
It was as if I was being brought back to life. It was perfect. Not quite as I'd imagined it, but I wouldn't change it for the world because it was real. It was raw. It was us.
When we finally parted it was as if the world had shifted on it's axis.
"I take it I no longer need to ask Nightwing out?" He asked, a glint in his eye.
I didn't give a verbal reply, just sealing my lips to his again. This time I ran my tongue across his lips, asking permission, and it was granted as I moved inside his mouth. Exploring all the little details that were only for me.
"You ever been in a relationship before?" I asked as I pulled away this time.
"That bad?"
"No, not at all. I just, I'll have to teach you how to do it properly," I told him, "Wait, does this mean, we're dating?"
"I mean, if you want..." He whispered as he moved closer to me.
"So, potentially most wanted criminal on the Earth right now, minus maybe Joker, is dating the hottest superhero in existence. Sounds perfect," I commented.
"I don't know, you're not actually a criminal are you?" He asked.
"No, I'm being set up. I just don't know who by or what for," I placed my forehead against his as I spoke, "I had to leave behind everything. I don't even know if Alfred's okay. I can't talk to Bruce. And- I don't know anymore KF. Maybe I should just turn myself in and get it over with."
"No, I'm on the team investigating. I'll prove your innocence. And Nightwing's pretty adamant that you're being set up, so we should be fine sorting you out," He explained, "And I'll be here every night, I promise. So you better get your ass here too."
"I will, I promise," I replied, "But I'm assuming you can't stay all of tonight."
"I can stay as long as I want, told the team I was busy tonight," He said.
"Well then, I guess I can stay all night as well."

The sun came up almost too quickly as Wally and I said our goodbyes. He headed straight to the mountain whilst I had to go back to my 'home' to change before I met up with the team. I dumped my crutches by the sofa and donned my casual clothes, but not anything like I would wear as Dick Grayson, obvs, and headed to Zeta to the cave.
I was the last to arrive, the others all sat around the sofa.
"Rob, I need to talk to you," Wally said as soon as I'd got into the room.
"Yeah, he refuses to tell us anything about where he was last night until he spoke to you. So would you kindly indulge him?" Artemis asked with the most poisonous smirk I'd ever seen.
"Okay, Canary's room?" I suggested and he agreed and we headed there.
"Okay, so I know you are convinced Dick is innocent, and I believe you. I was with him last night actually," Wally admitted, "Well, he told me he's being set up as well and he's gone into hiding because he's scared but that when he showed up yesterday evening he was trying to fight back against whoever is setting him up. And so we need to find who's setting him up."
"Sudden change of heart," I commented, "Any reason? Or want to say why you met up with a potential terrorist without telling anyone where you were?"
"A, you'd have been able to find me. You can find anyone. B, he promised me he'd meet me every night so that when he was stealing something I would be able to say he was right with me instead."
"When do you plan on sleeping?" I asked.
"My brain hasn't thought that far ahead," He said, "But I was hoping you'd be able to help track down whoever's setting him up so he can go back to Bruce."
"Did he give you anything?" I asked, I hated having to pretend I wasn't there with him.
That it wasn't my lips that he was kissing. That it wasn't me that he was in love with and that it wasn't me that loved him.
"Nothing, he doesn't have a clue," Wally said, "He's scared Rob, we need to help him."
"We will, I promise."
With that we headed back out to the team, seems he wasn't ready to tell the whole truth. But who can blame him when the rest of the team hate me.
"So, you gonna tell us where you were last night now?" Artemis asked as we entered the room again.
"I was with the suspect," He replied, "I wanted to see how he'd react after he escaped last night."
"I still don't know how he got past a Speedster. He's just a kid," Conner grunted.
"A very skilled and dangerous kid," Megan told him, "And after how it went down last night I think you were very brave Wally."
I noticed the ginger blushing a little at that, I wonder what he had told them.
"What did happen last night may I ask?"
"Grayson showed up in his spot, my theory, Bruce set it up so that he could. To show that just because he was a wanted criminal he wasn't scared," Artemis cut in before Kaldur could answer, "Then he managed to evade us all and knock Wally out and get away. But half the attention was on Bruce, who was overreacting greatly. He definitely knew, he was covering for Grayson's escape."
"Well, I can comb the footage for you, see if there's any clues as to where he went and everything," I suggested, "Hang on, wait, the results? Did you all get through?"
"Yes," Kaldur replied, "The finals are to be held in two weeks. Grayson is no longer on the list either, so I believe with the information we have managed to gather from the blueprints you found, we should be able to neutralise him before the show even begins."
"Coolio then, you guys rehearse and we'll catch up when I've done," I called as I headed over to the main computer

I had the news open in a small tab in the bottom, just in case anything else came up about me that wasn't me, but nothing. He truly had expected us to play that card last night. I had been through all the security already, making sure that the team wouldn't know about Wally's lies, and was now just searching for any hint as to who might be setting me up. I'd been through our entire criminal database, cross-referenced with anyone who knew mine and Bruce's identities, I'd even looked at people passing with top marks at the prestigious Colleges who might have been able to figure it out and plan this. But nothing. I was still stuck with nothing.
"Hey," I turned away from the screen to see Wally approaching me,
"Hi, don't worry, I cleared the evidence of your talk with Grayson, "I said and saw some tension leave his shoulders, "But no, I don't have any leads on who could be setting him up."
"There's something else I need to tell you actually," He said. "About Dick. You know I love him right, well, last night. We may or may not have found the feeling is mutual and kissed."
"Wally," I had to act surprised, "That's amazing. Wait, your identity?"
"I haven't told him yet," Wally answered, "But if we're going to be serious I can't keep it from him. I just, I don't know how."
"You just have to do it," I stood up to go over to him now, "Be confident. He won't reject you. You said you got quite close with him as Wally West, so maybe it'll bring you even closer."
"We did didn't we?" He mused, "So when should I do it?"
"The quicker you do it could lead down one of two routes," I told him, "If we're wrong, which I am fairly certain we're not, he could become suspicious if you tell him right away. If we're right, it'll just build that trust between the pair of you and he'll open up to you more. Which is what we need, we need to know everything there is to know about him. The more we know, the higher the chance of us finding the real culprit."
"Okay, thanks Rob, you're the best," At first as he was leaning in I thought he was going for a kiss, and I don't know if I was disappointed or relieved when he just ended up hugging me instead.
