chapter 8

Estel or Aragorn

Daeran POV

I haven't left my room all day, I barely finished my breakfast this morning no matter how much Legolas begged me.

Estel was leaving today and I was depressed. I didn't want him to leave but there was nothing I could do.

Right now I was laying on my bed facing away from the door, facing the window. I heard the twins Elladan and Elohir come to my door a few times, but I didn't feel like talking to them. Legolas came by my room once and I almost thought about letting him in.

However I turned him down. It wasn't until Estel came to my room that I got up. I went over to my door to let him in. "Little one, I hear you have been ignoring most everyone that has come to your door, even Legolas."

I sort of felt bad then, I was being inconsiderate. All the people here had been nothing but caring to me and I had let them down and treated them badly in return. I could feel tears start to form in my eyes and I quickly moved away from Estel.

He was probably mad at me. Now the tears were falling and I couldn't stop them. Estel started to make his way to me but I just backed up. I rushed over to the bed and made my way under it.

I could hear Estel calling my name, but I ignored him. He was mad at me I knew it. "Little one, please come out i'm not mad at you I promise." Estel kneeled next to the bed, giving me a sad smile.

"You're not mad at me?" estel shook his head.

"Of course not, I could never be mad at you." I stayed under the bed for a few more minutes before I immerged.

Estel sat on the bed, so I went over and sat next to him. "I'm going to miss you." I told him, more tears forming in my eyes.

"I'm going to miss you to little one." he reached his arm around me and hugged me gently to him. I buried my face in his shirt wrapping my arms around his neck. He rubbed my back in a soothing gesture trying to comfort me.

I don't know how long we stayed like this, but after some time. Estel moved his arms from around me. He then brought one arm under my bum while the other came around my back. He then stood up with me in his arms.

I had never been held before, it was such a strange yet comforting feeling. He then made his way to my door and out my room. We made our way to the court yard where I saw a horse being saddled.

Estel's bags were lying nearby and I couldn't help but wrap my arms tighter around Estel's neck.

All too soon Estel made his way to the horse. I noticed Lord Elrond, Lady Galadriel, Gandalf, The twins and Legolas make their way over towards us. I felt Estel start to put me down, but I stubbornly held on tighter.

"Little one you have to let go" All I could do was give a small whimper in response.

"I promise to visit again, ok. You will see me again" Estel told me in a serious tone. Before I could say anything Legolas came over us. Estel very gently handed me to him.

I couldn't help but let out a small cry. Once I was safely in Legolas's arms Estel made his way to his horse and mounted.

"Legolas take care of him for me." I could feel the arms around me tighten.

"You know I will" Legolas said.

"Stay safe Estel" Lord Elrond said behind me. "Always ada, you take care of yourself too." Estel looked to the twins. "Brothers" was all he said. He gave a nod each to Lady Galadriel and Gandalf. Then finally he smiled at me.

"Take care little one."

"Bye" was all I said as I watched him turn his horse around and make his way out of Rivendell. I buried my face in Legolas's neck, I could feel him rubbing my back.

"Don't worry Daeran, when Estel makes a promise he keeps it." I looked up at Legolas and smiled for the first time that day, I'm glad he was still here for me, I don't know what I'd do if he left.

"When do you think he'll be back?" Legolas looked in the direction Estel had left. "I don't know little one, but he will return."

I just nodded my head. After a few minutes of just standing there Legolas carried me into the dining hall, I hadn't been here often mostly eating in my room.

Legolas made his way over to a table and grabbed some food. We then made our way over to wear Gandalf had sat. Legolas sat down at the table and placed me in his lap.

I couldn't help the blush that spread across my face. I wasn't going to admit it to anyone, but I had a total crush on him. Legolas broke some of the bread off the roll he had grabbed and handed it to me.

I took it even though I wasn't hungry and started to nibble on it. After a few minutes of nibbling on bread I stopped. Legolas didn't say anything, I guess he could tell I didn't want to eat anymore and no amount of convincing could sway me.

After a few minutes Legoals finished his food. He was about to say something when there was a commotion coming from the court yard.

All the elves around us started to stand. I saw some warriors grabbing their bows. I shrunk closer to Legolas not knowing what to do.

I noticed him watching closely to what was happening. After a few seconds I was Lord Elrond make his way to the courtyard. After that everyone calmed down and started to make their way to wherever they need to be.

"What's going on?" I asked. "It looks like we have some visitors." Curious as to who it was I tried to look over Legolas's shoulder, but I could not tell who it was. "Who is it?"

