
Macy POV

The school was over and I knew I had tons of stuff to do so I got up early. I played with Ruu for a bit before going to my office. The minute I opened the door I could see at least 10 piles of paper works that were almost reaching the ceiling.

This is going to be one long evening. 


Adrien POV

I had finally finished my photoshoots and fencing. I am so damn tired. God, I need to go home and see Macy and Ruu. 

I paused at the thought.

This feeling is always so new to me. Usually going home was something I didn't look forward to. A cold and empty mansion isn't exactly welcoming. But now, my home is different. It's the place where Macy, Ruu, and Wanya are. The warm feeling of walking in to be greeted by a lovely family is definitely the best. 

Having these happy thoughts, I made my way home. I got there and entered, as usual, to be greeted by a smiling Ruu.

"Papa!", he smiled before floating towards me. I smiled and took him into my arms. I looked around and couldn't find Macy. That's weird. 

I walked towards the living room to see Wanya watching TV. 

"Hey Wanya, where's Macy?", I asked.

"ah, Brother Adrien! welcome home! About sister Macy... she's in a bit of a ... Situation", Wanya greeted before smiling awkwardly. I just stood there confused. 


I left Ruu with Wanya before making my way towards the office. I opened the door to see... I got a nosebleed.

Macy was wearing a loose green T-shirt that slightly showed her breast. She was wearing short black shorts. She had glasses on and her hair was tied in a messy bun. She was currently focusing on a document and didn't notice me. 

After calming myself, I decided to tease her. 

I walked towards her slowly. I then hugged her from behind which scared her a lot. She almost fell off but I was holding onto her so she didn't get hurt. I was laughing at her expression.

"ADRIEN!! YOU SCARED ME!!", She yelled. I chuckled and picked her off her seat.

"WOAH!", she yelped. I sat on the seat and placed her on my lap. She laughed and I smirked.

"Stop messing around Adrien, I have paperwork to do!", she smiled as she leaned onto me and used a hand cupped my cheek. 

"What paperwork?", I asked.

"oh, you heard of the rumor that princess magic is the owner of Vision right?", She looked at me and smirked. My eyes widened in realization.

"NO WAY!", I exclaimed. I was shocked obviously. The vision was a brand that risen to fame not long ago. It became world-famous and was super popular. But it was also pretty expensive. Vision is on par or even better than the Gabriel Agreste brand! Even my father appreciates it!

I looked at her in utter shock and she just smirked at me. MY FUTURE WIFE IS A GENIUS!!!

"your amazing you know that?", I sighed in defeat while she laughed.

"I know", she smirked while I grumbled. 

She then picked up some documents and started going through them. We were still in the same position. I was cuddling and enjoying her warmth when I noticed something.

"Hey, wouldn't it be easier if you just did that?", I asked as I showed her a method and pointed out a mistake. She looked shocked before seriously contemplating it.

"Y-Your right! How come I didn't think of that!! Thanks a lot, Adrien!!", She beamed. I smiled at her enthusiasm.

We spent the rest of the evening together. I helped out here and there with her paperwork which made Macy very happy. 

At night while we were in bed with Ruu who was already asleep, an idea popped in my head.

"You know, since I helped you today, what do I get as my reward", I smirked. Macy looked shocked for a bit before going into deep thought. I was going to ask when I saw her smirk. Before I could do anything she leaned in a place a soft kiss on my cheek. I froze. She immediately turned to the other side.

"You reward", I heard her say. A HUGE blush spread on my face. 



I had so many good dreams that night. 


Macy POV

The next morning was uneventful. It was a normal day... EXCEPT I KISSED HIS CHEEK!!! DAMN IT WHAT WAS I THINKING!!

I had to keep shaking off those thoughts and acting normal the whole f-ing day. DAMN YOU FEELINGS!!

I sighed. 

We had just finished breakfast and I was taking the dishes to the wash when I heard Ruu say something.

"What is it Ruu?", I asked. He pulled my clothing and pointed at the TV. It was on the Lady blog since me and Adrien, like watching it. The report was about how... LADYBUG LOST HER HISTORY TEXTBOOK?!!


