
"Get Jasper out of here." Carlisle said quietly, speeding to Bella and I.

He replaced my hand with his own. I looked over to see Edward with a numb look on his face, Rosalie with a sad sort of look, and Alice looking very apologetic.

"I'm sorry, I can't." She said, walking away from the smell of Bella's blood. I knew if she wasn't my sister, I would have been trying to kill her too. I supposed it was lucky I didn't seem to mind her blood.

Edward stared down at Bella, looking tormented. "I'll have to stitch this up in my office." Carlisle told Bella, then looked at Edward. "You should go check on Jasper. I'm sure he's very upset with himself and I doubt he'll listen to anyone but you right now." Carlisle suggested, but Edward only stared numbly at Bella.

Edward, she'll be okay. I thought, trying to reassure him, but his face remained the numb mask. I could feel waves of cold rolling off of him, and that alarmed me.  "Edward." Carlisle repeated, and Edward turned slowly and walked from the room.

I turned back to Bella and Carlisle, helping Bella up. "It's okay, Bells." I told her, but I knew I was only trying to convince myself.

I knew what this meant. We were going to have to leave. "Is Jasper going to be okay?" Bella asked and I sighed. She was never thinking about her own safety. "He will be fine, though I'm sure he's not pleased with himself." Carlisle told Bella gently. "It wasn't his fault." Bella protested.

Neither Carlisle or I said anything as we helped her onto his desk. He immediately grabbed his medical bag and pulled out the sutures.

"Addy, can you go find Edward and tell him I'm sorry?" Bella asked me, and I glanced to her in shock. Why did she want to apologize for something that clearly wasn't her fault? But since she was hurt, I would do it.

"Sure, Bells. I'll be right back."  I told her, glancing at Carlisle for a second before walking out of his office.

I mentally prepared myself for the encounter that was about to happen as I followed the trail Edward and the others left. I didn't know how to do this. I didn't know how to comfort Jasper and let him know I wasn't angry. Because to be honest, I was a little angry. It was my sister after all.

I had to forget that anger though, and try to be the motherly figure that somehow the Cullens believed I was to them. I knew I'd reached them when I heard Alice trying to comfort Jasper.

As I approached them, I saw Emmett was standing by Rosalie. Edward was standing alone, the same numb expression on his face. Alice was holding onto Jasper's arms and trying to comfort him. They all looked up when they saw me.

Jasper's face immediately turned apologetic. "Addy, I am so-"

"Stop, Jasper. It wasn't your fault. What happened tonight wasn't anyone's fault and I won't let you blame yourself." I told him firmly, placing a hand on his arm.

He sighed and glanced at Alice. "She's right, Jazz. No one is to blame here." Alice told him softly, sending me a grateful smile. "Only me. I am to blame." Edward said suddenly and I looked over at him. "You had no way to know this would happen, Edward." I told him, but I could see my words weren't making much of an impact on him.

I once again could feel the numbness rolling off of him. One glance at Jasper told me he felt it too.

Edward glanced away from me and took off suddenly. I was sure he was going to see Bella. I sighed and turned back to Alice, Jasper, Emmett, and Rose. "Don't worry. I'll make sure this turns out okay." I said, trying to reassure myself more than the others. They looked back at me with worried expressions.

~Three months later~

I winced as I saw the notification that Bella had sent yet another email. It was depressing to read her emails and hear about the state she was in. I wanted nothing more than to visit her, but I couldn't go near her. Not when my father was also there. It was too risky to set foot back in Forks when everyone thought I was dead.

Carlisle breezed into the room then, pulling off his lab coat. He saw my expression and walked over to me, placing his hands on my shoulders. "Is it Bella again?" He asked and I nodded.

I reached up and held onto his hand. "It's so terrible. She's in so much pain and Edward- have you heard anything from him?" I asked him.

Carlisle sighed too. I knew that Edward was like a son to him, and seeing him in pain was hurting him too. "He hasn't checked in since last month. Last I heard he was in Rio."

"This is terrible. Can't he tell that Bella isn't better off without him? I mean, she is his mate, isn't she?" I asked and Carlisle sighed.

"He doesn't think she should be one of us. He thinks he's damning her."

"Damning her? I don't think we're damned, and I know my sister wouldn't think that either. Can't he see that she's not happy?" I asked, feeling distressed about my sister's condition.

It was December, and as far as I could tell, Bella had been in a depressive state since we'd left. Sometimes I emailed her back, but after a while, she stopped emailing.

We were currently in Ithaca, New York. The others were adjusting to New York fairly well, with me being the holdout. I just couldn't make myself happy without my sister being happy.

