
Macy POV

The school had decided to take us on a work-experience field trip today at the grand Paris luxury hotel which is owned by the Mayor. Every student would get first-hand experience in the many jobs in the hotel. I decided to not attend as I already had plenty of experience, along with the fact that I was too lazy to do housework. Adrien, however, wasn't as lucky and had no choice but to attend, so I spent the day finishing paperwork and playing with Ruu and Wanya. I fed Mullo and we were just chatting when my phone rang, Adrien's name on the screen. 

"Look, your boyfriend's calling", Mullo teased. I rolled my eyes and shooed her away before picking up the phone. 

"Hey, what's up?", I asked. 

"Nothing really, I just got bored and decided to call you", Adrien replied and I laughed. 

"What's the job that's making you so bored?", I smiled. 

"I'm supposed to work at the front desk". 

"That isn't so bad". 

"With Chloe". 

"Oh... that makes sense", I chuckled. 

"It's not funny Macy", He sighed. I could already hear Chloe squealing "Adrikins!!!", through the phone. 

"If Only I could have been paired with someone else", Adrien sighed, "Chloe's a nice girl in her way but... I just need a break". 

"You know what", I began, "I have a way". 


"Don't worry about it, just wait for me a little, I'll be there in a jiffy", I smirked, mischievously. 

This is going to be quite fun~


Adrien POV

I wonder what she meant... 

She's probably going to cause trouble, isn't she?

I let out a dry chuckle at the thought. Just then, Jagged stone walked in with his assistant and a crocodile. 

To be honest, after an Alien baby crashed into my lawn with its babysitting cat, nothing surprises me much... however Macy always seems to break that thought. 

I wonder what unpredictable thing she's going to end up doing today... 

While I was lost in thought, Jagged stone and the Mayor had finished discussing his stay at the hotel when the door opened again and a crowd of bodyguards and a few trollies with luggage entered, following a dazzling teen girl in a stylish designer outfit wearing a pearl white mask.

No way... 

The girl slowly walked forward and smiled. 

"Hello, Mr Bourgouis", She greeted. 

"Oh my! Princess Magic!!! It's a pleasure to see you at my hotel", He flattered her. You could basically see the dollar signs in his eyes. 

"Princess magic, what a coincidence", Jagged stone smiled and greeted her. 

"Jagged! indeed what a pleasant surprise!!!", She smiled back before turning to the crocodile, "And hello to you too fang!".  

The crocodile's tail moved from side to side, showing its excitement, causing the girl to let out a slight, charming giggle. Every movement of hers seemed to be elegant and dazzling, leaving the audience stunned. She then turned to the Mayor. 

"I'd like a room please, just to stay for a while", She requested. 

"Jagged would also like to check into your most luxurious suite", Jagged's assistant followed. 

"And Fang better gets a real bathtub! not a tiny water hole like the one across the street", Jagged finished.

The Mayor, quite embarrassingly, misunderstood Fang to be Jagged's assistant, causing everyone present to let out a puff of laughter. 

"Um, Princess Magic, your room will also be arranged!! the Grand Paris hotel will make sure to provide both of you with our most luxurious suites!!", The Mayor finished, not wanting to be stuck in that embarrassing situation further. 

"Thank you, Mr Bourgouis! I also have a request", Princess Magic began, turning to me, "I've heard that Mr Agreste's son was here today and was wondering if I could spend some time with him. After all, I'd love to meet him for the first time". 

I blushed visibly. 

The way she said it was... well... quite ambiguous. 

"Ah um of course!!", The Mayor immediately agreed. 

"Daddy!!!", Chloe's squeal rang. Unfortunately, before she could say anything, Macy ran over, grabbed my hand and dragged me upstairs, followed by her bodyguards, and into the suite room. 

"Thank you all for your hard work, I shall call you if there is anything I need", She smiled at her employees before shutting the door, leaving the 2 of us alone. She turned to me with her mask already in her hands and we made eye contact. 

