Chapter 25


Daeran POV

We reached The Gap of Rohan fairly quickly after everything that happened. Everyone was currently setting up camp.

Severus and Arthur had gone to set up shields around the area to keep anything bad out.

Some of the dwarves were by the fire starting a meal, while others were gathering wood. "Daeran" I turned around and saw Legolas walking towards me. I smiled up at him as he sat next to me.

He took me into his arms and placed me on his lap. "There is something I must discuss with you." I was nervous now, what could he want to talk to me about that made him sound unsure. I hoped I wasn't in any kind of trouble.

 "Tomorrow Kili will be taking you to Helm's Deep. It is too dangerous for you to be going any further. When he has dropped you off there.

 He will be returning to help us." I looked up at legolas with sad and betrayed eyes. "No, I don't want to go." I tried to get away from Legolas, but he held on tight. "No Daeran, don't argue with me about this."

But what else was I supposed to do. All I wanted was to stay with them and now they were taking me away somewhere. "No" I said again still trying to get away. "Daeran enough" someone other than legolas said in a stern voice. I turned and saw Estel standing a few feet away.

"Kili will be taking you, so I don't want to hear anymore from you. This is not a debate." His voice was stern and gave no room for arguing. I could feel tears start to flow down my face. Now Estel was mad at me.

 I looked around and saw everyone staring at me. Some looked as stern as Estel, while some looked on with sad eyes. I wiggled out of Legolas's hold and made my way towards one of the horses.

I sat down next to it where it was laying my back towards everyone. After about an hour Legolas came over to me and tried to get me to sleep. I usually slept with him or Estel, but right now I didn't want to be near either of them.

I saw a sad look cross Legolas's face, but it was quickly gone. "Alright" was all he said as he handed me a blanket and made his way back towards his bedroll.

 I pulled the blanket close shivering slightly was I fell asleep.

The next morning was mostly silent. In the middle of the night I had awoken from the chilly morning air and made my way to where Legolas was sleeping.

 I climbed under the bedroll and slept there for the rest of the morning. I stayed with legolas all morning not leaving his side or going to see anyone else.

 I still didn't talk to Esel or even look in him direction. Soon it would be time for me to go and I was afraid. When everyone had their bags packed and the horses and ponies ready, everyone started to get tense.

It was time for me to go. Kili mounted his pony and waited for me. I grabbed onto Legolas's leg never wanting to let go. I felt Legolas lean down to pick me up.

He brought me into a hug which only lasted a few seconds. He then brought me over to Kili and placed me in front of him on the saddle.

 I could start to feel more tears, but I didn't let them fall. "Be safe" Legolas said as everyone said a quick goodbye. Kili stared the pony and we were off.

Estel POV

I felt really bad for being so stern with Daeran, but he needed to understand that he had to leave. We just couldn't bring him with us it was to dangerous.

 I could tell he was really upset with me. He wouldn't speak with me or even look at me the whole morning.

 When I said my goodbyes to him, it barely looked like he heard me and it broke my heart. Not long after Daeran and Kili left. I ordered everyone on their horses or ponies.

 "Quickly now" I said as we made our way towards Isengard.

The journey took a few days to complete. Kili was able to catch up to us around the third day. Once we made it close enough everyone dismounted and grabbed their bags.

 We would have to go on foot the rest of the way. When we finally came up to Isengard I gasped in shock. There were Ents throwing rocks and fighting against the orcs.

"What is going on here?" Bofur asked. Everyone was shocked at the sight before us. "Release the river" someone yelled. Suddenly the damn near the mountain burst.

 Water rushed down from the mountain putting out fires and washing away the orcs. There was a loud familiar chuckle close by.

"Gandalf" I said as a saw the once grey wizard approach from the limbs of one of the ents. We made our way closer as the water was starting to subside.

"What happened? What's going on?" Some of the dwarves started murmuring to each other, while Legolas, Severus and Arthur were looking around taking everything in. "It is good to see you too Estel" I gave a small smile.

"You are now Gandalf the white?" I asked a little confused. There was only supposed to be one white wizard. Gandalf must have read my mind. "Yes there is only one white wizard." "So Saruman?" I asked.

 Everyone stopped what they were doing to stare at Gandalf. "Wha-" "no time for questions right now, Gandalf is up in the tower waiting for us I am sure."

 "What about Saruman?" Bifur asked. We all dismounted our steeds and followed Gandalf to the entrance. "Saruman is dead, killed by Dumbledore.

That is why I am now the white wizard" "Dumbledore betrayed Saruman" Legolas said. Gandalf nodded. "Yes, now he waits for us."

No one POV

The group entered silently, but they knew it probably wasn't worth it since Dumbledore knew they there already. Suddenly a group orcs ran at the group. Thorin, Fili, and Bifur ran to meet them, swords drawn.

The screams of the orcs filled the room as more started to ascend on them. Legolas and Kili shot arrows at the oncoming orcs. Gandalf slashed through an orc before yelling towards the group.

"Come on" Gandalf started towards the stairs slashing at orcs. The group followed behind as fast as they could. "I can sense his magic, he must be at the very top." Gandalf yelled down.

"Gandal-" Estel was cut off suddenly was he was knocked down the stairs. "ESTEL" Estel's sword was knocked out of his hand when he landed.

The orc stabbed down at estel, but he quickly dodged. The dagger logged into the floor. Etsel took the advantage of the orc's distraction and kicked it in the head.

"Estel are you ok" Arthur said coming over to him. "Yes, let's go" Arthur fired of spells as the two made their way after the others.

"Severus, Arthur you should probably go ahead. Dumbledore might hesitate before harming or killing you."

"That's reassuring" Severus murmured. "You're right Severus it is." Severus glared at Gandalf before continuing on. "Severus" Arthur yelled.

"We need to put up a barrier so the Orcs can't follow us." Severus nodded. The two stood next to each other and spoke the same incantation.

An almost invisible barrier appeared a few feet in front of them stopping the Orcs in their tracks.

"Good job you two, now let's get this over with."
