
"Nightwing. Nightwing. Rob, are you there?"
"M'gann, yes, I'm here," I replied as I tried not to break the pattern of my training, "Please tell me you've got good news."
"Good and bad," She replied, "We found out Slade's other life. He goes by the name of Deathstroke. He's a mercenary. One of the best it says. But he wasn't truly known for anything other than cold blooded killing until you. When he proved that he could do more, could do something so grand. Batman said to tell you they've got all the evidence they need to bring him. Said it would only be another two weeks."
"This is for certain?" I asked, trying not to let the hope in my heart become present in my body.
"He wants to speak to you directly," M'gann said, "My uncle can set up a private link so that even he can't listen in. Are you okay to do it now?"
"Yes, of course," I replied.
Then she cut off as I moved over to the weights and another link set up.
"Dick, are you there?"
"Bruce, oh god, I don't think you know how good it is to hear your voice," I got out.
"I've been trying to keep an eye on you, but the camera's keep cutting out," He said, "Are you okay?"
"You're just lucky you couldn't see," I replied, "I'll be okay. I've only got two more weeks to go."
"Dick, do you even know how long you've been in there?"
"A month, two most," I replied.
"It's been six Dick," He replied and I did drop the weight as I gained Slade's attention, "You've been in there six months."
"I can't have been," I replied as I placed the weight back on the side and moved over to the mat to start some sit ups, "That's impossible."
"I'm sorry Dick," He said, "We had hoped this would all be over before the competition was over, that was five months ago. I'm sorry."
"How's Wally?" I didn't want to dwell on how much time had passed. Didn't want to dwell on how much of my life I had lost.
"He's handling as well as to be expected," Bruce replied, "I'm trying to keep him off of finding Nightwing, but he's trying to find you. He might be in love with Grayson, but you're still also his best friend."
"Two weeks," I cut him off, "And then you promise this will be over?"
"I promise, Dick," He replied, "I promise."
And then the line cut off again.
Two weeks, that's all I had to do. Two more weeks.

Two weeks passed slowly, the slowest they had ever passed. The most painful ones. And it wasn't until the day before the two weeks that something must have happened as that when Slade really came at me. I was woken by the door being thrown open. I had barely time to allow myself to become awake and aware as I was dragged to my feet and through the hallways. As I was thrown to the floor back in the punishment room.
"You thought you'd be clever then, huh?" He said as the door closed behind him, "Thought you'd try and do one last trick? Did you think there wouldn't be consequences?"
"I don't know what you're talking about," I bit back as I looked up at him.
"Of course you don't," He said as he threw down a newspaper.
'Slade Wilson, A.K.A The Mercenary Deathstroke, vs Richard Grayson, Gotham's golden boy.'
"What is this?" I asked.
"Today's newspaper," He said, "And your supposed get out of jail free card. But you forget, you have to get past me first."
I knew that once whatever they had planned out there had been put into action that I would be dealing with the repercussions until it was finished. I'm just thankful if we were still to schedule that would only be 24 hours.
"You forget, I won't have to get past you once the police arrive," I bit back.
"That's at least three hours, perks of a remote location, and then they have to find you," He grinned, "Plenty of time for your body to never be found."
I had barley registered he'd moved when I felt a steel toe in my stomach and I went rolling back along the room. But I didn't have to take it today. I quickly pulled myself to my feet as I dodged an incoming blow and went to come back with my own, but my lack of training was not on my side as he just grabbed my wrist and threw me over the top of him and down into the floor. I landed heavily on my side, definitely going to bruise, and only just had time to roll of the way as his foot came down where my head was less than a second ago. I came back to my feet as I leant against the whips. I'd had a session or two with Selina, how hard could it be? I picked up the one closest to me and flicked it out at Slade as he advanced on me. It was heavier than I thought it would be, the flick that started aiming towards his chest only just reaching his knees instead. I'd lost some of my strength, but like hell that was going to stop me from fighting back. I circled the whip and sent it back out again, aiming higher so that this time it struck him across the chest. The clothes ripped and I saw a line of blood start to well, no wonder I hurt so much after these if someone with my limited training can do that.
"You've picked the wrong fight boy," Slade growled as he grabbed the end of the whip, the barbed ends cutting into his hands but he ignored it as he yanked and I was pulled from my feet towards him, colliding with no grace into his fist as the clip under the chin sent be back again. I fell into the whip stand this time, the barbs cutting into my back through the thin uniform. I looked back over in time to see Slade come down with a boot straight into my stomach as I was sent straight through the stand, I could feel some of the blood welling up on my back as wounds opened, both old and new. I didn't even have time to recover as I felt a hand wrap around my neck and then I was flying across the room again, pulling up against the wall, my head starting to go blurry from the force.
"It's not even been five minutes," He teased as he crouched in front of me, "And look at you already, you thought that you could beat me. Every action has a consequence," And then with a rush of wind he was flying across the room.
"And this is yours," Wally bit as I saw him standing before me in full uniform.
"KF," I breathed out, "You came."
"Cause I came Babe, what kind of a boyfriend would I be if I left you here with this man," He replied, "Now, let's get you to a hospital."
"No," I used the wall to stand myself up, "We're taking him down."
"Dude, I get it, he ruined your life but your no match for him, no offence-"
"You obviously don't know me that well then. Watch and learn," I gave him a kick kiss on the cheek before I leapt back into battle with renewed energy. I went out with a kick, landing solid in his face as he was knocked stumbling back. I ducked out a punch as I swept out his legs, making sure he was down as I went into a handspring and came back on top of him with both legs.
"Hope you enjoyed your little victory," I whispered as I sent a final punch head on into him and he was knocked out, "How long until the rest of the team arrive?"
"What was that?" Wally asked, " I mean, he's highly trained, you're already in this state-"
"Wally, babe, I just need you to be quiet for two seconds," I cut him off, "There is one thing I've kept a secret from you. For years, and I need to tell you if I want this to actually work."
"What are you talking about? You've not even known me for more than a year," He argued.
"You've known me a lot longer than you thought you have," I continued, "Just by a different name. You first met me as Robin."
"I- how? What?" He asked.
"I'm sorry I never told you sooner, when you're in Gotham, when you're as famous as Bruce and I, keeping our identities secret saves so many lives," I said as I moved over to him, "I should have told you as soon as the case became about me. But I didn't want to build your hope on evidence you can't share."
"That's why Rob kissed me before he- sorry, you kissed me before you tried to sacrifice yourself," Wally said as the penny dropped, "Why Robin's been missing since your arrest. Why you left us at the diner, why you were able to react and save Conner's life."
"Wally, please don't hate me," I placed my hand so that he could lean his cheek against it, "I had to think about your safety. Your life."
"Hate you? You've just made my life so much easier," He said, "For years I've been crushing on the both of you and I thought that made me unfaithful or that it made me bad. But you're the same person. I could just kiss you."
"It would taste like blood," I replied and he cringed away, "Let's just get out of here. I don't know how much longer he'll stay out."
"I love you, my own superhero boyfriend," He smirked.
"I love you too."
