Chapter 30: Unexpected visitors

I gave Dad the paperwork and I spent that day before only having lunch with Noah. I can go a while not eating while I am dealing with grief.

Dad and I worked on preparing Grandmother's body for the funeral and had it gone in the casket.

The meeting was short and brief. We started to go over more of her belongs and what she had kept over the years. I even read her diary of what she was saying about Marleen over the years. Claiming Marleen has insecurities which we all could tell. It was not hard to see all that, even when I was just a 10-year-old everything rang that to so many levels.

I didn't hear from Noah all day and in my father's brain Noah is basically my boyfriend now. Well we haven't really talked about it since we were only going on a couple dates so far and just taking the time to be with each other. I say that is perfectly okay and normal. After everything that happened between me and Johnny it does my heart some good to move on and take a new adventure. After all life is full of adventures.

I went back to my apartment and started to go to my cork board where I was hanging up any evidence to Uncle Fred's case. Clearly everything felt like it was coming together. It felt like I was just finding more and more pieces.

Looking through it I might be able to prove my uncle is not dead and in fact his death was made to look fake by Marleen. Without the trace of the body I have hope. What if he is a slave to her? Sometimes that happens where the kid or adult is taken for slavery. Well if I am going to find clues, I need to think in two diverse levels, what a victim would think of in that sort of scenario and what would drive a villian to do such bad things. You could tell Sherlock Holmes and Agatha Christie books were all I ever read and what really led me to be so driven to my job.

*This is so remarkable. There seems to have some genetic riddles to this case and not to mention all the DNA runs. Well with the Locus found we have Amelia who becomes a suspect in numbers and only then was just a young child. We have another case of how her brothers died and seeing if it really was a car accident. Then we have the fact of Marleen's numbers. * I thought to myself.

After much exertion I decided to take a break and take a nap from a long day. I mean even forensic genealogists; detectives, you name it. Realistically they all need to take care of their own selves. That is why they could think so clearly is the healthy habits any human should do. It is why I can get even closer to figuring things out. I just know I am so close, and you know sometimes you must think a little bit in a different perspective to understand reasoning of why someone does bad things. You need to imagine if you were that kind of person both the abducted victim and the person who committed the crime. It is so simple that it uses some genealogy, forensics and of course I use a bit of psychology tricks. I used to be a psychology major you know before the genealogy one and decided this is my destiny to really work in solving cases. It is my passion.

Anyways back to what we were talking about before.

As I continued to look among my tasks the same number never called me this time which was rather odd. Maybe this was something important and I didn't answer. Maybe it was a good reason I never answered my phone. Honestly, between the Case of 2 Fish Street where Uncle Fred was kidnapped on and my grandmother's funds it was just so daunting what was to be expective of me. I have a habit of pretending I am fine and not grieving. With everything that has been happening I didn't realize how long it has gone since I had a solid 3-day meal. Maybe days I lost track. I never told Noah I wasn't eating because this never sits well for me. I wonder exactly why this all must happen.

I took a break with the paperwork and dropped some evidence off to my father hugged him and then took a break to watch a Korean Drama. Since I am having a challenging time dealing with grief maybe I can just laugh it off?

I certainly can't focus when dealing with so much pressure and pain. I can't see myself ever feeling like I am continuing at this. Maybe "The Case of 2 Fish Street," will never be solved. Maybe I really picked the worst career yet and I would be better off as a regular police officer. Or maybe even a firefighter. What if all my work is just a waste?

Noah came to check up on me and I was crying. He knocked on my door and I opened it. Shortly right after I was feeling numb and a little flimsy as I started to sway side to side when leaving the door.

"Auburn!" He spoke with such worry. Then he ran to my aide quickly.

'I am alright just taking some time to mourn is all."

"Your grandmother wouldn't want you to stop doing what you love, and she certainly would not ask of you to be so hard on yourself or even manage to overdo yourself. She would want you to be happy Auburn."

