Chapter 88: Use The Good In You!

[Later – Siberia 1892]

Snart walks back towards the Waverider and he stops when he senses something behind him. He turns as he powers up his gun to find Marianne and Barry standing there together.

"Hello, Flash." Snart says.

"We need your help." Barry says.

"Barry Allen. The hero of Central City. This is Siberia in the year 1892. We're a little out of your jurisdiction." Snart says.

"Yeah, hear us out and I won't have to sharpen my claws before I punch you." Marianne says.

"I want to recruit you, for a... mission." Barry says.

"I'm already helping a bunch of idiot do-gooders. Sorry. I'm up to my fuzzy hood in teamwork." Snart says.

"Would it help if I said please?" Barry asks.

"Maybe the kitty cat." Snart says.

"Please Snart." Marianne says.

"That was too easy." Snart says, "You already have a bunch of superhero types in your life. Why ask me?"

"Well, you have... a particular set of skills." Barry says.

"Great movie. Last time we tried to be buddy-buddy, it didn't work out so well... for you two." Snart says, "Why trust me now?"

"He's putting my life in your hands, Snart." Marianne says.

"Marianne..." Barry says.

"What does that mean?" Snart asks, "Spit it out or I'm gonna step on that ship and pretend like this conversation never happened."

"If we don't get what we need... I die... in less than 14 hours." Marianne says.

"True love. That's your pitch?" Snart asks.

"Snart... We don't like you. We will never like you. But as far as bad guys go... you're not the worst enemy we've had. You know our identities but we don't lock you up for it because Barry might not, but I see good in you." Marianne says, "You remember Constantine."

"The little brat." Snart says.

"We have two others that need their mother." Barry says.

"I assume saving you, kitty cat, requires us doing something less that lawful?" Snart asks.

"You get to break into the biggest and most guarded facility that we know." Marianne says, "We need an alien power source."

"The Flash, a thief?" Snart asks, "That's my kind of mission. One condition: my rules."

"Done." Marianne says.

"Your rules." Barry says.


With ten hours left, Marianne and Barry return with Snart. Snart says hello to everyone as he walks in and Joe rolls his eyes. They come up with a plan and Marianne takes a deep breath as she looks at the time. Snart begins explaining the plan to them.

"My guess it the power source is most likely here." Snart says.

"Why there?" Joe asks.

"Because it's the deepest part of the facility, and if it's as valuable as you say it is, then the deepest recesses of any facility are usually the most secure." Snart says.

"Hm. Smart, Snart." Cisco says and then chuckles, "Smart, Snart. I'm gonna keep hacking away to find out for sure."

"Do you have any idea what else might be down there?" Barry asks.

"Doesn't matter. There are only four rules you need to remember. Make the plan, execute the plan, and expect the plan to go off the rails... throw away the plan." Snart says and Marianne raises an eyebrow, "Follow my lead, and you'll be fine."

"I'm trusting you." Barry says.

"We all are." Marianne says.

"Just out of curiosity, you have a plan for getting in there?" Joe asks.

"I've got that covered." Barry says.

"Ah! Flash, Superhero. Cowl on! We've got civilians in the house." HR says.

"HR, it's fine. We're trusting Tracy with our lives. We can trust her with this." Barry says.

"Good point. Yeah. Okay, I'll put my hands down now." HR says and Tracy looks at Barry.

"Oh!" Tracy says, "That... That actually makes sense."

"Yeah." Marianne says.

"Totally should've figured that out. What..." Tracy says.

"Well, carry on." HR says.

"Alright." Barry says, "Joe, I need you to take Marianne, Constantine and the twins somewhere far away. I can't know where."

"Barry..." Marianne says.

"We'll keep her save, don't worry." Joe says.

"Barry, no. I... I want to remain by your side." Marianne says.

"No. You can't. It's not safe by my side right now." Barry says.

"Don't lose yourself." Marianne says and she kisses Barry.

[Later – Earth 2]

"And of course I told Barry, that we shouldn't have dark colors unless it's red because it's totally his color." E2 Marianne says as she helped Harry work. Marianne, Joe, Iris, Adam and Wally come through a breach with Constantine and the twins. Ronnie and Ellie begin crying.

"Marianne!" E2 Marianne says.

"Hello." Harry says.

"Harry." Wally says.

"That's a lot of kids. What brings you folks to this section of the multiverse?" Harry asks. E2 Marianne smiles as she looks at Constantine and the twins.

"Mommy, it's like... she's a twin of you." Constantine says.

"She's mommy's doppelganger." Marianne says, "Marianne, I need you to take them home with you."

"With me?" E2 Marianne asks.

"It'll give you and Barry practice." Marianne says.

