Chapter 22

Estel and Legolas

Estel POV

It has been a few days since I arrived. Lord Thranduil and Lord Elrond were both putting together a quest to leave for Isengard in search of Saruman and Dumbledore.

Their goal was to find and take them down. It was also well known that a darkness had descended upon Isengard.

This stemming from rumors that a necromancer appeared in Dol Guldur. Able to possess event the most strong of minds.

We weren’t sure if this was the case though or if the man had just turned on his good ways and went evil. Currently we were in a meeting deciding on who would be going.

So far Legolas and I would be meeting up with some correspondents in the Brown lands. Traveling then to Wold, East Emnet, West Emnet then to Isengard.  

We had also decided to bring along a few of the wizards, but we did not know of which ones yet. Dearan will of course be staying behind. I don’t want to be the one to break the new to him though.

I have already left him once and he will be devastated that I am leaving again, especially with Legolas I know how close they are.

“Alright you will pack and leave first thing in the morning” Thranduil said standing up from his chair. Legolas and I nodded our heads in reply and made our way out the study.


What they didn’t know though, was the head peaking around the corner having heard everything that had been said.


I made my way down the hall towards the wizard named Severus. Once at his door I knocked twice. I heard some scuffling and some angry murmurs.

The door opened and the man gave me a curious look. “May I help you?” He asked in a bored tone.

“Yes, I am under the impression that you were close to this Dumbledore fellow” I said. The man nodded his head “at one time I was and I was a sort of a spy against him. He trusts me.” I nodded my head then.

“We gathering a company to travel to Isengard in the morning and I would like you to accompany us. Your skill in magic I have been told is highly skilled also your work in potions and your knowledge of plants.”

“ I have nothing better to do here” The man replied and shut the door. I guess that was yes. “Please meet us in the courtyard at sunrise in the morning with everything packed”

 I said into the door knowing he would hear me. I then made my way towards another person’s room and knocked.

A man opened the door and I smiled “Hello Remus I presume?” The man inclined his head. “Yes that’s me” I was about to reply when someone else came to the door.

This man’s name was Sirius I knew that. “I am here to ask if you would accompany Legolas and I to Isengard tomorrow morning.” “where is this Isengard?” Sirius asked. “East of Rowen and south of the misty mountains.”

The man just gave me a blank stare. “Yah, cause I totally understand that” He mumbled and left the doorway. “Please come in” Remus offered as he opened the door further.

I nodded my head in thanks and walked into the room. A woman was sitting on a chair in the far corner reading, but once I walked in she laid it down and stood.

“My lady” I said inclining my head. “So what about this journey you were telling me about?” Remus spoke up and I turned back to him.

“It was only going to be Legolas and I, but we thought it best to bring people with magic along since Dumbledore has magic and we would like to be prepared.

“I understand what you mean.” remus said “how long will it-” but he was interrupted by Sirius “can I go?” I looked towards the man but shook my head.

“No, I think it best you stay here with Dearan. Since Legolas and I are both leaving I want him to have someone here to be with him in our absence and I know he trusts you.” Sirius’s face became sad “ok” he said and walked back to what he was doing.

“As to your earlier question. The journey will be a long one, but once we get there I cannot guarantee anything.”

Remus nodded his head in understanding “Then I think it be best I stay here. I am sorry, but you’ll have to ask someone else.” “very well, have a lovely rest of your day” I said as I made my way towards the door and left.

Early the next morning I was packing up my supplies and bedroll to my horse. Legolas, Severus and Arthur doing the same.

The only ones with us were Lord Elrond and Lord Thranduil. Along with Sirius, Remus and Arthur’s wife who gave her husband a quick kiss he before mounted his horse.

The others said their goodbyes and haved as we made our way.

We had been traveling for about four hours when Legolas suddenly whipped his head behind us.

He stopped his horse causing the rest of us to as well. “What is it?” I asked. Legolas didn’t say anything, but dismounted.

“Wait here” he said and walked over towards a cluster of trees. “What are you doing here?” he asked. I was confused, who was behind us.

Legolas the knelt down and I could feel my heart start to beat faster. “I’m sorry” I heard a small voice answer. Legolas picked Dearan up and brought him towards the horses.

“I’m sorry” he mumbled again placing his head on Legolas's shoulder. “Why did you follow us little one?” I asked. He looked up towards me with sad eyes “you were leaving and I didn’t want you to go” he whispered. So softly I could barely hear it.

I didn’t know what to do, I didn’t want to use our time and bring him all the way back. Then a thought came to me. “Bring him with us” I said. The others gave me strange looks “I’ll explain later” I said.

Legolas  nodded and mounted his horse Dearan still in his arm. We continued on our journey no one spoke. Around lunch time we started to near the end of Mirkwood.

“We will eat a quick lunch before we finally leave the forest.” I said. The others nodded signaling that the heard me. When we finally stopped and dismounted Legolas asked Dearan to help Arthur unpack some food.

Dearan did as was told and went with Arthur. “Why are you letting him stay?” Legolas said. I could tell he was worried, but that was only years of knowing him.

“I think it would be best if we bring him with us. One of the wizards can place a spell and make him invisible to Sauron and Dumbledore and it will keep them away from Mirkwood.”

Legolas thought for a few minutes before responding. “Very well” was all he said before leaving me alone.

Once we finished lunch and I had spoken with Severus and Arthur. They had agreed to place a spell on all of them so that no one would be able to find us with magic.

The others were now also aware that Dearan would be joining us on our journey, even though I could tell they weren’t happy about it.

Dearan however was excited, I could tell he was happy we weren’t sending him back. Currently Dearan was sitting in front of Legolas looking around in wonderment.

“Where are we going?” Dearan asked. “To the brown lands” I replied. “So everything there is brown?” I chuckled along with the others “no, little one that is only what it is called.” “Cool.”

We continued on for three days, stopping once at lunch and then for dinner before stopping for the night.

Since Dearan didn’t have a bedroll he would either sleep with me or Legolas usually switching every night. On the fourth day we made it to a small village in the Brown lands.

I directed us to a small inn where we left our horses and took in our belongings. “Why are we stopping here?” Dearan asked. I looked down at him “we are meeting with some people” I explained. “Who?” “you’ll see”

We walked into a room at the far end of the inn. A gasp filled the air “Thorin.”
