Chapter 9: The Cold Gun!

          Barry shows off on the treadmill and Marianne giggles as she watches him. Felicity, Caitlyn, Cisco and Harrison stood in the other room watching. Marianne picks up their conversation.

"How fast can he run?" Felicity asks.

"He hasn't reaches his top speed yet, theoretically speaking." Harrison says.

"So, is he really okay?" Felicity asks.

"His heart rate is within normal range for him." Caitlyn says.

"No, I mean, the lightning bolt changed him. Do any of you really know how much?" Felicity asks.

"We know a fair amount. One thing we know is that Marianne and Barry are connected. Sure, she shows off a purple color but her plasma powers come from the very lightning bolt that struck Barry. They are connection on a level though... we haven't quite figured out." Cisco says.

"Marianne can read his thoughts sometimes and project hers to him and only him." Caitlyn says.

"If everything about him is sped up, is he going to age faster? What would happen if he ran too fast? I mean, would he just be running and then, poof, he's dust in a red costume?" Felicity asks, "And what about Marianne? Is she safe with plasma coursing through her body?"

"Everything we do here at STAR Labs is to protect Barry Allen and Marianne Moons. Trust us, Felicity, they are in very good hands here." Harrison says.

"Marianne, want to see if I can run fast backward?" Barry asks.

"Barry, I wouldn't—" Marianne says before Barry crashes into the boxes Cisco set up.

"Don't worry, he heals quickly too." Caitlyn says.


Barry holds the door open for Marianne and Felicity and the three laughs about what they were talking about. Iris sees them come in and she smiles at them.

"Hey, you three." Iris says.

"Normally she says 'hey you two'." Marianne says.

"Ah." Felicity says.

"Has Barry been showing you the sights in Central City?" Iris asks.

"Yes, I have seen some pretty amazing things." Felicity says and Marianne snickers.

"Really? Well, if you've got some time, maybe we can show you some of Central City's night life?" Iris asks.

"Oh, no, I get plenty of night life in Starling City." Felicity says.

"Oh, this is something that I don't think that you're gonna want to miss. Trivia night at Jitters. Eddie's not really excited about it, I admit. But it could be our night, guys." Iris says.

"Our night to win $75 worth of cappuccinos." Barry asks.

"Uh, yum." Felicity and Marianne say in unison.

"Really?" Barry asks.

"Yep." Marianne says.

"You know what, I'm gonna go call work, check in, and make sure everything's okay." Felicity says, "I'll be back in a second." She walks away.

"I'm going to visit the ladies' room." Marianne says and she walks away.

"So? Felicity is a really nice girl." Iris says.

"Iris, I don't know if you've noticed, but I'm dating Marianne and I'm... really beginning to love her, more than just my best friend." Barry says.

"Shut up." Iris says and Barry raises an eyebrow, "Really? You two are finally dating? YES! Victory is mine!"

"Yeah." Barry says.

"Still, bring both the girls tonight, we'll have fun." Iris says.

"Yeah, fun." Barry says.

[Later That Night]

Barry sits with Iris and Eddie. When their name is revealed Iris looks at Barry confused. Barry on the other hand was laughing because he thought it was a funny name for their group.

"So, where is Marianne and Felicity?" Iris asks.

"They were still getting ready. They said they'd meet us here." Barry says and he looks around. Marianne and Felicity walk into Jitters and Marianne leads her over to the group. Barry's eyes widen as he stares at the beautiful dress that Marianne was wearing.

"I totally overdressed for trivia night." Felicity says.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" Marianne asks.

"Because... you look... You look absolutely gorgeous." Barry says.

"You've seen me wear this dress before." Marianne says.

"I'm just now realizing that you looked beautiful in it." Barry says.

"I so feel like the fifth wheel." Felicity says.

"Sorry." Barry says. Trivia night begins, Felicity helps Barry and Marianne answer some questions and Felicity and Marianne head to the lady's room.

"Is this weird?" Iris asks.

"What?" Barry asks.

"Well, that you had a crush on Felicity before your coma and now you are dating Marianne and both girls are here?" Iris asks.

"No." Barry says, "Look, Iris, really, I meant what I said earlier, I'm in love with Marianne. Felicity fully understands that."

