Mall Trip

(Chapter has been altered for easier reading).

Your ringtone sounded as if you were having your breakfast. 

It was now the weekend, the day of the plan. You took a quick sip of your (drink of choice) and picked up the call. 

"Hello?" You asked, you had already looked at the caller ID knowing who exactly it was. 

"Hey, (Y/n). Glad you are awake, I'll be over soon to pick you up." 

"Why are you picking me up so early?" 

"So we can work on a disguise for you and me of course!" 

You ohed to his explanation. "All right, I'll be ready when you get here. Do I need anything specific?" 

"Only yourself  and maybe some hair products (and makeup if you use it), I'll take care of everything else." 

"Alright, see you. Bye!" Monty said goodbye and hung up. You let out a sigh, the remaining of your breakfast now cold. 

"I wasn't that hungry anyway," you grumbled as you got up to get ready. 

You didn't wear anything fancy thinking that you will probably be changing soon. 

You did all your typical things to get ready when you dressed casually. (No makeup, accessories, whatnot right now). You got together a bag of your important things as well, your phone, house keys, money, water, and everything you needed to be comfortable. 

Just as you got done with what you needed to do the doorbell rang. Remembering what happened not too long ago you slowly went to the door to check the peephole. Monty was outside your door so you opened it. 

"Hey, you ready?" 

You nodded. 

"Then let's rock and roll!" With that, he made a wave of his hand for you to follow him. 

He led you to a sports car, it was green and purple. The purple aiding in making the car look sleeker. 

The rims of the wheels were red. Monty looked at you with a smug look, "Pretty isn't it?" 

You rolled your eyes, "You look like you are copying Roxanne a bit." 

Monty's jaw fell in disbelief, his checks turned red in frustration and embarrassment. "Psh, am not! We just have similar favorite colors is all!" 

"Mmmhmmm, pretend all you want," Monty growled and pointed for you to get in the car. 

You shrugged and got into the passenger seat. Monty soon followed getting into the driver's seat. After getting your seat belts buckled and Monty getting ready to drive you two left the parking lot. 

"So, where are we going?" you asked quizzically. 

"Gonna hit the mall, there are a couple of stores we can go to for clothes and other stuff. I'll be paying by the way." 

"Thanks, I don't have a lot of extra money for these types of things." 

"You'll be able to keep the stuff, just don't wear it until the prank dies down." 

You nodded. 

After a few minutes, Monty parked the car and you both exited. 

"Stay close, it is pretty crowded on the weekends and I don't want you getting lost." 

With that Monty started towards the entrance to the mall. You jogged to catch back up with him. Entering the mall you really saw how large it is. 

"Geeze, this is larger than I thought." 

Monty smirked, "This place used to be owned by Fazbear Entertainment. The company that used to own the gang. Because of the research to free us they were found guilty of many inhuman things. They all were either put in jail, heavily fined, or both. So they went bankrupt causing the mall to be sold off to make even with the bank for loans." 

"Did you ever stay here when it was opened?" 

Monty shook his head yes. "It was open for a short time, if you want I can show you where everything used to be." 

Your eyes lit up, "Did Sun and Moon have a place?" 

Monty busted out laughing, "Yeah, they used to be daycare attendants. Pretty far from what they are now. The daycare is actually still open, it was changed a bit but their old room is still there for tourists." 

Monty started walking towards the escalators. You followed close behind excited to see where the two stars had their origins. 

"So why are you so excited to see where they used to live?" 

"As you probably already know, I am a fan of theirs. What fan wouldn't want to see their idols' old home?!" 

Monty looked at you with a sly expression and started to whisper, "Seems you are a lot more than just a fan, you look like you have a crush on them." 

Your face turned red like a tomato, "N-nonsense!" You huffed and looked away from the alligator, that was all you could say or do since he caught you off guard. 

"Suuuuure," he teased. "Anyway, we are here." 

You both walked into a very colorful room. (Looks the same as the daycare, everything is there except the Glamrocks, Attendants, and anything Fazbear related.) 

"Wow, this place looks like a kid's paradise!" You looked around in amazement. 

"A kid's paradise but a hell for us." You looked at Monty in confusion. 

"Sun and Moon were treated worse than us. No breaks, very few repairs, treated badly by workers, everything in a worker's nightmare." 

Your face changed to that of sadness and concern, "The company was pretty bad huh? I am glad things are better now. It is horrible what you all went through." 

Montgomery huffed, "The company caused a lot of mental problems for us all. Your right though, things are a lot better..." 

There was silence between the both of you until out of nowhere there was the sound of a can being sprayed to the side Monty was on. 

"WHAT THE (BEEP)?" You heard Monty yell. Startled you turned to look at Monty. He was COVERED in silly string, the culprits standing on both sides of him laughing hysterically. 

You froze, it was none other than Sun and Moon. Your brain started to panic. To your horror, your legs wouldn't move because of the shock of the situation, so you were stuck in place. 

Moon was the first to stop laughing, "What do we have here? A friend of your's Monty?" 

A cat must of had your tongue because you couldn't utter a word. 

