Bonding as a Family

Adrien POV

That photoshoot was the most fun I've ever had. I know I had to act like a couple with Macy and all, but it wasn't so bad. I actually like it. I think I might be crushing on Macy too. ugh... I don't want to think about this right now. 

We were done in a bit and the middle, I saw Marinette leave with Alya. I wonder what happened. But I didn't pay much attention. 

"Adrien! ready to go?!", I heard Macy shout from the exit.

"yeah! coming!", I rushed over. I took Ruu from her arms so that she could relax for a bit. We walked towards the bridge, talking and laughing. Macy talked about stuff Ruu did when they were alone and I told her stuff he did when we were alone. It was a nice walk filled with laughter. It felt like the world only had the 3 of us. It felt right! 

We reached the bridge in a bit and saw an ice cream man, standing over there. We decided to get ice cream from him. When we got there we heard him singing some weird stuff which I didn't understand. 

"Hello!", I greeted.

"oh what do we have here!", a cute little couple!", he smiled and I blushed. I then smirked at the thought of us being a couple. I saw Macy about to talk but I cut her off smirking.

"thank you sir!", I wrapped my hand around her shoulder. I could see her blushing and getting flustered. I had to hold back my laughter. 

"well then. let me get you some ice cream!", he then said a weird rhyme which I again didn't understand. But in the end, we got strawberry, blueberry and blackberry flavored ice cream given to us. It wasn't a bad combination so we took it. As we were leaving, I saw a bunch of couples getting ice cream from him. Weird. The ice cream we got was pink at the base, with dark blue in the middle and black at the top. It all looked kind of similar to Macy, except the black was more of my style. I shrugged at the thought. We found a bench that faced a lake. We decided to sit there as to not be caught by my fans. I had already told Gorilla where I was so he most probably will be coming here. Though it will take a long time to get here. 

"You know, My parents used to say that bridge that we went to, was where my father proposed to my mother, They said they were eating ice cream and he put the ring on the ice cream, causing her to almost swallow it!", Macy spoke, looking at the lake nostalgically. Now that I think about it, she never talks about her family much. 

"Now that I think about it! you never tell me anything about your family", I decided today. 

"Neither do you!", she shot back smirking.

"Touche", I raised my hands in defeat as she giggled. Ruu was sitting in her lap as we ate ice cream. She would feed him some bites here and there. 

"Alright then, let's get to know each other! I'll tell you about myself and you tell me about yourself!", I smirked at her. She seemed to hesitate a bit, but she nodded. 

"Alright then, but you go first!", she smiled and nodded.

"well, I was very young when my mum died. She was always so kind and full of life! I used to look up to her! at that time, my father was also very energetic. But after she passed away, he put a wall around himself, becoming cold to everyone, including his own son", I took a deep breath, "he made himself busy with work, to forget about the pain. He then started expecting me to be the perfect son. He made me learn things I didn't have much interest in, and never let me leave the house. I didn't like that. I wanted to be free, to go to school, to have fun! just like everyone else. Every time I ask he will just say that he is protecting me, but I feel more controlled than protected" I finished. I could feel my hands shaking. I haven't told anyone how I really felt until now. Suddenly I felt warmth in my hand. I saw Macy put her hand on mine, to stop the shaking. She gave me a reassuring smile, which I gladly gave back. I took a deep breath to calm myself.

"so yeah!  that's my story! now your turn!", I smirked at her. she then looked down, hiding her expression. 

"Alright then, you know my name right? well my full name is Macy Dupain Cheng.", my eyes widened in surprise. 

"I am the daughter of the best bakers in Paris, Tom and Sabine, and the twin sister of Marinette Dupain Cheng", she sighed. I was just shocked. 

"I have been invisible my whole life. My parents forgot I existed and so did my sister... I never really had friends and was pretty lonely growing up. When school started, I had to remind my parents a bunch of times to pay the fees. They would forget about me a lot. They once even left me on the street when we went out to get dinner. They forgot that I was there and ordered a table for 3. The waiter had to remind them about me", she chuckled sadly, but I could feel that she was on the verge of tears. 

