Chapter 26: The Fury!

          Barry grabs Marianne and he rushes away. At the Rathaway Industries building, Barry sets her down by the cops where she places a force field on them. She turns and puts a force field on Barry and herself. The guy attacks them with sonic waves and Barry moves Marianne away and he pushes Hartley Rathaway onto his back.

"It's over Rathaway." Barry says.

"You know my name? I know yours as well. Caitlyn Snow. Cisco Ramon. Harrison Wells." Hartley says, "I can their radio frequency on the other line. Are they listening? Will they hear you die?" Hartley smiles and laughs. Barry laughs.

"No, they are going to hear you get your ass kicked." Barry says. Hartley attacks but Marianne is faster. She throws plasma at him. Barry still gets thrown into the Rathaway glass sign.

"Ouch that hurt." Barry says. Barry jumps up and starts throwing the Police Batons at Hartley then takes Hartley's sonic gloves giving Marianne time to get into position. Marianne taps Hartley on the shoulder and when he turns to look at her, she punches him in the face. Hartley falls over with a grunt and Marianne sighs.

"That's enough of you." Marianne says.

"Looks like you aren't as smart as you thought." Barry says.

"Smart enough to figure out who Harrison Wells really is." Hartley says. Barry and Marianne blink confused.

"You see I know his secret." Hartley says. Marianne grabs Hartley's gloves.

"Come on, Flash, let's go." Marianne says. Barry nods.

[STAR Labs]

Barry stands holding onto Hartley who is in cuffs and Marianne stands with her arms crossed over her chest.

"You know being captured by a guy in leather has always been a dream of mine." Hartley says flirtingly.

"Do you want to be punched again?" Marianne asks.

"I'm sorry, did I strike a nerve?" Hartley asks.

"That's my boyfriend you are flirting with." She says. Caitlyn and Cisco look at the three and Hartley smiles.

"Oh look the gang is all back together." Hartley says, "I was wrong you lasted longer than a day."

"And you didn't last ten seconds against Plasma Kat and the Flash." Cisco says. Barry grins and Marianne smiles.

"Caitlyn never got that wedding invitation." Hartley says and Marianne punches him again adding some plasma to it, "Why do keep punching me woman?!" Cisco smiles as he listens to the fight.

"Sorry, that wasn't me." Marianne says.

"Go Speed Kitten." Cisco says and pushes Hartley away.

"Caitlyn, are you alright?" Marianne asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Caitlyn says and walks away.

"Was that really the baby?" Barry asks.

"The first time, yes, that time nope." Marianne says grinning with a giggle. Barry hugs her and kisses her deeply. They go to the main room and change and Marianne pulls on a Star Labs shirt with Barry's help. They stare at the monitors of Harley's cell.

"Little Cisco." Hartley says in another language and Marianne looks up when she hears him talking, "Still begging for his master's approval." Marianne hears Cisco reply.

"If you are so smart, why are you in a cage?" Cisco says.

"Hartley don't make this more difficult than it has to be." Caitlyn says in English.

"I forgot. You don't like emotions. They are too messy." Hartley says in the language him and Cisco were speaking in.

"Enough Hartley." Harrison's voice says.

"Do you know what they were saying?" Barry asks.

"Hartley is a dick." Marianne says.

"Give us a minute." Harrison says.

"See you soon, Cisco." Hartley says in English.

"Don't bet on it." Cisco's voice calls.

"Your silence speaks volumes." Hartley says in the same language again.

"No man is deafer than he who will not hear." Harrison says.

"God I wish I'd taken a language in High School." Barry says.

"I can teach you Spanish and French." Marianne says, "Je te aime" Barry blinks.

"What was that?" He asks.

"I love you in French." Marianne says.

"What else can you say?" Barry asks. Marianne smiles and hugs him.

"Votre enfant me rend dingue." Marianne says. Cisco smiles and laughs as he somewhat understood her.

"What?" Barry asks. Marianne giggles and walks away.

