Chapter 64: A Race of His Life!

 "My name is Barry Allen and I am the fastest man alive, married to my beautiful wife Marianne Allen, also known as Plasma Kat, we work secretly with the help of our friends at Star Labs, we fight crime and find other meta-humans like us. All while raising our brilliant son, Constantine Allen. Marianne and I hunted down the man who killed my mother, but in doing so, I opened up our world to new threats. And I am the only one fast enough to stop them. I am the Flash!" Barry's thoughts say.

[A Few Weeks Later]

Barry and Marianne race as fast as Barry could after Jay who had a hold of Henry. They arrive at Barry's old home and Marianne's eyes widen as Barry and her stop across from Jay in the living room.

"I'm going to kill everything you love." Jay says, "THEN YOU'LL FINALLY BE LIKE ME!" He kills Henry right before their eyes.

"NO!" Marianne screams and Jay is blasted out of the room and he laughs as he stands there. Barry goes to his dad. Henry lay still beside him.

"D-Dad!" Barry says as his eyes fill with tears.

"Henry." Marianne says and kneels beside Barry.

"Family is a weakness." Jay says and Barry attacks Jay.

"BARRY!" Marianne screams as Jay and Barry run out of the room. Marianne looks down at Henry as Barry and Jay start fighting around the city.

[A Few Days Later]

Marianne and Constantine stood over Henry's grave. She gets tears in her eyes as she kneels beside Constantine who screams for Henry to come back. Marianne shakes her head as Constantine's eyes fill with tears.

"But, Daddy needs him!" Constantine says. Marianne looks up at Barry and Constantine hugs Barry's legs he cries. Barry goes to say something, but he shakes his head as he cries. Marianne takes his hand. Joe says something for Henry instead. Marianne looks at Barry as she knew Barry was pissed with Jay.

"Henry Allen. Henry suffered two great losses in his life. He lost his wife, Nora, and he lost Barry. He suffered guilt, embarrassment, ridicule, shame, and everything that comes with being blamed for a crime he didn't commit. Henry Allen was proof that love can get you through the darkest of days, and that love will keep him alive in all of our hearts." Joe says and Barry walks over and grabs a rose and kneels beside the casket and places the rose on his father's casket.

"I'm gonna find him, Dad. I promise you I'm going to take from him what he took from you." Barry says and Marianne looks down at him with a sad look on her face.

[Later – West Residence]

"Hey." Wally says.

"Hey." Barry says.

"I thought maybe you should eat something." Wally says.

"I'm not hungry. Thank you, though." Barry says and Wally sets it down on the table.

"Barry, um... I had no idea that you were the Flash. What you did for me and Constantine, all the things that you've done for everyone, this whole city... And now this with your dad and Zoom. I'm so sorry." Wally says.

"Thanks, Wally." Barry says.

"If there's anything you need, you just say the word." Wally says.

"Alright." Barry says and Marianne walks down the stairs from checking on Constantine who had cried himself to sleep because he didn't understand.

"Guys, Zoom's still out there. We need to come up with a plan." Barry says.

"The man can crack open breaches to Earth-2. I mean, if he can do that, what else can he do that we don't know about?" Cisco asks.

"Right after he killed his time remnant, he told me I was 'almost ready'." Barry says.

"Almost ready for what?" Iris asks.

"I don't know." Barry says.

"Yep. Classic psychopath. Why can't they ever just say what they want to do? We also have to figure out why I keep vibing Earth-2 being ripped to shreds." Cisco says.

"Seriously." Joe says.

"It's like I'm watching 'Transformers' in 4-D, but, like, ten times more realistic and with much better acting." Cisco says.

"Look, if you can vibe the future, we need to stop Zoom before that happens." Joe says.

"If I may..." Marianne says and everyone looks at her, "Last night, I blasted Zoom really hard. It looked like he was limping for half a second. I really think I can do some really strong damage to him."

"No, you won't be fighting him at all." Barry says.

"Barry." Marianne says.

