
January 17th, 2005

I sighed as Bella pulled away from our mother's hug. Mom was teary eyed. "I don't think I can part with my girls!" Mom said, wiping her eyes. "Don't worry Mom, you have Phil!" I said, rubbing her arm. Bella sighed beside me. "Yes, and we can come visit in the summer. Besides it's only for a year until we go to college." Bella said, but she didn't sound too happy about the arrangement.

Mom believed her words, and for some reason was convinced by her multiple lies that she actually wanted to go to Forks. I, on the other hand, didn't mind Forks. It was perhaps the only major difference between Bella and I, which parent we preferred. I'd always gravitated towards Charlie-our father, while Bella bonded with our mother.

Mom sighed and pulled us both into one last hug. "I love you girls. Say hey to Charlie for me." Mom said. I smiled and gave Mom a kiss on the cheek. Turning away, I grabbed Bella's arm and we walked onto the plane.

I sat down in the seat beside Bella and sighed. "We're gonna be okay, Bells. It won't be hard in Forks." I said, trying to ease Bella's nervousness.

Of course, I could feel what Bella was feeling stronger than anyone else. I'd always had a sense of the emotions around me. At first, I had just thought it was a twin thing with Bella, but then I could feel everyone's emotions. That's how I knew Phil was good for our mom,

I could feel his intentions were only good. Of course, I would never tell anyone about this for fear of being locked up in the nut house. Everyone would think I was crazy.

Bella sighed then. "No. You'll have it easy. You've always made friends easy." Bella said, and I could feel a vague sense of jealously there.

"No, I won't make friends without you this time. We've got to stick together here." I said, grabbing Bella's hand. She squeezed it and smiled brightly at me. "Okay." I smiled and sat back. The rest of the plane ride went by and soon we were landing. I walked after Bella out of the airport.

Our dad would be waiting for us in the parking lot. I just hoped he didn't bring his cruiser. My dad is Chief Swan to the people of Forks. He had been for as long as I can remember. I followed Bella out into the parking lot. Sure enough, Dad was standing beside his cruiser. I was closer to Dad than Bella was.

She called him Charlie. I called him Dad. Maybe it was because I had visited him every summer, while Bella stayed with Mom. That's why I hadn't really minded coming to Forks.

I understood why Bella was worried. But Dad loved both of us, and Bella and him would bond soon enough. I hoped, at least.

"Dad!" I exclaimed happily, pulling him into a hug. "Addy! Bells! I've missed you two!" He said, pulling Bella into the hug with him. She awkwardly patted his back.

"Mom says hi." I said, hiding a smile. Dad smiled a little. "How is Renee?" He asked, making me smile. "How she always is. Living her best life." I said, laughing a little.

Dad made a face, as if remembering that about her. "Okay, you girls ready to go?" He said, snapping out of it.

Bella and I glanced at each other before both yelling, "Shotgun!"

Dad turned around and laughed at us, while Bella and I eyed each other. "Oldest sits in the front." Bella taunted, as she had when we were children. I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Yeah, by ten minutes, but you can have the front seat, Bells." I told her and she smirked at me. Dad just shook his head at us. We climbed into the cruiser then, me taking the back seat reluctantly.

Maybe something good would come out of this seating arrangement. Maybe Bella and Dad would strike up a conversation. I doubted it though. Bella inherited her quietness from Dad. I supposed I inherited my easy way of conversation from Mom.

I had no problem talking to anyone. It came naturally to me. Maybe that was why Bella thought I made friends easier than her.

When we finally reached the house, I saw that it looked exactly the same. No surprises there. When we went inside, the inside looked the same too. I saw that Dad had school pictures of Bella and I lined along the mantle. I cringed at the pictures of my middle school years. I would have to get him to remove those, out of sake for my sanity.

Looking at the pictures though, you could see the smallest resemblances between Bella and I. We both had dark hair and eyes, except I looked a little different.

I didn't look like Mom. Just Dad. Bella looked like Mom with Dad's eyes. That's what we had in common; Dad's eyes.

I followed Dad and Bella up the stairs. Bella and I would share our old bedroom. It looked the same our entire lived. The only change was the replacement of a crib for two beds and a computer.

The computer was so we could email Mom, because she could not cope with only telephone communication.

I sat down my bag on my bed. There were two of them, both twin beds placed on opposite sides of the room

Dad followed us in. "The sales lady picked it out. I hope you girls like purple." Dad told us. Bella nodded, while I smiled. "Purple's cool." She said. I winced. Why was Bella always so awkward towards Dad? He was our father after all. I walked over to Bella as Dad walked out of the room.

"So, you ready to email Mom?" I said, trying to break the uncomfort I could feel she felt. Bella said nothing, only shifted uncomfortably. "Bella, you know I can feel what you feel. Why do you feel so uncomfortable here?" I asked her.

"I don't know, I just have a bad feeling." She told me. I looked at her confused, just as I heard a car horn blaring. I rushed over to the window and looked outside.

What I saw made me smile. It was Billy and Jacob Black standing beside an older looking orange truck. It seemed to be a 1950s or 1960s model.