"I am just so happy that you admit that you love Marianne. Yay me for trying to get you guys together since grade school." Iris says. Barry's cheeks turn a little red as Iris cheered for him. When the game continues Eddie gets it wrong and Iris kisses him and Barry looks at Marianne who was laughing with Felicity. The girls were having fun. Iris kicks Barry lightly to tell him he should kiss Marianne and he blushes and takes Marianne's hand.

"What is it?" Marianne asks.

"It's nothing really." Barry says, "Can't I hold your hand?" She giggles and kisses him just beside his mouth and his cheeks flush red and she goes back to talking to Felicity. Eddie gets a message that someone has spotted Snart and he apologizes that he has to leave. Barry and Marianne look at each other. Marianne looks down at her phone.

"Uh, Dr. Wells wants me at work." Marianne says.

"I'm going to make sure she makes it there safely." Barry says. They leave and Barry carries Marianne to STAR Labs and they get changed. They zip to where Snart was spotted and Barry drops her so he can get to Joe and Barry tackles Joe out of the way and Marianne puts a forcefield on the civilians along with Joe and Barry.

"Flash, are you alright?" Marianne asks.

"Stay there, Plasma!" Barry says and he flinches in pain, "Ah, it hurts."

"I think it is time for a test run." Snart says, "Let's see how fast you really are." Marianne looks around and Barry jumps up and he rushes around saving people from the freeze ray. Marianne jumps into view and she starts blasting Snart with plasma blasts. Snart deflects it with his freeze ray. Marianne screams as she gets hit and goes flying back. Her shoulder freezes on impact with the blast from the freezing ray gun. Marianne hisses in pain and she looks over at Snart.

"See, you can protect everyone else, but you can't protect your little kitten." Snart says.

"Look here, Snart, I'm just the diversion!" Marianne says. Snart looks at her with wide eyes and she jumps up and dodges the freeze ray and Barry goes to hit him when a guy comes out of nowhere and Snart fires at him and Barry runs to grab the guy, but is slowed down and Barry stops when he reaches him too late.

"NO!" Barry yells. Snart leaves and Marianne rushes to Barry's side. She pulls him up and they rush away as fast as they can.

[STAR Labs]

Barry and Marianne gets checked out by Caitlyn. Marianne whines as she was in more pain than Barry was.

"I get why Barry's okay but how are you okay?" Felicity asks and Marianne looks at Felicity.

"I'm the same blood type as Barry, and we found out that if he gives me some blood for like transfusions, I get his healing ability. Which we've noticed makes my forcefield stronger." Marianne explains.

"That explains it. And Barry's small amount of blood gave you a little bit of healing." Caitlyn says. Barry avoids at looking at Marianne since she was sitting in her bra.

"Plus, I'm lucky, the blast only grazed me. I think I did more damage to Captain Cold then he did to me." Marianne says. After Marianne is dressed Cisco and Harrison come back into the room.

"Captain Cold?" Barry asks.

"What? It fits." Marianne says.

"His file says he never finished high school. How does he build a gun like that?" Felicity asks.

"STAR Labs built the cold gun." Harrison says.

"Dr. Wells and Caitlyn had nothing to do with it." Cisco says, "It was all me." Marianne looks at Cisco.

"I built it to stop you, Barry." Cisco says.

"Why?" Marianne says.

"Because we didn't know who you were in the beginning. What if you turned out to be like Mist and Mardon." Cisco explains.

"I assume you have one for me too?" Marianne asks.

"No, I figured that stopping Barry would stop you. Your powers are useless without Barry right next to you." Cisco says, "I'm sorry." Marianne walks towards Cisco and slaps him.

"If you had told us we could have been prepared! A man died tonight!" Marianne says.

"Marianne, come on, don't take it out on Cisco, he didn't know." Barry says. Barry grabs her hand as she was going to slap Cisco again.

"I have to live with that." Cisco says.

"No, we all do." Barry says pulling Marianne away. Barry runs on the treadmill and Marianne monitors him.

[An Hour Later]

Barry and Marianne were keeping themselves busy. Marianne was watching Barry. Felicity walks into the room.

"Barry, Marianne you should go home and get some sleep." Felicity says. Marianne shakes her head.