"Not it, little one." Gandalf said to me.

"But 'they'." I gave a confused look. "It's more than one person?" I asked. Gandalf nodded. Now I was even more curious. I tried to get off of Legolas, but he would not let me.

"Legolas" I said

"I want to get down." Legolas gave me a look. "

I'm not sure you'll be allowed to see them Daeran."

"Why not?"

"Because little one they are not here by invitation or elves." Gandalf said. "Yes they are our guests and we will treat them as such, however we do not fully understand why they are here and since they showed up so closely to when you did the elves are going to be cautious."

"What are they?" I asked



Later that night from my room all I could hear was loud thunderous laughter coming from the dining hall. The dwarves sounded like they new how to have a good time.

I so desperately wanted to see them. All I had seen were the elves and I wanted to see what these creatures looked like. I got out of bed and slowly made my way to the door.

I quietly turned the knob hoping on one was there or that anyone would hear me. I tip toed my way to the dinning hall. I could hear music being played on oh what was it called....a flute I think.

I peaked my head around the archway trying to get a good look at our guests. I wasn't sure how many of them there were, but they were all sitting at one table while Lord Elrond, Legolas and Gandalf sat at another with what looked to be two their dwarves.

They were a lot smaller than I thought they would be. They were still taller than me, but much shorter than the elves. They were all quite burly too. Not thin, like the elves. They almost reminded be od Dudley.

They all had beards covering most of their faces, some had some weird looking mustaches too. Their clothing was a lot rougher looking, like they had been on the road a long time.

They were all laughing and yelling across the table. If I had ever done anything like that at the Dursley's I would have been beaten severely. I was watching them so intently I didn't notice one of them look back at me.

"Oh look there" all the dwarves at the table looked over at me and I couldn't help but shrink back at all the gazes. "Curious little, he is"

"hey little guy come over here." It was hard to make out what they were saying, I was still trying to learn the Common tongue. Not really knowing what to do I just continued to stand there staring at them.

Lord Elrond seemed to notice the commotion and looked over at me. That was it I was a goner, I broke the rules of leaving my room.

They were having a meeting and I Interrupted them. I was about to flee back to my room when lord Elrond called my name. "Daeran" I looked over at him.

"Come here please." I could feel tears start to fall down my face as I made my way towards him. "What are you doing out of bed?" I just looked over at the dwarves, but didn't say anything. "It's ok little one your not in trouble."

he told me, wiping my tears away "but I would appreciate it if you didn't make a habit of breaking rules again." I just nodded to him. He smiled "would you like me to introduce you to them." I gave a huge smile.

Lord Elrond looked to the two elves sitting at the table with them. They exchanged a few words in the common tongue. I recognized a few words. "Child" "warriors" "orcs" The looks on some of the dwarves faces was sad while others didn't show any emotion at all.

"Daeran can you say hello to them in the common tongue." I thought for a moment. "H..hell..o..Hello" I got it, I said it correctly. I smiled knowing I did well.

"Daeran this is Thorin Oakenshield" I looked to the man Lord Elrond had indicated. " Oak..n.shld." I smiled at him. The man smiled and said something to Lord Elrond.

"He sais you are preciuos, little one."

"Than..k y..ou." I heard a commotion from the other table of dwarves. I noticed one waving me over. I looked to Lord Elrond for permission and when he nodded yes I quickly made my way over. The dwarf pulled up a chair and I sat next to him.

"Hello" said the one next to me.

"he..llo" The dwarf pointed to himself ad said "Killi" I could tell he was indicating his name. "Killi" I said it was quite easy to pronounce. The dwarf next to him pointed at himself and said "Filli"

"Filli" I giggled that was a funny name. The dwarves went down the table and I tried to pronounce most of their names. Once we had finished introductions the dwarves started asking me questions, but I didn't know what the were saying.

They kept taking anyway laughing and joking around. I could help but laugh along with them. I don't know how much time passed, but I was starting to get tired.

"Daeran" I heard my name being called. I glanced over and noticed Legolas standing next to his chair. "Time for bed" he said.

I didn't argue, I was tired and happy to be going to bed now. I walked over to him and reached my arms up. Legolas bent down and picked me up.

I buried my head in his neck and closed my eyes. I could hear some of the dwarves cooing in the background. Before I new it I was in my room being placed on the bed. The covers being drawn over me.

"Goodnight, little one."

"Goodnight" was the last thing I said before I fell asleep.

Needing to add more to the story I decided to bring up the dwarves now.