"When I was in middle school, I was bullied a lot. I tried to fight back once but it didn't work out too well. They had called me to the roof once, saying they wanted to call a truce. I was still on guard, not sure if they meant it. We talked for a bit and after I was convinced that they wouldn't hurt me, I put my guard down. That was my first and only mistake. They cornered me to the edge and pushed me off the building. It was a very tall building. As I fell, I felt my life flash before my eyes. Luckily there were trees and bushes, which cushioned my fall. I don't remember how long I laid there but eventually, a student who passed by saw me and informed the teachers. who called an ambulance. My parents were informed and I was in a coma. When I woke up 2 months had passed, the first people I wanted to see were my parents. I asked the nurse if they came when I was passed out and the answer she gave me was very hesitant. She was probably filled with guilt seeing my innocent face. I brushed the question aside seeing as she was uncomfortable and asked if she could call my parents in front of me. She reluctantly agreed. She put the phone on speaker and told my parents that I had woken up, do you know what they said?", she asked tears rolling down her cheek. I felt her voice crack. I had a bad feeling. 

"they asked the nurse who I was... I was shocked to the core. I didn't think they'd forget me to the point that they wouldn't even remember I was hospitalized. At that moment I got the answer to my question. They never visited me, because they forgot. I wasn't loved. My nurse had to remind them who I was. After about 10 tries, they finally remembered me and started asking about my well-being, but I was too emotionless to care. They forgot me, and now they ask how I was? what a joke. The nurse told them which hospital and they said they would be there soon. After she left the room. I cried. I remember crying so much, tears wouldn't come out anymore. I remember me choking and gasping for air. I waited for 3 days for them to come and see me. To give me false hope. To at least tell me they loved me even if it was fake. But they never came. The hospital had to call them again. It turns out they were in one of Marinette's presentations on the day that I woke up. They forgot about me and had taken her out for the celebration. I finally snapped. When they came, I gave them the cold shoulder. I didn't care how much my mom was crying and asking how I was. It was all fake and I knew it. They'd forget about me once they walk out the door again. I mean, who needs me when they have the perfect daughter Marinette. She was always better than me no matter what. I looked up at her. I wanted to be her, no that's not it. I wanted to be loved...", she finished sobbing silently.

Macy POV

I finished. I was a crying mess. I couldn't stop these tears no matter what. I tried to wipe them away but it didn't work. Suddenly I felt myself being pulled into someone's arms. I opened my eyes to see Adrien hugging me tightly.

"you're not alone anymore...", he whispered into my ear. That's all it took for me to break down. I cried. I cried so bad. I hugged him back and cried as he comforted me. I couldn't stop. This was what I needed. someone to hug me and tell me that I'm not alone. That I'm not invisible. I waited for so long. I tightly clutched onto his coat, not wanting to let go. He seemed to understand me as he also stayed like that. I don't know how long I cried until I heard something.

I turned to see Ruu looking at me with concern in his eyes. He slowly floated to my height and wiped my tears. I smiled at his action. I took him into my arms and hugged him. From the corner of my eye, I saw Adrien smiling at us in a loving gaze. I felt my gaze soften. Dang it, I think I'm in love... 

When I thought of that, my eyes shot open. I think I could work with that! I looked at Adrien and smiled at him brightly. I opened my purse and took out 3 tickets. 

"here you go!", I handed him the tickets. He looked at the tickets and his eyes widened. 

"no way... you got tickets to a Princess magic concert?", he asked surprised. I nodded at him grinning.

"Yup! I know I'm awesome! anyway, I got 3 tickets, 1 for you, 1 for Ruu and 1 for Wanya!", I exclaimed.

I could see his eyes glisten like a child's. I chuckled at the sight. I then stood up.

"well, I'll take Ruu home and you convince your bodyguard to let you come to the concert.", I took Ruu into my arms.