"We weren't fast enough. Barry wants to get faster." Marianne says, "All he sees is that man's face." Felicity shuts off the treadmill and Barry goes flying.

"You two need to go get some sleep. If the Arrow freaked out every time someone died he wouldn't be able to function." Felicity says, "I understand this was your first death in your line of work, but there will be others. Snart is out there. Get back out there." Marianne looks at Barry. They locate Snart and Marianne rides her bike while Barry runs. Barry turns off his ear piece.

"I won't be able to hear you so try to keep up." Barry says and she says and turns off her ear piece and she speeds behind him and when they reach the train station Marianne waves at Eddie who blinks at her. She rides after Barry who was already inside looking for Snart.

[STAR Labs]

Felicity looks at Cisco, Caitlyn and Harrison. Everyone was silent. They couldn't believe that Barry and Marianne had gone without their comms on. Felicity sighs as she decides to break the silence.

"You should go after them." Felicity says.

"Barry doesn't want us there." Caitlyn says.

"They are just two people." Felicity says, "When the Arrow is in danger our entire groups drops everything and goes to help. You are Flash's team." Cisco and Caitlyn look at each other.

"Let's go." Harrison says. He rolls away on his wheelchair.

"How about you stay here Dr. Wells?" Cisco says running ahead of Harrison and Caitlyn runs with him. They get gear they need and Felicity waves.

"Be safe!" She says.


Marianne helps people get away and she looks at Eddie and Joe. Marianne hits the button on her suit and her bikes rides towards her. She jumps onto her bike as Barry zooms by.

"Whoa." Eddie says. Joe looks at Marianne who speeds away on her bike chasing the train. The train begins to derail and Marianne stops.

"Flash, the train just derailed." Marianne yells and Barry sighs in her communication link. She sees Captain Cold leave as Barry saves Civilians as always. When everyone is safe Captain Cold hits Barry with the freeze ray and Marianne hits Captain Cold with a blast of plasma. Captain Cold flies away stopping his attack. She rides over to Barry.

"I thought I left you at the station." He says.

"Yeah, well like you actually could." She says laughing. Captain Cold gets up and points his gun at her and Barry sits on the ground as Marianne sits on her bike.

"Give up, Captain Cold, you've lost." She says. He laughs.

"So you've given me a name." He says. Cisco and Caitlyn show up.

"You are out matched." Cisco says. Captain Cold starts to leave.

"Hey! Leave the Diamond!" Cisco says.

"Don't push your luck." Snart says. Marianne jumps off her bike and kneels down to Barry then looks at Cisco and Caitlyn.

"Thank you." Marianne says.

"Hug first I'm freezing." Barry says. Marianne giggles and hugs Barry tightly trying to warm him up.

[STAR Labs]

Back at Star Labs, Marianne and Barry hug Felicity as she was ready to leave. She smiles at the two of them.

"This team is great, I see potential." Felicity says.

"Hey, we have five of you here." Marianne says.

"If only you believed that." Felicity says. Marianne laughs and Felicity looks at everyone.

"Extend our hellos to the Arrow." Harrison says.

"I will." Marianne says, "Because I leave in two days for Starling. Barry had fun there so Felicity prepare the Arrow because next time I will invade your city." Marianne smiles and Barry looks at Marianne.

"What will I do while you are gone?" Barry asks.

"You'll occupy your time somehow." Marianne says.

"Right, so I'll see you all later." Felicity says and leaves.


Barry sits in front of Felicity. The two were talking and Barry smiles as they talk.

"You know I think you are happier now." Felicity says, "When you said on that rooftop that you didn't know how you could feel about Marianne I knew that you would end up finding your answer." Felicity smiles and laughs as she looks at Barry.

"Yeah I did." He says, "Look when she comes to Starling, and please don't forget to tell Oliver to not be so hard on her." Felicity nods.

"Dearly noted, I doubt he'll be that hard on her like he was on you." Felicity says, "But now we have extra help. I'm sure Marianne will tell you all the details when she comes home." Barry nods.

"Don't expect her for another week a Meta-Human just showed up." Barry says. Felicity nods and laughs.

"I willexpect her when she shows up." Felicity says, "But I think you better go. Iexpect some process between you two when she comes to Starling." Barry nods andzips away after waving to her.
