Chapter 12: Attacking the First Base

Tony had said that we'd all be staying here at Avengers tower so we wouldn't have to worry about running off somewhere. "Jarvis has your rooms all ready and I'll call you when were ready to go" Tony said and we nod. Everyone went to their rooms except me and Peter. I look at Tony and ask, "So, will you be joining us on this mission or will you be staying in the side lines?". I had heard that Tony blew up his suits for Pepper and that he had his arc-reactor removed from his chest. "I'm not gonna let all of you have the fun, princess" he says and then something rises from the floor and I see a new Iron Man suit. "Nice, but what will Pepper say?" I ask him and he looks down rubbing the back of his neck. "She doesn't know" he says and I shake my head. "Lying to your girlfriend, Stark. Not a good idea" I say and I grab my duffle bag and walk to the elevator with Peter.

"Jarvis take us to our rooms please" I say to him while the elevator doors shut. "Yes, Ms. Santiago" he responds and I look over to Peter. "Your not keeping any lies from me are you?" I ask him and he looks at me. "No, why would you think that?" he asks back in confusion. "Just thinking of Tony lying to Pepper made me think if you were lying to me about anything" I say to him. He grabs my hand and smiles, "I would never lie to you, Alli" he says and I smile and kiss his cheek. The doors open and we see a hallway with a few doors. "Ms. Santiago your room is the first one to the left" Jarvis says and I walk out of the elevator. "Thanks Jarvis" I say to him and I wait for Peter to get out of the elevator. "Your welcome, Ms. Santiago. Mr. Parker, your room is the fourth one to the right" he says and Peter thanks him walking me to my room.

I open the door to my room and turn to look at Peter, "I'll see you downstairs" I say to him and he nods. I close the door and look at my room. It was painted beige and had a balcony and a window to the far left. There was a queen sized bed and a bed side drawer. I put my duffle bag down on the bed and take out my suit. "Ms. Santiago, Mr. Stark has requested that you suit up. They found the first base in Venice, Italy" Jarvis says and I put my suit on. I get out of my room to see Peter come out too in his suit. "Ready to go, Psylince?" he asks with my superhero name. "Sure am Spider-Man" I say to him and he grabs my hand.

When we get to Tony's lab, we see that everyone is suited up, except for Bruce, and ready to go. "So, how are we gonna get to Italy?" I ask Tony and he stares at me. "In a new jet I made and I like your new suit, princess" he says to me. I laugh and look over to Peter, "Yeah, well it was made by someone special" I say to him and grab Peter's hand. "Quit it you two. We don't have time for your make out session" Tony says. I roll my eyes and look at him, "Don't make me freeze you again, Stark!" I say to him angrily and he holds up his hands in surrender. "Anyway, follow me" Tony says to all of us and we do.

  Tony tells Jarvis to open the hatch to the hangar and we all walk there. When we get there we all see a quin-jet that was painted red and white with the Avengers logo on it. Everyone looked at it in shock admired by the look of the jet. The jet opens and we all walk inside looking at all the advanced tech that Tony had installed. "This is some sweet tech" Peter says still admiring it. "Thanks. It was something I created" Tony says gloating at his creation. "Don't get too egotistical, Stark" Steve says and I giggle a little. "Buckle in everyone, we're taking off soon" he says and we all walk to the seats. I sit across from Natasha as Peter still takes in the new tech in the ship. "Your boyfriend seems to be geeking out on all the technology" she says to me and I laugh. "Yeah, he's always admired Tony's big brain" I say to her and she laughs this time. "But Tony's right. Your suit isn't bad at all. Peter did a good job designing it" she said.

"Yeah, I like it too. I was helping Peter fight crime in New York and the people call me Psylince." I say to her.

"Not a bad superhero name."

I nod and look over to Peter who was still looking at the controls. "Pete, will you please sit down" I say to him. "Ok, I'll be there soon" he says and I roll my eyes that he won't sit down. "It's ok, Alli. He's just taking it all in. It was kind of like me when I woke up in this century" Steve says and I smile and look down. It seems that Peter only wants to care that he's with his idol at the moment and he doesn't want to be with me. If that's the case, then why am I with him? He finally takes a seat next to me and grabs my hand. I pull it away angrily and move over to the seat next to Clint. We feel the jet start to take off and Tony tells us that we can walk around the jet. I get up from my seat and walk over to the touch screen table. I click on the file with all the information on the first base and start to read it. "Alli." I hear Peter say behind me and I roll my eyes and turn to him. "Yes" I say to him not sounding too pleased. "What's wrong? Why did you walk away from me like that?" he asks me.

"You tell me. Ever since we got in this ship, you've only been paying attention to Tony's tech more all of a sudden!" I say.

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing, just let it go."

I walk away with a tablet that had the information. I sit on the seat where I was and look through the file. Someone sits next to me and I look to my left and see Steve. He smiles at me and I smile back, "Are you ok, Alli?" he asks me and I put the tablet down. "I guess, I mean if he's gonna fantasize over Tony's tech, I might as well let him" I say. I look over to Peter who's talking to Tony and he looks over to me and smiles. I wanna smile back but I hold it and roll my eyes and lean back on my seat. "If only men in this century would act like you, Steve" I say to him and he leans back too. "Trust me some of the men that were in my century were the same way, just not with all this technology" he says chuckling and I chuckle too.


