Chapter 19: Avengers vs. Hydra

I wake up in my cell and look to see that Steve is awake, "Hey, were you up all night?" I ask him. "Yeah, I was worried about you. You kept saying, Peter, in your sleep" he says. I look at him with wide eyes and think back to the dream. "I was dreaming about Peter last night, that I guess that I started saying his name" I say tears rolling down my face. "Everything's gonna be alright. I promise" he says to me and I look at him then back down. "How do you know everything's gonna be alright, Steve?" I ask sobbing. "We're all stuck here with no way out and the others are wondering where we are and... and-".

"Hey, hey, hey. Look at me. They will find us, and you know that Peter won't give up on finding you, because he wants to know that you're ok." he says,

"I know, Steve. I know that he's trying to find all of us, but what if they don't? What if something goes wrong?".

"Nothing will go wrong, just calm down, ok?" he asks and I nod and I take a deep breath in and breathe out. "Looks like little Psylince is breaking down. What is it? You scared that your boyfriend is in danger?" the Hydra girl asks me sarcastically. I glare at her and turn my eyes red, "What do you want?" I ask angrily. "Nothing much really. Just to get bait for the Avengers to put their shield down" she says and opens my cell door. Two men grab me by my arms and drag me out of my cell. "Let me go assholes! Steve!" I yell before they drag me through the door.


*Peter's POV*

Tony, Clint, Sam, and I were in the tower watching for any Hydra attacks on us. Tony pin-pointed some locations to where Hydra might be keeping the others. Suddenly we feel the Tower shake a little, "Sir, shield integrity is at 87%" Jarvis says. Tony pulls up a few monitors and we see Hydra shooting missiles at us. "Hey, Spider-man, we have a little present for you" a Hydra agent says I look at the monitor carefully. The man smirks and another man brings her out of the van, blindfolded and throws her on the ground. "Alli!" I yell and try to run off to my room to put on my suit. "Peter, you can't. We don't know if it's a trap. Who knows that might be a Alli fake, or a hologram of her" Clint says grabbing my arm. "I don't care if it's a trap! That's Alli and I need to go get her" I say and try to break away from his grip.

"Peter, he's right. It might be a trap and you could fall right into them" Sam says.

I look at the monitor and see Alli kneeling on the floor, "Peter?" I hear her say. I know that they could be right, but I just wanna save her and hold her close to me and kiss her. I look back to Clint and pull my arm away and run over to the elevator. I pull my suit on and go to where the other three were still standing there. "Tony, put the shield down" I say, but he doesn't listen. "Put the fucking shield down, Stark!" I yell looking at him angrily. "Peter, I think you're over-exaggerating things. We know you miss Alli, but what if it isn't her?" Tony says. I look at the monitor again and look at her on the floor. I shake my head and look at Tony, "No, that's her. I know it. Jarvis, put the shield down when I get outside" I say and Jarvis confirms my order.

I head outside and see all the Hydra agents there. "I knew bug boy would come out for her" a woman says. I see Alli try to get up only to be knocked back down by a Hydra agent. I take a step forward and look at her. She was still in the clothes she was wearing when I lost her and they put her in black handcuffs. Suddenly I see Sam land next to me, Clint walk up to me with his bow in hand with a loaded arrow, and Tony hovers over us. "Let her and the other Avengers go" I say to them getting into fighting position. "If you want her, then come and get her" she says and I jump and punch one of the men guarding Alli. I web one of them to the ground and I run over to Alli. "Alli?" I ask as I cup her face in my hands. "Peter?" she asks back putting her hands on top of mine. "Yeah, it's me" I say to her with relief and untie the blindfold. She opens her eyes and stares at me and smiles with tears forming in her eyes. "I knew it was you" I say and I see the tears stream down her face and she chuckles a little.

I kiss her through my mask and grab her waist. I pull away when my spider-sense kicks in and I pick her up and run behind the van. "Alli, use your powers to get out of the cuffs and help us" I say to her as I put her down. "Peter, I wish I could, but these cuffs cancel out my powers. I can't do anything with these on" she says and I look at the cuffs. "Ok, stay here and if any Hydra agents come, yell for me" I say and she nods.


*Alli's POV*

I see Peter run off to the fight and I stay behind the van. I look at the stupid handcuffs and try to find something that would break them. I look around the ground and I eventually find a big rock. I pick it up and smash it on the cuff on my right hand. When it breaks open, I smile and smash the left cuff until it opens. "Finally" I whisper to myself and fly up and spin. I look at everyone and I look at all the Hydra agents. I land on the ground and kick some Hydra ass. Once I beat them all I notice that the woman that took me escaped, so I grab one of the men on the floor and ask angrily, "Where are the other Avengers being held?".

"I'll never tell you" he says to me and I pin him to a tree with my telekinesis and light one of my hands on fire. "You're gonna tell me where the other 4 Avengers are being held, or I'll burn you to ash!" I threaten him. He looks at me wide-eyed and confesses, "They're in an abandoned warehouse on Washington Rd.". I smirk at him and knock him out slamming him to a wall with a flick of the wrist. I look over to Tony, Peter, Sam, and Clint and smile. They all walk over to me and hug me and we all head inside the tower.

"Alli, I was so worried that something bad happened to you" Peter says as we sit on the couch. Tony hands me a glass of water and they sit around me. "I'm fine now. We just have to worry about getting the others out" I say taking a sip of my water. "I know, but we don't know where they are" Tony says. "Not technically. I actually got the location of where they were holding us" I say looking at Tony. I get up and walk over to the monitors and type in the location. The monitor shows the location and I turn to the boys as they look. "Alright. Suit up everyone, we're gonna get the others" Tony says and I run to my room and suit up.


