Chapter 23- A mother's hope

"Any updates on my son?"

"Not since your request yesterday your majesty."

"Well, keep trying to analyze the information. I will contact my SIS today."

"Yes your majesty"

I went to my office and made phone calls.

"Yes, Agent Wells?"

"Yes this is him,"

"What information have you found on forensic genealogists to contact?"

"Only the best people know Auburn Duffy. It even says on her page that she specializes in missing heirs."

"Perfect! Okay, I will send my security guards down with you and I want you and the guards to go pick her up from her hometown and ride my private jet back to England and meet me in this castle tomorrow morning."

"Yes, your majesty."

I got off the phone and tried to go through the country finances the jobs that people need. The taxes and all others relating to a great war that was sure to come. World War 3. I got my tasks done and to try to take my mind off things I went into the kitchen to bake some bread. At least my castle can smell like a nice bakery with bread and pastries. Plenty of tea of course too.

I strive as Queen Elizabeth the 3rd to work towards helping my young Prince Oliver with whatever it takes. It breaks my heart so much to know he is missing in action. I struggle to see him away. It breaks my heart more that nothing adds up.

Historically there were times in my family heritage of royals went missing of my ancestors and we don't know what happened to them even still that all is a mystery. If this Auburn Duffy has any information to help me out I'll give her my deepest gratitude for solving this. She will even have a spot to come stay in the castle.

She will sleep in the Guest suite which seems fitting for her. She can dine with me for the time she is with me and she can be close enough to help me resolve this issue with my son being gone.
If this works I can finally understand how this all happened. Maybe she will even have information on my imposters. Certainly, she knows them better than anyone else. I'm counting on you, Auburn Duffy. You are my last hope. Please help me. I am losing hope. You are my last hope.
I am sorry this is how I meet you. I hope you understand.