I held my head in my hand. She's way too clumsy.

Then suddenly the channel changed. It seems Ruu had sat on the remote. I was going o lift him when I noticed him staring at the TV. I turned to see the news talking about the Tutankhamen exhibit. I turned back and saw Ruu very interested in it. I laughed.

"Do you wanna go?", I asked. He looked at me with Sparkling eyes. I laughed. Well, it has been a while since we took him outside, but I don't know if Adrien is free. 

As if on queue, Adrien walked in after finishing his shower. 

"Hey, what's going on?", he asked.

"Oh actually, Ruu seems interested in the exhibit, I am free today so I thought I could take him. Do you wanna come with me?", I explained before asking.

"Yeah!", Adrien replied almost instantly. I paused for a second before laughing. 

"Pfft, aren't you excited...", I smiled.

"Anyway, if we're all going then might as well take Wanya", I turned to him, "What do you say?".

Wanya's eyes gleamed and he nodded. I laughed.

"Alright then! I'm picking all our outfits!", I exclaimed before dashing upstairs. 

Once I got to my room Mullo flew out. 

"It was a great choice to go to that museum, there are so many hidden facts about kwamis and superheroes there!", She smiled as she nibbled on her cheese.

"Really?", I was shocked since I didn't expect it.

"Yup! if we get a chance, I'll show you around!", Mullo smiled and I nodded.

I got to work and selected matching outfits for all 4 of us and gave each person their clothing. I then helped Ruu get dressed before I got ready. 

After about half an hour, we were all done and locked the house. We decided to use Adrien's Limo, with the excuse of 'researching for school project'. The bodyguard let us and we drove comfortably to our destination.

After we reached, I gave Adrien a hat, mask, and sunglasses to hide his identity which he gratefully accepted. just as we reached my phone beeped. It was a message from Alya saying that she is going to the exhibit! Yay! 

I texted her that I was there too and we decided to meet up in a particular spot. I informed Adrien who was holding Ruu in his arms. 

We decided to tour the exhibit for a bit before meeting up with Alya. 

"Wow, there is so much history in here!", I was obviously excited since I had never been to an exhibit before. It was the same case with the other 3 so I didn't stand out. We went from theme to theme, exploring in peace. Ruu seems to enjoy it most as he was laughing the whole time. 

Since I a kid, I had nothing better to do than study, so I knew a lot more than an average teenager. Adrien said that since he was homeschooled, his knowledge was also more than other people's. We discussed ideas and theories and about how stupid people of old age were. It was super fun. Wanya was listening to us and seemed very interested in the earth after all the interesting stories we told him. All in all, the whole family enjoyed it. 

I know this sounds wrong but I'm glad there is someone who is as smart as me. I don't mean to brag. It's just a bit lonely when you know too much but has nobody to share it with.

Anyway, It was finally the Tutankhamen exhibit's turn. We were going to go there when we heard a loud bang!

An Akuma!


I turned to Adrien with the same panicked expressions he had. I took Ruu into my arms and nodded at him before running towards our house. Adrien said he needed to check on his bodyguard and I understood very well. This was for the best, as I could transform in peace. I ran to an alley where no one was and transformed. 

I picked up Ruu and Wanya, dropping them off at home, I gave Wanya the key and told him to take Ruu to safety. He nodded and ran. 

Now then... let's have some fun!

I opened the Lady blog to get some idea of what's going on before I get there, that way I could plan a surprise attack.

I go through it to see... ALYA IS BEING FREAKED SACRIFICED!!!



I sighed in defeat and picked up the pace.

It turns out, the akumatized victim has turned into the Pharoah. He wants to bring his queen - Nefertiti, back. Seriously, if you have love issues, go to a psychologist or something, why are you annoying us, superheroes. 

I'm too tired to deal with this crap. 

I got there and saw LB and Chat hiding on a rooftop. I approached them

"Hey, guys! so what's the plan?", I asked. 

"Hey, multi-mouse/ m'lady!", Chat and LB said.

just then I heard Alya say something in the blog. Our focus was directed to that.