"I'm gonna get some air, alright?" Barry says and he heads outside and Marianne looks at him with a sad look on her face.

[The Next Day]

Barry reveals that Jay wants to race him. Barry planned to go through with it and Marianne gets tears in her eyes as Harry hits Barry with the knock out serum.

"I'm fighting him." Marianne says when Barry wakes up in the containment cell made for him.

"Marianne! You don't know what you are doing." Barry says, "I don't want to lose anyone else I love! You and Constantine are my whole world! I don't want Constantine to grow up without a mother like I did!"

"I'm stronger than you let me be. I didn't realize how strong until I blasted him away. I am far stronger than I thought I could be." Marianne says.

"And all of you are going for this plan?!" Barry asks.

"Yes." Marianne says as tears come to her eyes, "You are angry Barry. You can't race Zoom how you are right now and you can't even get my assistance on things anymore. By not letting me fight him, you are listening to him. He's afraid of me. I can beat him."

The group loads up and heads out before doing the plan. Marianne waits until she's signaled which is when everyone is clear. Joe doesn't get clear and Harry fires his Meta-human weapon and hits Jay into the breach with Joe.

"JOE!" Marianne says.

"DAD!" Iris says.

They head back to Star Labs to regroup and think. Wally comes in and is pretty pissed that they agreed to not bring Joe back. Marianne looks down as she runs out of the room to the pipeline entrance. She gets tears in her eyes as she ran into the room. Wally walks behind her and she looks back at him.

"It seems we both have the same idea." Wally says.

"We need to save Joe and Barry is the only one who can do it." Marianne says, "I just hope he isn't angry with me." She hits the button to open the outer door and then opens Barry's cell.

"Please don't be angry with me..." Marianne says as she looks down with tears in her eyes. Barry hugs her tightly before kissing her deeply. He breaks the kiss and places his hands on her cheeks as he looks at her.

"What happened?" Barry asks.

"Joe was taken." Marianne says and Barry heads to the cortex with Wally and Marianne. He yells at everyone and Constantine walks over to Barry.

"I hate you." Constantine says and Barry looks at him with wide eyes.

"What?" Barry asks.

"I hate this side of you, Daddy!" Constantine says, "Stop letting him get into your head! You are better than him! You are the Flash! He's an evil person!" Constantine beats on Barry as everyone looks at him.

"I expected his first tantrum would be worse." Iris says and Barry kneels down to Constantine.

"Buddy, stop." Barry says as Constantine starts beating him against the chest now. Barry grabs his little wrists to stop him and Constantine sobs.

"I lost Grandpa too. I don't want to lose you or Mommy but I don't want Zoom to win. He's a bad man and he's got to be stopped by doing it the right way." Constantine says before hugging Barry. Barry hugs him tightly.

[Later That Night]

Marianne looks at Barry as Iris held Constantine. Jay heads over to the big machine and Marianne gulps as she looks at Barry.

"Don't do anything until I say." Barry says and kisses Marianne deeply, "I love you, I'm sorry I've been distant."

"I love you too. I better still have a husband when this is all over. Or I'll kill you myself." Marianne says.

"You will." Barry whispers before he zips over to the machine.

'Kick his ass, babe.' Marianne tells him mentally.

They watch as Zoom and Barry begin racing. Marianne watches as Barry makes a Time Remnant of himself and Marianne runs over to Barry as he lands on the ground.

"You are too late Flash." Zoom says, "I'm going to kill everything you love."

"No, you aren't." Barry says and looks at Marianne, "Kick his ass." Marianne's eyes begin to glow as she quickly charges up her plasma laser while Barry is fighting Zoom. The Time Remnant stops the multiverse from being destroyed and Marianne hits Zoom with the Plasma laser until the time wraiths appear and she stops her laser as the Time wraiths kill Zoom.

"And that is why you don't piss off the Wraiths." Marianne says.

"That was scary." Barry says.

[The Next Day]

The group heads to Earth-2 and rescues the guy in the mask from Jay's lair. They head back to STAR Labs on Earth-1 and Marianne's ears twitch as she hears Harry and Cisco arguing as they try to get the mask off.

