Chapter 16

Remus and Tonks

Remus POV

The spell took us a while to figure out but eventually we succeeded. The spell was so powerful that it took all of us to perform it.

Dumbledore told us that the portal we were making would take us to the world where Harry was in, then once we got there we could do a tracking spell to find him.

I personally wasn't sure of the plan but I went along anyway wanting to get hairy back. When the portal was finally opened I could feel a strong pull coming from it, it was like a vacuum trying to suck us in.

I grabbed hold of Tonks hand as I was suddenly pulled through the portal. I thought the sensation would be like a port key but boy was I wrong. I landed roughly on the ground the air knocked out of my lungs.

It took me a few minutes to figure out what happened. I looked around and noticed Tonks laying a few feet away from me. I got up and ran to her helping her up.

 I looked around again expecting to see everybody else but the only person I saw was Sirius. " what happened where we the only ones who got through?" Sirius slow we sat up

 "I don't think so, I think we all came through the portal we just probably landed in different places." I nodded my head that made sense. " does anyone know where we are exactly?" Tonks asked.

 I shook my head I had no idea where we were but hopefully we would figure it out soon. " should we find the others or should we start looking for Harry?" "to be honest I'm not sure maybe we should just start walking see where we end up" I suggested. The others nodded and we started walking.

I don't know how long we were walking for, but it was starting to get dark and our feet we're hurting like crazy from the strain of walking all day. " I think we should rest" Tonks said slowing down.

 I immediately followed her as we made a place to sleep. I could tell serious wanted to keep looking but he stopped anyway. " we'll start again in the morning" I said " but for now we must rest."

Severus POV

I saw Remus and Tonks being pulled through the portal. I tried to grab ahold of them but it was too late I was being sucked in as well I tried to balance myself to land correctly however the pool is so strong I wasn't able to get my balance.

 I landed on my arm which was followed by a snapping noise. Pain flared through my arm and I knew it was broken. I grimaced in pain but didn't make any noise. I looked up and noticed Dumbledore with Mr. and Mrs. Weasley.

The others however were nowhere to be seen. I got up and went over to Molly I gave her my hand and helped her up she thinks me as I went over to Mr. Weasley helping him to his feet.

I was going to go help Albus but he was already standing taking in our surroundings. " oh my gosh Severus your arm is it okay" Molly asked concern in her voice.

Usually I might brush it off and say I was okay however I did not know where we were I thought it would be best to inform Molly of my predicament.

 " I think it might be broken" Molly gas and came over to me Examining my arm she did a quick spell to wrap it and make sure it would heal straight. I thanked her then turned Albus.

" Albus what are the others what are we going to do?" Albus didn't turn to look at me just kept staring into the forest around us. " we must find Harry first he is the reason we are here once we have found him we will look for the others"

 " I don't think that's a good idea Albus we need to find the others they are important to this mission. There is strength in numbers we must remember that." mr. Weasley said as he backed an arm around his wife.

 " no we are going after Harry and that is the last I will hear of it." August cell the tracking spell for Harry however nothing happened. Albus growled in frustration "the magic here seems to be different our tracking spell will not work you will have to find Harry on our own."

 I was not very surprised with this finding I knew there might be a chance that there might be no magic for their magic could be different. " then we should probably search for the others they can't be too" I said and started walking.

Shacklebolt POV

The portal had closed, but Moody and Shacklebolt were still in Dumbledore's office.

"What happened" Moody yelled angrily storming over to where the portal had been.

 I had no answer for him, but it seemed like everyone else got through. "We must open the portal again."

 "We can't moody, it barely took all of us trust me we can't do it.

Sirius POV

We have been walking for two days straight and so far we have seen no one. However Remus believes we are close to a civilization of some sort.

With his werewolf senses he says that he can smell humans nearby. Humans I thought, but I thought we were on another planet how could there be humans.

It was another few hours before I could see smoke in the distance. Thank God we're getting closer.

 It wasn't for about another hour and a half until we actually saw what looked to be a village. The only thing that confused me was that the village or the town or whatever it was seemed to be on a lake.

Who builds a town on a lake? There was a very old vintage field to this place almost like it was medieval.

 As we got closer I noticed the people were speaking a different language not surprising we were on another planet. I turned to Remus and Tonks

 " they're speaking another language we must change ours as well" we used a spell so that they could understand us and vice versa. " y'all don't look like you're from around here" an elderly man said " could you tell"

 I laughed the man smiled "if you need passage you can hop aboard my boat I'll take you over no charge. " thank you so much sir you're very kind" Tonks said.