Alya - italics

Pharoah - Bold

hey! who is that girl in that paper, the one with the whip and mouse ears?

Multi-mouse... my sworn enemy who stopped me from getting to Nefertiti 5000 years ago along with Ladybug and Chat Noir. But she will not stop me this time!

Did you say... Multi-mouse from 5 thousand years ago?! 


The 2 looked at me with utter shock. 

"Don't worry, you don't look a day over 300", Chat smirked.

"Now you know why I'm so much wiser than you are", I shot back. 

"Focus guys!", LB yelled as we turned to Alya. By now, the mummy guy had already begun the ritual. I swear all my nicknames are so unique.

"Ladybug!", Alya yelled. 

"Okay, you and Multi-mouse distract the mummies while I take on the Pharoah", LB said and I nodded,

"Hey! why do you get the easy way", Chat protested while I facepalmed.

"I'm the only one that could capture the Akuma!", Lb explained but Chat didn't look completely convinced. An idea popped in my head and I smirked.

"And it's because you are the bravest out of all 3 of us", I grabbed my whip and flung down to the scene as Ladybug went to her spot. 

I could faintly hear Chat grumbling about me not really meaning it and I giggled. He was right. Once I got down, I knew that me and Chat alone won't be enough for these many mummies. Well, time to activate my power I guess.

"MULTITUDE!!", I divided into more me. I nodded at them and they knew what to do. We then got to work, and as Chat also helped, it was much easier. 

Just as I distracted the last mummy, I saw Ladybug swoop in and Save Alya. Yes!!

But then she just stood on the roof, talking to Alya!!!


As predicted, The Pharoah, caught up to them and pushed LB off the roof. I immediately pushed off the mummies near me and jumped to her rescue. I caught her mid-air and helped her to the ground.

"You alright?", I asked smiling. She looked at me with a shocked and surprised expression before nodding. 

"Good, now we got a villain to purify!", I smirked as we got surrounded by mummies. I shared a look with LB and knew she was thinking the same thing. 

what happens next... well let's just say we trapped all the mummies in a bus. 

"We have to save Alya before she becomes sacrificed", I said as the other 2 nodded.

 "LB use your Lucky charm!", She nodded and activated her spell. It gave her a ... Multi-mouse suit?

I thought for a minute and an idea popped in my head. 

"Pharoah!", I called out. He turned to me.

"That girl isn't good enough of a sacrifice, wouldn't it be better if it was me?", I taunted. From the side, I could hear Alya grumbling about something.

"Think about it, wouldn't it be the sweetest revenge? Sacrificing me after 5000 years", I continued. I could see he already bought it.

"Your right, come", He held out his hand. I walked forward and took it. He then turned into the flying mummy and flew upwards. He threw Alya off and I had to have one of my divisions catch her. He then placed me on the yellow beam thing. 

"You win Pharoah...", I said as I acted removing my necklace and kept my close fist in front of his neck. He held his hand out and I dropped it...not.

All this dead wife-obsessed bastard gets is air. I grabbed his necklace.

"You want my miraculous? go and get it!", I yelled as I threw a fake necklace I got from the lucky charm. He went after it and I took the opportunity to throw it towards LB

"LB catch!", I yelled. She caught it, broke it, and captured the Akuma, saving Paris again. 

"MIRACULOUS LADYBUG!!!", She exclaimed as her magic fixed everything. What a day... 


I then came down and joined the others. I gave Alya her phone back which I had picked up, 

"Thank you Multi-mouse! but just out of curiosity, how old are you and Ladybug really?", She thanked before asking. Before I could Answer LB cut me off.

"Definitely older than a high school student for sure", She replied before leaving. Real smooth Mari, real smooth. Nobody is gonna suspect you now (note sarcasm).

"Well, that's my queue to leave!", I said as I heard my necklace beep, "see ya!". 


I got home and de-transformed. I went to check on Ruu and Wanya. They were safe, thankfully. I smiled to myself and hugged Ruu tightly. This happens after every Akuma. Though I know they are safe, I worry way too much and my mind constantly makes up bad scenarios. Damn it, Ruu, Wanya, and Adrien are both my strength and Weakness. 