"Okay, so you ran back in time and made a copy of yourself?" Wally asks.

"Well, basically. Yeah." Barry says.

"It's called a time remnant." Jesse says.

"It's not something that I can do every day, but I needed a way to draw the Time Wraiths out of the Speed Force, hoping they'd be more upset at what Zoom had done than they'd be with me." Barry explains.

"Is that what I look like when they start talking science?" Joe asks as he looks at Wally's confused face.

"Yes." Marianne says.

"Pretty much." Iris says.

"Don't worry, Wally. It'll get easier to understand." Joe says.

"Well, how does that even work?" Wally asks.

"Same way Zoom did it. I ran back in time moments before I left. It's the only way I could be in two places at once." Barry explains.

"Okay, so the time remnant, it's still you?" Wally asks.

"Yeah." Barry says.

"But... he died." Caitlyn says.

"Uh... He was willing to sacrifice himself for all of us." Barry says.

"That's how much he loved us." Iris says.

"You know what? We'll just – we'll forget about it." Wally says, "Barry, I'm glad you're okay."

"You know what? In battle, choose your weapon wisely. Alright? Some people choose a gun. I choose a Phillips-head screwdriver." Harry says.

"Oh, oh, I'm sorry. You're particular." Cisco says.

"Ramon, can you just please! Have you ever worked with a tool before?" Harry asks.

"I'm working with one now." Cisco says.

"Are you ready? One, two, and..." Harry says and they manage to get the mask off the guy.

"I don't know what more annoying. Being in that thing or listening to you two arguing about it." The real Jay Garrick says and Constantine gasps as he zips over to Cisco and Harry to see the guy's face.

"GRANDPA!" Constantine says.

"Uh, sorry to burst your bubble, but I'm not." Jay says and everyone looks at him, "What?"

"I-I'm sorry..." Barry says and leaves the room.

"Barry." Marianne says. Marianne heads after him and Barry hugs her as he cries against her shoulder. She rubs his back.

"I love you Barry, it's alright." Marianne says.

"He looks like my Dad." Barry says and Marianne hugs him tightly. They head back into the cortex after a while to see Jay off. Harry and Jesse decide that they are going home and the group helps them do that. Marianne hugs Harry as she was going to miss him.

"Harry, you have been a lot better Harrison Wells than any previous one we've known." Marianne says.

"Uh, thank you." Harry says. Marianne hugs Jesse who laughs. They say goodbye to the rest of the group and Marianne looks over at Jay.

"Jay, I have a quick question." Marianne asks.

"Yes?" Jay asks.

"Did you ever meet a young female hero with cat ears and a tail and called herself Plasma Kitten?" Marianne asks.

"Once. I believe a young brunette with black cat ears and tail." Jay says.

"So, the person that we were supposed to come and trust was you." Marianne says and Barry shrugs, "I'm her mother."

"Well, then I look forward to meeting her one day." Jay says.

"Me too." Marianne says.

[Later That Evening]

Barry sits outside looking at the night sky. Marianne comes outside and sits beside him. She looks up at the sky with him. She takes a deep breath and looks at Barry.

"I know what you are thinking and I need to know, are you sure?" Marianne asks.

"I want to try." Barry says, "If I could have both my parents together and alive then I can sure as hell make you fall in love with me again."

"And what about Constantine?" Marianne asks.

"He's our son... We'll have him again..." Barry says.

"Well, I'm going to miss the powers." Marianne says and she kisses Barry deeply, "I love you."

"And I will always love you." Barry says, "We are two people who are that of true love. It'll work no matter the world."

"Goodbye, Barry Allen." Marianne says.

"I'll see you soon, Marianne Allen." Barry says before he walks down the stairs.

Barry goes back in time and saves his mother, he stops Eobard and he looks over at the self of him that came back when Eddie died. He sees that Nora is safe before he fades away. Barry calms his mother and he gets tears in his eyes as his mother was safe again.
