Alone in a Cottage

Adrien POV

I could see her panic. It's pretty obvious she's scared, but I can't help myself. She's just too cute! Being the Tsundere she is, she can't admit that she is scared. Being the Chat Noir I am, I wanted to tease her. I want to see how long she can last. 

Before I played the movie, I asked Macy to get us some blankets. Even though there was a bonfire, It was still pretty cold. This rain reminded me of when we first met. I smiled at the thought. Though we didn't really know each other that time, it was still memorable. I wonder if she still has my jacket. 

As I was lost in thought, Macy came back.

"Adrien, there is only one big blanket. I'm not that cold so you can take it!", She spoke as she walked over. I could see her legs slightly shaking.

This idiot.

She sat beside me on the couch. Just then, It clicked. 

I grabbed the blanket and opened it completely, then I wrapped one side on Macy and the other, on myself. After I was done adjusting, I looked up to see Macy blushing. 

Oh wait, this is what most couples do. 

But we're going to be a couple sooner or later so...

I just acted as if I didn't notice.

Macy then pulled her legs up and folded them towards her chest. She was trying to move away and I noticed it.

You're not getting away that easily.

I smirked secretly before wrapping one arm around her waist and pulling her closer. I saw her blush even more. I couldn't help but laugh. She pouted and I laughed more.

Macy POV

Shit, he caught me! I was trying to create some space between us! This is making me nervous!!!

But damn, This is so comfortable!! and warm!! I don't want to leave this warmth!! I saw him laugh at my expression.


I ended up giving in and snuggling into his warmth. What? I can't help it! 

"Are you ready?", Adrien smirked as he turned on the television. 



The movie started and I was already scared. 

Adrien POV

I played the movie before getting comfortable. The movie I chose was something that wasn't super scary. I only wanted to tease the girl, not scare the life out of her!

We weren't even past the first few minutes and she was already shivering. Each time something scary or even close to scary happened she would move even closer to me or hide her face in my chest. 

She was shivering. I didn't know if it was because of the cold or because she was scared. Nevertheless, I tightened my hold around her and brought her closer to me to share my warmth. She froze for a bit before relaxing again. 

the rest of the movie was awesome. At least on my part. Macy was screaming at every turn. She must really be scared of ghosts. The cutest thing was she was literally on my lap halfway through the movie. She was hugging me for dear life and didn't even notice the impact she caused on me. I had to use all of my willpower to hold back. I should be given an award for being able to hide it this long. 

While these thoughts clouded my head, I felt tired and closed my eyes for a bit. I rested my head on Macy's and slowly drifted onto dreamland.

Macy POV

This movie is so damn scary!! 

I really shouldn't have agreed!!

The movie had ended after 3 long hours of hell. I sighed in relief. I was going to scold Adrien when I noticed that he was already asleep. I smiled defeatedly. I could never get mad at this idiot. 

Suddenly, I heard my phone beep. I checked to see it was from work. Turns out, I had some urgent work to do. I sighed in annoyance. I'm really not in the mood.

Grumbling, I got up and reluctantly walked to a room and opened my laptop, getting to work.

Adrien POV

I slowly stirred awake when I felt some warmth fading. When I was finally up I noticed, Macy wasn't there. I got off the couch and walked to the bedroom to see her on the bed, with her laptop on her lap. It seems she got some last-minute work. 

I wanted to help her out because she looked tired and thought of what I could do. I walked towards the kitchen and found some coco-powder. there were also some store-bought cookies so I decided to make hot chocolate with cookies for the side.

After living with Macy for so long, I got the hang of basic cooking. I grabbed my phone and looked up some tutorials before starting to make the delicious drink. 

It ended up coming out way better than I expected. Happy, with my work, I grabbed a mug for both of us before grabbing the cookies and walking towards the bedroom. I pushed the door open and this caught Macy's attention.

"Oh, hey Adrien! did you have a nice sleep?", She asked while smiling.

"yup! and look what I made for the both of us!", I smiled mysteriously before bringing the delicacies to her view. She looked at me confused for a bit before her eyes met the food. Then it went super wide with joy and she squealed.

"yay!!! hot cocoa!!! just what I needed!!!", She excitedly gushed as I gave her the drink. She took her sip before her eyes gleamed and she turned towards me with stars in her eyes. She's too cute, I swear she'll be the death of me. I think I'm officially totally in love with this girl.

"Adrien!! these are delicious!!", She exclaimed.

"Thanks", I smiled as I got on the bed, sitting next to her. We talked for a bit as we drank our hot chocolate. 

As Macy finished the drink, she seemed to have thought of something as her eyes looked at me with an excited look.

"Adrien! do you want to learn about business?", She asked out of nowhere. I looked at her confused.

"Well, I noticed that you have a talent for running a business and wanted to grow it. You can start by learning the basics with me and doing small paperwork here and there. Once you got the hang of it, you can help me out with my work too!", She explained as her eyes looked at me expectantly.