"Hey, tell me, Marianne." Barry says.

"Look it up. Then look up this too." She says, "J'ai faim me chercher quelque chose à manger." She sits down and Barry sighs.

"Say it again." He says. She says it again and he records her voice on his phone and checks it through the internet and he looks at her.

"Why does the baby drive you nuts?" He asks. She listens to what Hartley and Harrison talk about and when Harrison gets there he sighs.

"There is something I've been hiding. Hartley's findings were eighty-seven percent sure the particle accelerator could explode and I kept that secret from you all." Harrison says after stretching. Marianne's eyes widen and she gasps.

"Wait W-What, you knew this could happen?" She says.

"So you knew there was a chance we didn't have to be struck by lightning?" Barry says. Harrison nods and Caitlyn and Cisco stare at Harrison.

"Next time you plan to put all of us at risk or those we care about I'd like a heads up." Caitlyn says and walks away. Cisco leaves the room too.

"Caitlyn and Cisco stayed with you after the explosion because they believed in you." Barry says, "Come on Marianne." Marianne gets up and walks away.


Marianne and Barry head to Jitters to think. Iris shows up and begins complaining about her day. Marianne looks at Barry when Iris goes to get herself some coffee. Barry's phone rings. It says that it is Dr. Wells and Barry sighs as he picks it up.

"Hello?" Barry asks.

"Listen to me. Hartley is loose in the Facility." Harrison says on the phone. Barry looks at Marianne and she grabs onto Barry who zips away with her. Barry rushes into the cortex and Marianne gasps and helps Caitlyn up.

"Cisco and Dr. Wells, where are they, are they alright?" Caitlyn says.

"Stay with Caitlyn!" Barry says. Marianne grabs him and she places her force field on him through touch and then Barry rushes away. Barry rushes around STAR Labs and finds Harrison sitting in his wheelchair. Barry looks around.

"Where's Hartley?" Barry asks.

"He's gone." Harrison says. They find Cisco and when Cisco wakes up to find Marianne and Barry looking at him.

"Je ai raté mon déjeuner à cause de cette secousse. Il doit obtenir son botter le cul." Marianne says.

"Yeah, Hartley is a jerk." Cisco says.

"What did she say?" Barry asks.

"She said 'I missed my lunch because of that jerk. He needs to get his ass kicked.'" Harrison says, "I think you need to teach him French, Marianne." Marianne smiles and giggles. Cisco starts going through the notes of every Star Labs files listed in the database.

"I'm going to be going down to the station, I think it is time I try to earn back your trust." Harrison says. Barry and Marianne leave with him and they watch the press conference live and Marianne sees Iris is working and she waves after it is over. When they go back to Star Labs, Marianne sits on Barry's lap as they watch Dr. Wells. Hartley takes over the intercom system and Marianne gasps.

"I want to have a chat with little miss Plasma Kat." Hartley says, "I think there is something that she should know about her baby." Marianne blinks confused.

"She is not a pawn." Harrison says.

"Then have your scarlet knight bring her. Unless you are afraid?" Hartley asks. Harrison looks at Marianne and she walks over to her suit.

"What are you doing?" Barry asks.

"I'm going to punch him." Marianne says.

"Why?" Barry asks.

"There is nothing you could possibly know about her child, Hartley." Harrison says.

"I'm sure it is more than you do." Hartley says. Marianne pulls on her suit in the other room and Barry gets his on as well.

"Deploy your knight or innocents will die." Hartley says as crashing is heard.

"Now!" Marianne says and Barry grabs her. They appear in front of Hartley who smiles at them.

"What do you want Rathaway?" Marianne asks. Hartley begins speaking French. Marianne listens as her ears twitch.