I sighed. 

I then transformed back and took Ruu with me towards the exhibit. Wanya wanted to rest so I left him at home. I hid in an alley to de-transform before walking the rest of the way. When I got there, I saw Adrien looking for us. I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding.

"Adrien!", I called out as I ran towards him. He noticed us and ran towards us. We met halfway and he pulled us into a hug. 

"Thank God! I couldn't find you for a while and thought something had happened", He hugged us tighter. I enjoyed the warmth until I couldn't breathe anymore.

"A-Adrien! can't-breath!", I managed to muster out. He immediately let go and apologized. I just smiled and reassured him that it was okay. 

We then went looking for Alya to check if she was safe. 

"Alya! Thank god! are you alright?", As soon as I saw her, I ran towards her and pulled her into a hug. She looked shocked before hugging me back.

"I'm fine, girl! it's no biggie!", She exclaimed. This pissed me off.

"Also... WTH WERE YOU THINKING?!! LIVE STREAMING AT A TIME LIKE THAT!!! YOU COULD HAVE BEEN IN DANGER??!! HECK, YOU WERE ALMOST SACRIFICED!!", The mother in me came out. She just looked at me with a shocked expression before smiling.

"I'm fine... really. I promise I won't do it again", She apologized and I calmed down. 

"You better. It's not like I care anyway", I grumbled as I turned away. I was blushing in embarrassment. I CAN'T BELIEVE I DID THAT!!! THIS IS SO EMBARASSING!!!

Alya paused before bursting into laughter. I blushed even more. 

"OMG haha! girl, you're such a tsundere!!", She managed to say while laughing. I grumbled and turned away. I saw Adrien smirking at me and blushed even more. He laughed. 

We talked for a bit until I saw Marinette coming from around the corner. I immediately knew I had to leave.

"Anyway, I'm sorry to cut this short but, We have to go. Ruu is tired and I don't plan on staying here any longer", I made up an excuse. Adrien looked at me confused. When Alya wasn't looking, I pointed to the lost Marinette who still hadn't spotted us. He immediately understood. 

"No sweat girl! see you later!", She waved goodbye as we walked away. I waved back. From the corner of my eye, I could see Marinette running over to her. 

I sighed.

"Hey, I want to ask you something", Adrien started as we got in the car.

"Yeah, what is it?", I asked.

"Well, I wanted to ask, if you hate Marinette?", He hesitated before finishing. I was shocked by his words before becoming silent.

"You don't need to tell me I just-"

"I don't hate her... but I don't love her either. I mean, she had all the things I never did in life and... I admit I used to be jealous. But I never hated her... because, I knew she deserved it more than I do. I mean, come one, She is kind, caring, beautiful, smart, has friends, has parents who love her, everything I could only ever dream off", I slowly spoke. 

"The reason why I avoid her is that I'm afraid my emotions might get the better of me and I might hurt her".

Adrien looked like he was going to protest but I cut him off again.

"But that was until I met you and Ruu. You guys are what light up my dull world. You are the only people, I will ever consider as family. I would give up anything, for you guys to be safe and happy, even if it means... that I have to leave...", I finished. 

Before I could say anything, I was immediately pulled into a warm, familiar embrace. 

"Me too, I feel the same way... You and Ruu are my family that I cherish more than my life. I would give up anything and everything for you guys. But promise me that you will never leave. You aren't allowed to leave. I forbid it! no matter what... you can't leave... do you hear me... don't leave me again...", Adrien's voice went soft at the end. I was surprised. Adrien felt the same way? 

I felt warm. I have a family too!

I hugged him tightly as I cried silent tears of joy. We stayed like that for a long time.

It seems I deserve to be loved too...



Just in case any of you know, everybody deserves to be loved. No matter how bad your life has been, don't give up. You are beautiful no matter how you look. Everybody has a purpose, a reason to live. 

I hope that my point got across since I'm not very good with this kind of stuff😂😊

Vote and comment!

Love you!
