Chapter 15

[Chapter 15]

[Reign’s P.O.V]

His whole mood changed. His smile disappeared and his fists clenched. In his eyes I could see himself asking a million questions a minute. It was just a joke? He never loved me? He doesn’t love me?

I wanted to wrap my arms around him and tell him that someone made me do it but I knew it was best for him to not know that. He’d lose his job, his house, his life. I didn’t want to be the cause for all of that. What we’re doing is illegal.

He didn’t say something as he stood and walked from the room without a second glance. I fall back onto my bed with a sharp pain in my chest and hope that tomorrow everything would be okay. With the thick truth choking me I lied myself to rest.


When I woke the house was quiet. The usual sound of the morning news and Owen’s footsteps weren’t there and I couldn’t help but let my mood drop. For once something good finally happens and it has to be taken away from me. Why can’t I get a single break? For once I just want something to go right.


The walk to school finally ended as I walked through the double doors. Everyone looked at me like they all heard what had happened and it wouldn’t surprise me if they did; news travelled fast through this school. Many whispered, my name being spoken by total strangers.

I kept my head high and walked to my locker, lacking the usual skip in my step.

“Reign.” Floyd called out as he came over, Drew following him behind, glaring at everyone who tried to whisper about what happened at the party. “Are you okay?”

I nodded without a word and pulled my books from my locker as the bell rang.

“We tried to come see you again but they were only letting family in.” He continued. “And Owen.”

A few heads turn towards us but with a sneer they leave, “It doesn’t bother me that you didn’t come.”

“It doesn’t?” Drew asks, leaning his head over Floyds shoulder, “Thank the heavens. I thought we’d need to do this whole apology dance or something.”

Floyd and I both give him a blank look. “So…” He rubs the back of his neck, “I’m going to go now.”

Ignoring him, Floyd turns back to me and claps my shoulder, “I guess I’ll see you later.”

“Yeah I guess so.” I said quietly as they walked away. Just as I’m pulling out my last book a sky blue piece of paper falls to the floor.

I look around to make sure no one’s watching before picking it up and unfolding it. My heart beat rises as I scan the words on the page.

You’re good for listening to me Reign but unfortunately there’s more than that to be discussed. Meet me under the bridge at Trape Street at exactly midnight. If you don’t turn up I’ll post the pictures all over the internet and we don’t want that happening now do we?

I swallow and crumple the note in my fist tightly. I don’t know who this person is but it’s pretty clear they have something against me. One thing I do know is they like playing games otherwise they would have already given the pictures to the police. What I don’t understand is what I did to deserve this.

Placing the note in my back pocket I close the locker and walk quickly to class while trying not to get caught by the teachers roaming the halls. The last thing I need to complete my bad luck is a detention. I get to class 10 minutes late and every head turns towards me, including Ow- Mr Alisters.

As soon as he sees that it’s me however he turns back to the board, chalk in mid-air.

“Reign,” He sighs like he’s drained of all emotions and energy, “You’re late.”

“I know and I’m sorry,” I say, racing to my seat in the back of the room, “It won’t happen again.”

“It better not.” He says and continues where he was.     

Something tells me he’s going to be distant for a while.


Finally lunch comes around and I look around the room expecting to see Byron but sharply remember that he’s gone. I sigh and instead follow Drew and Floyd. They bump shoulders and laugh quietly to themselves, something they’ve been doing a lot lately.

I shake my head and silently follow them, I expect them to sit at the popular table like they always do. Instead they change course and move to a free table outside. Feeling slightly better I sit opposite them on the bench and eat in a peaceful silence while they continue to whisper about something.

After we’re all finished eating they both suddenly turn to me, Drew nursing a toothy smile.

“What do you want?” I sigh.

“We want to take you out somewhere.” Floyd says with a smaller smile.


“It’s a surprise.”

“I hate surprises.” I mumble to myself but nod in agreement.

“Good, we’ll pick you up at 9.” Drew says before grabbing Floyd by the hand and bouncing off. Something weird is going on between them two.


