Chapter 5:

Dream POV:

After sapnap left my house I was worried for him. What if he got beat up again. I didn't want him to get so screwed up that he couldn't even do the competition. So me and George agreed to follow him back home. It was Friday so we didn't have football practice.

As we were following him, he wasn't going back to his house. Instead he ended up going to some cafe on the otherside of town. Once he got in we realized he worked here. But why? He really didn't need to.

We walked into the cafe and his smile dropped. He started looking panicked and we sat down in some booth.

He walked over to us.

"Hi, may I take your order?"

"Sapnap what are you doing here?" - dream

"I'm working, now what do you want." He had an irritated undertone.

"I'll have a black coffee and a muffin, why are you working?"

"Because I need the money, and for you George?" - sapnap muttered the answer to my question as if he didn't want us to hear

"What do you mean you need the money? I'll have the caramel Frappuccino thingy and carrot cake." - George

He started fuming.

"I don't need to explain myself to either of you! It's none of your business!"

"It is our fucking business because you're our friend!" - dream


I was insulted but I didn't show it. I sat back down and glared at him as he got us our stuff.

When he came back with our stuff he sat down and started talking.

"I shouldn't have lashed out at you and I'm sorry. My dad lost his job before the competition started and we've been struggling. That's why I need to win the competition, so that i have a place to go to college."

Me and George were shocked. I don't know what we were expecting but it wasn't that.

"Hey man, if you need you can borrow some money, or anything. I'd love to help." - George.

"Yea, you're our best friend I wouldn't mind helping you out."

"You can help me out by try-Harding this competition okay?"

They both nodded but they had to do something. It wasn't fair that sapnap had to deal with that.


George POV:

I went home and kept thinking about how I could help sapnap out of this one, but I really just didn't know what to do. That's when I got a message of discord from sapnap.

Sapnap: hey wanna hop on Minecraft

Georgenotfound: in 10 minutes?

Sapnap: 👍

That's when it hit me, what if sapnap made a YouTube channel, surely that would be a good source of income. But how would I convince him to do it?

Georgenotfound: hey dream I have an idea on how we can help sapnap

Dream: go on.

Georgenotfound: if we can convince him to make a YouTube channel like us maybe he would be able to make some money.

Dream: that's not a bad idea.

Me and dream had started YouTube channels ages ago. We didn't have too many subscribers and we didn't make the most amount of money on it but that's because we didn't really post regularly and we never worked too hard on the videos.

George POV:

Next day.

I wanted to think of a way to get sapnap to agree. Me and dream tried to get him to make a channel before but he was never interested. So I thought the best way to communicate it to him was through song!

I walked over to tubbo and he was standing by himself infront of his locker.

"Hey tubbo!"

"Hey George, what's up?"

"Alright so I need your help."

"What can I do?"

"You play piano right?"


"Me and dream want to show sapnap a song but the entire thing is on piano and I can't play it. I was wondering if you could do it?"

"Sure why do you need to show him this song though?"

"It's to help convince him to do something."

"Why not just text me when to meet you and I'll be there."

I nodded before walking away and texting dream my plan. I wasn't 100% sure it would work but the least I could do was try.


Georgenotfound: hey sapnap meet me at the drama studio at lunch.

Sapnap: why?

Georgenotfound: surprise!

It was now lunch time, tubbo was prepared on the keyboard and dreams was ready to sing. I didn't really know what to do so I was just going to bring him in here and sit next to him.

"George why did you want to meet me here"

I pulled his hand and made him sit down next to me infront of dream and tubbo.

Tubbo started playing the piano and I saw sapnaps face lighten.

"I got bills, I gotta pay
So I'm gonna work, work, work everyday
I got mouths I gotta feed
So I'm gonna make sure everybody eats
I got bills"

Sapnap immediately knew what the song was about and turned to me with a pissed expression but he continued to listen. The man can't resist a song. Tubbo was now doing the verses.

"All these bills pile up on my desk
They looking like a mount
All these little kids run around
I can hear their stomach growl
There's a full moon out
And my girl just keep on howlin'
Said she gonna leave me if I don't come home with fifty thousand."

Tubbo and dream sang the next part together. Sapnap was clearly enjoying the music despite being annoyed that we were meddling in his life.

"Ah damn, ah damn, ah damn, ah damn

Oh man, oh man, oh man, oh man

Ah damn, oh man, ah damn, oh man"

I gave Sapnap a piece of paper that said 'read when song is finished' it was basically just a paper that asked if he could start a channel to make money.

"I got bills, I gotta pay
So I'm gonna work, work, work everyday
I got mouths, I gotta feed
So I'm gonna make sure everybody eats."

I knew if Sapnap hadn't been beaten up, he would've been dancing. Or singing. Either or honestly. This man loves music and it's a shame he can't get up and start vibing. But there's only one more week of recovery and then he can dance as much as he wants.

"I got bills, I gotta pay
So I'm gonna work, work, work everyday
I got mouths I gotta feed
So I'm gonna make sure everybody eats!"

I look at Sapnap and scream the last line in his face.


"Can you shut the hell up?" - sapnap

I just smiled and looked at the paper. He read it slowly, it seemed like he was taking years to read it, it was only like 30 seconds long.

He looked at me and then dream, with a frown on his face.. fuck.. was he mad?

"I'm sorry Sapnap, we shouldn't have meddled please don't be mad. Tubbo doesn't even know why we did the song so don't worry."

"Yea I don't! I just wanted to show of the piano!"

"Shut the fuck up."

He was mad, he was so mad. What if he stops being friends with me, with us.

"I'm not mad, and I'll do it. But you guys have to edit the videos cuz I am not touching premier pro every again.. not after film and media... dark times."


Me and dream pulled out our phones and tweeted about his channel, we may have already created the channel in anticipation but HEY HE SAID YES. He was already at 1000 subscribers and he didn't even have a video yet.


A/N: alright so I cut the song short because I lowkey don't like the song. But it fit the story so I used it anyways. It's like my least favorite song I've used in this book or the other one. But NOW SAPPY NAPPY HAS A YOUTUBE CHANNEL :O. When the next chapter starts Sapnap will have already uploaded two videos and will be at 3K. Dream is at 40K and George is at 27K. They all have started being more active.
