
I woke back up, glad to be in the arms of a certain ginger.
"You awake?" I asked as I tried to turn over to face him.
"No," Came the mumbled reply.
"Okay sleepy head," I said as I trailed kisses down his neck, sometimes being small had it's perks.
"Fine, I'm awake I'm awake," He said as he sat up and I snuggled into his shoulder, "What do you want?"
"First, to just remind you you moan really loud and everyone probably heard you begging me," I smirked as he playfully hit me round the head, "Second, pancakes."
"Pancakes sounds good," He agreed, "Get dressed first though."
"Damn, thought we could go naked," I said as I climbed off the bed and began to search for my clothes.
Once we were both dressed again we headed over to the kitchen, "Right, pancakes coming up."
I sat down at the bar and had a quick look at my phone, six missed calls, not good.
"Mind if I make a call quick, I've got six missed?" I asked.
"Go for it," Wally called over his shoulder as I headed into the living room.
"Hey, what's up?"
"I'm sorry I doubted you," Came the reply, "I should have known you wouldn't have left me to go and steal from Luther, I don't really know what I was thinking. I just, forgive me?"
"Of course I forgive you, I was set up good," I told her, "Look, make it up to me, sparring practice this afternoon."
"Oh you're on," I could hear the grin in her voice as she hung up and I headed back to the kitchen to see Wally halfway through the cooking process.
"Anything important?" He asked as I came up behind him.
"Nah, just a friend," I lied, and my mood instantly dropped.
I'd always have to lie to him. There would always be that barrier between us. I could tell him, I know. But not yet, not after what happened with Nightwing. Maybe once this is all over, maybe I can tell him then. Bruce trusts me enough to make the right choice, so I will. Once this is all over, I'll tell him.

I didn't stay long after breakfast, I had my own stuff to deal with, and today Bruce was going to see Alfred, I didn't want to miss him. I had to know he was alright, after with what Psimon had shown me, I was just lucky he was alive, I wasn't meant to have been able to save him, but I had. He still had a chance.
I got home, well not home for much longer with the evidence we were getting to prove my innocence, just as Bruce was getting ready to go out.
"Do you think you'll be able to get away with calling me today?" I asked.
"I'll do my best Dick, I promise," He said, "They said he's recovering, they should be around him less. But I can't say that I will call for certain."
"I know, I'll stay here just in case though," I said, "See you soon."
He gave a wave as he left and headed to the zeta to get to the hospital. More time to sit alone and think.
This boss was on uneven footing now, he'd lost his version of me to run around and do his bidding, he'd lost his ability to control people to put things into place around me, he'd lost his ability to be a step ahead. And there was the possibility that he didn't even know yet, and if that was the case, even better for us. We'd even gained part of a physical and mental profile for him. He must be around six and a half foot as he had towered for Psimon, well muscled, male, and not his first time finding his way to the top of the chain. Sometimes, just that little information can lead us straight down the right path.

It was coming up to five in the evening and I still hadn't had a call from Bruce, so I'm going to say it's safe to say that he's not going to be calling. So I guess it was as good a time as any to head to the Batcave instead, I had promised someone a sparring session.
It was nice to feel the air of the cave again after not going in for so long. And to see her again after everything, another person back on my side. Babs was back.
"What took you so long Boy Wonder? Off with your boyfriend?" She teased immediately.
"Oh god, Bruce told you?" I asked.
"Of course he did," She replied, "Do you really think he'd be able to keep that a secret, from me of all people?"
"Yes. Yes I did," I muttered, "Anyway, we're not here to gossip, we're here to spar."
"God, there's a light at the end of the tunnel and all you wanna do is fight, typical," She sighed.
"We still don't know who this man is," I explained as we moved to the ring, "And now he's exposed, we don't know what he's going to do next. The light can wait."
"So can your sparring session."
We both jumped at the sound of Bruce's voice behind us, how did he do that?
"Reports have just come up, Wallace West, who you'll know better as Dick's boyfriend, has just been kidnapped from his work. There is only one price that the kidnapper will take for his freedom," Bruce said, "The arrest of Richard Grayson."
He's trying to close off the deal before we can prove my innocence. He knows about Psimon, that his plan is over.
"And if I don't hand myself in?" I asked.
"In four hours he's going to kill him."