The bell for the end of the day finally rings and I pack my bags quickly and race outside before anyone can even think about looking at me. The first thing I spot is Mr Alister leaning against his car. Slowing down drastically I walk the rest of the distance between us. I begin to say something but he gets in the driver’s seat and slams the door shut between us. Sighing I walk around the car and sit in the passenger’s seat.

The short drive home is awkward and tense. I want to reach out and kiss him, feel his sweet lips on mine but that won’t change anything. I don’t want him to get into trouble just because of me. He’ll find someone else and be happy without me. I think that thought scares me the most.

When we finally reach home I jump out of the car before it’s fully stopped and run into my bedroom. I throw my bag onto the ground and lean against my closed door. I can’t stand not talking to me. He won’t even look at me for fucks sake.

Banging my head back against the door sends a deep pain down my neck, spine and lower back. Memories of the night before seep into my vision. A man standing at my doorway. Pain, screaming and the thick smell of dirt and rotting wood. I crumple my nose and sit down on the ground, bringing and holding my legs against my chest.

I close my eyes tightly and wish the memories away. It’s something I want to forget, I don’t want to remember what happened to me that night. It’s in the deepest part of my mind and that’s where I want it to stay.


 I wake to someone shaking me roughly but I flick a hand out and push them away. There’s a loud lump and a groan. My eyes snap open and I shuffle backwards, against the door. When my eyes adjust the shape of a man turns into a detailed Drew.

“Why’d you push me?” He pouts, “You’re a meanie.”

Someone laughs quietly from the corner. My eyes move there and notice Floyd standing there comfortably. “I see you still have your inability to waking.”

I groan and rub my eyes. “What’s the time?”


“Shit, I’m sorry.” I say. “I must have fell asleep.”

“It’s nothing. Just means we’re going to be a little late.”

“Late for what?”

“It’s a surprise.” Drew stands, rubbing his ass.

I crease my eyebrows together tightly, “How’d you two get in here If I was blocking the door?” I ask.

A wide smile spreads across Drew’s face. “You left the window open.”

“I never leave the window open.”

Floyd steps closer and cuts in, “What Drew meant to say was, we broke into your window.”

I walk over to my window and notice the glass missing and instead scattered on the floor. As I stand on the glass under my feet it cracks and a shiver runs down my body, awakening something inside me. Memories flood to the surface but pass so quickly I have only the chance to grab onto one. My father’s face. 

“Earth to Reign.” Drew says, waving a hand in front of my face.

“You okay buddy?” Floyd says, placing a warm hand on my shoulder.

“I’m fine.” I shake it off and step towards the door, avoiding the glass on the floor. “Lets just go.”

I feel them whispering behind me but don’t turn to address it, instead I walk straight out the door and outside. I catch a glimpse of the driveway but notice only Floyds car parked outside. Where’d Owen go?

Why should I care? We’re not together anymore anyway. I sit in the backseat and wait for Drew and Floyd to join me. Shortly later they do and we begin to drive in silence. It doesn’t take near 5 minutes before Floyd pulls up at the bowling alley. He switches the car off and turns back in his seat to look at me.

I stare out the window at the familiar looking building but somehow I can’t remember what’s so good about this place.

“I know it’s not much of a surprise,” He says quietly like he wishes that it could be better, “But Drew and I thought that we needed to make some new memories with you, ones that you’ll remember.”

A smile spreads across my face. It’s a small one but it’s still a smile. From the corner of my eye I catch Floyds smile as he leaves the car. I follow behind as we walk to the entrance. Inside the room is bright and noisy, many people crowd the place, bowling, eating or just catching up with old friends.

We walk to the front desk and Floyd talks to the man standing there. He nods and points to an alley in the far back. Floyd thanks the man and guides us to it. Someone sits on a seat with their back towards us. Floyd taps him on the shoulder and he turns around.

My mouth nearly drops open but I force it to stay closed. The guy standing in front of me looks like he just walked out of a magazine. His bright golden hair falls slightly over his face, making his bright blue eyes stand out even more than they should.

“Reign, this is Nico.” Floyd says, “He moved here last week from Britain.”

With a thick British accent he says, “It’s a pleasure to meet you Reign.” His blue eyes penetrating me.

