
"Alice! You ready to go?" I yelled across the parking lot, even though I knew she could hear me if I whispered it.

School had just ended, and Alice arranged for me to ride with them back to their place. I'd been hanging out with Alice a lot lately over the past two weeks. I knew Edward and Bella were getting closer too.

I gasped as she sped over to me. "Alice, someone could have seen you!" I said in a hushed tone. She laughed and shook her head. "No they didn't, remember I have the sight." She said in a mystical tone reminiscent of a fortune teller.

I laughed and slapped her arm, which weirdly left my arm hurting.

"Yeah, let's go with Rosalie. Bella's gonna be with Edward." She told me. I nodded and climbed into Rosalie's amazing car. I'd never been a car girl, but her car was absolutely gorgeous.

"Hey Rose." I greeted, hoping she'd greet me back. I knew Bella said that Rosalie didn't exactly like her. I'd only really hung out with Alice the last two weeks, but I wanted Rose to like me.

She looked back at me and her face softened a little. "Hey." She said sweetly. I think Rose and I would be good friends. At least I hoped. "Hey Addy! I didn't know you were coming to the house today!" Emmett said as he climbed into the passenger seat.

I laughed. "I'm full of surprises." I said, smirking. Jasper got into the car next, but I could tell he was uncomfortable. Which made me apologetic. Jasper shouldn't have to be uncomfortable because of me.

"Addy, it's fine. It's not your fault." Jasper told me, and I instantly felt calm spread over me. "Thank, Jasper." I said.

The car started then and Rosalie sped from the parking lot. So they all drove like maniacs.

"So, Addy, you have the hots for our dad?" Emmett said suddenly and I stiffened. "What?! No! He's like- 300 years old!" I said loudly, but I was lying. Jasper gave me a doubtful glance.

Emmett snorted. "Whatever you say." He said. Rosalie grinned. I rolled my eyes playfully. With Rosalie's crazy vampire driving, we reached the Cullen house in no time. When we got out of the car, Alice pulled me aside. "Hey, just so you know, Bella is going to be coming over today." She told me and I nodded.

I figured that Bella would be visiting the Cullen house sooner or later. I followed Alice inside, surprised at how relaxed I felt. When I was with the Cullen's it didn't feel like I was with vampires. It just felt like I was with friends.

I walked inside behind Alice. I noticed a grand piano in the corner of the living room that I hadn't noticed before. "That's beautiful." I said, gesturing towards the piano. Alice smiled at me. "Do you play?" She asked. I nodded. "Just a little." I said. Mom had forced Bella and I to take lessons when we were younger.

"Can I?" I asked her. She grinned at me. "Of course. Make yourself at home." She said, and then she zoomed off to see Jasper. I sat down at the piano. I slowly started playing Claire de Lune. Hopefully no one would mind my playing. I found myself extremely relaxed, whether that was Jasper's doing or the piano playing, I don't know.

"Claire de Lune is great." I heard someone say. I stopped playing and looked behind me. It was Carlisle. Oh crap. Did I look terrible? I hadn't had the chance to glance in the mirror. "Yeah it is." I said, with a small smile. "Do you play?" I asked. He smiled.

"No. No. Rosalie and Edward are the musicians of the family. I just observe." He said, putting his hands into his pockets. I smiled. "Of course Edward plays." I said with a small roll of my eyes. Carlise laughed. "Well, there's hardly anything he can't do." Carlisle said jokingly.

I sighed. There was one question I had really wanted to ask Carlise. But it never seemed to be a good time. "Carlisle, can I ask you something?" I said. His lips turned upwards. "Sure." He said. "How did you become a vampire?" I said, and immediately regretted it. His face dropped.

"I'm sorry- it's none of my business." I said, looking away from him quickly. "No, don't be. If you really want to know, I can show you." He said, and my eyes widened. "Not like that." He said, laughing quietly. I grinned. "Okay." I said hopping up from the piano.

He smiled and grabbed my hand. I stiffened a little out of shock, but held back onto his hand. This was nice, I thought as we walked up the stairs. He glanced at me and grinned. How was one person so beautiful? It wasn't fair. He opened his office door, and we walked in.

A wooden cross hung on the wall. I laughed before I could stop myself.

"Sorry." I said, glancing at Carlisle. "No, it's okay. It's ironic, isn't it?" He said. I nodded. He reached up and touched the cross. "My father made this. Carved it himself." He said, a hint of sadness in his voice. "In the 1640s?" I asked, still amazed.

