Chapter 30: The Second War

*Peter's POV*

Jarvis told us that the soul stone was located at a warehouse. I changed into my suit and went to the quin-jet. We flew to the warehouse and we got out. "Spider-Man, climb up the roof and if you see anything tell us" Steve says and I nod. I climb up the side of the building and look through the skylight. I see Loki talking to Alli and I can't help but make my hand into a fist. "What do you see, Peter?" Tony asks me. I had almost forgotten that I was on a mission. "Loki was talking to Alli looks like they're preparing for something" I say.

"Ok, we're coming. Stay there and look out for something" Tony says and I obey. I look through the skylight and I see Alli. I climb through the opening and look at her. 'Come on, Alli, fight back' I say in my mind. I see her eyes shift from green to brown. That's how I know she's fighting back. Suddenly, Loki walks in and takes control of Alli again. "It is time for war" Loki says and he smirks evilly. "They're preparing for war" I say to the others. "Ok, we'll sneak in through the back" I hear Clint say. I look at Loki and Alli and as soon as Loki leaves again, Alli goes to a table and lays on it. I jump down and carefully walk over to her. I look into her eyes and take off my mask, "Alli, are you in there?" I ask hoping I could get her back.

She stays quiet and I have a feeling this was a trick. "The man of spiders has arrived to save his true love" I hear some one say behind me. I turn and see Loki standing there and I glare at him. "Let her go, Loki" I say with a tone of anger and putting my mask back on. "I cannot do that. You see I need her and she does not care for you" he says and I tighten my fists. I shoot a web at him and suddenly he disappears. One of his copies. I hate it when he does that. My spider-sense kicks in and I dodge a fire ball coming straight at me. I look at Alli and see that she's standing up with an angry face. "Alli, snap out of it! Come back!" I yell at her and she makes a blizzard appear making her disappear from my eyes. I was freezing and trying to look for Alli, when suddenly my spider-sense kicks in again. I dodge a rock and start to climb up the wall and hang from the ceiling.

When the blizzard clears, Alli looks for me. I shoot a web at her and her hand sticks to the floor. I keep shooting webs until she's stuck and I jump down. "Alli, I don't wanna hurt you, please come back to me" I say to her. I see her eyes shift from green to brown again and I look at her in anticipation waiting for her to come back to me. "P-P-Peter?" I hear her say trying to shake Loki out of her head. I take off my mask and look at her, "I'm right here, Alli. Come on, you can fight him" I say to her. She keeps trying to get out of the webs and her eyes were still shifting, so I try to talk to her. "Alli, you have to come back for me. I need you with me right now. Every minute I'm not with you I suffer. When you were in Asgard for a month, I couldn't get my mind off you. I missed you like crazy and the only way I could get my mind off you was to go to Midtown. But even when I went into Midtown, I thought I saw you walking down the sidewalk. I love you, Alli Monique Santago" I say.

I look down at her and wait for her to answer. She stopped struggling and she was just staring at my her eyes shifting a little less. "I... love... you..." she says hesitant and I know that was her talking, but Loki . I kiss her and I feel her hesitate for a minute, but then she kisses me back and I know she's back with me. I pull back and stare at her. Her eyes were closed and I was just waiting for her to talk or open her eyes. "I love you too, Peter" she says and she opens her eyes and I smile when I see her brown eyes. She burns the webs and stands up. I hug her and she hugs me back tightly. "I know what Loki's up to" she says and I look at her wondering what it is.

*Alli's POV*

I look at Peter and he says, "We'll tell the others. They're hiding somewhere". I morph into my Asgardian armor and Peter hands me a com and my mask. "Let's go before Loki comes" he says and I nod. "Question, how did you bring my mask?" I ask him and he just smiles and shrugs as to say that he just brought it. I remembered that Loki had me control the criminals with the soul stone but who knows what Loki could've done with them now. We see the others and they look a me wondering if I would do anything to them. "Guys, it's ok" Peter says to them. "She's not in Loki's control anymore?" Stark asks walking up to me looking me up and down. "Shut up, Stark, or else I rust your metal ass!" I say to him my eyes probably turning red. "Yup, that's her alright" Tony says and I roll my eyes.

