Chapter 28: The British Grapes start planning to win over Hillary!

At that moment Blaze wakes up from the fainting and asks Victor what happened.

Blaze Grape: What happened? I felt so weak. What was there?

Victor Grape: You just passed out. Don't worry.

Blaze Grape: Passed out? I usually pass out when someone hits or beats me a lot. But I passed out for no reason? Do you know what happened Victor?

Victor Grape: I already told you you passed out, but that's because you were excited to meet me.

Blaze Grape: No! I'm sure it wasn't. I have the feeling that I felt something placed on my back and as if it gave me some kind of electric shock that made me shiver.

Victor Grape's Thoughts: Damn it! He's going to find that I've drained his energy and powers.

Blaze Grape: Well, whatever it is. I hope this doesn't happen again.

Victor Grape: Yes! It must have been an accident. Come to think of it, you may have been shocked and been unconscious for a few minutes.

Blaze Grape: It could be because I don't remember anything what happened like that when I woke up from the faint.

Victor Grape: Check it out, our kids are coming.

Victor spots Luna, Lily, Lemon and Eric heading towards their fathers.

Blaze Grape: Yeah, true.

Victor Grape: Eric, my son, how was it?

Eric Grape: It was a very interesting ride, Dad, you can't wait when I tell you everything.

Blaze Grape: And so Lemon how was the ride between you and Eric.

Lemon Grape: It was good, Dad, but a strange thing happened to me along the way.

Blaze Grape: Strange thing?

Lemon Grape: I was talking to Eric and when all of a sudden, I felt in my back like an electric current was going through my body and then I passed out.

Blaze Grape: Hum, that's weird...

Victor Grape: Luna, daddy's evil little princess, tell your daddy what my little girl was doing while walking with Lily.

Luna Grape: Me and Lily walked a lot daddy, we even walked into a toy store.

Victor Grape: Good, my princess.

Blaze Grape: And you Lily, my sweetheart. How was your tour with Luna?

Lily Grape: Well Dad, I introduced Luna to a toy store, but then the thing that happened to Lemon happened to me too.

Blaze Grape: Thing. Lily, my darling don't tell me that you too...

Lily Grape: Yes, Dad, the same thing that happened to Lemon happened to me too. I was talking to Luna and suddenly I felt something in my back like an electric current going through and taking over my whole body and then I passed out.

Blaze Grape: Don't tell me, Lily. Oh, my poor little girl.

Lily Grape: But I'm fine daddy.

Blaze Grape: Lemon and Lily believe me the same thing happened to me.

Lemon Grape and Lily Grape: What? Don't tell us, father.

Blaze Grape: Yeah. I was talking to Victor and I suddenly felt a sensation of being electrocuted. I asked Victor what happened but he said I might have been shocked.

Victor Grape: Exactly! The same may have happened to Lemon and Lily. May your children have been shocked too.

Eric Grape: That's right, Dad.

Luna Grape: You spoke and said it all, Dad.

Blaze Grape: It can be. Well Victor I'll meet you later and that's me and my kids need to rest.

Victor Grape: Don't worry, Blaze. I understand, my children understand and I understand.

So Blaze leaves with his kids leaving the Brits looking evil and sneaky. Blaze gets very thoughtful until Lemon catches his eye.

Lemon Grape: What's up, Dad? It looks thoughtful.

Lily Grape: Yeah, daddy. You're kind of serious.

Blaze Grape: I'm here thinking and analyzing our blackouts and I have a suspicion.

Lemon Grape and Lily Grape: Which suspect, Dad?

Ask both children together!

Blaze Grape: That our fainting wasn't accidental, it was on purpose. As if someone wanted us to be unconscious.

Lemon Grape: Someone wanted us to be knocked unconscious?

Lily Grape: Like who? Because if you're thinking about our descendants, Dad, they can't be, they were there to help us.

Blaze Grape: Yeah, you're right, little girl. But the question is who wants to harm us?

Lemon Grape: Is it some kind of vigilante?

Blaze Grape: Vigilante.

Lemon Grape: Yeah, maybe someone wants revenge on us after we've done so much harm to Hillary's people.

Blaze Grape: Don't be ridiculous, my son. Don't be exaggerated, vigilantes don't exist, at least here in Hillary, this city doesn't have vigilantes and even if they did, they would be less of a problem. So, relax Lemon and don't put things on your head.

Lemon Grape: I know, Dad, but it could be a chance that a vigilante wants revenge on us.

Blaze Grape: If you're talking about Dylan. Relax, he won't be back anytime soon. What's more, who would be able to harm Blaze Grape and his children?

Meanwhile, far away. Victor and his children Eric and Luna are at a family reunion, planning what the three of them are going to do to take Blaze Grape and his children out of Hillary's power and be the new "owners" of the town.

Blaze doesn't even suspect that his descendant is the person who wants to eliminate him or tarnish his villain image.

Victor Grape: Very well, hahahaha, very well children. I see you two have done the same thing I have, stolen the energy and a small amount of your ancestors' powers.

Eric Grape: Yeah dad we wasted no time and while we were distracting them we stole their energy and a part of their powers.

Luna Grape: We took our energy sucker and put it on their back to steal their energy and a small part of their powers, daddy.

Victor Grape: Great! Everything is going according to our plan.

Eric Grape: So what's the next part of the plan, Dad?

Victor Grape: Conquering the Hillarians with our "sympathy", we will pretend that we are docile and gentle, but after conquering the main city and even the countryside, we will reveal ourselves and show that we are cruel and merciless.

Luna Grape: So much so that they'll hate us more than Blaze and his kids.

Victor Grape: Exactly, my love. And our reputation will be feared here as well. Of course, if we're feared back in England, we're obviously going to be feared here. Hahahaha! And I want our reputation as villains to become popular here in Hillary. Hahahaha! And so for that to happen, we're going to have to get Blaze and his kids out of our way.

Will Victor put his evil plan into action? It's Blaze Grape and his kids who are blind to trust the British Grapes without even suspecting them of anything wrong, when Blaze and kids Lily and Lemon will start to realize the hostile attitude and bad intentions of Victor and his twins.

To be continued...
