Just In Case

"Batman, I need your help," I said down the line, "I'm sending a live image to you."
"Shit," He breathed back down the line, "How long has he been out?"
"We don't know, he could wake up at any time," I replied, "We need a solution quickly."
"We need to keep the pressure on that button at all times, it's not got DNA reading on it has it?"
I moved closer to the device, it didn't look like it did.
"I don't think so, I can't see anything," I told him, "You want me to..."
"Yes, it'll give us time to think this through," He said.
"What are you talking about?" Artemis asked.
"Just get him unstrapped and get that bomb off of him," I said as I prepared for what I was about to do.
"Is it safe?" Kaldur asked.
I quickly placed my thumb over the trigger as Wally's came off.
"Oh god," Artemis got out.
"Get it off him," I ordered, "It's safe."
"I can hear something," Conner said as he looked towards the door, you've gotta be kidding me.
Nope, in came nine men.
"Keep them off of Nightwing,"  Kaldur ordered as they leapt into combat.
I kept back as they fought, I had to keep my focus on the trigger.
"What the ever-loving-"
"Shush," I almost jumped as Wally woke up next to me, "Stay calm. And try not to move."
"Stay calm, we're being attacked and I'm strapped to a bomb. Why aren't you helping?"
"I'm holding the trigger," I showed him, "I release this, boom goes the dynamite."
"Understood," He got out, I could see the proper fear setting in.
"What do you remember?" I asked.
"I was watching from my place and then something hit me round of the head, I didn't see anyone or anything though," He replied, "And I was right against the wall, so it's not like someone could have been behind me."
The last of the goons fell as the idea dawned on me, "M'gann, check Wally's mind for me, see if there are any imprints of another telepath."
"You think I was mentally taken down? But I have walls," Wally said as Miss M nodded and got on with it.
"We all do, but we don't know what we're facing and they might be stronger then your walls," I explained.
"There has been another person in there, but they've disguised their signature, I don't know how to take it apart, I'd need my uncle too," M'gann explained.
"Psimon," Bruce said through my comms.
"Huh?" I asked as I stepped to the side and they kept freeing Wally.
"He's been laying low after his recent escape, and incredibly strong, one of the only few who can hide their signatures," He explained, "I'll get the Justice League on it right away. I need you lot to get out of there safely before anything else happens."
"Bruce, if I don't get out of here-"
"No," He cut me off, "Find a way."
I nodded, though he couldn't see.
"What now?" Wally asked as I turned back around to see he was free.
"You all get out of here and out of the blast radius," I said.
"What about you?" M'gann asked.
"I can't move, I need to keep this held, and the bomb can't travel with me," I explained, "I'll come out of this I promise. We're on the bay, I'll just set it off once I'm in the water."
"You sure?" Kaldur asked, the only other level headed one.
"Certain," I said.
"Right, onto the ship, let's go."
"Wally, one second," I called and the speedster turned back as the others left, "I just-"
"I know," He replied as he moved closer to me, "Just in case this is goodbye."
"I just want you to know, that-" Fuck it.
I moved over to him and pressed my lips to his, and after a second's shock he leant into it. It was like out first kiss all over again, just slower.
"You know I'm in a relationship right?" He asked as we moved away.
"Yes," I sighed, "Grayson. I just wanted to say goodbye."
"You'll be back," Wally said as he leant his forehead against mine, "Nothing can ever stop the great Rob."
"I used to think that," I mummered.
"I still do," KF replied, "And I always will."
I smiled at him, "Go, I'll see you soon."
"I'll see you soon."
And he left me alone.
"Bruce," I said, "Keep an eye on Wally for me."
"You'll make it out Dick," He replied.
"Maybe," I said, "It's a lot of power, I'm assuming it's an example of what would have been used at the show. And once I'm out the way, they can do whatever they want with my image."
"You're not dying today."
"You can never promise that," I told him, "I knew the risks when I signed up for this job. Knew I was signing up for a good life, not a long one."
"You did good," Bruce said, "I'll make sure you're cleared. Even if it means giving up your identity."
I cut off the line then. I couldn't see a way out of this. They may have fallen for the water solution, but it would never have worked. Yes I'd have been safe from the heat, but not from the blast or the falling debris.
"Wait," I looked over to the voice, Psimon, and not in good shape.
He looked as if he'd been held at the hands of Joker. Beaten, bruised, exhausted.
"What do you want?" I asked.
"Let me do it," He said.
"Look, I don't have much time left, not after what he did to me," He explained, "Let me do it."
"Why should I trust you?" I asked.
"Because I'm marked for death and my only way to get revenge is through you," He explained, "Your walls are strong, but you know I can break them. I ask you to let me in, just a small section and I'll put everything I know over to you. And you can tell me when you're out of range."
And as I looked at him, I did believe him, I didn't want to take his life, but I knew that even if I refused, he had the power to make me agree. That's why I trusted him, because he was giving me the choice. He never gave choices.
"You're doing the right thing, I'll make sure everyone knows what you've done today," I said and he came over as we swapped the hold on the trigger.
"Just bring this bastard to justice," He said as I opened up a small section of my walls.
"I'll send it just before I release, the human brain can only handle so much input before it passes out," He explained over the link we'd set up, "Thank you Grayson."
I looked back as he referred to me by my name, but didn't wait a second more before I headed out of there.
I moved out the factory, across to the other side of the bay to where I hoped it was safe.
"Clear," I said.
"Goodbye," I heard echo back and then I was hit with a multitude of information as the factory blew up.