We land on Venice about an hour later and I put my mask on. We all walk out and look at our surroundings. Tony landed the quin-jet in the middle of the forest so no one would see it. "Alright, capsicle, give the orders" Tony says to Steve. "Alright, Peter, Tony, Thor, you three are gonna cover the exits so none of them can escape. Clint, Natasha, Alli, your with me. We'll attack from the inside and make sure none of them go away. Sam and Bruce, you'll take care of the ones who do get out of the base and make sure they don't go anywhere else" he says and we all nod.

When we get to the base we leave Bruce and Sam and head inside quietly. "Alli, can you get a closer look?" Steve whispers and I nod. I turn myself invisible and carefully fly over to the men. "We have everything we need, Sir. The Avengers don't stand a chance to our latest weapon." one of the men say and I fly back over to the others. I make myself appear and tell them everything I heard. "On my mark we attack" Steve says to me, Natasha, and Clint. When he said go we attacked and Peter, Tony, and Thor were trying to stop them from getting away. I knock some of them out by throwing them against the wall. "Alli, grab the man that's running" Steve says to me through the com and I see the man running somewhere else. "On it, Cap!" I say and fly over there.

When I get there, I land in front of him and say, "Where do you think you're going?". He grabs a gun out of his holster and tries to shoot me, but I stop the bullets and make him drop his gun. I push him against the wall with my telekinesis and made sure he wasn't going anywhere. "You won't get a word out of me, girl" he says to me seeming like he wouldn't break. "Don't worry, I won't do that just yet. We'll do that a bit later" I say to him. "Cut off one head, two more shall take its place" he says and I knock him out by throwing something at his head but not too hard that it makes his head bleed. "I don't wanna hear your Hydra shit" I say as he falls to the ground unconscious. I look to my right and see a weapon behind the glass wall. "Is that the weapon they were talking about?" I hear someone say behind me. I turn to see Steve standing with his shield on his arm. "I'm guessing, but we don't have time to take it apart and see what its made of" I respond staring back at the weapon. "So let's erase any files or blue-prints on this and destroy it" Steve says and I nod. I walk over to the computer and started to type in a decryption to delete all the files. Steve set off a bomb on the weapon that would detonate in less than 5 minutes, which would be plenty of time for us to leave.

I levitate the unconscious scientist off the floor and fly back to the others with Steve running behind me. "Ok, we have less that 5 minutes to get out of here, so lets move people" Steve says and we move out. We get out side and I see Sam flying with mechanical wings, by which I'm impressed. "I like your wings" I say to him. "Thanks" he says to me nodding and looking at the others. "Someone get Bruce back" Tony says. Suddenly Clint shoots an arrow that makes the Hulk go to sleep and shrink back down to Bruce. "That works" Tony says to Clint and he just salutes to him with a smile. We go to the jet and I place the scientist on the ground then Tony straps him to a chair then handcuffing him. I stand there with my arms crossed and I look at the scientist. As soon as Tony says to buckle in I sit in my seat and buckle in.

We put the scientist inside a cell when we get back to Avengers tower. I go to my room and take off my suit and put a blue flowy top, short shorts, and a pair of converse. I walk out of my room and into the elevator, "Where to, Ms. Santiago?" Jarvis asks me. "Prison cells" I respond to him looking down at my shoes. The doors start to close when suddenly something stops them from closing. I look up and see Peter walk in. I roll my eyes and look to my left as Peter stands on my right. I try to avoid him as much as possible but then he started to talk, "Alli, tell me what I did wrong to make you act like this". "Peter, I don't want to talk about it right now" I say trying to ignore him further. "Where to, Mr. Parker?" Jarvis asks him as Peter stares at me. "Same place she's going" he responds to Jarvis. "Wait, so, now your gonna follow me until I tell you what you did wrong?" I ask angrily. "No, everyone's going to the interrogation, it'd be weird if I didn't" he says to me and I roll my eyes.

When we get to the prison cells we see that everyone was there. "Hey we've been waiting for you two" Tony says to us. "Yeah, well, we were a bit held up, and not in the way you think" I say to him and he laughs. "So, who's gonna interrogate him?" I ask Tony looking at the scientist through the glass. "Natasha will, but if he doesn't give out any information of the other bases then that's when you come in and read his mind" he responds and I nod. Natasha walks in the room and we all watch through the glass. We all see Natasha walk up to him trying to intimidate him and she slams her hand on the table, "Tell me where the other bases are." she says to him. "Do you take me as a fool? I would never reveal any of the other locations of the Hydra bases." he says laughing a little. "What was the weapon for in your base?" she asks him again. "I would never tell you or any of the other Avengers!" he says angrily. Natasha nods to all of us and I head inside looking at her and the scientist. "Is she supposed to intimidate me more?" he asks chuckling at me and Natasha. I walk over to the table and look at the scientist with a straight face.

I read his mind and I see all the locations of the bases. Slovakia, Moscow, New Delhi, London, and Sydney. Then I see the weapon and how it would be used. I snapped out of reading his mind and nod to Natasha. We both exit the interrogation room and see everyone surrounding us. "So, what did you find out, Alli?" Steve asked me. "The locations of the other bases are Slovakia, Moscow, New Delhi, London, and Sydney. The weapon was to be used as some sort of way to stop all of us to stop him. I don't know if the other bases have the same weapon or blue-prints of it, but if they do all we have to do is prepare" I say to all of them. They all look shocked and Steve speaks up, "Then we'll practice, so that we'll be prepared if that weapon ever does show up". We all nod in agreement and I look at Tony, "Ok, we'll all meet at the practice room at 5 o'clock sharp" he says and we all nod and head to our rooms.
