Chapter 26: Homecoming

*1 month later*

It's been a month since I started training and Thor thought it was time for me to go back home. Ever since I've been in Asgard, I found out so many new things. My powers excelled and I know that Loki is after me. I packed all my stuff and Thor said that I could keep the warrior suit that they made me. I was thankful for everything that Thor's done for me here in Asgard. I walk out of the room and meet Thor at the Bifrost. "Are you ready to leave, Lady Alli?" he asks and I nod with a smile.

"It's been a pleasure knowing you Hemidall" I say to him.

"The pleasure is mine, Lady Alli. Your parents would be proud of who you become."

"Thanks, I think they'd be proud of me too."

"Until we meet again" Hemidall says and I go hug him.

"Goodbye my old friend" Thor says patting Hemidall's back. "I hope to see you again" Hemidall says to Thor and he nods. Soon the Bifrost surrounds me and Thor and we were on the balcony of the tower. I walk in and I see Natasha in the living room. She smiles and walks over to me, "It's nice to have you back, Alli. We all missed you. Peter more than ever" she says while hugging me. "I missed you guys too. I'm gonna go unpack" I say and she nods.

I go into my room and unpack my things. Once I finished packing I headed down to the living room and grabbed a bag of chips. I turned on the TV and watched my favorite show 'Pretty Little Liars'. I didn't really do much in Asgard. There wasn't a TV or anything entertaining to do. Once the show ended I put the chips away and wondered where Peter was. I saw Clint walk in and he smiled and hugged me. "Hey, kiddo. I missed you" he says to me and I smiled. "I missed you too, Clint. Do you know where Peter is?" I ask him and he shrugs his shoulders. "The last time I saw him, he was going into Midtown to get his mind off something" he says. I nod and thank him, then I go to my room and put my warrior suit from Asgard on and my mask. I fly out the balcony and try to find Peter in his suit around the town.

I see Peter sitting on a building and I land on the roof behind him. "Hey, bug boy" I say with a smile and he turns to look at me. "Um, it's Spider-Man, and, sorry if this is rude, but, who are you?" he asks confused. "Wow, Pete, don't recognize your girlfriend when you see her" I say putting a hand on my hip. "Alli? Is that you?" he asks and I laugh and nod. I take off my mask and he runs over to me spinning me around in a hug. "I missed you" he says putting me down and taking off his mask. "I missed you too, Pete" I say and he kisses me.

"You look amazing." he says looking at me.

"You like? It's Asgardian. They made it especially for me." I say spinning around so he could get a better look at it.

"Asgardian clothes look nice on you" he says with a smile and I laugh. "I have to tell you what I found out about my family" I say to him and he nods. "Ok, I'll meet you back at the tower" he says and I nod. I fly back to the tower and change into a pair of shorts and a loose shirt that had the number 21. I open the door of my room and see Peter walking out of his. I run and jump into his arms and I hear him laugh. "Calm down, Alli. We already saw each other in Midtown" he says and I giggle. "I know, but I just missed you a lot" I say with a giggle and we kiss. "Ok, what do you need to tell me, Alli?" he asks.

I pull him in the room and make him sit on my bed. "Well, when I was in Asgard, I found out that this necklace that my mom gave me was Asgardian. So, I wondered if I was part Asgardian. Thor helped me look through all the Asgardian records and I found out that my ancestors were royal Asgardians! My Asgardian name was Freya Atona" I say.

"Alli, that's just... wow! You're half Asgardian and you grew up on earth." he says and I nod with a smile.

"I know. I was excited to find it out. I kind of guessed it too considering that my parents told me that the necklace was from a 'special' place and that it was special" I say.

"Why did your parents leave though?"

"They left because the other realms found out that I was really powerful. If I stayed in Asgard, I probably wouldn't have existed. I probably wouldn't have met you and fallen in love with you" I say. He smiles and grabs my hand, "Yeah, if you stayed in Asgard, we wouldn't have met and fallen in love" he says. He kisses me and I kiss him back. We stay like this for a while since we haven't seen each other in a month. I then pull back and Peter looks at me confused, "What's the matter?" he asks me. "Nothing, it's just that I was thinking of what happened in Asgard" I say.

"Why? You already know about your family history. What else is there that happened in Asgard?" he asks.

"Do you remember Thor telling us that Loki died 'a noble warrior' in the battle with Malekith and the dark elves?" I ask him and he nods. "Well, I know you might not believe me, but I saw Loki ransacking my room to look for my necklace. He said that there was a stone inside the blue gem, but I don't know what the stone is" I say to him. "So, what do you think's inside the blue gem?" he asks me and I shrug. "We can find out about it later. Right now, I just want to be with you" I say grabbing his hand. He smiles and kisses me again.


Both Peter and I decided that date night was long over do. So, I get Natasha and Pepper and they help me get ready. I take a quick shower and they give me a spaghetti strapped coral dress that ends above the knee and a black sash. I put on my brown cowgirl boots and a few gold bracelets. Pepper does my make up while Natasha curls my hair. When they tell me to open my eyes I stare at myself in the mirror and smile. The soft curls fell down just below my shoulders the gold bracelets complimented my dress along with my brown cowgirl boots. Lastly, Natasha gives me silver dangled earrings and I put on a shade of red lipstick and smile.

"Thanks for your help, guys" I say to Natasha and Pepper.

"It's no problem. We'd do anything for you." Natasha says and Pepper nods.

"Don't forget your little black purse" Pepper says and she hands it to me. I hang the purse on my shoulder and smile to them again. I head down to the living room where Peter would be waiting. Once the doors to the elevators open, I look up to see a shocked reaction from all the boys. "Take a picture, boys. It'll last longer" I say as I walk out of the elevator and sit by Peter. I see that Peter was dressed in a fancy tuxedo with a black tie. "Ready?" I ask him and he nods with his eyes still wide. "Bye, guys" I say and wave to them. Natasha and Pepper wave back while the other guys still stare at me with wide eyes and they wave slowly.


We walk through the city and end up at a fancy restaurant. After we ate, we walked again and we laughed and talked. To be honest, this is the most calm day I've had in a long time. We stopped for ice cream and started to walk back to the tower. When we got back, everyone was asleep and me and Peter stayed up. We changed into some comfy pajamas and went back to the living room. We decided that we would watch a movie, but we didn't agree on which one. I suggested that we watch 13 going on 30 but he wanted to watch a horror movie. "Peter, you know I hate horror movies!" I say to him seriously. "But you know that I wanna watch it" he says mocking me in the same tone. "Peter, can we watch my movie, please?" I ask sweetly. "Ok, fine. We'll watch your movie" he says giving in.

He knows that he can never win a fight with me. It's only rare for him to win a fight, but that's what makes us love each other. We both lay on the couch and watch the movie. Both of us facing the TV as we watch Jenifer Garner's character hit her head on the shelf making a wish that she was 30. I start to fall asleep halfway towards the movie then I feel a blanket land on top of me. Peter smiles at me as he lays the blanket on top of the both of us. I turn to face him and smile, "You know, we haven't slept like this since we were in the helicarrier two years ago" I say.

"I know. I missed this" he says and I nod with a smile. I start to feel sleepy and my eyes grow heavily. "I love you, Alli" I faintly hear Peter say and I feel his arms tighten around me. "I love you too, Pete" I faintly say and snuggle up to his body. The warmth of his body radiated off of him and warmed me up and that's when I fell asleep. All I knew was that I was glad to be home and that I'm finally with Peter again.