"Wait, aren't you coming?", he asked. oh no.

"um... I uh, don't like her that much! yeah! I only got these tickets for you guys!", I nervously made it up. I just said I don't like my singing. This is so weird. 

"gotta go bye!", I got up and dashed home. Leaving poor Adrien by himself, totally confused.

As I got home, I left Ruu for Wanya and dashed upstairs to write the new song I have in mind. 

I shut the door and turned to come to face first with a crying Mullo.

"I'm so sorry you had to go through that Macy, nobody deserves to feel invisible and forgotten!", she sobbed as she hugged my cheek. I smiled softly at her.

"Hey, it's alright, I'm glad that you care for me so much!", I hugged her back. She still had tears in her eyes, but she smiled back at me. 

"oh btw, did you like your 'moment' with Adrien?", she smirked. I went beet red. Now that I think about it, we hugged. And we stayed like that for GOD KNOWS HOW LONG!!

Mullo started laughing at my expression. I started chasing her. We goofed around for a bit before I started writing the lyrics to my new song. Mullo already knows all my secrets, including the one about me being Princess Magic and the owner of Vision. Wait... Now that I think about it... I HAVEN'T DONE ANY OF THE PAPERWORK FOR A LONG TIME!!!! OH, THIS IS GOING TO TAKE ATLEAST A WEEK OF NON-STOP WORKING!!!

I sighed in defeat. I've got a long day ahead of me.

Adrien POV

I watched as Macy ran away. I wonder if something's wrong. Then Plagg flew out of my coat. 

"I gotta admit, I never thought that girl had gone through something like that... she's usually smiling when she's at home", Plagg sighed. This is the first time I've seen him like this. But I can't blame him. Nobody should go through what she did. Comparing her life to mine, I feel blessed. At least my father cares about me to some extent. I sighed and looked at the tickets in my hand. I smiled. Looking at them reminds me of her smile. 

"Ooh, already thinking about your wife huh?", Plagg teased causing me to blush. Wife... I like the sound of that. 

"Btw, I saw that little moment you had with her", he smirked. I blushed even more. We hugged. Her body was so small and warm. She looked so broken. So hurt. I've never seen her break down like that. I felt her hug me tightly. Thinking of that made me go completely red. 

What are you doing to me... Macy?


It was now time for the concert. my bodyguard allowed me to come, but he stood in at the entrance. My father surprisingly allowed me to go, since we had a close relationship with them. He said that it was okay as long as I didn't get into trouble. I was so happy. I immediately changed into some clothes I had and walked over to Ruu. I wanted to see if he had any clothes to match. I checked his wardrobe to find... a bunch of clothes in it!!! there were so many!!!! most of them matched with mine, and some of them most probably matched Macy. I saw that at least 70% of these look handmade. They all had Macy's signature on them. I chuckled, She must really like Ruu huh? 

I found one that matched my clothing and got Ruu into it. I made Wanya transform into a human and we all got into my Limo, driving to the concert. 

When I got there, I saw Marinette, Alya, and Nino. Chloe was also there with Sabrina. 

"hey guys!", I waved at them. 

"Adrikins!!", Chloe threw herself at me. My bodyguard had to pry her off.

"Dude!! I thought you couldn't get a ticket?", Nino asked.

"oh I couldn't, Macy had some extra so she gave me hers!", I replied, smiling at the mention of the girl's name. 

"That's great!", Nino put his arm around my shoulder. I smiled and waved at Alya and Marinette. they waved back. Marinette as usual waved at me awkwardly, but I paid it no mind and waved back.

"wait dude, who's the kid?", Nino asked, staring at Ruu, who is in Adrien's arms.

"oh uh... he's uh... my cousin! yeah! he came with his family, but they work a lot so he became very close to me, who took care of him!", I made up an excuse quickly. 

"Papa!", Ruu just had to call out at a time like this. The 5 of them looked at me in shock. Quick Agreste THINK!!

