
Time passed quickly. Before I knew it, it had been two full weeks since Edward and Bella left for their honeymoon.

I'd been busying myself by helping Rose prepare for her baby.

She still had a few months left, but we wanted to make sure everything would be perfect. Carlisle, of course, was going to deliver the baby. He was the only person Rose and Emmett trusted with the baby. Also, the baby might not be too natural seeing as both of its parents were vampires.

Caleb would also be present to make sure nothing went wrong.

Alice had been busy designing Edward and Bella's cottage that we planned to gift them when they returned.

It was only about a mile from the house but gave them the advantage of having a place for themselves.

Alex and Dad had also started to renovate a house near ours. It was a cabin Dad used to visit when he grew up. It was technically on the Quileuete land, but since Dad and Billy were friends again, they didn't mind.

It was supposed to be built and ready by New Years.

It seemed like everyone was moving out, but I was glad that they would still be near.

I was sitting with Rose, discussing more possible baby names when Alice sped into the room and grabbed the phone from the table.

"What's wrong?" I asked her, seeing the distressed look on her face.

"Bella." She said.

I immediately stood up and walked over as Alice called them.

Carlisle must have heard her because he came in too, walking over to stand by me.

"Beall, are you alright? I just saw-" Alice asked on the phone.

"Alice what did you see?-" I heard Bella ask her.

"Here's Carlisle." Alice said, handing Carlisle the phone.

I glanced over at Alice and saw she looked very anxious. What the hell was going on?

"Bella's, what's going on? Is Edward okay?" He asked.

"I don't know. Can vampires go into shock?" I heard Bella ask.

Carlisle's face fell. "What's happened?" He asked her.

"I don't know. I know that it's impossible, but I think I might be pregnant." Bella spoke.

At her words, I felt my mouth fall open. We'd theorized it could be possible and we knew from our family lineage, but I'd never expected it to actually happen.

"Carlisle, I swear something just moved inside of me." Bella said and then I heard Edward's voice.

Carlisle told Edward that Bella was most likely pregnant and to come home as quickly as possible.

When he hung up the phone, I didn't like the look on his face.

"Will she be okay?" I asked him nervously.

Carlisle had a look on his face that looked hopeless. Did he think Bella would die?

"How long until they get here?" I asked him.

"They're getting a flight back as soon as possible." Carlisle told me.

Just then Rose's phone rang and she stood up, making eye contact with me.

I glanced at Carlisle before following her outside.

She sped far away from the house before she answered it. I followed after her, knowing it had to be important if she wanted to leave the house.

"Bella?" She asked.

"Rosalie, I need your help. And Addy's, please. Edward doesn't want the baby." I heard Bella say, and over the phone she sounded heartbroken.

"We'll help you, Bella, I promise." Rosalie said, then handed me the phone.

"Bells, just relax. I promise you that everything will be okay. Rose and I will come to the airport. We'll protect you." I told her soothingly and I heard her sob.

"Okay, I love you. I'll see you there. I have to go." Bella said, and then the phone call ended abruptly.

I sighed and handed Rose her phone back.

"Are you sure you can do this? Carlisle will want to do what Edward wants. You'll be going against your husband." Rose told me.

"I have to. Bella is my sister. And it's her choice. If she wants this baby, they can't take it from her." I told her, even though I was worried about the toll the baby would take.

Bella and Edward arrived the next day. I was surprised to see that Bella already had a slight baby bump. Her pregnancy seemed to be coming along faster than Rose's.

Edward seemed to be very angry that Rose and I wouldn't let them get to Bella.
Carlisle had been shocked, but he said he wouldn't go against me. Emmett also wouldn't go against Rose. Alice and Jasper both seemed against the baby, but no one was going to actually fight over it. Dad wanted Bella to be safe again, but Alex said she was on Bella's side. Once again, he couldn't cross her.

At least, I hoped not. This whole situation had caused a major strain on our family. Two whole weeks passed where we barely saw each other. Rose, Alex and I stayed at Bella's side, and everyone else stayed out of the way.

Edward seemed worse than he was when he'd left Bella. He seemed like he was being tortured by this. Dad wasn't much better. He didn't want Bella to go through with it, but he was trying to force himself to come to terms with it. And no matter how much I said I wanted to protect Bella, it was torturing me too. I hated seeing my sister so broken.

Bella's stomach was now fully grown. It looked as if she was nine months pregnant, but she wasn't looking healthy. She'd lost at least twenty pounds and her face was sunken in. Her stomach had bruises on it from the baby, and she was always nauseous.

The baby wasn't compatible with her body, Carlisle had said. Bella was convinced that she could hold on to her life long enough to have the baby, then be turned. I really hoped that was the case. I had no idea what I'd do if Bella didn't make it out of this.

One day, I was sitting beside Bella on the couch when I heard a familiar voice. Carlisle went to answer the door, and came back with Jacob Black in tow.

He sighed in relief when he saw Bella. I guessed he thought she was changed.

I knew he hadn't noticed her stomach yet as he sat on the ottoman across from us.

"You look terrible." He said and Bella laughed.

"Nice to see you too, Jake."

"You wanna tell me what's wrong with you?" Jacob asked, looking at Bella's sunken face.

"Rose? Addy?" She asked and Rose and I stood up, then helped pull her up.

I heard Jacob's heartbeat increase when he saw her stomach. Then he took a quick step towards Edward.

"You did this!"

Emmett held out a hand to stop him.

"We didn't think this would happen." Edward told him.

"But you knew it was possible." Jacob said angrily.

"What is it?" He asked after a moment.

Alex stepped forward. "It's going to be half human and half vampire. Like Bella and Addy's ancestors. I've been looking for more information, but I'm not sure exactly how the child will be. I don't know if it will be like me." Alex told him.