"Vous voyez , je ai étudié les étoiles la nuit dernière et ils me ont dit de quelque chose . Les étoiles se alignent dans la nuit un enfant puissant est né . Cet enfant aura capacités remarquables . Mais avoir autant de possibilités, l' enfant sera la cible de nombreux dangers . Si ce est votre enfant, je suis désolé pour vous , car qui sait ce que les étoiles ont prévu pour cela." Hartley says. A car starts to fall off the bridge.

"Flash the people!" Marianne says. Barry goes to get save some people and Marianne stares at Hartley.

"My child won't be born on the alignment of the stars." Marianne says.

"Then your child will have to fight that evil." Hartley says.

"With me and Flash as her parents she will know everything she needs to know." Marianne says.

"What if you aren't around?" Hartley asks going to attack but Marianne is faster thanks to the baby and she jumps as Hartley attacks and Barry attacks taking Hartley's gloves off.

"It's over!" Marianne says.

"Amazing I got you with the same trick twice." Hartley says. Barry falls to his knees when the gloves emit a powerful sonic blast on Barry's frequency.

"Now that you are busy you will watch me kill Plasma Kat." Hartley says. Marianne jumps over him attacking him with blasts. She runs to Barry and he coughs up blood.

"Get away, t-the baby." Barry manages to say. Marianne looks at the gloves. Marianne puts a force field around her and Barry and Hartley laughs.

"You can't hide in there." Hartley says.

"I'm not hiding. I'm defending myself. Now!" She yells and the cars emit another frequency that hurts Hartley's ears and his gloves. Barry tries to stand up and Marianne helps him up. Marianne and Harrison speak in unison.

"Check Mate." They say.

"Barry can you hear me?" Harrison asks, "Was Marianne's ears affected?"

"My ears are perfectly fine." Marianne says, "We are coming home."


Back at the Lab Barry speaks rather loud after changing into his daily clothes and Marianne changes too and she looks at Harrison.

"Do you know what Hartley meant by 'Vous voyez , je ai étudié les étoiles la nuit dernière et ils me ont dit de quelque chose . Les étoiles se alignent dans la nuit un enfant puissant est né . Cet enfant aura capacités remarquables . Mais avoir autant de possibilités, l' enfant sera la cible de nombreux dangers . Si ce est votre enfant, je suis désolé pour vous , car qui sait ce que les étoiles ont prévu pour cela?' Because to me it was mostly confusing." Marianne asks.

"Let me see uh, Les étoiles disent d'un enfant qui sera assez forte, Je pense que nous ne avons rien à craindre en particulier avec l'enfant étant né de vous, Vous avez un bon cœur qui signifie que le bébé prendra soin de vous et ce est le père." Harrison says. Marianne nods and Barry hands Harrison his copy of the picture and Harrison smiles and chuckles. Barry and Marianne leave with a smile.

"Not every hero wears a mask. Some heroes save the day in the simplest of ways. By just being there for others." Marianne's voice says as Harrison stares at the picture of everyone. He stares closely at Marianne.

"Or letting us know that we've believed in him. If Barry and I are any type of heroes today it's not because of our powers. It is because we learned how by people in our lives. One day our daughter or son will have to take the journey into being a great hero. Barry and I will be right there to teach her everything she needs to know but hopefully, our teachers will be his or her teachers as well. All of them." Marianne's voice says.

"Hey." Barry says as him and Marianne walks into the station sneaking up on Joe.

"Hey. That press conference today was something huh?" Joe asks, "Dr. Wells, it took him a lot of guts to do that have to give him that." Barry and Marianne nod.

"He has his moments." Marianne says. Marianne goes to talk to some of the female officers who wanted to feel the baby.

"It must have been really hard for you." Barry says.

"What? Being this handsome?" Joe asks.

"No raising me and Iris then somewhat raising Marianne since her parents was always busy." Barry says.

"Don't tell me you are getting scared about being a father now." Joe says.

"No, I'm totally ready but I am also overwhelmed. You were a great father to me. I just want to be the best father I can to the baby." Barry says.

"I don't teach a class if that is what you want." Joe says and Barry laughs.

"No." Barry says.