Sun finally composed himself and turned his attention to you as well. "Aren't they the one we gave our first plushies to?" 

"Oh, your right Sun. Fancy meeting you again lovely." The two of them got closer to you, your face turning more red by the second. 

"U-uh, yeah I am a friend of Monty's. We should probably go now speaking of!" You tried to go past the two that have cornered you but they wouldn't budge. 

"Y/n was it?" 

You nodded at Sun, to which he hummed. 

"Seeing as we keep seeing you around we should hang out sometime," Moon nodded in agreement. 

Your knees were weak and you had to will yourself to stand. 

A bit too eagerly you nodded. 

The two rockstars then turned to leave, Moon gave you a smile and a wink. Just as soon as they came they were gone. 

Finally seeing them leave you to let out all the air you didn't realize you were holding and you fell to the ground. 

Monty had finally gotten the silly string off of himself and came over to you. "I might be wrong, this seems like a lot more than a crush," Monty smirked at you. 

You were too flustered and awestruck to care. You held your hand to your chest feeling your heart flying like you had run a mile. You felt a tap on your shoulder which caused you to look beside you, Monty was sitting beside you. 

"You okay Y/n? I could bring you back home if you need." 

That was enough to take you out of your own little world. "No, I'm fine! Just needed a rest!" You quickly stood up. "So where to?"

 Monty stood up as well and started leading you on your way. 

You both walked in silence until Monty spoke, "You really should take Sun up on their offer." 

"You think so?" 

"Heck yeah! Just by looking at you three, there is a lot of attraction between you all. Sun looked like they wanted to take you on a date then and there, Moon wasn't much more composed." 

You were shocked, "Your joking right? They were just saying that to be nice." 

Monty shook his head, "They don't offer that to just anyone, people usually pay a lot of money to just be in the same room as them." 

"Then this has to be just a prank! Like what they did with you, they know I am your friend so they are probably just doing a prank!" 

Monty turned and grabbed your shoulders, "Listen, they are not playing with your heart. I have never seen them look at someone the way they look at you. If you need a wingman or anything I am your guy. This prank on them isn't just a prank. I think that this will be a good way to get you together." 

You hesitated on an answer, "You really think so?" 

He nodded enthusiastically causing you to sigh, "I'll have to think about all this. Thank you for that Monty." 

"Of course, how about for now we get you the stuff for the disguise?" 

You nodded as you both walked into a clothing store. 

"I GIVE UP!" You flopped onto a chair. 

You both had searched for hours for the right disguise for you. 

Monty had already got the stuff he needed but this was proving to be easier to say than done. Monty huffed, "We will find something, we just haven't found it yet." He sat down beside you. 

"All the stuff either doesn't fit me or doesn't make me look different enough!" You groaned. 

Monty sat in deep thought until suddenly he snapped his fingers, "I got it! How about something you think you would never wear." 

You looked at him confused. "Something you have always wanted to try but haven't had the confidence to wear it." 

You thought for a moment, "It could work, I just don't know if I could pull it off." 

Monty rolled his eyes, "You could be a fashion model if you wanted, of course, you could pull it off! Name a fashion and we'll find it." 

"Uh, (your favorite type of fashion)." 

With that, Monty grabbed your arm and walked like he was on a mission. 

You both arrived at a shop you had never seen before at the mall. It was everything that you wished you could be. 

"Go find something you like. Everything here I know will fit or whatever you are worrying about." 

You carefully started looking around at everything.  You looked around for some time, you could tell this made Monty a bit impatient. 

Suddenly you had a bundle of stuff pushed toward you. 

"Try these," he huffed, pushing you towards the changing room. 

In the changing room, you looked at what he gave you, and it shocked you, if you had (or have) a Pinterest board for your favorite fashion outfit would check all the boxes. 

You checked the tags and they all had the right sizes. 

You put it all on and looked in the mirror, you looked insanely hot. You stood and admired yourself, you never realized you could look so amazing. Having enough you walked out of the changing room to show Monty.

 Monty looked at you and smiled, "Now that is what I am talking about, looking good Y/n!" 

You smiled and looked at your clothes, "I never thought I could look so good in this stuff." 

Monty looked at you like he was proud, "Of course, alright change back and I'll find some more stuff like it." 

You looked at him quizically, "I only need one disguise." 

"Yeah, but you need some more outfits that you are happy with just to wear." 

You opened your mouth to argue with him to which he interrupted you, "This is not something that is being discussed." 

You sighed and went to change into the clothes you were wearing before. When you came back Monty had a pile of clothes at the checkout. 

"This is too much!" Monty shook his head at you and grabbed the clothes in your hand. The employee checked all the clothes, and the cost floored you but you stayed quiet knowing Monty was too stubborn to listen. He paid for the stuff and you both left. 

"Thank you, Monty." 

He nodded as you both left the mall. You had no idea that going with him would lead to you having a lot of new clothes. You were very grateful for what he did for you. 

"Why did you do that?"

 "'Cus we are friends, friends help each other. You are helping me prank Sun and Moon so I bought you this stuff. Simple." 

You hid the smile on your face from him. You were happy to finally have friends and people that care about you. 
