Chapter 18 (update)

Hey guys I fixed any errors I could find with word spelling or grammar. I also added a few parts throughout the story. There is also a little more added onto the end.

Mr. and Mrs. Weasley

Sirius POV

The next morning someone came by to let us out. I let out a sigh of relief thankful that the man had not changed his mind.

We were then led to what look to be a dining hall. There were a few people there, some eating while most were doing other things.

We were lead to a table where we all set down. There was then food brought to us which we ate greedily. When we were all about finished the blonde men from yesterday appeared.

"you will all be given rooms however if things change you will find your rooms to be the cells you were just in." we all nodded our heads and understanding. "may we see Harry I asked"

"you speak of the child?" I nodded my head yes. "he will still be asleep at this time perhaps you can see him later however now we have much to talk about."

The man then indicated for us to stand and follow him. We were all led to what looked to be in office or study. The man did not sit but indicated for us to.

Tonks sat in the middle with me on the left in Remus on the right. "What are you?" I couldn't help but ask. "Elves" was all he replied with.

The first thing that came to my mind was house elves, but no these beings were majestic and wise. "So, you are Daeran's godfather?" the man asked.

 I nodded my head "yes when he was born his parents named me Godfather" the man nodded his head and understanding. "There is news of strangers wandering the land, are there more of you here?" I was a little confused at that question

"there were others with us when we came but they were not with us however when we arrived, so we do not know if they are here or not" the man did not look to us nor indicate he had heard me speak, instead he looked out his window a small smile gracing his face.

 "Daeran has been such a wonder to have around. We cannot however just let you take him away from us. Elflings our precious and we would never give him up he will remain here so he can learn and grow.

 He is Immortal after all and would outlive you." How is that possible I thought Lily and James were human even though they were Wizards there is no way that Harry could be an elf.

 "But Harry is human he has no Elf blood in him" I argued "Sirius is right Harry's parents were human they had no creature in them.

 I do not know how he could be an elf much less immortal." Remus exclaimed. "that does not matter he is here now and he is an elf, he will not be leaving." the man said in a threatening voice.

 He turned his stone gray eyes to me and I knew I would not live if I tried to take Harry away.

Not soon after the blond man who found us in the forest walked in. He glared at us and I could tell he still did not trust us, but that's okay, I didn't really trust him either.

 "Ada you require my presence" "Yes, send word to Lord Elrond and Lady Galadriel. I think it best that they be here." the younger nodded his head then left the room.

 I was quite curious of who these two people were they must have been very important.

Legolas POV

One I had sent Messengers to Lord Elrond and Lady Galadriel I made my way to Daeran's room. Once there I made my towards his bed to wake him up.

 "Little one it's time to get up." He opened his eyes groggily and sat up rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

Once he was up and out of bed and dressed in clean clothes we made our way to get breakfast. We grabbed some food then sat down, Daeran yawned and I smiled "late night" I asked he smiled then looked at me.

 "Yes, but what about the others you said they would be getting out today." He asked me. I nodded my head "they have been released and are speaking with Ada at the moment.

 Also word was sent to Lord Elrond and Lady Galadriel, so they will probably be arriving soon" Daeran gave a bright smile and clapped his hands "really, oh I can't wait" he said cheerfully.

I nodded my head in agreement. I knew it would be good for Daeran to see them again. "When will I be able to see those other three? Did you know they knew my parents" yes I had known I had heard them speaking of it.

 "I wonder what else they know, maybe they could tell me all sorts of stories" he laughed. "than we must go to see them." I exclaimed. Daeran ran from the room and rushed out.

 I followed quickly after him as he ran. He started to make his way down the halls searching any room he could.

I was about to tell him they were with Ada, when the three figures emerged. Daeran ran up to them, but stopped a few feet away.

 "May I see them sir?" he asked Ada when he noticed him standing behind the three. I made my way beside him and rested my hand on his shoulder. "Daeran would you like to show our guests around." Ada asked. Daeran's face lit up and a wide smile graced his face.

"YES" he practically yelled and made his way to the trio. He grabbed the woman's hand and started to walk down the corridor.

"What's your name?" Daeran asked the woman. "you may call me Tonks" she said. Her smile was genuine and I could tell she was pleased. "My name is Remus, Harry" Daeran frowned "My name is Daeran not Harry" he argued.

 "very well" the man said "we will call you Daeran" Daeran smiled and looked to the last person. "and I am Sirius" "serious?" Daeran asked confused. I could see the other two holding back their laughter.

 "No, my name is pronounced Sirius" the man tried to explain. Daeran nodded, then led the three all through Mirkwood.

Severus POV

About a day of walking and we eventually made our way to a nearby village. We were all tired and had decided to spend a few nights in the local inn after transfiguring some of the local money.

 Not long after we had arrived we had soon realized that civilization here was not was advanced as the muggles in our world.

 After we had changed our attire we acquired horses and set off in a random direction. My arm has been healing quite nicely with the help of Mrs. Weasley's constant bothering.

We had stocked up on a few provisions food, blankets, clothes.

The journey had been going well so far we hadn't had any misfortunes. Around the third day however I could start to feel a dark presence watching us. It couldn't have been Dumbledore since he was with us the whole time.

 I searched through the trees surrounding us, however I could find nothing. Over time though it started to get stronger.

"There's something following us" I whispered under my breathe. The others nodded their heads in acknowledgement. We started to quicken our pace weaving in and out of trees. Soon giant wolves started appearing behind the trees.

They were viscous and huge. They snarled and started a chase. I would have thought they were just a normal pack of wolves when I noticed hideous creatures riding them.

I spurred my horse on faster gaining speed. Suddenly and arrow was lodged in the tree before me.

A few feet to the left and I would be dead. I cast a stunner spell at one of the creatures and it fell to the ground, but after a few seconds he was immediately back up. The spells were working they just weren't that strong.

I growled under my breath as I noticed the others were coming to the same conclusion. More arrows were being shot our way and the creatures were getting even closer.

The only weapon I had was my wand, but unfortunately it was barely working. One of the creatures got close to Dumbledore and started to slash with its sword. I was about to cast another spell when I heard horses nearby.

 I glanced over and saw people making their way towards the creatures their swords and bows drawn. The creatures let out loud piercing shrieks some moving to attack the newcomers. I didn't dare use my magic in front of them and quickly hid my wand from sight.

The people on the horses started shooting at the creatures and slashing down with their swords. The creatures would shriek and cry out, but they too would bring up their swords and slash at the men or woman.

When all was over and the creatures had fled a woman or what was actually a man with long dark brown hair came over. "It is unwise to take this road when orcs roam these lands."

"yet you are out here yourselves" Mr. Weasley stated. "yes, but we have the skills to defeat such an attack, you do not." I nodded my head in agreement he didn't seem like someone I would want to make mad.

The man seemed to be of high status. I could tell by the way the others seemed to turn into him and I was curious to know who he was.

"May I ask your name" the man looked towards me " Lord Elrond of Rivendell. "If it's not too much to ask may we accompany you.

 You seem to know what you're doing" The man Lord Elrond said nothing and looked on with interest. "You see we are looking for some of our companions who were lost to us.

"The are strangers in Mirkwood forest perhaps those are who you are looking for. You may accompany us till then."

 We all bowed our heads in thanks as we followed the others and made our way to Mirkwood.
