Chapter 8: Miss Felicity Smoak!

"My name is Marianne Moons, Plasma Kat, my best friend and boyfriend is named Barry Allen, and he is the fastest man alive. When Barry was eleven he saw his mother killed by something impossible. His father went to prison for her murder. An accident made us the impossible. To the outside world, Barry is a normal forensic scientist. Secretly, Barry and I use are powers to save Central City and one day get justice for his father. He is the Flash." Marianne's voice says.

Marianne watches Barry play ping pong with Cisco and play chess with Harrison while Caitlyn attempts to play operation. Barry multitasks by joining Caitlyn in playing Operation while doing the other two.

"Why don't you dance with Marianne at the same time?" Harrison says.

"Wouldn't I be dancing alone?" Marianne says then gets grabbed by Barry and gets dipped.

"Like they always say if a guy can kiss a pretty girl and drive safely he isn't giving the girl the attention she deserves." Cisco says.

"Awe Barry, Cisco called me pretty." Marianne says. Barry adds to his multitasking hitting Cisco in the back of the head once in awhile.

"Do not flirt with my girlfriend." Barry says. There's a beeping

"There is an armored carjacking!" Cisco says.

"Yes, we finally have something to do!" Marianne says and drops her clothes leaving just her suit on and she jumps up and Barry grabs her and zooms away.

"Bike is in route!" Cisco says.

"Whoo, I got it!" Marianne says. When Barry and she get there she fires plasma at the guys putting a shield on her and Barry then a good guy gets shot and Barry zooms away to take the guy to the hospital. Marianne jumps on her bike a few minutes later. She rides away and she and Barry come back after the cops arrive.

"Sorry I'm late." Barry says and gives the break down to Joe.

"Anything you can give us?" Joe asks.

"Yeah, uh, we saw one of the guy's faces. I removed his mask." Barry says. Joe grins and nods.


"So look through these mug shots of Central City's most wanted, and see if you can find our guy." Joe says and Barry flips through the pages before he stops on the correct one.

"This one." Barry says.

"Oh yeah, that's him." Marianne says.

"Damn." Joe says and takes the book, "Leonard Snart."

"Leonard? That's almost as bad as Bartholomew." Barry says.

"Babe, I love your name." Marianne says.

"Snart ain't sexy, either." Joe says, "Snart's father was a cop – was a bad cop. Took his anger out on his kids until he went to prison."

"Snart's Dad's in prison too? We should start a club." Barry says.

"He shows up, like, every six months. He cases a job for weeks before he makes his move. Then he does the job – gets away." Joe says.

"That's before the Streak and Plasma Kat was around." Barry says.

"Did you just refer to yourself in the third person?" Joe asks.

"No, I referred to the streak." Barry says.

"We seriously need to be more verbal about your Flash nickname." Marianne says.

"That's been pretty much you calling him that." Barry says.

"What? It's better than 'the streak'." Marianne says.

"Coffee break!" Iris says as she was steps off the elevator behind them, "I thought I would bring Central City's finest Java over to Central City's finest." Barry takes his cup and when Joe says no, Marianne takes the coffee.

"Thank you." She says.

"I think he hates me now." Iris says.

"He doesn't hate you; he is just grumpy." Barry says.

"Um, just so you know, we had him in a good mood." Marianne says.

"First, that sounds like you're taking his side, and second, do you know how he does this whole, 'I'm not talking to you but I have a whole bag of judgmental looks I'm going to try on you later' thing." Iris says.

"Yeah, I've been on the receiving end of those a few times." Barry says.

"Speaking of communications, or lack thereof, after all these journalism classes, I got an idea." Iris says.

"An idea?" Marianne asks.

"I started a blog." Iris says.

"Alright, what's it about? Your brownie obsession? Cause you know, you probably shouldn't broadcast that." Barry says and Marianne giggles while Barry laughs.

"No, something important. Something that Central City needs to know about, the streak and Plasma Kat. They are out there, you two. Rumor has it, they stopped an armed car robbery earlier." Iris says, "I was hoping that I could take a look at the file, and—"

"What? I'm not at liberty to discuss an ongoing police investigation with you." Barry says.

"Since when, Mr. Blabbermouth?" Iris asks and they resume walking to Barry's lab.

"Take it from someone who's been investigating the impossible since they were 11. Blogging about this is only going to bring the crazies to your front door." Barry says.

"My blog is anonymous." Iris says.

"Alright, well, anonymous or not, it's not safe. You never know what kind of weirdoes are out there trolling on the internet." Barry says and the group rounds the corner into Barry's lab only to hear a voice.

"I can vouch for that. The internet is full of weirdoes and nerd rage... lots and lots of nerd rage." The woman standing there says.

"Felicity! It's been forever!" Marianne squeals and hugs her friend.

"Uh, who's this?" Iris asks.

"Oh, this is Felicity Smoak. Felicity, meet Iris West." Marianne says.

"Right, the other girl who came to visit Barry while he was in the coma." Iris says.

"So, the lightning came through here?" Felicity asks.

"Yeah." Barry says.

"Well, I've got to get back to work. I'll see you two later, it was nice to meet you Felicity." Iris says.

"You too!" Felicity says and Iris leaves.

"Uh, how about we go for a walk in the park outside?" Barry asks.

