Chapter 1: The Beginning of a New Evil!

Well, after Lora and Derek moved to other cities in the United States, and with the Grapes in jail, Blaze and their children, everything seems to be calming down and having a peaceful life for Hillary residents, now they can rest easy, at least for now, no destruction and no evil committed by the Grapes.

Until Monday, Blaze Grape and his terrible children plan to get out of jail.

Blaze Grape: Until, how long are we going to stay in this damn place. I feel suffocating.

Lemon Grape: Yeah. I also want to get out of this damn place soon.

Lily Grape: Me too, this is not a place for a girl like me.

Lemon Grape: Mike, have you prepared this damn spell all at once?

Mike Grape: I'm doing it and stop bugging me! I don't want so much pressure on me.

Lemon Grape: Oh yeah.

Blaze Grape: You two stop arguing! It's sad that my kids hate each other because of a rivalry. You want to fight, fight later when we get out of this damn place.

Lily Grape: I want out of here.

Then the two brothers who were staring at each other stop arguing, after which Blaze lectures them.

So the blonde uses his magic, and very calmly with his magic dust, teleports his family straight out of the prison.

Blaze Grape: Hahahaha, we're free. We are free. Mike, you are the best.

Lily Grape: That's right, brother.

Mike Grape: Not for bragging, but it's true dad, true Lily. My spells always work.

Lemon Grape: Cocky.

Says Lemon muttering under his breath.

But before the villains leave, Mike plans to use his magic to make copies of himself and his family.

Mike Grape: I'm going to use my magic to make copies of us.

Blaze Grape: Hahahaha, no need to do that Mike, let these cops think and think what they want.

Lily Grape: The important thing is that we're free, isn't it, Dad.

Blaze Grape: Yes, Lily, honey. We are free and now more willing to do evil! hahahahaha

Lemon Grape: Absolutely dad.

So the villains after getting out and escaping from jail, the wicked Grapes, thought of somewhere to live.

Blaze Grape: Well, what are we going to do? We have no place to live. So we need to get a new residence.

Lily Grape: But what about the apartment we used to live in, Dad? We will not stay there.

Blaze Grape: Not my daughter. Unfortunately we will have to move elsewhere.

Blaze said, leaving his daughter desperate, she didn't think her family's situation was so serious! When you get to the point of looking for another place to live.

Mike Grape: Dad, we have to quickly search for an abandoned house or site. Because we are criminals and we escaped from jail.

Lemon Grape: Yeah, and right now the police must be after us.

Blaze Grape: You're both right. So let's not waste time, let's fly.

So off went the wicked family flying around looking for somewhere to live in the city or somewhere else that is unoccupied. As much as the villains tried to find some housing, they were out of luck, after all four bad guys terrorized the population with their powers, it's likely that all the houses were bought, leaving the street!

Lily Grape: No! No! I don't want to live on the street, daddy, I refuse to live on the street. I don't want, I don't want.

Says the girl, falling to the ground and making a fuss, trying to get her father's attention.

Blaze Grape: Lily, honey, Lily, honey, calm down, and listen to me. Daughter, unfortunately, we don't have another place to live, for now we'll have to become street "beggars", until we find an abandoned house or place that no one else lives in, my love, until we find it, we'll have to live on the street, Princess.

Lily Grape; And for how long?

Blaze Grape: I promise, not much.

Mike Grape: It's little sister, we brought her toys together in her suitcase.

Lemon Grape: True.

Lily Grape: They brought my toys! Yay!

So the little girl was happy that her older brothers and her father brought their toys to try to calm Lily who is certainly the most desperate of villains.

Blaze Grape: So, my daughter, you promise to wait. Me and your brothers took all your toys to put in the suitcase.

Lily Grape: Well if you guys brought all my toys. So I can learn to get used to being a street beggar, at least for now.

Blaze Grape: Glad you agreed, honey, that's our only option, but I promise you that little by little our life will get back to normal, okay dear.

Lily Grape: It's ok daddy.

So there went the Grapes, planning their evil from the beginning, as the villains want revenge and make all Hillarians suffer, so they start planning what they intend to do with Hillary, now that Lora and Derek are gone from Hillary.

Blaze Grape: Good girl, that's how I like it.

Blaze says, patting his daughter's head, trying to soothe his favorite and spoiled daughter.

Lemon Grape: It's sister, and if those toys happen to be bad. Don't worry we'll steal from the toy store just for you.

Mike Grape; You don't even have to go to the store to steal, with my magic I steal all those toys in a single second.

Lemon Grape: Cocky!

Blaze Grape: And then we'll plan! Hahahahahahahaha!

When the Grapes are about to start planning their revenge against the Hillarians. Behold, Lemon spots a house.

Lemon Grape: Hey Dad, check it out, I found a house.

Blaze Grape: You Found It!

Lemon Grape: Yeah, over there.

Mike Grape: But it's not that Lemon really found it!

Lily Grape: Thank you, Lemon. You stopped me from living on the street, even though I accepted.

Lemon Grape: That, sister, no need to thank.

Blaze Grape: Hahaha, looks like luck has returned to us again! So let's go to that house.

Then the villains head to a spooky abandoned house which is the perfect setting for them to plot evil against the populace.

Blaze Grape: It's the perfect house.

Lily in turn was scared, as the house was ghost style and abandoned, but she was afraid that mice might be in the house, as she is afraid of mice.

Lily Grape: Is this house a little scary? Are there mice here?

Blaze Grape: Lily, my love, don't worry, there are no mice in this house, and even if there were, your brothers would clean the house.

Lemon Grape and Mike Grape: The two of us?

Blaze Grape: Yes, the two of you and no complaints!

Lemon Grape and Mike Grape: Alright Dad.

Says both boys not wanting to clean the house, even more together.

Blaze Grape: Hahahahaha, listen up my kids. It is from this house that we will begin to plan our perversities, evils against these people.

Lily Grape: Yes, Daddy, honey.

Mike Grape: Said it all Dad.

Said the blonde looking into a magic mirror throwing his hair back.

Lemon Grape: Yes, Dad.

Blaze Grape: Starting tomorrow and going forward, we will kick-start our revenge. Hahahahahahahahaha!

Blaze says all content and confident, he is very anxious to get revenge on the Hillarians, along with his children. But what evil is he and his children planning against the population?

To be continued...