The man helped her in followed by Remus and myself with that he took a paddle and we started to make our way towards Laketown.

 When we arrived the man helped us off and pointed Us in the direction of a young man he said who would let us stay the night.

It was strange walking through Laketown cuz we were in fact on a lake. I had to get used to wobbling around when I walked.

 When we arrived at what I believed was the correct place I knocked on the door. The man looked young enough maybe in his thirties he had shoulder-length brown hair brown eyes. " yes man said how can I help you"

" I'm sorry we're just passing through and we were told that you could help us we need a place to stay only for the night and then we will be out of your hair in the morning." I said in a cheerful voice.

"Alright well I guess you could stay one night, but you'll believe in first thing in the morning." he let us into his home to what I believed was the living room "you can stay here I don't have any more rooms."

 " just letting us in and letting us stay is good enough we will make do." Tonks said Remus nodded in agreement. As the man started to walk away I called out.

 " may I ask your name?"

 "Bard" was all he said as he left the room.

The next day we were up bright and early we thanked Bard for the stay as we left we got a ride from another young man. Since we weren't sure where to go we had asked bar previously where the best place to head was.

 He had been told us of some trouble on the Lonely Mountain and that it would not be wise to head there.

 When we ask about the other direction he told us Mirkwood lied there and that the elves we're not always kind to those who made their way through.

 However we had no choice in the journey would be too long to go around work would either way we decided to take our chance by going through and explaining that we meant no harm and that we just needed to get too the Misty Mountains where the man had said was much more friendly territory.

 He brought us as close as he could, we got out of the boat and thanked him. We then made our way towards Mirkwood.

When we finally reached the edge of the forest I didn't know what to think the woods themselves seemed to have a dark and gloomy look to them.  The darkness seemed to creep into every being of me.

The man Bard I told us that we needed to take the open road a road through Mirkwood if you didn't take it you would be lost you would become delirious and slowly lose your mind. " this place gives me the creeps" Tonks said.

 I nodded my head in agreement. We made our way down the path watching for anything that might be a danger to us.

Every now and then it would get tricky though sometimes some of the paths be covered by leaves and we would have to make sure we were going the right way.

 It was then that we suddenly came to a cliff of some sorts. It was then that I realized we had lost the path I turned around quickly as wide " what's wrong Sirius?" Remus asked me.

 " the path, I've lost it, I don't know where it is it was cliff and the path and I don't know where it is" both Remus and Tonks eyes went wide they to started to search for the path.

 After a while and I don't know how long we were still searching things started to become blurry I tried to speak with Remus and Tonks but I could barely hear the words that were coming out of my mouth everything sounded slurred.

 I could tell the others were having a hard time as well I guess this was it this was the end of the road we were going to die because we made a stupid mistake and I couldn't stay on the stupid path.

 It was then that I saw a quick movement above me. I tried to focus on what it was but everything was spinning.

I pulled out my wand and said an incantation. Very slowly everything started to return to normal. I noticed Remus and Tonks start to come to their senses. "Are guys-" I was suddenly pulled by my foot and dragged.

 I dropped my wand and I could hear Remus and Tonks yelling. I grabbed onto a tree root and the thing grabbing me lost it's grip.

 I turned around and noticed a large spider on top of me. I was about to scream bloody murder when suddenly an arrow was sticking out of the spider's head.

 I moved back as the spider fell dead. Remus and Tonks ran up behind me and pulled me up. "Are you ok, are you hurt?" Remus asked I shook my head "I'm fine" Suddenly there were people coming out of the trees.

Well not literally but it seemed like they were. They were each brandishing bows which were pointed right at us.

 I didn't know whether I should hold my hands up surrender of faint. They all seemed female, 'Wait that one looks like a male' I thought.

"Who are you and what is your business here." I looked to Remus "We're just passing through" Remus said "You lie, no one comes through these woods unless for a reason."

The blond female, wait male said sternly. "We speak the truth" I said "we only wish to pass through and we did not have time to go around" The man just glared at me "Bring them" was all he said. We were then each grabbed by two people and further into Mirkwood.

The journey wasn't long and we soon found ourselves in front of great oak doors 'where were we' I thought to myself.

We were then lead up a spiral staircase that seemed to come out of the tree. The place was absolutely stunning, It was something out of dream or fantasy.

 We kept making our way until we reached what looked to be a throne room. There was a massive throne with huge moose antlers on the back.

The man sitting on the throne looked a lot like the man who just arrested us and he didn't look happy.
