Chapter 27: Victor and Blaze the evil parenting duo

Meanwhile we saw Lily get her powers and energy sucked because of Luna. Then Blaze Grape's daughter then got up, taking only her faint.

Luna Grape: Lily, you woke up! What happened my friend?

Luna says pretending to care about her ancestor's well being.

Lily Grape: I remember I just passed out and then I don't know what happened? Do you know why I passed out Luna?

Then Luna got nervous with the question so Victor's daughter countered using one more of her excuses, in her thoughts Luna can't know that Lily passed out because of her sucker.

Luna Grape: Eh... maybe you've been fainting from emotion just because you meet your English descent or be your British version that's me.

Lily Grape: It's true, it kind of makes sense.

Luna Grape: Well, how about we go to the park and kick some brats out, see Eric and Lemon heading towards the park, let's go to them.

Then the two Grape girls meet up with their older brothers.

Eric Grape: Hello, girls.

Lemon Grape: What a surprise to meet you. Where are you two going?

Lily Grape: We're going to the park.

Luna Grape: You two can go ahead and I want to talk to my brother Eric.

Lily Grape: So, fine.

While Lemon and Lily are heading to the park at the front. Luna stopped to talk to her twin brother.

Eric Grape: Did you suck Lily's energy and water powers?

Luna Grape: Yes and I think you did the same with Lemon. It sucked his fire powers and his energy.

Eric Grape: Yeah, so far he doesn't suspect why he passed out.

Luna Grape: So we have to stay tuned and wait for daddy's signal.

Eric Grape: You're right, sis.

Meanwhile at a bar Blaze drinks with Victor telling him about his life.

Blaze Grape: So this is part of my life, Victor. I rule this city without hesitation.

Victor Grape: Wow, you have history in this town, being one of Hillary's most dangerous villains.

Blaze Grape: Hahahaha, it's true. I am greatly feared by many here in Hillary.

Victor Grape: And so what you do here is dominate or destroy Hillary.

Blaze Grape: So I'm impossible.

Victor Grape: I know.

Thoughts by Victor Grape: But how pathetic. You think I want to know that. Show your powers right away.

Blaze Grape: Well, I'll show you my ice powers. I want to see how powerful my powers are.

Victor Grape: So, the time has come.

Thoughts from Victor Grape: I'll get my sucker.

Victor Grape: Hahahaha! And then show me I really want to see your icy powers.

Blaze Grape: Hey, how do you know my powers are ice?

Victor Grape: It was, just a hunch.

Blaze Grape: Alright then. Well, I'll show you.

So Blaze and Victor go to a junkyard and Blaze prepares to unleash his icy powers.

Blaze Grape: Iceberg!

Victor was impressed and wished he wanted the ice powers to supercharge his moon powers.

Victor Grape: Wow! His powers are very powerful.

Blaze Grape: Thanks!

Victor Grape: I'll show you my powers. They're not a big deal, but they're the only powers I have.

Blaze Grape: Show it, Victor no matter what your powers are, I want to see them and see how powerful my descendant is as I am.

Victor Grape: So check it out.

Victor prepares his attack formed in his hands and chooses a power to hit the junkyard.

Victor Grape: Lunar Glow!

So Blaze was surprised to see that his descendant has moon powers.

Blaze Grape: So these are your powers?

Blaze questioned.

Victor Grape: Yes, I have the powers of the moon. My son Eric has the power of the stars and my little girl Luna has the power of the sun.

Blaze Grape: You were supposed to have the power of the sun and your daughter to have the power of the moon. It doesn't bother you.

Victor Grape: Of course not, I don't want to hurt or make Luna suffer trying to steal my own daughter's powers, what kind of father do you think I am? The moon's powers are as powerful as the Sun and the stars as well. Because together, my kids and I can launch a super powerful attack called the Galactic Constellation.

Blaze Grape: Uh! Now I understand the importance of the moon's powers. It's stopping to think the moon's powers are strong.

Victor Grape: Your powers are very powerful Blaze, don't forget that.

Then Victor with the energy sucker in hand approaches Blaze, while the villain speaks.

Blaze Grape: Come to think of it, a combination of sun, moon and stars is super powerful as is the combination of powers like fire, ice and water.

Then Victor puts the energy sucker on Blaze's back and Blaze starts screaming in agony.

Blaze Grape: Aaaaaaaaaahhhhh, but what is that? Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh.

Then the villain as well as his children Lemon and Lily also faint, while his spiteful British counterpart speaks to him in a faint.

Victor Grape: You won't spoil my plans, Blaze. No matter how much you are my ancestor. It is from here that you will have the beginning of your ruined villain career.

So will Victor be able to get Blaze to be defeated by him.

Luna and Eric will be the ones who will disrupt Lemon and Lily's range as the child troublemakers.

Will the British Grapes be able to humiliate the American Grapes.

To be continued...