"he uh, like I said! he's very close to me, so he calls me papa! he's still a child so I let him do it!", I started to sweat from nervousness. They seem to have bought my story as they went back to talking.

Then the lights dimmed, signaling the beginning of the concert.

"What's up Paris!!", a young female, with a mask on came on stage. She was wearing a beautiful frock. It was in pink and grey, with a hint of blue. Her light blue hair shone as it reflected the lighting around. her voice seemed oddly familiar. I just shrugged. 

"Welcome to my concert! Let's party together!!", She exclaimed as the crowd roared.

"Since we are in the city of love tonight! Let us begin with a beautiful love song! After all, Love concurs all!", she smiled brightly. The music started playing in the background as I watched from my spot with Ruu in my hands. He seemed to be giggling and smiling a lot. I smiled at his action. 

Third Person POV

Normal- Macy


Time's been ticking, hearts are running

Think that Cupid's up to something

You ask me how I feel, I say nothing
But lately, colors seem so bright
And the stars light up the night
My feet, they feel so light
I'm ignoring all the signs
I keep on frontin'
Yeah, I stay bluffin'
I keep you wondering
Keep you hunting for my lovin'
But I crave us hugging
Yeah, I stay stubborn
'Cause I can't admit that you got all the strings
And know just how to tug 'em

I think I'm in love again
(In my head, yeah, you're in my head)
I think I'm in love again
(In my head, yeah, you're in my head)
I didn't think it could be true
Let alone that it would be you
I think I'm in love again
(I'm in love, I'm in love, I'm in love)

My heart's pacing

I'm confused, I'm dazing
I saw something I have never seen in you, it's got me shaking
I must be hallucinating
I hear it happens, I'm just saying
Babe, I'm just saying
Someone give me some paper
Someone give me some crayons
I'm feeling like a child
I need something to play on
I'm trying hard to trust you
When you say give me your hand
Baby, I'm falling
I hope you catch me when I land (the crowd goes wild on the high note. Adrien started to sing along with the rest of the fans)I think I'm in love again
(In my head, yeah, you're in my head) Oh, yeah, yeah
I think I'm in love again
(In my head, yeah, you're in my head) Oh
I didn't think it could be true
Let alone that it would be you
I think I'm in love again
(I'm in love, I'm in love, I'm in love)In my dreams, you're the Dutch and I'm the Dutchess
And your blunts are always loose
So I'm in charge of rolling Dutches
And we gettin' so high
We always get the munchies
And we go for early brunches
That turn into late lunches
And we ain't got a label
We're just rolling with the punches
I make fun of your belly
And tell you to do some crunches
And you say "yeah, well your ass jiggles
Go and do some lunges"
I say "fuck you"
While I'm thinking of you as my husband, hmm (Macy winks at Adrien, who blushes. Nino sees this and hits his shoulder playfully)

I think I'm in love
I think I'm in love again
(In my head, yeah, you're in my head)
Baby, I think I'm in love again
I think I'm in love again
(In my head, yeah, you're in my head) Oh
I didn't think it could be true
Let alone that it would be you
I think I'm in love again
(I'm in love, I'm in love, I'm in love)I think I'm in love again


After the song, the crowd goes wild. Yelling and screaming. Adrien had to cover Ruu's ears. 

"shhhhhh", Macy kept her hand on her mouth playfully and the crowd stopped yelling. 

"don't hurt your voices for me! as long as your happy I could already hear your heart screaming in joy!", She winked cutely. You could literally see hearts in all the people's eyes. She then seemed to have realized what she had done and blushed furiously before turning away.

"Not that I care!", the crowd laughed at her antics. Princess magic's concerts were always full of smiles. They sometimes give free tickets to local orphanages and charity centers. Princess Magic was known for making people happy. That's why she was called the Happy Singer.

"Don't laugh at me!", she whined, causing the crowd, including Adrien to laugh more. 

Adrien POV

I'm glad I came here. But I'm pretty bummed that Macy didn't come. Suddenly I heard Ruu say something. 

"What is it Ruu?", I asked.

