Chapter 40: Victor and Blaze say goodbye to rivals

Then Victor says goodbye to Blaze and his children. For the villain will return to England with his children.

Blaze Grape: So you mean you're going back to England?

Asked the green haired villain asking the Brit.

Victor Grape: I need to go back. Hillary was a fun city but London is our place isn't it, Luna and Eric.

Eric Grape: Yes, Dad.

Luna Grape: Yes, Dad.

Lemon Grape: I can't believe what I'm about to say, but do you really have to go?

asked Lemon, a little sadly.

Eric Grape: Yes, Hillary is an interesting city, but we miss London.

Lily Grape: Hmm, so you mean to say you're determined to go?

asked Blaze Grape's daughter, fearfully.

Luna Grape: It is accurate, we miss our British roots. Our English roots, tradition and our English culture. If you know what I mean, Lily?

Lily Grape: I see. Well not that I care that you leave, but I thank you for helping me, if not for your help Daisy would have held me hostage.

Luna Grape: Well, not for nothing.

While the children are talking, the adult Grapes, who are far away, also say their goodbyes.

Blaze Grape: Look Victor, FYI, I still don't like you, but I have to admit that without your help I would never have rescued Lily! Thank you.

Victor Grape: Now Blaze, I know you must be gnawing with anger, but no need to thank me, besides, Luna was also kidnapped by the same person who kidnapped Lily and as our daughters were kidnapped by Daisy Grimm, no we had no choice but to work together.

Said the blue one being sincere.

Blaze Grape: Um, so what are you waiting for, is your flight leaving?

Victor Grape: Wow, you're in such a hurry for me to go, aren't you? But it's ok, I'm leaving, Luna and Eric, let's go

Eric Grape: We have to go, Dad.

Victor Grape: Of course we do, we can't stay here for even a minute.

Luna Grape: Gosh, Dad, we can't stay a little longer.

Victor Grape: No honey, we have to go.

Said the bluish villain seriously.

Lily Grape: Gosh, you can't stay.

Said the pink girl being insistent. Blaze looked at his daughter and says:

Blaze Grape: Lily, love, don't insist sweetie! If they want to go, let them go.

Lemon Grape: Yeah, sis.

Lily Grape: All right.

Victor Grape: Well, see you one day Blaze and I hope we see each other soon.

Thoughts from Blaze Grape: I hope I never see you again.

Thoughts from Victor Grape: See you soon Blaze Grape! Hahahaha, me and my kids will be back.

Then Victor, Eric and Luna say goodbye to Blaze and their children and the villain Blaze gives a long, sinister smile.

Blaze Grape: Kids, why these guys, Lily and Lemon. Don't you two care about Eric and Luna? What difference does it make if they went or not? They are a British version of us.

Lily Grape: Yeah, you're right Dad, they're not worth worrying about.

Says Lily carefree again. She realizes that her father is right and that caring about Luna is like caring about her.

Blaze Grape: It's not, honey.

He says with a sadistic smile on his face.

Lemon Grape: So what are we going to do dad?

Blaze Grape: Come on, take Hillary of course. We'll return with our evil ways, but first I'm going to take a vacation with you, get us away from this city a little.

Eric Grape and Lily Grape: Yes dad.

So the Grapes decide to take a vacation while Victor and his children return to England.

This is the end of the fic The Grapes.

I hope you enjoyed.

