Prologue: A Life Forever Changed, a Light Forever Gone

Growing up you always wanted to do something with song and dance. As a child, you would beg your parents to let your take dance lessons, as the negligent parents they were they would buy bad-quality discs to appease you. Though discouraging, you would smile and go along with the disc on the tv till you were so tired that your legs would wobble.

Your parents thought you would outgrow your favorite things, saying, "It is only a phase." They were so wrong, it was an obsession. You lived and breathed music. Staying late after school to work with the music teacher on your voice. Your parents didn't mind this either since they forgot to pick you up all the time. Your world was bright. Then high school hit.

Poor naive children think talent shows are true to their name. It is when you are a child, as a teen, bullies use it to their advantage.

For months you practiced a routine and song you made. On the day of the talent show, you performed as you have never done before. At first, the feeling was like being on clouds, happiness making you blind to what the bullies had planned. The next school day you were quickly dragged to the back of the school, your items from the talent show still in your bag from the night before. You were laughed at, ridiculed, and all of your dreams crushed. You were forced to watch as your bag was set ablaze.

When it was all over your light was extinguished, and you felt empty. You would never be the same.

From this event you fell into a depression, the world blurred around you, and numbness overtook you. To make matters worse the situation with your parents worsened as well. They were out more, leaving you home to fend for yourself. Depression worsened as well and you lay in bed for hours wishing that you could run away from it all. Finally, you had enough and decided that the day that you graduated you would move out from home.

Your motivation was lit, it was small yet it was enough to press you to get a job. A job so you had money to leave when you graduate. Sadly, the worst job possible was all you could do.
It was like living in Hell but you made it, you graduated high school.

A new problem arose, and you were fired. The company feared that they would be exposed for underpaying their workers so they fired you and ran off. Now you needed a new job...
