Chapter 33: The British Grapes start plotting against Blaze and his kids.

While Blaze and his children reveal their evil. Victor along with his children begin to put their plan together.

Victor Grape: So Eric, Luna, let's start our plan.

Eric Grape: Yes, Dad, I'm really looking forward to it.

Luna Grape: Yes, daddy, I'm very anxious and excited.

Victor Grape: Good, Luna, my love. I'm glad you think so, honey, because that's what Daddy wants to see most in you and your brother, the happiness between you when we destroy Blaze and his kids. Hahahahahahaha!

Eric Grape: Dad.

Victor Grape: Yes, son.

Eric Grape: Are you still going to send Lemon Grape and Lily Grape to the orphanage or have you changed your plans? 

Victor Grape: Of course I'm sending the Blaze brats to the orphanage. He really thought I was going to give up sending the kids to an orphanage. 

Luna Grape: I can't wait to visit you, Dad. Hahahahahahahahaha! 

Eric Grape: Me too, Hahahahahahaha. 

Victor Grape: I know dear honey, I understand your anxiety and to be honest, it will also be a pleasure to see Blaze behind bars and the kids in the orphanage! Hahahahahaha But enough time, let's act soon, let's put our evil plan into action!

While Victor and his kids frame a crime against Blaze and send Lemon Grape and Lily Grape to the orphanage. Blaze and his children are trying to stop Victor and his twin children who want possession of Hillary.

The villains are hanging out at Hillary's mall for ice cream, however people around look at Blaze and her kids strangely for being in a mall like they're good people.

Lemon Grape: How strange, there are people who are looking at us.

Lily Grape: Yes, brother. They're weirding out our presence at the mall, like we're good people

Blaze Grape: Let them think what they want. What we care about right now is to prevent Victor and his children from conquering our sovereignty as villains that currently belong to us.

Lily Grape: You're right, Dad. We have to stop Victor and his children from getting in the way of their plans. They can't be more evil than we are.

Lemon Grape: Of course not. They cannot however be more cruel than we are.

Blaze Grape: Don't worry little girl! Those idiots can't compare us to us.

Meanwhile Victor and his children enter the mall and Luna spots Blaze and her children.

Luna Grape: Look, daddy. There are Blaze and his kids.

Victor Grape: Perfect, my little Luna. Hahahaha! It's from now on that we're going to frame Blaze and separate him from his kids.

Eric Grape: Can't wait to see his meanness, Dad.

Victor Grape: And you will see, Eric, my boy. You will see.

Eric Grape: I can't wait to see our plan in action, Dad.

Luna Grape: Me too!

Victor Grape: Hahahahaha! And will you see, my children? You'll see! Hahahahahahahaha!

The British are at the mall to frame Blaze.

Will Victor's plan to frame Blaze work?

Will Victor be able to carry out his demonic plan?

To be continued...