“It’s nice to meet you too.” I say, looking down and rubbing the back of my neck awkwardly like I’d just been caught looking at him naked.

He laughs and it’s like music to my ears. I feel my cheeks heating up slightly.

“Are we going to play or stand here all night?” Drew snaps sharply and moves towards the lane.

Floyd and I both look at him shocked for a second before we all follow him over.


After many games we finally take a break. “Anyone want a drink?” I ask.

They all shake their heads and turn back to talk. I stand and make my way up to the desk on my own. The man standing behind it looks up to me with a fake smile. Obviously he wanted to be something else.

“How can I help you?”

“One lemonade please.” I say.

He pinches his lips together and nods quickly. “Coming right up.”

“Make that two.” Someone says behind me and Nico comes to stand beside me. The man nods and walks through a door behind him.

“I thought you didn’t want one.”

He shrugs and leans against the wood, shrugging. “I changed my mind.” He says, “Plus it seems like Drew and Floyd have some unresolved issues.”

They stand by the lane, tight expressions on their faces as they yell in whispers to each other. “Any clue what it’s about?”

“I have a policy not to get between anyone.” He says and I nod, turning to look at him.

“Why’d Floyd drag you along?” I ask casually.

He moves his eyes to the roof and sighs. “He wants me to ask you out on a proper date, so…” He says, moving to look me right in the eyes. His bright blue eyes piercing right through me. “Will you do me the honour of going on a real date?”

I press my lips together and scratch the back of my neck awkwardly. “Look, you seem like a nice guy but… I’m still in love with someone.”

“Uh…” He says, “I see, the recent confused break up?”

“Something like that.” I mumble just as the man returns with our drinks. “Thanks.” I say, paying him.

We make our way back to Floyd and Drew who have finally finished arguing and are sitting quietly. Drew looking even more pissed than he was a few minutes ago. “What’s up with you two?” I ask.

“Nothing.” Floyd say, the same time Drew says; “Everything.”

I nod slowly and take a sip of my drink. I don’t know what’s going on between these two but if they don’t sort it out soon I’m going to lock them in a room together until they do. When I sit something crumples below me and something ticks in my mind. The note.

Slightly scared I glance at the clock on the far wall. It glows in the dim light of the room and I can almost hear the hands moving. “30 minutes.”

“What was that?” Floyd asks, raising an eyebrow.

I shake my head quickly. “Nothing,” I say, “Hey, I need to get going. Can I borrow your car?”

“Yeah I guess it’s getting pretty late, we should get going.” He says, standing up, “I’ll drive you home.”

“No.” I say, too fast. They all look at me like I’ve gone mad. “I mean, you don’t have to leave because I want to go home.”

“How am I supposed to get Drew and I home?”

“I can drive you.” Nico say, “My car’s just out front and we can have a few more games.”

Floyd looks unconvinced at first but finally nods and sits back down. “Okay, a few more won’t kill anyone.” He tosses the keys at me and I catch them quickly as I get to my feet.

“It was nice meeting you Nico, I’ll see you all later.”

They say their goodbyes and I walk out quickly. 25 minutes. Quickly I speed off and around town, my mind going a million miles a minute. Tonight I might finally figure out who this person is and hopefully they give up bugging me and leave me alone to live my life in peace.

The bridge comes into sight only 15 minutes later and I quickly park on the side of the road. Something about this place sparks a flame of recognition but I shake my head and it disappears. Nervously I tap my fingers on the steering wheel until I finally gain the nerve to step out and walk towards it. Under the bridge I listen to the loud rhythm of my heart.

Bump, Bump, Bump Bump, Bump, Bump.

The fear finally sets in and a cold sweat runs down the back of my neck causing me to shiver. I wrap my jacket tighter around my body and try to calm my racing heart except every time a car drives over the road I jump a meter in the air like a fool.

What am I even doing here? I should be at home in bed, sleeping. Or picking through the fridge looking for something to eat. I shouldn’t be out here in the cold under a collapsing stone bridge because I got a threatening note from a stalker.

I’m pulled out of my thoughts by a footstep. I stop and listen but there isn’t another one. I laugh to myself and shake my hand. “Just my imagination.” I whisper to myself. Everything goes black.