"Mama!", he exclaimed, stretching his hands towards The stage. 

"That's not mama Ruu!", I tried to explain. He looked back at me with confidence and repeated 'mama' pointing at Princess Magic. This startled me. 

I looked back at the stage. now that I think about it, Macy also has Light blue hair and Dark blue eyes. Their figures are exactly alike too. And finally, their voices match! 

My eyes widened at the discovery. Macy is Princess Justice!!! It makes sense! Macy obviously couldn't come to the concert, because she was the singer herself!! I smiled. I'm proud of her. And before she silenced everyone, I saw her Turn towards Ruu and me. She must have seen me covering his ears. This made my smile Widen. Then I blushed when I remembered, that she winked at me. I went so red, you could see steam coming out of my ears. 

"Alright, guys! This is for all the Ladies out there!", She smiled again as the music played. 

same logic as the previous one

She got a body like an hourglass
But I can give it to you all the time
She got a booty like a Cadillac
But I can send you into overdrive (Oh)
(You've been waiting for that)
(Stop, hold up, swing your bat)
See anybody could be bad to you
You need a good girl to blow your mind, yeah bang bang into the room (I know you want it)
Bang bang all over you (I'll let you have it)
Wait a minute, let me take you there (Ah)
Wait a minute 'til ya (Ah, hey!)Bang bang there goes your heart (I know you want it)
Back, back seat of my car (I'll let you have it)
Wait a minute, let me take you there (Ah)
Wait a minute 'til ya (Ah, hey!)She might've let you hold her hand in school
But I'ma show you how to graduate
No, I don't need to hear you talk the talk
Just come and show me what your momma gave ya (Oh, yeah)
I heard you've got a very big (Shh)
Mouth but don't say a thing. See anybody could be good to you
You need a bad girl to blow your mind Bang bang into the room (I know you want it)
Bang bang all over you (I'll let you have it)
Wait a minute, let me take you there (Ah)
Wait a minute 'til ya (Ah, hey!)Bang bang there goes your heart (I know you want it)
Back, back seat of my car (I'll let you have it)
Wait a minute, let me take you there (Ah)
Wait a minute 'til ya (Ah, yeah) (You know what, girls?)
(Let me show you how to do it)

It's Myx Moscato
It's frizz in a bottle
It's Nicki full throttle
It's oh, oh swimming in the grotto
We winning in the lotto
We dipping in the pot of blue foam, soKitten so good
It's dripping on wood
Get a ride in the engine that could goBatman robbin' it
Bang, bang, cockin' it
Queen Nicki dominant, prominent 

It's me, Jessie, and Ari
If they test me they sorry
Ride his uh, like a Harley
Then pull off in his Ferrari
If he hangin' we bangin'
Phone rangin', he slangin'
It ain't karaoke night but get the mic 'cause I'm singin' (Uh)B to the A, to the N, to the G, to the uh (Baby)
B to the A, to the N, to the G, to the hey See anybody could be good to you
You need a bad girl to blow your mind (Your mind)Bang, bang into the room (I know you want it)
Bang bang all over you (I'll let you have it)
Wait a minute let me take you there (Ah)
Wait a minute 'til ya (Ah, hey!)Bang bang there goes your heart (I know you want it)
Back, back seat of my car (I'll let you have it)
Wait a minute let me take you there (Ah)
Wait a minute 'til ya (Ah, hey!)Bang, bang into the room (I know you want it)
Bang bang all over you (I'll let you have it)Yo, I said
Bang, bang
Bang, bang, ba-bang, bang
Bang, bang, bang
Bang, bang, ba-bang, BangBang bang there goes your heart (I know you want it)
Back, back seat of my car (I'll let you have it)
Wait a minute let me take you there (Ah)
Wait a minute 'til ya (Ah, hey!)

After the song ended, the crowd had the same reaction as the previous one, except this time, it wasn't as loud. 

"I hope you guys enjoyed it!!! that's it for tonight!!", Macy bowed. 