"Oh, right. Of course." E2 Marianne says.

"They have... plenty of milk so don't worry." Marianne says.

"Of course." E2 Marianne says.

"Am I able to call her mommy too?" Constantine asks.

"Of course!" E2 Marianne says.

"Constantine." Marianne says.

"Yes, Mommy?" Constantine asks.

"You are to stay with my earth-2 counterpart no matter what. No zipping around Earth-2. You listen to both her and Barry-2 as if they were me and your daddy." Marianne says.

"Mommy? Why are we here?" Constantine asks and Marianne looks at Constantine.

"Just to visit. Go on." Marianne says and Constantine zips away as he's told.


Barry disguises himself as Lyla to gain entry into ARGUS. When the word association fails, he just knocks the guys out.

"My, my, my. Getting violent in your young age." Snart says.

"Yeah, what were you doing?" Barry asks after he returns to normal.

"Magic." Snart says as he gets out of the cuffs with ease.

"Neat trick." Barry says.

"That's a neat trick yourself." Snart says.

"Transmogrifier from HR's earth." Barry says, "Here you go." He hands Snart his cold gun.

"Cisco, where to next?" Barry asks.

"Okay, you will take the... East elevator?" Cisco asks.

"They should take the west elevator." Tracy says.

"I agree with Tracy." HR says.

"Barry, take the west elevator." Cisco says.

[Earth 2]

"How you doing?" Joe asks.

"I'm scared..." Marianne says.

"You're up against a future Barry who wants to murder you." Joe says.

"I just... I don't understand. Why? Why would he kill me if he claimed to love me?" Marianne asks.

"Barry is always saying you are too pure for this world." Joe says.

"No, that's Constantine and the twins." Marianne says.

"Giving the twins to your counterparts... you aren't by any chance... trying to spare them from what happens on our Earth, are you?" Joe asks.

"Yes." Marianne says, "At least if they grow up here... They will have me."

"Is that really what you believe?" Joe asks.

"It has to be." Marianne says, "I'm so scared Joe. If Barry and Snart fail, I will die and I can't stand to leave Barry or our children. It scares me so much. I want to do nothing but cry."

"Then cry." Joe says and Marianne suddenly begins sobbing. Joe pulls her into a hug and Marianne cries.

"Joe... I want you to take my rings." Marianne says.

"Take them? Why?" Joe asks.

"Like Iris held onto Francine's rings, I want mine to be available for Ellie when she's old enough." Marianne says and Joe nods.

[Earth 1]

Snart and Barry make it all the way down to the device and Snart hacks into the lock preventing them from getting inside. Snart tells Barry to stop when he catches sight of something.

"Make the plan, execute the plan and..." Snart says and the two hide as King Shark appears in the glass window.

"Expect the plan to go off the rails." Barry says.

"Seen a lot of things, but a half man, half shark takes the cake." Snart says.

"I can't believe ARGUS turned King Shark a guard dog." Barry says.

"King Shark. That's adorable." Snart says.

"Give me your cold gun." Barry says.

"So you can do what, exactly?" Snart asks.

"Snart there's only one way that tech's getting out of here." Barry says.

"Oh, I see. You didn't just recruit me for my skills as a thief, did you?" Snart asks, "You wanted a partner who wouldn't mind if you got all murder-y."

"I told you what I'm up against. Alright?" Barry says and holds out his hand, "Give me the gun." Snart hands it over. Barry powers it up and gets ready.

"Open the door." Barry says quietly before he repeats himself.

"Have you seen 'Shark Week' Barry? Me, I can't get enough of it. Good thing the Waverider has cable." Snart says and Barry ducks before King Shark sees him.

"What's your point?" Barry asks.

"Most sharks are cold-blooded, but the great white shark, like our friend in there, s partially warm-blooded." Snart says.

"He's susceptible to cold. No wonder Marianne suggested you." Barry says.

"Never strays into water colder than 53.6 degrees Fahrenheit. If we lower the temperature in that room to 53.5 degrees, King Shark should fall asleep like a little baby. Or you can kill him in order to prove what a badass you are. Your choice." Snart says and Barry passes the gun back to Snart who gets to work.

"Throw away the plan." Snart says.

[STAR Labs]

HR talks to Tracy about how he's never felt like he belongs at STAR Labs with the amazing family of Team Plasma-Flash because there isn't much that he can really do, but he knows that Constantine and Marianne have always made him feel like STAR Labs was his home and that the people in it were family. His point it to invite Tracy to permanently join team Plasma-Flash and she agrees to.

[Meanwhile – ARGUS]

King Shark passes out and Snart opens the door. He looks at Barry who looks at him then the two look at the very cold room. Snart looks back at Barry.