Carlisle was working the night shifts and Jasper was taking philosophy classes at the local university. Alice was remodeling a house and Rosalie was fixing up a new car she'd purchased. Emmett was being Emmett, being the life of the party as usual. And I, I was merely existing.

I missed Forks. I missed my sister. I felt like I was just stuck here. I felt like I was the one depressed. Even Carlisle, in all his sunshine, couldn't pull me from it.

"Adelaide, don't worry. I believe we will return to Forks. Edward'll come to his senses sooner or later."

I tried to let his words convince me as I nodded. Honestly I felt as if I was drowning. This continued for a few more months until I got the news from Alice.

I'd been sitting in the living room when Alice breezed into the room. The look on her face was enough to warn me. "What is it?" I asked her in alarm.

"It's Bella. She's dead." Alice whispered and I gasped. I would know if my twin was dead, wouldn't I? I would be able to tell. I denied it instantly.

"No, she's not. I would know. She's my sister. I'd know." I said and Alice sighed.

"Addy, I saw Charlie at a funeral."

If I wasn't a vampire, I think I might've fainted. It took all I had to stand upright.

"We have to go to Forks. We have to make sure." I said. Carlisle and the rest of the family agreed to this.

I just had to make sure I wasn't seen at all.

Now I was sitting in the living room of my old home, waiting to see if my sister was alive. I heard a truck arrive and a truck door close. The house door opened and light flooded the room.

I nearly collapsed with relief when I saw Bella turn to look at Alice and I.

"Addy? Alice?" Bella said in surprise, rushing towards us and pulling us into a hug. Alice held her breath and pulled away, her eyes darkening. I forgot she hadn't' hunted.

"What are you doing here?" Bella asked, pulling away from us. I noticed she didn't look as bad as I thought she would. There were no harsh circles under her eyes. She wasn't too thin either. I wondered what had pulled her out of her depression.

"Would you like to explain to me how you're alive?" Alice asked incredously and Bella looked between us in confusion.

"What?" She asked and Alice groaned. "I saw you jump off a cliff, Bella. Now why in the hell would you try and kill yourself?" Alice asked and Bella blanched. "I wasn't trying to kill myself. I was cliff diving. Recreationally."

At this response, Alice and I shared a glance. I'd only been terrified out of my mind for her to be cliff diving in her spare time.

A few minutes later, we were sitting on the couch while Bella told us everything that had happened while we'd been gone.

I was alarmed to hear about Victoria returning and even more alarmed to find out that Bella had nearly been killed by Laurent.

I began to smell a strange smell and found it smelled like a wet dog. I glanced at Alice to see if she smelled it too, when she wrinkled her nose. "Bella, what is that god awful wet dog smell?"

Bella laughed and glanced down to a tan jacket she was wearing. "Oh that's probably Jacob."

I looked to her in surprise. Jacob Black? At my look she blushed. "Yeah, Jake's kind of a wolf. A werewolf."

I supposed the Quilulete legends weren't made up after all. And all that time Jake had spent making fun of his father for believing the legends.

"Bella, werewolves are not good company to keep." Alice scolded.

"Speak for yourself." Alice and I both jumped at that familiar voice. I looked over to see Jacob Black. He looked different than the last time I'd seen him. His hair was cut short. His personality also seemed off. He wasn't as carefree as he used to be. 

"You're alive?"

Well damn. There went not being seen by anyone. I just glanced at Bella. "And you're one of them." He said accusingly and I flinched at his tone. He sounded so disgusted. To think we used to be friends.

"I thought you couldn't protect me here." Bella said and Jacob looked back at her. "Well, I guess I don't care." Jacob said, giving Bella an intense look. Oh no, I recognized that look. He was in love with her.

"Well I'm not gonna hurt her." Alice said offended. "Guys, stop it." Bella said, and Jacob and Alice ignored her.

"You might not, but that red headed bloodsucker sure wants too." Jacob spit back and Alice winced.

"I didn't see her. I didn't see you get pulled out of the water either." Alice said to Bella. She then seemed to have a realization as she glared at Jacob.

"I can't see past you and your pack of mutts!" Alice said and Jacob stepped towards her. "Watch it! You don't want me angry! It will not be pretty!" Jacib told Alice and I rolled my eyes and stepped between them, pushing them away from each other.

Alice turned on her heel and walked to the door. "Where are you going?" Bella asked and the desperation in her voice nearly killed me.

"I'll be back. As soon as you put the dog out." Alice sassed and breezed out of the house. I turned back to Bella and Jacob and decided to follow Alice after all.

After we'd hunted and were on the way back, Alice suddenly gasped and stopped running altogether. I stopped to see what was wrong. She looked over to me. "Edward's going to the Volturi. Rosalie told him Bella was dead. He wants to die too."