He smiled at me. "You remembered?" He asked, rubbing my hand. I smiled. "I have a good memory." I said. He smiled. "My father was a preacher. He led witch hunts and vampire hunts, though the monsters he searched were harder to catch than he thought. I was leading a raid one night in 1663, when we ran upon a vampire. He bit me, and I fell into a corner, hoping to live. I knew that if my father saw me, he would have me burned." He said, pain evident in his voice.

I was tearing up. "I'm so sorry, Carlisle." I said. He looked down at me and stroked my cheek.

"You are so beautiful, Adelaide." He said and it surprised me. I leaned into his hand, and his eyes widened a bit.

I held his gaze, wishing he would kiss me. Once again, I felt like we were being drawn together. Impulsively, I leaned up and kissed him and he kissed me back. As soon as our lips touched, I felt like everything was going to be fine. It was like we were destined for each other.

I was surprised as he deepened the kiss and placed one of his hands around my waist, pulling me closer to him. I guessed be felt the same way I did.

He broke away then and I smiled at him.

"Did that really just happen?" I asked and he laughed. "Yes, it did. And I'm glad it did." He told me and that made me blush.

"You are?" I asked him.

"Yes. I know I've felt this insane connection to you since I laid eyes on you." He told me and I grinned.

"It's the same for me. And I'm glad the kiss happened too." I told him, placing a hand against his cheek.

"In fact, I don't think I would mind too much if it happened again." I said, wondering to myself where I got this sudden confidence from.

"Oh, really?" He asked and I nodded, smiling as he leaned down to connect our lips once more.

"Oh my God!" I heard, and I jumped far away from Carlisle. Bella and Edward were standing in the doorway. Edward looked amused while Bella had a look of surprise on her face.

"Bella? What are you doing here?" I said, my voice high pitched. "Well, Edward was showing me around. What were you doing?" She asked, looking between Carlisle and I with a grin.

I felt very embarrassed that Bella and Edward both saw me wrapped around Carlisle that way and it made me want to run.

"You know what? I should go!" I said, making a move towards the door. I felt a need to escape. Edward moved so I could get through. Thanks, I thought to him.

I rushed down the stairs and into the living room. The Cullens all looked up at me. "Hi, guys!" I said, looking around nervously.

Alice smirked at me. "Having fun?" She asked me, raising her eyebrows. "You could say that." I said and Alice laughed. "Don't worry. The embarrassment will fade soon."

I blushed at that.

Alice pulled me over to the couch beside her. Emmett was looking at me suspiciously.

"So... Carlise took you to his office? What activities did you indulge in?" He asked me, laughing. Rosalie shoved him. I felt my face heat up.

"Nothing." I said, looking down at my hands.

"You sure it was nothing? Because I could hear your heart speeding from down here." He told me and I blushed. It was embarrassing to think about the Cullen's super hearing and what they would hear with it.

"Okay, fine, you've got me. I kissed your, dad, are you happy?" I said and Emmett grinned.

"Ecstatic." He said and even I had to grin at him.

Jasper grinned at me then. "So, Addy, do you want to play baseball with us?" He asked me suddenly. I laughed. "Me? Playing a sport? That's funny." I said. Alice grinned.

"Well you wouldn't be playing, just watching us playing. A thunderstorm is coming soon, so we can play." She said, a glint in her eyes.

"Wait, why do you have to wait for the thunderstorm?" I asked, confused. "Don't worry, you'll see soon enough." Emmett said ominously.

I smirked at him. Alice grabbed Jasper's hand and ran upstairs. Carlisle came downstairs then, walking over to me.

I stood up and smiled at him.

"So, are you going to come watch the game?" He asked me, smirking. I smiled at that.

"How else will I find out how vampires play baseball?" I said, shrugging.

Emmett looked between the two of us and wagged his eyebrows. I stuck my tongue out at him. Rose snickered at that.

Just then, Alice, Jasper, Bella, and Edward came down the stairs. Bella looked at me, and I smiled at her. She saw Carlisle and I standing beside each other and grinned at me.

"Shall we?" Alice asked, speeding over to me.

I noticed she had on cute baseball clothes. When did she have the time to change? Edward snickered. "She's Alice. She always has time for clothes." He explained, and Alice grinned over at him.

Everyone made their way to the garage then. Carlisle walked out of the room for a moment and came back holding something.

I watched as he walked over and placed a baseball cap on my head. I giggled. "I still can't believe vampires play baseball." I said, smiling up at him. He grinned and leaned down towards me, pecking me on the lips.

"Well, it is the American pastime."