I struggle against the material limiting my senses and thrust my arms around. I connect with multiple body parts and gain groans of pain before my arms are pinned sharply behind my back. I hiss in pain and force myself to stay still. Moving is only going to result in hurting me more.

“Why are you doing this?” I ask but there’s no answer.

I feel someone’s presence in front of me and catch the familiar scent of dirt and rotting wood. Memories from the party flash through my mind and I jerk forward. I surprise everyone by that and get a good right hook on the person in front of me before I’m pushed to the ground.

Pain rolls through my body in waves. Sharp and quick at first but eventually it numbs a little. “Please, leave me alone.” I say. “I’ll do anything you want, just don’t hurt me.”

There’s silence and at first I expect them to lift me up and remove the bag from over my head but instead there’s a laugh that cuts through the night and a foot connects with my side.

I gasp and claw at the ground trying to get away but a weight’s pressed onto my back, forcing me down. Another foot kicks me in the side and before long there’s more than one pair. They kick me everywhere until blood trickles down the side of my mouth.

I listen to the cars passing by but then I catch one that stops and hope flares in the pit of my pain filled stomach.

“What are you all doing?” A voice calls out and the feet stop attacking me. “Leave him alone!” They call out.

There’s a laugh and then an unfamiliar voice calls back. “What are you going to do about it princess?”

There’s a moment of silence before there’s a flash. “If you don’t leave right now I’ll send this picture to everyone on my contact list, including my policeman dad.” The girl calls back.

“Come on, let’s get out of here.” Another voice says before many footsteps take off running the opposite way.

For a few minutes everything’s silent until the bag’s removed from my face. I roll onto my back to be greeted with the pitiful look of a stranger. “You look horrible.” She says.

I laugh sourly and pain spikes through my side. “Thank you, that makes me feel great.”

“I’m glad for that.” She says, moving back and offering me a hand. With a sigh and another pain stricken moment I take it gladly.

Once I’m steady on my feet she lets go. “Why’d you help me?” I ask.

She looks at me like I asked the most stupid question. “Why wouldn’t I help someone in trouble?”

I shrug, “Because it’s none of your problem.” I say.

“It will be my problem when I see there was a murder next day on the TV and I could have done something about it; but instead I was too scared and let them be killed. The guilt would be unbearable.”

I shrug. “That’s a valid point.”

“My name’s Kate by the way.” She says.


“Well Reign, it’s nice to meet you. Too bad it was under these circumstances.” She laughs. “Come on, I’ll take you home.”

“Oh no, I can get home by myself.”

“Nonsense. You can barely walk let alone drive.” She says, crossing her arms stubbornly. “I’m taking you home and that’s final.”

“Yes mum.” I mumble as she leads me towards her car.

“What was that?” She says, turning quickly to glare at me.

I swallow loudly. “Nothing.”

She makes a sound of agreement and pushes me towards the passenger seat. Without a word I open the door and slide in. When she takes a seat I tell her my address and she speeds off.

5 minutes into the drive I turn to her. “Do you go to school here? I’ve never seen you around before.” I say.

“No, I only just moved here with my dad.” She says, refusing to look at me and I get the feeling there’s more to the story.

I nod even though I don’t know the reason. “So you’ll be starting school when?” I ask.


There’s another moment of silence before I break it. “Is your dad really a cop?”

“Yeah, why?” She says, glancing at me with creased eyebrows.

“Did you really get the pictures of the people that beat me?” I ask hopefully.

A look crossed her face and my smile drops, “What?” I ask.

“I didn’t really get the picture.” She says sheepishly.

“But I thought you took one.”

She laughs nervously. “Well actually, I don’t have enough room left to take a picture so instead I just flashed the torch on and off to make it look like I did.”

I curse under my breath and rub my eyes.

“Why is it so important for you to get a picture?”

“I want to know who is messing with me.” I admit. “I’ve had enough and if only I got pictures I could have finally figured out who it was and put an end to it.”

She clicks her tongue and nods. “You’ll figure it out soon enough.”

I sigh and nod in agreement. Kate’s right. It’s only a matter of time before I find out who; and everyone knows that the hero always wins, not the villain.
