Chapter 21: The work in progress- Auburn

As researchers kept looking to find clues for the Prince, I went back to the Grandma's house and saw shattered glasses on the floor. I also, found pieces of glass bottles all on the floor inside the house, along with drops of real blood. I put some gloves on and traced where the blood was going. I put it all in the evidence bag.

*Maybe I am closer to seeing if my Uncle is alive or not. Maybe all is not lost.* I thought to myself.

If he is gone at least I am getting closer to who did it. Who killed him. Whoever killed him will answer to me how my mother died too. I noticed there were fingerprints on the glasses, not mine, to say the least since I was wearing gloves.

I took the evidence and gave it to the police department. I looked through more of the paperwork and listened to some old audio, especially the interview I had with my Grandmother. The audio was playing over and over again. Afterward, I listened to the audio with Marleen. I slowed it back.

A scream in the background? I knew I wasn't crazy. She had him hostage and was hurting my Uncle all while trying to convince me otherwise. I felt a rush of adrenaline come through my face as I knew I was getting closer. I finally felt like I had a chance. I felt like I was just discovering something. I wrote notes of the things I observed through sounds.

*Auburn you are a genius.* I thought to myself.

Now everything will make sense to me. Once I have all the information I can help solve the case. I can even go about seeing how this all connects. There is more to this. I feel like I am getting closer. I know it won't be far till I have more information. I will save him because I have the audio to prove he is still alive for now. I don't know for sure until I find him.

I will find him.