Tony, Sam, and I fly to Washington Rd. while Peter swings and Tony carries Clint. We see the warehouse and land on the roof. We look through the skylight and see Natasha, Steve, Bruce, and Thor in their cells. "Alli, you and Peter go in. Me, Clint, and Tony will make a distraction" Sam says and I nod. We see the three of them go and me and Peter look at each other, "Ready to do this?" he asks and I nod. I grab Peter's hand and turn us invisible and wait for our cue to go inside. Once we hear shooting and explosions, I fly us both inside and land making sure that no Hydra agents were here. I make us both visible and look at everyone.

"Alli, your here, get us out quick" Natasha says and I nod and type in encryptions to open the cells. I manage to get them open and break the cuffs on Bruce, Steve, and Thor. I toss Natasha her weapons and Steve his shield. "Code green, Bruce" I say to him and he nods and Hulks up. Thor calls his hammer and looks at me, "Thank you, Lady Alli" Thor says and I nod. We all hear the door bust open and I see the Hydra woman standing there, "Get them!" she yells and we all get into position. I look at the woman and see her smirk at me. I fly over to her and push her back with my telekinesis. We both fight and we get pushed back. "What's the matter? Too scared to fight?" I ask her sarcastically. She runs towards me and grabs a metal disk from her belt and throws it. I stop it with my telekinesis and throw it back at her, which electrocutes her.

"No matter what you plan, the Avengers will always be there to stop it" I say to her as she blacks out. I look over to the others and smile. "Told you we'd get out" Steve says to me as he walks up to me and I laugh and hug him. "Yeah, you did" I say still laughing and I pull back and look at him with a smile. I look over to Peter and my smile grows bigger. "Let's all go home" Steve says and I nod.

When we get home, I head to my room, take a shower, and change into something comfortable. I walk out of my room and take the elevator to the kitchen/living room/dining room. I grab an apple and plop on the couch in the living room. I think about what happened last night then suddenly I feel a hand touch my shoulder snapping me back to reality. I turn to see Steve and I smile, "Hey, super soldier" I say biting into my apple. "Hey, what're you doing here all alone?" he asks me as he sits next to me. "Nothing. Thinking. Eating an apple." I say lifting the apple up so he could see it. He chuckles at me and nods saying, "Yeah I can see that". I laugh too and bite into the apple again as I put my feet up on the couch.

"Thanks for helping us back there, Alli" he says and I nod. "It wasn't a problem. I mean, if it were you who they took out of that cell, you would've done the same" I say and he nods. I turn the TV on and we start to watch a movie. "You want a snack, Steve?" I ask him as I walk back to the kitchen. "Just get whatever you want and we'll share" he says and I grab two sodas, a bag of popcorn that Jarvis popped for us, and a bag of chips. I walk back over to Steve with all the stuff and he chuckles and helps me. "I wasn't expecting you to bring all of that" he says and I laugh sitting next to him on the couch.

As we watch the movie, I can't help but think of what happened when Hydra erased my mind. The same thing happened to Steve's friend, Bucky. "Steve, can I ask you a question?" I ask him and I look at him and he looks at me. "Yeah, Alli, you can" he responds and turns to face me. "How did it feel like when Bucky didn't remember who you were?" I ask again and he looks at me shocked then looks down.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings-"

"No, it's ok." he interrupts. "It felt like, I just lost my best friend. He didn't remember me and I was just wondering how Hydra did that."

I look at him shocked and look down, "Is that how Peter felt when I didn't remember him? When Hydra took me and erased my memory?" I ask him tears streaming down my face. "Hey, maybe he felt that and much worse, since he loves you. But he knew that you'd remember him, somehow." he says to me. "He's seen me in my state already. How my uncle treated me. He would've defended me, so I'd be safe. Yet, I couldn't even protect myself from him in my childhood, because I was too scared of what he might've done to me" I say sobbing. Steve pulls me into a hug and I hug him back, "I know it must be hard to have lived with someone like that, but you don't have to worry about it anymore" he says to me.

"But what if he finds me somehow. Here or at Peter's with his aunt. He could hurt her and I'd feel guilty about it" I say.

"Look at me." he says and lifts my head so I would stare at him. "If he did find you here, we'd all protect you, Alli. Plus, I think you could handle him on your own. You know why?" he asks and I shake my head. "Because your brave. You would protect the ones you love from being hurt" he says and I stare at his blue eyes. I feel a pit in my stomach as I stare at his eyes and I know I shouldn't because I love Peter. I see him lean in and I pull away quickly and I look at him. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that" he says and I get up and walk to the elevator.

I head to my room and go inside and lean on the door and slide down. I sob on the floor and think about what just happened. I just got back from being kidnapped and I'm starting to have feelings for Steve. Suddenly, I hear a knock on the door and Steve's voice, "Alli, can I come in, please?". I walk over to the bed and cry into the pillow. My life is like a walking mistake and I hate it. "Just go away, Steve! I wanna be alone!" I yell and cry into the pillow again. I stay in my room just lying on the bed and ignore every knock on my door including Steve's and Peter's. "Ms. Santiago, Mr. Stark has told me to ask you if you would go downstairs to eat dinner" Jarvis says. "Thanks, Jarvis, but I'd rather not. Tell Tony I'm sleeping or working on something and that's why I can't come down for dinner" I say and Jarvis leaves me alone. I lay on the bed still thinking and I eventually fall asleep.

Hey guys, ok so I was thinking to add a little more drama. I thought a love triangle is a lot of drama. I hope your liking the story. -Marissa