To be honest, I was hesitant until I learned that I could be of help to her. She's only in college and is already the CEO of a huge company. I'm proud of her, but at the same time, I want to help shoulder her burdens. This is the perfect opportunity!

"Of course!", I replied. Macy smiled widely and hugged me.

"Yay! let's get to work, shall we?", She broke off the hug, to my disappointment, before smiling at me. I nodded and we both turned our attention to the computer.

She started teaching me basic stuff. I actually found this, very interesting. At first, I only did this to help her, but as I listen to her, I willingly want to learn more. This is fun!

For the next few hours, the 2 of us worked together to finish the paperwork. It took less time with the both of us working together. We then got ready for bed and went to sleep. It seemed natural for us to cuddle as Macy rolled into my chest and snuggled close before drifting off to dreamland. I kissed her on the forehead before drifting off to sleep. 


The next day, we woke up and got dressed before stepping out to go to school. Today was the competition results, so we took the hat we made before heading out. We decided to go in Adrien's car since it was faster. I treated the bodyguard, who just nodded as usual before getting. The bodyguard and I were pretty close now. It's natural for me to get into Adrien's car. 

Halfway through, I get a message. I opened it to check and the message shocked me. I let out a gasp which caught Adrien's attention. He looked at me questioningly while I sighed.

"I won't be able to participate in the competition", I wanted to prank him before telling him the good news.

"What??!! Why??!!!", He looked super upset and I felt bad for tricking so I spilled the good news.

"Because... I'll be modeling the winning design with you instead!!", I broke the news to him. he froze for a bit before smiling at me brightly.

"No way!!!", he exclaimed as we hugged. I laughed. We stayed in a comfortable atmosphere until it was time to pick up Natalie, Adrien's Assistant, and Gabriel, his dad. The atmosphere got a bit dense as Miss Natalie got in the car. I looked to see that she was only carrying a tablet and Mr. Agreste was nowhere to be found. I just shrugged. Usually, when seeing people with an imposing atmosphere like Natalie, people would avoid eye contact. But, I, who is used to being around people like her, am not afraid.

"Hello Miss Natalie", I greeted politely. She looked at me shocked for a second before smiling at me and greeting me back.

"Ah, you must be Adrien's roommate, Miss Dupain Cheng", She spoke. I flinched at the last few words. I don't think she noticed, but it turns out I was wrong.

"Ah, Please, just call me Macy", I tried to smooth it over. I'm sure people like her could read the atmosphere and immediately nodded.

"Alright", She nodded before going back to what she was doing. I turned to see Adrien totally shocked, I looked at him questioningly.

Adrien POV


I am shocked beyond words. Natalie doesn't smile at anyone unless she respects them. This means Macy earned her approval. MY WIFE IS AWESOME!!!

I smiled happily the whole ride there. 

Once we got there, my father who video called into the Ipad, started looking at everyone's designs. When he reached Marinette's design, it ended up being the same as Chloe's design.

Macy POV

Chloe, that brat must've copied the design. Though I want to help, I'm sure Marinette has got this covered.

I was right. Chloe ran home crying.

"Congratulations on winning miss uh?", Gabriel looked at her questioningly. 

"Marinette", Marinette introduced herself. Adrien and I just smiled at each other.

"Adrien will model your design on his next photo shoot along with Princess magic", Gabriel finished. Marinette looked shocked. I mean, who could blame her? Princess Magic will model along with Adrien who will wear her design!! that's something rare!!

"Congratulations on winning Marinette", Adrien smiled at her, maintaining his distance, before holding out his hand. Marinette gave the hat to him and he wore was about to wear it when he suddenly froze. I wondered why when I remembered he was Allergic to feathers. I discovered this when I once asked Adrien to dry the clothes and he started sneezing after coming in contact with a feather.

Without thinking, I help my finger out, inhabit, to prevent him from sneezing. 

"Thanks", He smiled at me gratefully to which I smiled back.

I was unaware of 4 shocked people standing next to us. 

Marinette was shocked at our closeness.

Alya was shocked that it seemed so natural.

Natalie was shocked that I knew about the allergy.

Gabriel was shocked that his son was this close to a girl.

All this while, the duo was oblivious.


Natalie POV

That girl is not normal. She wasn't intimidated by me. She seemed like she was used to this. I need to tell Mr.Agreste about her.

I walked into his office.

"Hello Sir", I greeted. he nodded.

"Natalie I want to ask you something. Who was that girl?", He asked. I was shocked. Gabriel was never interested in Adrien's friends.

"She's Adrien's roommate sir", I quickly replied.

"Keep an eye on her. She might not be an ordinary girl after all. Also, get all the information available about her in secret.", he spoke after a pause. I froze for a minute before nodding and leaving.

Macy Dupain Cheng. You might become a candidate...