Following a pause, both of us burst into slight laughter as we fell onto the bed. 

"God, that was so fun!!", Macy chuckled. 

"yeah, I really didn't expect you to get me out of there like this!!", I laughed. 

"Well, what can I say!! I'm always full of surprises!!", She laughed. 

"That you are", I trailed as I turned my head to face her as she did the same. I froze as I couldn't take my eyes off her beautiful blue ones. The more I looked the prettier she got. I couldn't find a single flaw in her... She was absolutely perfect to me... and she always will be. 

"What?", Macy asked with a slight laugh. 

"Nothing", I replied, smiling. 

"Then why are you staring at me?", She shot back, her lip tilted upwards on the right. 

"Because...", I trailed, "You look really pretty today". 

I watched as her face instantly turned red and laughed. Just then I felt a pillow hit me square in the face. 

"That's for teasing me", She smirked. 

"Oh it's on", I shot back as I threw the pillow back at her. 

And that's how a pillow fight started. We laughed and yelled in joy as pillows flew across the room. The fight became intense as we hid and fought like little kids. Although it was quite childish, I've never had so much fun in my whole life. 

Now that I think about it... meeting Macy and Ruu must have been the best thing that's ever happened to me... including Wanya of course. 

As I was lost in thought, I felt a pair of hands grab my shoulders and push me onto the bed. 

"Gotcha!", Macy exclaimed as We both fell onto the fluffy bed. Her hands were both over my shoulders, supporting her body as my legs were in between hers. She was basically straddling me and there's no way I wasn't as red as a tomato. 

My eyes caught hers again as I peered into them. 

Might I remind you all that we both are now in college... so this situation was no longer anywhere near innocent. I felt her slowly, as much as a turtle, lower her face and lifted my head up to meet her halfway. Just when the big moment was about to happen, a loud knock rang on the door ruining the moment. 

"Ah...", Macy let out a slight sound of panic as she immediately got off and stood up straight, adjusting her slightly crumpled and untidy outfit. She then cleared her throat with a cough as she walked over to the door. 

I lay there still, on the bed as realisation hit me like a truck. 

We almost kissed!!!!

Almost kissed!!!!

She wanted to kiss me right?!!!!! 

Well, this won't be the first time but... she doesn't know that... 

My thoughts led me to that moment and I felt my face heat up as I remembered the feeling of kissing her soft pink lips. 

God... what has she done to me... 

Macy POV





I cleared my throat with a cough as I walked over and opened the door, slightly mad at whoever was outside for ruining the moment. 

"may I help you?", I called out as I opened the door only to see a weirdo with an awkward outfit and a camera for glasses. 

oh no... 

"Look into the lens...", He trailed. 


I shut the door with a bang and held it closed as Adrien shot up. 

"it's an Akuma!!!", I yelled as he nodded and quickly rushed to push a table in front of it. I moved away as the table blocked the door and we both ran to find a way out of here. 

"Okay, we're literally on the top floor of this hotel so we can't get down without a rope", I began, assessing the situation. 

"And there are no emergency exits in this room", Adrien continued. 

"So basically, we're screwed", I sighed. 

"Wait", I realised, "I opened the door without my mask on!!!!". 

"Oh yeah", Adrien trailed as I had a full-blown panic attack. 

"Shit!! how could I possibly make such a rookie mistake!!! I can't believe I lost my mind after just-", She froze as a slightly awkward silence surrounded the now 2 blushing figures. 

"Well, on the bright side, when Ladybug de-akumatizes him, he won't remember anything", Adrien comforted, trying to smooth out the situation. 

 "If she does it", I mumbled, finding it hard to remain optimistic. 

"When she does it. Don't worry, I'm sure Multi Mouse, Chat Noir and Ladybug will find a way", Adrien smiled, giving me a little bit of hope. Just then the door flew open as Pixelator walked in. 


"Look into the lens", he smirked. 

"Watch out!", Adrien called out as he threw himself in front of me and got hit by the laser. 