"It's Billy and Jake." I said, grinning at Bella. She smiled uncertainly back at me. "You really don't remember them?" I asked, thinking Bella really should have spent more time here in Forks. Jacob was one of my childhood friends, even though he was a year or two younger. We'd hung out when Billy and Dad went on fishing trips.

I walked down the stairs and opened the door. "Addy!" Billy's voice boomed happily. Billy Black was currently in a wheelchair, but when I was younger, I remembered him walking. I think it was due to an accident.

Billy had always felt sort of magical to me, even as a child. There was something majestic about his voice and his presence. I could feel it too, like magic brimming under the surface. Of course, once again, that sounded crazy, so I kept that to myself.

I smiled and leaned down to hug him. "I missed you, Billy." I said, laughing. I pulled Jake into a hug next. "You look good, Jake. What, did you grow four inches over summer?" I asked, slapping him on the arm. He laughed. "Growth spurt." He replied as he walked over to Bella.

I recognized the twinkle in his eyes as he looked at her and sighed quietly. This would be interesting.

"I don't know if you remember me, but we used to make mud pies when we were little." Jake said. Bella smiled slightly. "No I remember." She reassured him.

Dad smiled at the three of us. "So you girls like your homecoming present?" He asked, patting the orange truck. "Oh my God! Seriously?!" Bella asked excitedly, and I was shocked at the amount of emotion she was showing. Bella was never overly outward about what she was feeling, so this surprised me.

I laughed and pulled Dad into a hug, though, also happy for the gift. I didn't mind sharing with Bella, for we'd always shared everything.

"Bought it off Billy here. Figured you girls wouldn't want to ride to school in the cruiser." Dad remarked.

Smart man. Maybe my dad knew more about teenagers than I thought. "Told you they would love it. I'm down with the kids." Billy said, and I laughed.

Dad shook his head at Billy. "Don't ever say that again Billy, or I'll run you in the mud." Dad said, grabbing onto Billy's wheelchair handles. Billy laughed. "Not after I ram you in the ankles." Billy said, and we watched as they played around in the street.

Bella looked over at Jacob. "Are they always like this?" She asked. I laughed. "Worse, Bells." I said, and Jacob grinned. "Yeah, it gets worse with old age." He commented and Bella grinned. 

Bella and I made the unconscious decision to check out the truck at the same time and we both climbed in.

Jacob stood outside, looking into Bella's window.

"So, just remember to double punch the clutch when you shift." He reminded and Bella nodded.

"So, do you need a ride to school or anything?" She asked him and he blushed. "Oh, I go to school on the reservation."

"Oh." Bella remarked, and that was the end of that conversation.

"So, how's Quil and Embry?" I asked Jacob, who looked over and grinned.

Quil Ateara and Embry Call were two of Jacob's best friends. I'd met them when I used to hang out with Jake on La Push beach.

"Still the same assholes they were before." He joked and I snickered. Bella looked confused, so I said, "Quil and Embry are Jake's friends."

Bella nodded at that.

After Jacob and Billy left, Bella and I headed back upstairs to unpack. We'd gotten all of our things set up and our clothes unpacked when Dad knocked on our door.

I walked over and opened it, exchanging a look with Bella.

"Hey, Dad." I said. Dad looked between the two of us and smiled.

"I see you've got your room all fixed up." He said and I nodded.

Dad fidgeted nervously for a second, then leaned onto the doorframe.

"I was wondering if you two wanted to head to the Carver Cafe with me. You know, have dinner like we used to when you two were little." Dad said and I grinned.

The Carver Cafe had been one of my favorite places when I was younger. The waitress, Cora, was always so nice. It was just a nostalgic place for me.

I glanced to Bella, hoping she'd want to go. She saw the smile on my face and nodded, smiling herself.

"Great. Are you two ready now?" Dad asked and Bella and I nodded.

About ten minutes later, we were sitting at a table in the cafe. I smiled as I saw Cora, the waitress who'd been there when I was younger, walk over.

"I can't believe it. The Swan girls both in Forks." Cora said, making me grin.

"It's great to be back." I told her while Bella smiled.

"I just can't get over how grown up you two are. And so gorgeous." Cora said, making Bella and I blush.

"You know, your dad still eats here all the time. Steak and cobbler. Every Thursday." Cora said with a glance to Dad.

"Sounds like Dad." I told her and she smiled.

"Well, I'll let you three get to your meal." Cora said, about to walk off when a familiar looking man walked up to the table.

"Hey, Bella, Addy, remember me?" He asked and I glanced to Dad. I could see Bella didn't know who he was.

"I played Santa one year." He added and I nearly laughed.

"Waylon, they haven't had a Christmas here since they were four." Dad told him.

Hearing the man's name let me remember who he was. Waylon Forge. One of my dad's friends. I remembered him from some of my father's fishing trips.

"Let the girls eat their food, Waylon." Cora said, giving him a look before dragging him away from the table.

I turned to Dad and smiled. "Things around here haven't changed much." I said and he smiled.

"That's how it is here in Forks. Nothing ever changes." Dad told me.

Little did I know how wrong that statement would prove to be.