"Yeah, she would. She is gone, Noah. Her dying wish was for me to reunite her with my father and my uncle and that never happened when it was the last time, I saw her before she died. She told me she wanted to spend Christmas with all of us. I let her down. I am letting everyone down. Between that and going over her trust funds I feel like there is so much on my plate. I really can't do much for people anymore."

Noah helped me to the couch and stayed with me.

"There is a reason why people call you and it is because you do a great and amazing job."

"Thanks! Just right now I don't feel like I am that amazing."

"What was your first case anyways Auburn?"

"Well I don't remember the name of it, but I remember previously when that all happened and the suspect, I was looking at was related to Adolf Hitler."

"See and not all that information could be found."

"I do remember seeing that someone did commit a crime in destroying the documents of World War 1 and tried to compare all the information."

"See that is the most brilliant thing I have ever heard."

I shrugged. "Thanks!"

"Now have you eaten anything?"

"Um... About that."

He raised an eyebrow at me.


"No not much I have gone days not eating and have been accustomed to one meal a day. My first meal was lunch with you yesterday."

"That is not good. Considering we don't need you passing out."

"Yeah, it is not that I don't want to eat I can't eat easily when dealing with grief. I must force myself to eat something. Even still that is not easy."

"I know that isn't and you said so yourself to me one time that when you take care of yourself you can have better focus. How often do you give yourself a day off or even time to grieve?"

"Not often." I said with a shrug.

"Well you need to take more time for yourself simple as that. You should relax more often."

"I guess so."

I worked up the energy to get food. So I just ordered from door dash places that were close like Braums and then I continued to work. This ended up being my lunch.

Noah had to leave to head to work right after having his break and prepare for his meeting, so I was just chilling in my apartment for some time. Braums was cheap and I ended up eating the whole get 5 burgers for $5 all by myself and had a junior size milkshake which was just what I needed to get through my day. A whole lot of sugar. As for dinner I was planning on having pizza or just a Walmart delivery of groceries so I could cook something nice for dinner even if it was light.

Later I spent time just working out, by going on a jog and running laps. I went to my public swimming pool and worked on my strokes in swimming. Then I went back inside. I gave myself enough time to change and chill and went to my board. How exactly am I supposed to relax when this case continues to go through my mind? I can't exactly relax that well. I have a lot to process as it.

With my grandmother's box of information in my apartment I continued to search through and saw a name. It was like a warning letter. Wait a second. I saw a picture of grandmother and someone who looks like her. Someone who looks identical to her. Grandma has a twin. Maybe she knows more information about these cases? Could she still be around? Would she know any information on Uncle Fred?

I continued to process all this information and took a minute to write through my research notebook and having theories on the side on what these pieces of evidence are even mentioning.

As I was caught up deep in thought I heard a knock on my door. It was loud.

*Could that be the delivery man? He wasn't supposed to be here for another ten minutes. * I thought to myself.

The person at the door knocked again.

"Just a minute!" I shouted letting them know loud and clear I heard them and that I was coming.

I set my notes aside and proceeded to go to the door and open it.

A tall man with dark black hair wearing sunglasses and an apple watch with one man was wider and broader shoulders behind him and the other was tall and lean looked to be a giant in many parts. These guys looked like the men in black from the movie series with how they were standing. Or they just looked like bodyguards. All three of them had sunglasses. The one with broader shoulders had short black hair. Where the one in the middle had black curly hair and the one on the right from behind had blonde hair along with a beard.

"May I help you?"

"We are looking for Auburn, Duffy." The man in the middle said to me.

"Yes, I am her."

"Miss Duffy, there is someone that needs to see you." He said to me.

"Alright, give me a chance to grab some things and we will be off." I spoke.

I gathered my things, put on my cow print bandana, had my coat on and my notebook in my hand with my cell phone in my coat pocket so if people had any questions, they could contact me. I took a minute to make sure my door was locked so nobody would break in and steal anything while I was gone. I was not sure for how long so still needed to be cautious through it all. I followed the man who was in the middle and now ahead. Whatever this was seemed important, and I will ask questions later. The information on my uncle will have to wait because I am sure there is something else of the bother, I will just have to settle first.

To be continued......