"Ultrasound needles also can't penetrate the embryonic sac." Carlisle spoke up.

"I can't see it either. And I can't see Bella's future anymore." Alice said, looking stressed. She didn't want Bella to have the baby.

"We've been looking for children like this, trying to see how they live. But we haven't found any." I told Jacob, who glanced towards me.

"Why haven't you done anything? Take it out of her!" Jacob told Carlisle angrily.

"This is none of your business, dog!" Rose snapped.

"Rose, don't. The fighting isn't good for Bells." I told her quietly.

"The fetus isn't good for Bella." Alice told me and I winced. I hated the strain in our family. What was making it worse was the fact none of us had hunted since Bella and Edward came back.

"Say the word, Alice. Baby. It's just a little baby." Rose told her.

"Possibly." Jasper said, placing an arm around Alice.

"Carlisle, you've got to do something." Jacob insisted.

"No, it's not his decision, it isn't any of yours." Bella said.

"Jacob, I need to talk to you." Edward said. Edward and Jacob left the room then. I sat down beside Bella, placing an arm around her. I knew this was hard on her.

The rest of the day went by slowly. Bella was getting sicker and she couldn't keep any food down. Carlisle was trying to help, but the baby was taking too many nutrients.

I walked from the room as Bella finally fell asleep.

"Addy. We have to do something." Carlisle said, coming to my side.

"No, I won't take her choice away. As much as I don't want to lose her, this is what she wants." I told him firmly.

"You're being ridiculous."

I glanced at him in surprise. "Excuse me?"

"I said you're being ridiculous. Your sister is going to die if you don't let me help, and you're deciding to let her die for this baby. Addy, you have to wake up. Bella will not make it if she births this child." Carlisle said, and his tone was sharper than he'd ever used with me.

"It is not ridiculous to support my sister. Maybe you should take a page out of my book and stand by your wife. Don't follow me." I said angrily, walking away from him.

It was then I heard a series of loud howls. I went upstairs and looked out the sliding door. I saw Edward was there, looking into the woods.

I looked down and saw Jacob and Seth standing in the trees. It was a surprise considering how angry Jacob had been earlier. And why were he and Seth alone?

"Get ready. They're coming for Bella." I heard Jacob say.

"They're not gonna touch her." Edward said.


Edward turned then and saw me.

"The wolves want to kill her?" I asked and he nodded.

"We can't let them get near her."

I walked downstairs and found Dad. He and Alex were alarmed when I told him about the wolves. He thought he could smooth things over, but I told him it was no use. I knew even if he and Billy were friends again, Billy couldn't stop Sam and the pack.

We were now sitting in the living room while Jacob discussed Sam's plan with us. Leah and Seth were out patrolling the woods.

"Sam's lost the element of surprise, and he doesn't want to take you on outnumbered, so he's not gonna come at you head on. He's got the place surrounded and he'll wait for his opportunity." Jacob told us.

"We won't get through without a fight." Emmett remarked.

"No fights. We won't be the ones to break the treaty." Carlisle told Jacob.

"The treaty is void, at least in Sam's mind." Jacob said.

"Not in ours." Carlisle replied.

"Carlisle, no one's hunted for weeks." Emmett said.

"We'll make do. We have to." I told him. Of course, this didn't mean much coming from me. I'd always been better at controlling my thirst, even if I was particularly thirsty now.

"You've done us a great service, Jacob. Thank you." Carlisle told Jacob. I knew Jacob did a good thing for us, and I was grateful. I just couldn't believe that he would become his own alpha for us. I knew it was for Bella, but he'd protected all of us when he defied Sam. If he hadn't, well, we'd probably be dead.

Jacob went outside to watch the house then, and I assumed Leah and Seth were with him.

"I'll need to do an x-ray on Bella." Carlisle remarked.

"What, has it broken something else of hers?" Alice snapped and I turned to her.

"Alice, you're not helping. If you don't want to be here, leave. If you're not going to support Bella, the least you can do is be quiet." I said angrily, walking away from my family.

I hated the way I was snapping at them, and I hated the way I felt so alone.

I went to one of the rooms upstairs with Bella. Carlisle had set up a small hospital room of his own. I helped her onto the hospital bed. Edward and Carlisle walked in. Both of their expressions were stony.

Carlisle performed the x-ray and I winced when I saw the results.

"Your rib is cracked, but there are no splinters. You haven't punctured anything." He told her.

"Yet." Edward said. I saw Bella wince and looked at him. "Edward."

"It's breaking her bones now. It's crushing you from the inside out. Carlisle, tell her what you told me. Tell her." Edward said angrily.

"Carlisle, tell me. It's alright." Bella told him.

"The fetus isn't compatible with your body. It's too strong. It won't allow you to get the nutrition you need. It's starving you by the hour. I can't stop it and I can't slow it down. At this rate, your heart will give out before you deliver."

Bella's face fell. I stiffened as I took in the news. Bella, my sweet sister, could be dead in days. I didn't want to lose her.

"Then I'll hold out for as long as I can and then.." Bella started.

"Bella, there are some conditions even venom can't overcome. You understand? I'm sorry." Carlisle told her.

He sent me a look and then walked from the room. I followed after him reluctantly, taking in my sister's distressed features.

"I can't do this." I stated as we reached the stairs.

"What?" He asked me.

"I can't lose Bella. She's everything. She's my other half. If I lose her, what do I have left?" I said, placing my head in my hands.

"Addy, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I promise you that I will do everything in my power to save her." Carlisle told me, pulling me into a hug. I leaned into him, trying to fight the sadness I felt welling.

I knew Alex was comforting Dad the same way somewhere. We all were afraid of losing Bella and each day felt like one day closer to when we might have to say goodbye.
