The Devious Plan

(Chapter has been altered for easier reading).


The world looked like a film of red was over it, similar to a camera filter. 

You felt something hit you hard. Your side had searing pain. 

"That'll teach you robot lover hahaha!" 

No no no, this has to be a dream! You cried out in your head. 

More hits came to you, each more painful than the last. 

One final hit to your face woke you up. Your heart was racing and you fought to catch your breath. 

"Thank goodness it was all a dream" you muttered as you wiped the sleep from your eyes you noticed you were crying. 

You reassured yourself again that it was a dream. After that you hugged your plushies, that is right you had plushies. You smiled and took a deep breath. That is when you realized that they had a smell. Sun's smelled like saltwater taffy while Moon's smelled like lavender. It fits with them very well, it might be strange but you wondered if that is what the duo smelled like as well.

Shaking your head you stood up and placed them on your bed. 

Everything was sore, you made a mental note to never fall asleep against the door again and got dressed.

It wasn't very fancy but it was nice enough for work, plus you wanted to check on Monty today. Maybe you could bring some cupcakes for him... 

Wherever he was, you realized that you might have to go to his golf course. You made another mental note to ask Chica where the place was. 

You grabbed your things and started walking to work. The whole time you were walking you checked your surroundings. 

The event yesterday made you quite paranoid, and for good reason, you didn't know who could be a part of the group that was targeting you. You didn't even know IF there was more in the group. 

You tried to keep those thoughts away as you got inside the shop. 

Chica was behind the cashier counter talking to Roxanne. 

She noticed you and ran around the counter straight to you. As she got where you were she grabbed you in a bear hug. 


"Chica you are crushing me." 

"Oh, sorry." She released you. 

"So how much damage was done?" Roxanne asked. 

"I am completely fine, along with my belongings, I am concerned for Montgomery though," you confessed. 

Roxanne let out a laugh, "Monty was made for stuff like this, I am more worried about the guys that harassed you." 

"He didn't do anything to them." 

"Well that is a bit disappointing, he was defending both you and himself after all." 

"Roxanne Wolf!" Chica exclaimed. 

"What? I am right, they're losers! I bet they don't even have any real friends! They are all fake!" 

Chica nods slightly, "Yes they deserve what they get but it isn't right to hit someone." 

Roxanne paused to think, "As long as you are protecting yourself or someone from harm though it is fine, right" 

"Roxy, you know of course it is, you just have to be careful."

"Anyway." Chica paused. 

"I was so caught up with Roxanne being back I forgot to tell you that today is a break day. We had a lovely donation of money to the shop so Roxy and I are gonna go take care of the stuff we have been putting off." 

You smile, "That is wonderful! Do you know who donated it?" 

"I was anonymous, but we suspect Sun and Moon. They don't get to come to the shop a lot but try to help us and the others as much as they can." Roxanne explained. 

"Wow, that is really nice of them!" 

Chica nodded, "Everyone came together to help them achieve their dream and now they want to help us with ours." "Wow, they sound like really great....people? Robots?" 

"'People' works," Roxanne commented. 

"They sound like nice people. Speaking of nice people, is there any way you could tell me where Montgomery would be?" 

"He would be at his Golf Course called Monty Golf, here let me put the address in your phone," you handed Chica your phone to which she put the information into your navigation system. 

"Thank you, I will be heading off then. Have fun you two!" With that Roxanne and Chica said their goodbyes and you left the shop.

You walked for a while when you realized you forgot to bring something for Monty, "Dang it, you mumbled to yourself." 

Guess you will have to figure out another way to thank him for what he did. 

The golf course wasn't very far away from you at this point so there wasn't much else to do except just go to the place. Not too much longer and you made it to Monty's workplace and you headed inside.

Once you were inside you were met with a room decorated like a marsh. One would think that a marsh would look ugly but the room was quite beautiful. There were also hints of 80s decor and colors, lots of guitars, etcetera. 

You walked up to the counter where one would pay to play. No one was there so you rang a little bell on the counter. 

Out of the back Monty came to answer the call, he took one look at you and smiled. "Nice to see you Y/n, how are you doing?" 

"I am doing well, I came to see how you're doing actually." 

"I'm in tip-top shape! A couple of scrapes but my technician said that those could be buffed out and repainted in a few weeks once he has some time." 

You breathed a sigh of relief, "I am so glad you are okay, I wouldn't want anyone to get hurt because of me." 

"Not much can mess me up, I was built for destructive purposes after all," he chuckled. 

"That is good to hear. I still want to do something though to thank you for what you did for me." 

Monty paused deep in thought. After a while, he gave you a devious smirk that sent a shiver down your spine. "You can help me with something I think." 

You gave him an unsure look. 

He put his arm around you, "It is nothing bad, it is just a prank," he tried to reassure you. 

You raised an eyebrow. "You see, I and the punk brothers have been in a prank war for several years, I want to win this war and I have the perfect idea of how to do it!" 

"And where do I come into this?" 

"You would be able to get something no other person would have, a signed fake, wedding certificate." 

You broke out laughing, "Why that specifically?!" 

"They will not see it coming, plus they will be trying to figure out who it is for a long time! They will be in a panic, but they will look so stupid once it is revealed that the certificate is not real!" Monty laughed hysterically. 

"Okay fine, I'm in. You better cover my back for me though." 

"Deal," Monty held out his hand for you to shake which you took.

Oh, how naive you were not knowing what would follow in the discord.