"By all means, you first." Snart says.

"Thanks." Barry says. They head inside and King Shark growls in his sleep.

"Reminds me of jaws. They didn't show the shark because they couldn't afford to make it look good." Snart says. Barry looks around and King Shark rolls over in his sleep and surprises Barry because his fin appears out of the cold smoke. Barry takes a deep shaky breath as he wasn't sure what to do. He sneaks around King Shark the best he can.

"How long do you think he'll stay asleep?" Barry asks.

"I like 'Shark Week'. I'm not a marine biologist." Snart says. Barry takes the tech they need and an alarm makes the door to the room close and they rush towards the door but only Barry makes it through.

"Snart!" Barry says.

"Barry!" Snart says.

"This place is going to be crawling with ARGUS agents in the next two minutes." Snart says, "Look on the bright side. This is your chance to show how ruthless you really are. Sometimes you gotta make a tough call, Barry."

"Cisco? We need your help." Barry says, "I got the cell but Snart's trapped in the cell with King Shark. We need you to open the door."

"I can't hack the mainframe." Cisco says.

"Hurry, alright?" Barry says and he walks back over to Snart, "Cisco's working on it." Barry's eyes widen.

"Whatever you do, don't look behind you." Barry says. Snart doesn't listen and he looks behind him to find King Shark standing up.

"If Cisco saves my life, tell him I'll put in a good word with my sister." Snart says. Cisco gets the door open but only just a little and Snart begins climbing through but King Shark grabs his leg. Barry grabs Snart's hand.

"I got you! I got you!" Barry says.

"Barry!" Snart says.

"Hang on!" Barry says, "Cisco now! Close it!" The door closes on King Shark's arm and Snart and Barry look at King Shark's severed arm.

"Ouch. Been there." Snart says and they look into the cage to see King Shark's hand regrow.

"FLASH!" King Shark yells.

"Let's get out of here." Barry says and they turn to see agents of ARGUS aiming their weapons at them with Lyla standing in front of them.

"Lyla?" Barry asks.

"Barry." Lyla says.


"I told you I couldn't give this to you." Lyla says.

"Yeah." Barry says.

"And you snuck in here anyway?" Lyla asks.

"Yes, to save Marianne's life. I'll do anything." Barry says.

"Not anything. I saw the whole thing on the security monitors. You could have left Snart to die. But you risked your freedom and Marianne's life to save him." Lyla says. Barry sighs before Lyla does and Lyla holds the power source to Barry.

"You're just gonna let me have it?" Barry asks.

"I couldn't let Marianne die knowing that that could save her. And I know you'd do the same thing for me if it were John's life on the line." Lyla says.

"Thank you." Barry says.

"Now go. Do it." Lyla says, "And get this guy back to wherever he belongs."

"Took the words right out of my mouth." Snart says. The two leave.


"Tell me Snart, did you think I had it in me to leave you behind?" Barry asks.

"I wasn't sure. Always known you had the potential to be as ruthless as they come. Your history made sure of that, same as mine. Who knows, maybe that's why we get along. You see the good in me. I see the bad in you." Snart says.

"Maybe." Barry says.

"Piece of advice: stop trying to beat Savitar at his own game. Your goodness is your strength and that is only fueled by the brilliant mind of that beautiful kitty cat. Call me sentimental – I think the Flash should remain a hero." Snart says.

"Take care of yourself, Snart." Barry says.

"No strings on me." Snart says before Barry takes off running to return to his time. Barry returns to STAR Labs.

"We did it. We got the Dominator's tech." Barry says, "Where's Marianne?"

"Ah, Marianne – safely stashed away on Earth-2 with ole Harry Wells." HR says and Barry turns to reveal at he was actually Savitar, "No." Savitar takes off and Tracy's eyes widen.

"Barry! Savitar knows where Marianne is!" Cisco yells into the comms.


"Savitar's coming." Harry says.

"Marianne stay behind me. He gets to you through my dead body. Harry, Adam, Wally." Joe says. Everyone gets ready. Adam powers up as he stands protectively in front of Iris while Joe held a gun as he stood protectively in front of Marianne. Savitar comes through the breach. Wally begins attacking him and Wally gets thrown around as Wally screams. Marianne watches as Adam gets thrown back into Iris who screams. Joe shoots at Savitar and the suit powers down.

"Iris!" Joe yells and Marianne turns in shock when she senses Savitar behind her.

"Savitar..." Marianne says as tears fill her eyes, "You look just like Barry."

"That's because I am Barry." Savitar says, "Aim the gun at me and I'll kill you." Harry lows his gun.

"If you are Barry, then there has to be some good in you. Please... don't take me from Constantine and the twins." Marianne says, "Be better than what you were created to do."