"Adrien!", I called out in shock as he disappeared right in front of me in a blink of an eye. As Pixelator aimed at me next I swiftly dodged his aim and pushed him away, running out the door and into the corridor, trying to find a place to transform. Just then, I noticed the elevator doors open and ran inside, waiting for it to close before letting Mullo fly out. 

"I can't believe I let Adrien take the hit for me!!", I gasped as guilt flooded every inch of my body. My instincts to overthink kicked in as the previous trauma had by no means vanished. 

"hey! Macy! look at me", Mullo flew in front of my face, "he's going to be fine. I'm sure we can save him! But for that, you need to transform". 

I took a deep breath and calmed myself as much as I could. She's right, being irrational won't help this situation. Anxiety can wait until after he's safe. Right now, Adrien's safety is my main priority. 

"Are you better?", She asked. 

"Yeah", I gave her a wry smile as determination flashed in my eyes, "Mullo, Get Squeaky!!". 

As soon as I transformed, I dashed out of the elevator and started looking for Pixelator when a bunch of crashing and bangs were heard. I knew that LB or Chat probably reached here so I followed the noises and entered Jagged Stone's room only to find LB without her yoyo. I quickly used my whip and dragged the suitcase and baggage trolley onto Pixelator, buying us some time to escape. 

I then grabbed Jagged stone and rushed over to LB, trying to take her hand when my hand went right through. 

"huh?", I looked at her questioningly. 

"Don't question it", LB sighed as she picked up her Yoyo and we swung away. 

"Where to?", I asked. 

"Somewhere Pixelator won't be able to find Jagged Stone", LB replied. 

"And I have the perfect idea", I smirked as we made our way to hell's reincarnation- uh I mean- Francois Dupon college.... hehe


When we got there, LB convinced Jagged Stone to stay whereas I convinced the principal to let him. 

"But Multi- mouse, are you sure this is safe? this is a school!", The Principal asked, hesitantly. 

"Yes! who the hell would expect a famous rock star to actually want to stay in this hell hole-cough!- I mean school!", I laughed, nervously. The Principal frowned as LB immediately popped in front of me. 

"She means uh isn't school awesome!", LB chuckled after me as we both awkwardly stood there for a bit. 

"This is ridiculous! I can't stay here! first I get hijacked by some crazed fan! then I'm attacked by some super weirdo and-", Jagged rambled when LB stopped him. 

"Wait, what do you know about this crazed fan", LB asked as she became increasingly frustrated about her kinda pixelated right arm. 

As Jagged stone explained LB and I decided that the Akuma was probably him. 

"Vincent asa, urgh!", LB groaned as she struggled to type his name in her yoyo. I stopped her. 

"Uh, maybe I should do it", I smiled wryly as LB nodded and typed his name in my whip's handle, which also had various other functions. 

"Got his address", I announced as LB and I turned to leave. 

"Wait! you're not gonna leave me here are you?", Jagged called out after us when the principal let out a dissatisfied grumble, "Uh, I mean, isn't school awesome?". 

I let out a slight chuckle at his reply as LB and I left the premises.

"LB, you check out his house! I'll go look for him", I instructed. 

"Sure, contact me when you find him", She nodded as we both parted ways. 


I jumped across rooftops, trying to find any sign of him when a notification popped up. The Akuma was being... interviewed? Jesus... Nadia ain't got no fear eh? 

Pixelator commanded Jagged to show himself or else he would continue taking a 'photo' of everyone. I recognized where he was. 

It was the Champs- Elysees! 

I quickly changed direction and started heading there when LB called. 

"yeah I know where he is already", I mentioned as soon as I picked up. 

"I'll meet you there then", LB replied as we cut the call and I made my way there. 


I landed right in front of Pixelator, stopping him from capturing another victim. 

"What's the rush dude? your finger itchy?", I teased with a smirk as the surrounding crowd cheered. 

