Chapter 27: Frizzy

I was in such gentle arms and I felt as though I was protected. What happened while I was out, I don't remember. I felt like having a headache immediately though and my memory felt fuzzy. I just know two guys were fighting over me, and I took a sip after trying to catch my breath, and then things went blurry after that.

It felt like moments of uncertainty. The cold water splashed into my face and I couldn't open my eyes. At least I was conscious. Just a bit confused.

"Auburn?" Noah said. His voice was gentle and settling with concern. He sounded worried.

"Um hi," I said to Noah just letting him know by my voice I was awake. My head was continuing to pound.

"Auburn, you are making a mistake being with this chump," Johnny yelled walking away as if being escorted. Something happened when I was out and I don't know what happened.

"You are safe now Auburn," Noah said and held me tightly.

"No more Johnny?"

"Nope, no more. Just take it easy. I won't leave your side." Noah said to me.

"Thank you, Noah," I told him with such relief.

"You know you are good at scaring me." He mentioned.

"I am sorry. I didn't know my water was affected until I drank. I just got thirsty."

"Because of it, they are running it in the lab to find out what affected you to blackout. My guess is alcohol. You never had that before and your body can only handle certain things to that level. Blacking out can mean you couldn't handle it that well. Or it could be a sleeping drug that was in your water."

"Could be. I am just facing a bad headache now."

"I'm sorry, you are hurting. I am glad you are alive and well though. You made me worried Auburn."

"Glad to know you care," I said feeling assurance.

That is something Johnny never showed me. He never showed me he cared. Johnny only ever cared about what he wanted for the longest and now I feel safe. I feel free. I feel alive. I feel like I am in a new world. I am ready to start a new journey and an adventure. Honestly, I can't ask for a better friend like Noah to help me.

I tried to sit up and still couldn't move just yet.

"Careful, you just woke up so take it easy."

"Ok," I said to Noah.

"What was that about with Johnny?" I continued saying this part of curiosity.

"Well, he was going to try and drag you so I managed to stop him and your father came in time. Right, when you fell he wondered what happened. Your dad is working on figure out what was in your water and is going to tell me the results. As for your Johnny being arrested until we know more details he is just arrested for sexual harassment and then if it is attempted murder then he will have that too. Ryan hasn't told me anything new yet either."

"Wow! So it is a good thing I am okay."

"Yeah, it is a good thing. I was scared I was losing my best friend right before my eyes." Noah said with such relief.

"Where are we heading next?" I asked Noah. As I felt like the paramedic people were picking up my body and putting me on the life help rack thing they use to save people. Noah got in and sat next to me.

"The hospital because whatever was in your water almost caused you to have a heart attack. Your father says it is a wise idea for the doctor to monitor you to see how severely you were affected by that product. Your father seems nice."

"He is. He never had kids of his own so I am all he has left. We um lost my Grandmother just recently and then I, of course, blacked out. I feel bad for my father." I said the last part in tears.

"At least we have you Auburn," Noah says and takes my hand to comfort me.

I shrugged. "Thanks, Noah!"

I was in the emergency room sure enough being monitored and they checked my heart.

"Miss Duffy it seems that your heart was affected by some sleeping medication. Are there any allergies that make you severe that lead to this condition?" Dr. Whitelocks said as he entered the room

"I am pretty sure that I don't have any allergies to medications. So my assumption is that I could have had an overdose without having that in my knowledge before, and being aware of that." I spoke with some deep thoughts.

"Just for extra precaution we will monitor you for a couple days and when you do go home you need to rest and take time off of work. Especially your diet. Eat lots of healthy stuff, no beer, or alcoholic beverages. No coffee unless it's decaf-"

"Well those will be easy cause I never drink any of those. Plus I am a health nut. I just need to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and stay away from stress." I spoke quickly.

"That means you need to rest , Auburn and not overwork yourself." Noah said to me with some concern in your voice.

"I know and I will."

"Please you are one who hates to just be still and relax. You get bored fast if you are not busy. I know this because of our college years, Auburn."

"No I am not. All have you know I do take time to relax."

Noah raised an eyebrow to me all sassy like he was not buying it.

"Well I do Noah. So I will have you know I won't mind the break. Besides, there is plenty of stuff I can do while I relax. Like go through my family tree and look at my DNA results."

Noah sighs. "That is still working, which proves my point."

"Well that is relaxing to me."

"But it keeps you busy and you need to take it easy. Like read a book or watch one of those cop shows you like."

I shrugged. "I guess, I just don't feel like I can help that much."

"To help someone you need to help yourself first, Auburn." Noah said to me with sincerity.

"I will, I promise."

"Ok, please just take it easy is all I ask of you."

"I will, okay."

Noah looks at me again and sighs in relief.

"Okay then. I am just looking out for you. I oathed to your father. I would help him look out for you since you are my best friend, Auburn. Now I will need to update your father."

"Alright, I am sure he needs to know. As soon as I am out I'll take it easy. Besides, I spend Christmas time off anyways." I spoke to him.

Noah just watched me cope and stayed by my side.

My father got in and Noah left, leaving me and my dad alone together.

"You know you scared me pumpkin."

"I know Dad. Um, according to the doctor it was some sleep medication they believe caused me to get the results I did and I overdosed on the drug."

"Yeah that is accurate and we arrested Johnny for trying to sexually assault you and for nearly killing you with the drug."

"Thanks Dad!"

"Of course! After losing my mother, your grandmother I thought I would lose you too."

"I know this isn't the best thing you saw. At least I am around Dad."

"Yeah at least you are around." He says in tears of joy and relief to know I am okay. Dad has been telling me that no matter how busy he is in the police department I come first above all his work and that if he lost me his world would just be crashing.

Christmas is in a couple days so it is good that Dad and I have the chance to spend it together again. I don't want to spend it with anyone else. My father is my best friend. So it means I'll be home for Christmas.

I still couldn't call the number back and I saw on my phone they tried contacting me. *Sorry random person if you wanted to hear me, I went unconscious. I hope you understand.* I thought to myself

"Auburn, the funeral will be right before Christmas. We will just keep it brief." Dad told me before he would leave to head back to work.

"Alright," I said not to impose with giving help to this. I just wish there was more I could do. I wish there was more to being around and helping other people. I wish I could help Dad more. If only I knew who killed my Grandmother.

Wait a second? They said Grandma was in the jail and someone shot her. If the gun has fingerprints and they look like Johnny's that means Johnny killed her and almost killed me. What a psychopath I dated. Even if he had to for a job or for dirty work it is so wrong of him. Yet all the facts would make sense. Maybe he killed her to get the house and get me. What a pathetic twerp. I mean to think the slightest his ultimatums would win me over.

It is so stupid. To think he would win me over. Plus he never was there for me, and even if he was he just used me. Noah on the other hand I want to know him better since he knows me so well. I feel like he actually considers me for who I am. Noah said to me he was worried he would lose me. It is cute he cares so much about me. Auburn you need to get it together you can't let love become a distraction for you.

Maybe when I can spend some time with Noah. I really want to let him know how much I appreciate him. I want him to know how much I care for him too. To let him know means I need to start appreciating myself first.

I just slept and felt like forever being in the hospital. They woke me up to do more monitors and I just slept for what felt like hours. At least I am okay. I won't let anything stop me from finding Uncle Fred.  Nothing will stop me from finding hope that he is alive.

I will journey further and I will do whatever it takes. Sometimes you gotta make sacrifices and I will be brave, stubborn and make it work in the end. I have to. I need to know who wants to call me so bad. Am I in trouble? I hope all is alright.
