Hidden Love

Bruce had already left when I woke up the next morning. It was a Saturday, so I could spend the entire day at the cave without raising too much suspicion. And the less this place was lived in the safer I would be as well. But, no crutches, so I'd have to try and keep off my leg today.
I quickly moved through the cave and into the kitchen, may as well help myself to their fresh food so I don't have to eat frozen all the time. I mean, they weren't going to miss an Apple as much as I was.
I grabbed the Apple and moved through to sit on the sofa and flicked on the news in the background, I needed to see what was happening with Bruce today.
"Robin," I turned at the sound of Miss M to see her walking in with Conner, "What are you doing here so early?"
"Thought I'd just drop in for the weekend," I explained, "Got nothing better to do, and it's always good to hang out isn't it? I mean, the weather's supposed to be good. We could go down to the beach for a day. That would be fun."
"Yeah, that would be great," She said, "I'll call up the rest of the team and check we're not all busy today."
"Actually, we're rehearsing. It's a Saturday," Conner said, "But you could come watch."
"Yeah, that's cool with me," And I turned back to the screen as they disappeared into the kitchen.
It hadn't gotten to the part about me being a supposed bomber and thief yet, Bruce must have not turned up to work yet. Even as I thought that the screen changed to the outside of Wayne Enterprises as a Limo turned up and Bruce stepped out.
Noise erupted as reporters each tried to get their questions in, but Bruce ignored them, keeping his shoulders hunched and head down. He was doing the act. He managed to get into the building and away from the reporters when the driver, someone I didn't know stepped out.
"I will say a few words for Mister Wayne," He announced, as M'gann and Conner came back in, "He is in no condition to speak to anyone at the moment. He has been severely shocked and we do not know how long it will take him to recover. He has stated that whoever has been injured or killed in the blast shall receive a full coverage of any bills they have to pay to get back on their feet. He has also requested that Richard's slot in the talent show is kept open so that we can all spend a few minutes in silence to remind ourselves that even the golden can be not so. That is all," And the man got back into the car and drove off to the sound of shouted questions.
"Bruce didn't know about it," M'gann said, "That must have really hurt him."
"And he's keeping Grayson's slot open, maybe he'll turn up," Conner added.
"I don't think so, he's vanished, would he really risk it?" I asked, if they thought I was going to turn up they'd be more alert, not something I needed.
"I don't think he'll turn up Conner," M'gann joined my side of the fight, "He knows everyone is looking for him now. He's made too many mistakes."
It was that time that Artemis decided to show up, "Morning losers, you seen the news?"
"Yeah, Bruce isn't in on it," I explained as she came to sit down with us.
"I think it's an act, I think he knows exactly what's going on. Which is why I think we should bring him in for questioning."
"I see no harm in doing so," Conner cut in before I could protest, "I mean, he is a friend of the leagues, it's not like we'd have to kidnap him or anything."
"Maybe we should ask Batman first?" I suggested.
"Yeah, you do that this morning whilst we all rehearse and then we can talk to Wayne this afternoon, sound like a plan?" Artemis asked.
"Yeah, I can do that. Better then sitting around all day I guess."
"Thank you Robin, I know this isn't your mission-"
"Whatever I can do to help M'gann," I said.
"Even though you're adamant it isn't Grayson," Artemis said under her breath but I elected to ignore her, "Come on, let's go. You better have Wayne here by the time we're back Boy Wonder."
"I will."

I was sat in the kitchen as the rest of the team came back to the cave.
"He here?" Artemis asked.
"In the interrogation room, waiting," I explained, "I told him I needed the rest of you to be here because you have more information on the mission then I do. He agreed to wait until you're all ready."
"Everybody, have a quick shower, get into uniform and meet back here," Kaldur instructed, "We'll join you back out here in a minute Robin, feel free to come in with us as I feel his Gothamiate status may be something you will understand the best of all of us."
"It's all cool. I set him up with some Coffee and cookies, he'll be fine. Take as long as you need," I replied as they all headed back off apart from Wally, "You okay Wal-Man?"
"Yeah," He replied, "I'm just- what if Bruce doesn't tell us anything? I've met him, and he seemed so happy and he cared for Richard. And now, to find out what he did, what if he still has that familial bond to protect him and we have to use our techniques? I don't want to do that to him. He's lost enough."
"It's gonna be okay Wally, everything will turn out the way it's meant to," I explained, "You have to trust your gut, even if it's the most illogical explanation. If you think Bruce is telling the truth, I trust you completely and I'll back you up. Besides, if we get to that point, it's down to me to get it out of him. I'm the one with the 'techniques' as you put it. You won't have to know anything."
"What are your techniques?" He asked, "How come's we always have to go away?"
My mind quickly filled with the snap of broken bones, the fear in their eyes. The warmth of the blood as it flowed. The mind games that left some of them lost in themselves for weeks afterwards. Sometimes I wondered if we were as bad as the bad guys the way we had to treat them sometimes.
"Nothing that harsh," I lied, "He'll be fine."
"Okay, back in a flash," And he disappeared.
He was also back not five seconds later, dripping wet and in gear, "Told you I move fast."
My face blushed before I could even register the blood rushing to my cheeks. Control yourself, Dick.
Sheeshus, even Wally could probably see how red I was.
Thankfully, if he had noticed, he didn't question it as Conner came around the corner. Soon followed by M'gann, Artemis and finally Kaldur.
"Let us do this then," He said and we headed into the interrogation room.
Bruce was sat down in the chair, the shackles on the table hung loose, there had been no need to put him in them, and he was smiling his playboy smile.
"Hello Bruce, we'd just like to ask you a few questions about Richard," Kaldur started and Bruce's smile faded into a look of despair.
"I knew that was what I was coming in for, yet I told myself maybe you'd found him. Maybe it was all a setup," And his voice sounded convincingly depressed.
"I'm sorry for your loss," M'gann said, "It must be hard, have your Butler in hospital and then losing your ward. I can only imagine the shock and pain you're going through right now."
"Thank you," He gave her a smile and then turned to the rest of us, "What was it you wanted to ask me?"
"Had you noticed him showing any unusual behaviours recently? Anything at all," Kaldur asked.
"Nothing to do with the bomb threat," Bruce said, "I was really quite happy for him actually because he'd met this boy at the competition and they became fast friends and then they went out on a date and Dick seemed to be getting happier with himself. I think he liked him. Wallace I think his name was."
Oh. My. God. He did not. But the playful smirk in his eyes as he looked right at my blushing face told me he wasn't making that up. If the world's greatest detective thought I was in love with Wally, and I thought I was in love with Wally.
That meant I was in love with Wally.
I spared a glance to KF, the rest of the team doing the same thankfully none looking at me, who was also turning as red as a tomato.
"You guys continue the questioning," I told them as I grabbed Wally by the shoulders, "Wally and I will grab something to share around. Biscuits?"
The others didn't suspect anything as I led Wally out of the room and we both sat down on the kitchen stools.
In love.
And neither could tell the other.