"Sure." Felicity says. Barry and Felicity talk and Marianne trails behind. She felt as if Barry was ignoring her now that Felicity was there. She stops walking while Felicity and Barry keep walking and talking.

"Iris is really pretty and nice." Felicity says, "You are lucky to have her." Barry shakes his head.

"She's not my girlfriend." Barry says, "Iris is just a friend who is dating someone else." Felicity nods.

"Then Marianne is." Felicity says.

"Well, I'm not fully sure of that fully." Barry says before he hears Marianne gasp. Barry turns as he remembers that Marianne was following them.

"Marianne!" Barry says. Marianne ignores him and she takes off running.

"Ooh." Felicity says and Barry's eyes widen. He places his hand against his mouth as realization hits him from the sad look on Marianne's face.

"Barry, you are an idiot. You are my friend, but you are an idiot." Felicity says.

"Yeah, I... I know. Marianne is my girlfriend, we've been dating for a couple weeks but well... until my mother's killer is put behind bars; I can't officially be her boyfriend but... I think I'm in love with her." Barry says.

"I say we go find her and you kiss her and then apologize or I will have Oliver put an arrow into you." Felicity says.

"I know where she is going, come on." Barry says.

[STAR Labs – Later]

Barry and Felicity walk into STAR Labs and when Marianne notices them enter the cortex, she gets up and starts to leave.

"Stop following me!" Marianne says as she walks towards the exit.

"Ooh, I figured you did something." Cisco says.

"Marianne, Barry wants to apologize." Felicity says, "I didn't mean to start a fight, look, I'm your friend, I would never steal your boyfriend." Marianne looks at Barry and she looks away with tears in her eyes. Marianne just leaves the room.

"Come on, Marianne, please, will you just listen to me?" Barry says.

"No!" Marianne says and she walks down the hall angrily. Barry follows after her.

"Marianne!" Barry says.

"No! It was like I invisible again!" Marianne yells, "It doesn't matter if it is Iris or Felicity, I will always be invisible to you. You only pretend to notice me!" Barry watches as tears slide down her cheeks. Barry hugs her quickly and holds onto her tightly as she struggles to get free.

"Marianne, I am falling in love with you." Barry says and Marianne's eyes widen and she looks up at him as she stops trying to get free.

"W-Wait, w-what did you just say?" Marianne asks.

"I wasn't fully sure of it when Felicity asked me, but I wasn't finished speaking either. I was going to say I'm not sure because I've been falling in love with you. I didn't realize it fully, but when I saw you crying because you jumped to the wrong conclusion; I knew for a fact." Barry says, "I am falling in love with you... I think I already am, but because my heart beats so fast, I am not fully sure." Marianne kisses him with tears sliding down her cheeks as she hugs him tightly, her arms around his neck. With the hug, she kisses him deeper and when they finally break the kiss he wipes her cheeks. She sniffles and he smiles at her before gently kissing her lips once more.

"Come on, Felicity wants a tour of our secret base. I'm sure you can explain your half much better than I can." Barry says. Marianne wipes her eyes and she sniffles.

"I look horrible. I can't go back in there." Marianne says and Barry kisses her cheek as he takes her hand.

"You look beautiful." Barry says. Marianne's cheeks flush bright pink and she tries to fix her makeup as he pulls her gently back into the cortex.

"Barry, wait, come on, no." Marianne says with a squeal and he laughs before he picks her up and throws her onto his shoulder. He'd done it a few times when they were goofing off and Felicity laughs as they enter the room.

"Sure, laugh it up; I was mad at you a few seconds ago." Marianne says.

"I'm laughing because Barry's lips are red." Felicity says.

"What have I told you about carrying her around like that? You get her tail fur everywhere." Caitlyn scolds, "How much of our operation does she need to know?" Marianne scoffs.

"Caitlyn, girl, its fine, Felicity is great at keeping secrets well except for the one she told me that she works with Arrow over in Starling." Marianne says.

"And apparently you are not good at keeping secrets. And he expects you to come by and visit soon. He wants to tell you the rules to knowing his S.I." Felicity says.

"Great, I'm going to be shot at." Marianne says.

"I could come too." Barry says.

"No. Marianne is going to be staying at my house and we are going to have a girly time." Felicity says.

"I do wish you would have warned me that you were coming by I would have prepared Barry and told the others." Marianne says, "Put me down now, Barry!" Barry laughs and shakes his head.

"So, help me you start running on that treadmill again and make me need to throw up I will throw up on you!" Marianne says.

"You two are cute." Felicity says.

"Welcome." Harrison says. Felicity looks over at him.

"Dr. Wells, the Dr. Wells, wow Marianne you didn't tell me you know the genius!" Felicity says.

"Call me Harrison, Felicity." Harrison says.

"He knows my name." Felicity says.

"Of course, you ranked second in the most brilliant minds of science awards, second to Miss Moons." Harrison says, "Barry, put Marianne down." Barry laughs and puts her down. Marianne crosses her arms after fixing her shirt.

"So, what is with the holes in the outfit?" Felicity asks.

"Oh, check this out, you're going to love this." Marianne says. Marianne looks at Felicity and Marianne holds out her arms and her ears and tail appears and she swishes her tail.

"That is so cool." Felicity says.

"This should help the Arrow, huh?" Marianne asks.

"Well,actually I suppose that is true, sure, yeah." Felicity says.
