The Odd Encounter

(Chapter has been altered for easier reading).


You groan as you wake up, that alarm clock always got on your nerves. It was a surprise that you haven't broken the thing by now. 

 You looked around your room in a daze trying to wake up. 

The room was empty except for the mattress on the floor and the alarm clock. Your closet was small with a few clothes.

When you had graduated high school and turned eighteen you immediately got out of the Hell hole that was your parent's house. You were thankful to not wake up to being in that place, even though you are basically poor now. No money, no job...A great start to life!

"Time to job hunt," you sighed getting up off your twin mattress. 

Almost every day since you got your apartment you had gone to the local coffee shop to use their wifi to search for jobs. 

You thankfully had gotten an old cell phone from a teacher that was nice to you in high school. They wanted to make sure you were safe since you got bullied at school.

You get dressed and start walking to the coffee shop when it started raining. Oh JOY! You started to run as it poured rain. 

Not even a couple minutes in and you slipped in a puddle, "Ouch!" You cry out landing hard on your bottom, it was so hard you wondered if you had broken something. Thankfully you hadn't, you didn't have the money to go to the hospital... Or even get a check-up.

Before you were about to get up a hand shot in front of your face causing you to jump slightly. 

Following the hand to where it connected you saw a strange sight, a giant robot chicken standing in front of you.

What the frick? You wondered to yourself.

"Sorry if I startled you, I saw you fall and thought you could use a hand!" She smiled at you. Still wondering what is happening you took her hand and she helped you up. 

"Uhhh... I have a lot of questions." 

"Oh I get it, you're confused about a robot chicken right?" You nod. "How about we talk about it at my shop since it is raining." She laughs.

Gosh, I hope she isn't kidnapping me or something. Maybe is just really nice? 

"Yeah, that is a good idea." 

You begin to run following Chica to her shop. Once you get inside you realize it is a cupcake shop. 

"Welcome to Chica's Cupcakes! I am Chica and this is my cupcake shop." 

"Stay here while I get you some stuff to dry off with." Chica walked up some stairs at the back of the store while you stood at the door. 

While she was gone, you took a look around, it smelled amazing in there. Yet the looks were even better. The decor was the cutest you have ever seen, in complete pastel colors. Anything and everything that would make the chicest shop or store jealous. It was like walking into a pastel dessert haven. As you got done glancing around Chica came back with some towels and clothes.

"Here is a towel and clothes, after you dry off a bit you are free to go upstairs and change in the bathroom. If you are super cold you can even have a shower or bath and get changed."

"Hold up! Why are you being so nice and how do you know my clothing size!" 

Chica paused, most likely thinking over her answer so she didn't scare you further. "For one, it is a part of my programming. When I was programmed they weren't sure yet if I would be a baker or a clothes designer, in the end, they gave me both. Second of all, it looked like you need a friend. Not to be rude but those clothes look awfully worn out, you look like you are a walking corpse with how tiered you look, and I have heard your stomach growl a few times on the way here."

You were floored and embarrassed. It was all true but you weren't expecting that as an answer from Chica. 

Out of shock, you started tearing up, it was the first time in a while you let yourself do that. The heaviness of everything over the years hit you like a tidal wave. Your knees buckled as you started to wail. 

After some time you felt a warm cloth over your back and someone hugging you. You didn't care, you leaned onto it and cried your heart out. For what felt like hours, you cried till you couldn't anymore. When you came to your senses you looked at who was hugging you. A complete stranger, no, now an acquaintance, Chica was hugging you. Not for long, once she realized you looking she pulled away.

"I apologize! I didn't know what came over me!" She squawked as she was in a panic. 

A smile came to your face as you placed a hand on her shoulder, "Thank you so much, and honestly, you hit the nail on the head! I'm broke, broke to the point I am one paycheck away from being homeless. One paycheck away and yet I need a job."

It was Chica's turn to be shocked. "WHAT?!" She squawked. "That is absolutely terrible! It is settled then!" 

You looked at her confused. 

"I am offering you a job here!" 

You gasped, "Really?!" 

She nodded. You couldn't contain yourself and grabbed hold of her and hugged her. 

"Thank you so much!" 

She smiles warmly at you. "Now go take care of yourself, I don't need my new employee getting sick before they start working!" 

You nod and go to take care of yourself.

You walk up the stairs and when you reach the top you are met with what looks like an apartment. A bedroom space, a living space, and a kitchen space. It wasn't small but it was jam-packed with stuff. The room was not all like the first floor as you thought it would be. It had two types of decor but was still chic. It was as if a race track was made of sugar. Think pastel, neon, 80's neon sign colors. It worked well though! After looking around you decided to go into the bathroom that was built next to the bed area.

The bathroom wasn't big, just big enough for two people to stand in there. It was just as nice as the room it was built onto as well.

You finally stopped admiring everything and got a warm shower. 

A little into the shower you heard Chica coming up the steps. Soon after you heard some punk music. 

"Hope you don't mind the music!" Chica shouted to you. 

And you didn't mind, it sounded like it was made with a lot of thought and emotion. 

After your shower and got changed you stepped out of the bathroom.

Chica sat on the couch smiling at her phone. 

"Thanks for letting me use your shower!" 

She got off her phone and smiled, "Your welcome, so do you want to talk for a bit? Or I can take you home." 

"I would like to talk for a bit, you never explained the whole robot chicken thing." 

She nodded as she patted the seat next to her. You took the invitation and sat next to her.

"Well for one, I am not the only one. There are a few others, a wolf, a bear, an alligator, a bunny, and two planets. Each of us has our own interests and personalities, we are almost human, except for the whole living being part." 

She paused blushing. "We can even be in relationships and love others." 

You smiled, "That explains the whole decor in this room." 

Chica laughed, "Yeah, we couldn't agree on the decor so we did both desserts and racing." She looked at a poster of a red, purple, and green race car that had a wolf emblem. 

"My girlfriend is a race car driver, the first robot to have a career that the world is able to see." 

She got excited, "She has so many fans and it has made more people realize that it is now capable for people to realize we are very similar to them!" 

She calmed down and looked sad. "We have had a lot of people be rude to us, they think we are like their Alexa's, that we can be ordered around." 

"That must be really difficult." 

She nodded.

"Anyway, we were first created for a pizzeria establishment. Once scientists realize that we were like people in almost every way they bought us from the establishment. We were then given property rights and all the trademarks."

"After making sure we aren't a danger we were released into the public to live. We have to carry around a large amount of identification and written statements in case we are questioned but it is worth it. We would have never been happily stuck in the pizzeria." 

You nodded, "So who are the others, and what are their occupations?" 

"Freddy is the bear, he works with adoption agencies. Currently, he is working on adopting a kid actually." 

"Montgomery or Monty is the alligator, he owns his own golf course but he also works in tattoos and piercings sometimes."

"Bonnie is the bunny, he has a bowling alley that is also an arcade. For being new, the place makes a good amount of money."

"Roxanne or Roxy is a racer."

"Finally, there is Sun and Moon, they used to work with Freddy but they realized that punk music is their calling." 

You raised your eyebrow. "Are they the ones that made that music?" 

Chica nodded, "If you want I can share the music with you." 

You nodded enthusiastically and took out your phone. Chica punched in your number in her phone and vice versa. 

After that, she sent you links to the music.

After a while of talking some more, she took you home, letting you keep the clothes. When you got home you listened to some music before you went to bed. That night you had sweet dreams of your life being better.