Pixelator immediately started shooting at me, which I dodged skillfully. LB quickly joined the fight as we ran around, trying to dodge his attacks. It was getting harder as time passed. Suddenly, LB got hit falling on top of me as we both tried to avoid Pixelator by dragging our butts away from him, only to hit the back of a car. 

"Wait!", I yelled, just as Pixelator was about to attack, "I have a proposition!". 

"What is it?". 

"If you free those innocent people, I'll organize a photoshoot with... Jagged Stone!", I finished. 

This seemed to pique his interest, "And why should I trust a mouse?". 

"Because only we know where Jagged Stone is", LB pitched in. 

"How about I free half of them now and the other half after the photoshoot?", He asked. 

"Alright it's a deal", LB agreed. 

"yeah right", I murmured as LB smirked. There's no way that's gonna happen you psychotic fan! You're quite easy to fool y'know. 

I hope Chat is a part of the half he's releasing. 

True to his word, Pixelator immediately freed the citizens. I may be feeling slightly guilty about cheating him but... no one asked you to turn into a villain just cause you couldn't get a photo y'know...

"I kept my part of the deal Ladybug! now it's your turn", Pixelator exclaimed. Just as I was about to come up with an excuse, I noticed Chat creeping behind him. Lb noticed too. 

"Pixelator, I know your Akuma is inside your glasses", LB exclaimed loud enough for Chat to hear. 

Just as Chat was about to grab the glasses, a random civilian called out to him, allowing Pixelator to find out where he was. 




I let out a loud groan as Chat was flung at us. I quickly caught him in a princess carry. 

"Looks like you you just fell for me", I teased as Chat smirked. 

"what can I say, M'lady, you're irresistible". 

I rolled my eyes and let go of him without warning, landing him butt first on the floor. 

"Not the time you 2", LB rolled her eyes as Chat groaned. She held out her hand to help him up. As Chat tried to grab it, his hand went right through. 

"Not very handy I see", He smirked to which LB didn't comment. 

"What about our deal?!", Pixelator angrily called out as he restarted his attacks. 

Can someone hit his off button? 

LB, Chat and I dodged his attacks as I slipped away from his line of sight. 

"Multitude", I called out softly as I instructed my clone to take my place in the fight. I then hid behind a car as the three of them fought. Chat, unfortunately, got caught again. 

I took this as an opportunity to slip out. 

"When the cat's away the mice will play", Pixelator called out. 

"Damn right!", I exclaimed as all my clones quickly held him down and I grabbed his glasses. 

"LB catch!", I called out as she caught them. Chat and a few other civilians appeared suddenly, signalling that Chat found a way to get out. 

Lb broke the eerily old and definitely out of fashion glasses, letting the Akuma out and returning everything to normal. 

My work here is done. 


I transformed in the hotel's washroom and quickly walked out the find Adrien standing there, perfectly safe. 

"Adrien!", I called out in utter relief as I wrapped him in a bone-crushing hug. He let out a chuckle followed by coughs.

"Mace, I can't breath". 

"Oh right, sorry", I laughed as I let him go. 

"Didn't ask you to let go though...", Adrien mumbled quietly. 

"What?", I asked, as I didn't pay attention. 

"Nothing", he smiled. I smiled back. 

"I'm glad you're safe", I sighed, "but promise me never to risk yourself to protect me again. ever.". 

"Now Mace, you know I could never promise that", Adrien sighed.

"But you have to!", I spoke a little bit more forceful than I intended. 

"I- I just can't lose you okay?", I stuttered but tried to remain calm. 

God, I feel cringe but... it's true. 

"hey. I'm sorry for worrying you, but if something like that happened again, I would do the same thing... and I know you would do the same for me, despite how much I'd rather you not", Adrien chuckled drily. 

"Idiot",  I mumbled as I hugged him again, knowing that every word he spoke was true, "Annoying idiot". 

"You love me", Adrien teased, hugging me back. 

"Urgh, shut up", I laughed. 

Adrien Agreste, you will be the death of me. 

I never realised how true those words would become one day...
