Chapter 1:

Dream POV:

"PFFFT- yea did you see that pass I made? It was awesome" I just finished practice and was walking to music with sapnap, George and ranboo. Time for 1 hour of daydreaming.

"Yea man, it was so clean and smooth. I swear it was like asmr but like better" - sapnap, my greatest hype man.

"Yo dream! You and the dream going to be grouped together for battle of the bands this year?"
Ranboo asked us.

"Yea you know it! And we're gonna win like we do every year, right gogs?" - sapnap

"Haha yeaa, but coach probably make us run an extra bazillion laps for doing something other than football." Ugh I didn't even think of that, why did George have to remind me.

Coach blade was the craziest man alive. I swear he's going to be arrested for child torture.

"Heh yea you guys are in for it, anyways let's head of to Mr. Soot's class before he yells at us for god knows what." - ranboo

"Yea whatever, that teacher is a prick anyways!! Who gives a shit" - dream

I saw ranboos face fall as I said that. Why cant he just be honest and tell us that he likes the class. We've been trying to get him to be more honest with us and to stop being embarrassed over what he likes.

A few days ago we found out he's been playing guitar for like ever and he was so embarrassed and got so shy and it was sad. It's like he doesn't trust us. George was so excited to talk to him about guitar and he just assumed it was embarrassing.

Anyways we headed of to music class.

No specific POV:

"Welcome to class, today we are doing some group work. I've already come up with groups, there will be no switching of groups regardless of wether you like them or not" - Mr. Soot

"Group one is the dream team. Coach blade asked to keep you together? Something about keeping the team together or whatever...." The dream team tuned out the rest of the groups just waiting to hear ranboos group, they cared for him "and finally, group five we have Tommy, toby- sorry tubbo and ranboo"

"Sir did you say ranboob?"

The entire class found this funny but the dream team knew ranboo didn't like being called this.

"Hey don't mess with ranboo, bitch" - sapnap

"Don't even try Tommy." - dream

The entire class immediately shut up as the dream team where the most feared and respected. They never beat anyone up but everyone knew they could.

"Alright class, you will all be entering battle of the bands!"- Mr. Soot

The dream team were going to do it anyway, returning champs and whatever. But they were excited to have some new competition.

"YES LETS GOO" - Tommy

"Glad to see your excited Tommy! There are five stages to the competition. Stage one: you must preform a cover of an already existing song. Stage two: you must preform a cover of a song from before 2000s. Stage three: must be a song from before 2010. Stage four is a song written by you and your band And stage five is the final stage of the competition. The winner of the stage will be chosen by the school, unlike the other stages where the teachers must make cuts. The winner of the competition win a scholarship to any musical arts university they want!"

"After every stage half the contestants will be eliminated. You are competing with the entire school to it will be difficult, good luck!"

Sapnap POV:


I got to play music with my best friends! It's amazing. I loved music and I was so good at like all instruments. Georgie poo was a beast at the guitar and dream was like a god at singing

Basically I was stacked for this competition. And my parents would be so stoked if we won. We haven't been doing too hot with money lately so it would be awesome if I got the scholarship and I could get that weight off their shoulders. I was already working a weekend job to help pay for food and my dad had to sell a few of his cars.

It sucked going from having everything to loosing everything.


I hadn't told the rest of the boys because I didn't want them to worry about me, I was fine and if I really needed help I'd ask.

Lets just hope they actually try this competition instead of slacking off like they usually do in these competitions.

George POV:

AYYYYYY this was going to be so fun! And if we actually won that would be so cool. It doesn't seem like dream is super interested in the competition but I'm sure once we start he'll get right into it.

Dream POV:

... ok..
