that in my mind I don't hear his voice anymore. I turn visible and the one of goons grabs my arm roughly.


They take me back to the room and tie my hands to a pipe. I don't do anything to get them pissed again because I know Peter's coming so there's no reason for me to escape again. As time passes I wonder when he's gonna be here it's almost been an hour and I'm surprised Loki hasn't come up to me. "Psst" I hear and look up to see a red and blue suit, Peter. He shoots a web at a pair of scissors. He crawls along the wall up to me and hands me the scissors. "Get yourself out, I'll take care of them." Peter says. I levitate the scissors, open them, and slide them in between my wrists to cut the ropes.

Once the ropes were cut I looked over at Peter and see him fighting the goons. I get shot from the back and fall to the ground on my stomach and get a good look at who shot me. Loki had shot me with something, I really didn't get a good look at it. I move my hand slowly to my back and rub it to see if there's any blood. Luckily there wasn't but I'm hurting like fucking crazy. I turn over slowly and see Peter finished all of them off. "Are you, alright?" he asks concerned about my back. I nod and wince a little when he starts lifting me, "Sorry, I'll be more gentle this time" he says and he picks me up bridal style to the jet.

He lays me on the seats and kisses my cheek through his mask, "You're gonna be ok, I promise" he says and heads to the wheel. I sleep on the way to helicarrier and as I rest I dream of Peter and all his features his shaggy brown hair, his big brown doe eyes, and his smile on his lips. Peter wakes me up when we get to the helicarrier and he carefully takes me to the infirmary again. He lays me down on the bed and he lays next to me. "Is there like a heating pack or ice pack or something, my back is killing me. He shoots a web at the fridge and grabs the ice pack with his web and closes it the same way. "Thanks" I say and put the ice pack on my back. Peter turns his body and wraps his arm around my waist.

Peter stares at me and I smile and blush. " I regret not taking you with me, I'm sorry" I say and he looks at me and replies, "It's alright, I'm just glad your safe". Peter starts to lean and my heart starts to race and I think that no one and I mean NO ONE will bother us. Our lips are just centimeters from touching when we hear, "Peter, Alli, your wanted in the control room". Damn them! It was so close to me and Peter kissing. "For what?!" I ask irritated with them always interrupting our moment. Every time we're about to kiss someone or something always gets in the way and I really fucking hate it. "Fury wants to speak with you two" the agent says and I just look at Peter.

"Shall we go?" I ask Peter as I get up.

"Right after this" he says to me getting up too.

I looked at him with a confused look on my face when Peter pulls me close to him and our lips crash into each other. I was in shock at first but then I kiss him back. I'd never thought this would happen and now that it's happening it was everything I thought of and more. I wrap my arms around his neck and stay like this with him until we pull apart to get air. I look up at him and our faces are still centimeters apart and I smile. "Parker, Santiago, control room, now!" Fury says sounding angry. "We're on our way" Peter says through the microchip and looks at me, "Ok, now we can go" I laugh and he kisses me. We walk to the control room hand in hand and face Nick.