"She knows what Loki's up to" Peter says to them.

"How?" Natasha says.

"I might've been in control of Loki, but I could still see and hear everything. Loki wants to use the army to make them scared and to think that there's no hope. Loki wants to rule this planet with fear and an iron fist and we need to stop that" I say and they nod.

"Where's he gonna be?" Steve asks.

"Where do you think? He wants to be up high where everyone will consider him ruler and where he was last time" I say and I look at Tony.

"That son of a bitch is going to my tower again!" he says and I nod.

We all head out and I fly with Tony to his tower. "Here's the plan, Alli's gonna act like she's still under control of Loki, and whatever comes we attack" he says and we agree on the plan. I fly into the tower and see Loki standing there. "You foolish Midgardian, where have you been! I have been summoning you!" Loki says. "I apologize, your highness I had to deal with the spider" I say and he nods. "You know you shouldn't bust into places that you've already been in" I hear Tony say as he flies in. "You have no reason to be here!" Loki says and I know its my cue to light my hands on fire. "My tower I actually do have a reason to be here" he says. "Your doom how do you explain one of your own to kill you" Loki says. I look at Tony and smirk, "What are you doing you mewling quim? Destroy him!" Loki yells at me.

"I don't think so, Loki" I say turning around and he looks at me scared.

"How can you defeat my army of villains? I have promised them to control portions of this planet when I rule" he says.

"We'll do it like how we usually do" I say.

"We have in coming" I hear Peter say in the com and I look at Tony. "Go ahead, I'll deal with him" Tony says and I shake my head. "I'll deal with him, they need you more" I say and he nods and takes off. I look at Loki with my red eyes and he stares at me with his green eyes. "Your never gonna control me again!" I say to him and shoot fire at him. He dodges my fire and shoots an energy bulb at me. I dodge and run. I kick him and punch him and he looks angry. He shoots me again and I fall back to the floor and groan in pain. He puts his foot on top of me and has a knife in hand. I push him back with telekinesis and hold him back. Just then two men grab me and hold me back. Loki laughs manically and lifts my chin. "Get your dirty hands off of me!" I yell at him.

"You will not escape me again" he says grabbing my chin and making me look at him. "PETER!" I yell and soon I see a flash of red and blue kick Loki down. "Let her go assholes!" he says and I sweep one of the guys feet and he falls. I kick the other guy in the face and he goes unconscious. Peter looks at me and hugs me. "Are you ok?" he asks and I nod and I look at Loki. "You foolish mortals shall pay!" Loki says and Peter grabs my waist and makes the both of us jump out of the way of Loki's shot. I lay on top of him and he looks at me. 'Let's kick his ass' I say to Peter in my mind and he nods. I stand up and Loki just stares at us evilly. I make a blizzard appear making us disappear and I grab Peter's hand. He jumps to the celling and I flew to Loki and froze his feet to the floor. I shoot a fire ball at him and he dodges but falls to the floor.

"Peter, Alli, his army is down do you have Loki?" Tony asks.

Peter drops down and shoots webs so Loki won't escape but it was his copy. "Damn it! I hate it when he does that!" me and Peter yell together. "We had him, but he sent his copy" I say to Tony. "I know where my brother may be" Thor says and soon we see him crash in throwing Loki on the floor. "We got him" I say and I walk over to them. I kick Loki and then Peter holds me back, "That's for kidnapping me!" I say with a lot of anger. "Alli, calm down ok?" Peter says grabbing my wrists and I look at him and nod. Soon the others come and Thor picks Loki up. "Do you not understand that you will never triumph, brother?" Thor says. "Do not call me brother, Odinson! I am not of your family!" Loki yells and Thor takes him again. "This reminds me of the war we had two years ago" I say and everyone else nods and we head back to the tower.