"I can't do that. He needs to be broken in order to make me." Savitar says and he grabs Marianne and disappears into the breach with her. Barry arrives after they are gone and Joe tells Barry that Savitar took Marianne.

[53 Minutes Until Marianne Allen Dies]

As soon as they return to Earth 1, Wally apologizes for not being able to protect Marianne while Adam begins throwing things around as he was angry at himself for being so weak.

"You two did everything you could to protect her." Barry says.

"You trusted me and I let you down." Wally says.

"I failed her. I failed the twins and Constantine." Adam says.

"Listen to me. Listen to me. There's no way you could ever let me down or fail Marianne. Wally, you've become the hero I always knew you could be and Adam, you've made Marianne's life happy knowing that she's got a brother who has powers too. I'm gonna go get our girl back, alright?" Barry asks and he leaves the room.

"BA, I'm so sorry." HR says.

"It's okay." Barry says.

"I screwed up. I'm so sorry." HR says.

"So what now?" Joe asks.

"Now we go to Infantino Street. We know exactly where Savitar's gonna be and when." Barry says.

"Is the Bazooka ready?" Cisco asks.

"I've loaded the power source into the device which should deliver the right amount of energy needed to trap Savitar in the Speed Force." Tracy says, "We'll be on standby in case it fails."

"It won't fail. It won't fail. It's ready." HR says.

"You didn't have that the last time, so we have the upper hand now." Joe says.

"Alright. You figure out what your plan is. I can't be here to hear it. You know where I'll be." Barry says.

HR feels upset because he failed Barry and Cisco tries to make HR feel better. He explains that he is responsible for leading Savitar to Marianne. He had to do something in order to fix things. HR leaves the room as he decides he's going to hold down the fort. He looks down at the table and HR decides what he's going to do.

[Later – Infantino Street]

Barry arrives and he listens to the news report. He looks around and heads to the spot.

"Everyone, stay on alert." Barry says.

"Please don't fail... Please don't fail..." Tracy mutters.

"Here we go." Joe says. After a few moments, Savitar arrives with Marianne in his arms.

"Flash, this is it! Now the moment is upon us! My ascension to become a god!" Savitar says.

"Not tonight." Barry says.

"Show me you're the hero." Savitar says and pushes Marianne to the ground and she looks over at Barry then up at Savitar, "Let's see what happens."

"I'm gonna stop you." Barry says. Barry rushes and grabs the bazooka then fires it at Savitar who dodges. Barry begins trying to shoot at Savitar who runs around to get away from him. It works for a little while before Savitar pulls out the Philosopher's stone which stops the Bazooka from working.

"What?" Barry asks.

"It didn't work." Tracy says.

"Why didn't it work?!" Barry asks.

"I spent an eternity in a trap just like that. You think I didn't know how to prevent it from happening again?" Savitar asks.

"The philosopher's stone." Barry says.

"It's made of calcified Speed Force energy, and you gave it to me." Savitar says.

"No... Guys! Guys!" Barry yells.

"I failed." Tracy says.

"Joe!" Barry yells. Savitar grabs Marianne and holds her in front of him.

"You stuck me with the Speed Force for an eternity of hell. Now welcome to yours." Savitar says.

"No. Don't do this!" Barry says, "Don't do this!"

"Now, finally, I am free of you." Savitar says.

"Barry..." Marianne says.

"I'm begging you, just—" Barry says.

"Barry!" Marianne yells.

"You lose, Barry." Savitar says and readies to stab Marianne.

"NO!" Barry yells as he tries to rush to Marianne before Savitar stabs Marianne but gets there too late. Savitar takes off after he stabs Marianne. Suddenly, Marianne is shown filming her video for Barry as she begins to cry. She stares into the camera with a smile anyway.

"Hey Barry." Marianne says, "Um... there's something that I need to say to you. I love you. There are not enough words to describe how much. And if something happens, and I do end up dying, I need you to hear this. I want you to continue being a hero. Don't you stop. Any time you want to see me, I'm sure Bary-2 won't mind sharing Marianne-2 for a few hours but... no sex, his words not mine. Take care of our children, be involved in their lives more than just taking care of them. Allow them to follow in our footsteps to be heroes. Scarlet Dash, Plasma Kitten and whatever Ronnie wants to do. Let him be a lawyer if you want. I don't care what he does, as long as they are all happy. Their happiness, is all that I ask that you guarantee. I love you Barry." Marianne is shown blowing a kiss before Constantine is shown getting into the video and the video stops of Marianne hugging Constantine. Barry is shown running towards Marianne again to catch her.

"Marianne!" Barry says as he catchesher. He screams as he holds her in his arms.
