

Contains more grammatical errors than normal. Sorry about them.

Celestine Allen Michelson's POV

"Again! Please send them away", I said a little angrily to my assistant, Jane.

"Sorry mam, but the delivery is for you".

"I don't want them in my office next time. You can go and please call me Celestine", I said with a smile in the end.

"Okay mam, I mean Celestine", she gave me a smile back before leaving.

I fall down on my chair and sighed before leaning forward and took a look at the boquet of flowers that are sitting on my glass table. There is a letter inside it. Heath keeps sending me flowers everyday without fail. If it's Sunday, they will be delivered to my house. Why is he doing this? Then I recall his words that he said, I will never stop trying. Shaking my head I just stare at them.

"YO! Good morning!", I hear a cheery voice and lift my head up knowing who it is and a smile spread on my face instantly. It's Kate. "Again?!", she exclaimns once she saw the boquet lying on my table. She walks to me and took the letter from the boquet before reading. "I love you", she read and them looks at me then back at the letter "also there is his phone number. It's the same shit everyday".

"Yeah, I know", I say and she sits down on the chair in front of me.

"Babe, it's been two weeks, almost three weeks you came back. Why wouldn't he stop all this? I mean doesn't he get it that you are not in love with him anymore?". She sighed and leaned back on her chair.

I just stayed silent for a minute thinking about the week that we spent together. My heart keeps tugging whenever I think of it. I should not be feeling this way. I am engaged to Paul. I should not think about Heath. But Heath's words keep ringing in my head. If you don't love him, then don't you think you are doing the same to Paul, what I did to you? Is it true to though? Am I doing the same?

I stood up and took the boquet before throwing it in the dust bin. They always keep reminding me of Heath and I don't want that. I want to forget him. How can you forget someone that you loved with your whole heart silly, my brain mocked me. Closing my eyes and taking a deep breath, with determination to forget him. I open my eyes and went back to sit in my chair.

"You did the right thing", I hear Kate say and look up at her to give her a small smile. "Sooo, where is Paul? Why aren't you both still making out? I thought since you both are engaged and working in the same office, you both will be scaring your secretary or whoever that walks in that door", she said pointing to my office door and winked at me.

"Kate!", I blushed scarlet and a grin took over my lips.

"Will do that once you are out", I hear another voice say and found Paul standing at the entrance of the door with a smile on his face. I blushed even more and put a file in front of my face to not let them see my face.

"Ooooh, someone's blushing hard", I hear Kate say and slowly put the file down and gave Kate an angry look which soon turned soft, once I see her face. I felt lips press to my cheek and blushed again knowing it's Paul.

"Hi Paul", I say in a small voice.

"Hey Baby", he said taking my hand and sitting on the desk facing me.

"Okay. I am leaving. You can.... Continue whatever you guys are doing. I am a virgin and even my eyes are. So bye! See you tomorrow bestie!", she said while putting her palms over her eyes and walking out.

"Bye!", I shouted back.

"Bye Kate", Paul said.

"Bye sucker", she said before disappearing out of the door.

"It's unfair. She can't keep calling me that just because I lost the checkers game once in her hands", he whined jovially. I laughed and took a file that I have to work on. "Celest", I hear him call and lift my head up to look at him.

"Hmm?", I ask. He put him palm on my left cheek and caressed while looking into my eyes before leaning down. My heart didn't drum like it used to do when Heath kisses me. His lips pressed to mine and my eyes closed accordingly picturing Heath in front of me. Shit! No! I should not be feeling like this! I should not be thinking about him!

"I love you Baby", he said while looking into my eyes once we pulled away. His hand still caressing my cheek. No! Whenever he says those three words, I feel so sad. I just can't say those words back. It hurts to know that I am hurting him.

"I.... I....".

"Shh", he stopped me with his finger on my lips. "We will get there. You don't need to worry and say those words feeling forced. I just want you to know how I feel towards you", he said and pressed his lips to my forehead, lingering them there for a while. I feel tears stinging in my eyes as I closed them. I don't deserve Paul. He deserves much better. "I need to go now", he said smiling as he stood up.

"I will meet you in lunch", I said and he nodded his head.

"Don't stress yourself too much", he said smiling while walking out.

I nodded and my smile disappeared once he is out of the door. God! What is happening? Thinking about Paul, I remember the time that I visited his mother in the hospital a week back.

"How are you Irina?", I ask as I sit beside her.

"I am fine dear. If you have a son like Paul. There is no need for you to worry about anything and be sick", she said with a smile. Paul gave her a smile and then a kiss on her forehead.

"Well that she does. Why does she have to worry about when she has a handsome son like me", he teased her and then came beside me. "I will bring us both coffee", he said and gave his mother a smile before going out.

"So, Celestine, Honey, when are your guys planning the wedding?", she asked and my breath stopped. I tried to hide my shock.

"Um.... We still did decide anything. I.... Uh.... We are taking things a little slow", I said and she gave a pat to on my hand

"I understand dear. Paul told me that you went to a date with your ex-husband. I know it's none of my business to talk in your personal life. I know it's not a option for you either. But I want you to know that Paul was pretty upset. He got all possessive. He may not show it out. But I am his mother, I know everything. He was pretty mad about it", she laughed in the end.

"I am sorry Irina. I didn't.... I...", I trailed off not knowing what to say.

"See dear, you may not be in love with Heath. But I just want to know one thing. Do you love my son? Are you in love with him?", she asked and I stare at her in shock. How do I answer that? Cause I clearly know that I am not. I can't tell the same to her. It will break her heart.

"Irina, I like Paul a lot, so much in fact. I respect him. He brought me out of my dark phase and really helped me to get through Heath. I sure like him very much, but....".

"But?", she asked.

"I.... I don't think that I....". I can't say it out loud that I am not in love with Paul, because one day I want to. I also think that I will be in love with him. But I don't know how much of it will be true.

"I understand. You don't have to answer that. But I want you to know it yourself. I don't know if you love him or not. I just want you both to be happy together when you get married", she said with a kind smile on her face. Paul and Irina are always so supportive. I am so happy to have them in my life.

Am I cheating them both thinking that one day I will fall in love with Paul? Or am I cheating myself? What should I do? Did I get myself too far in the process of thinking that I have to move on from Heath? If I really don't love Paul, what is the point of marrying him?

There are so many questions running through my mind. Even though I know answers to all of them, I don't want to heat those answers. Because all of them will end at Heath. I don't want that.

God! What to do?!


Hey my cute dumplings!

So, how's the update? What do you think Celestine should do? Also the next chapter is in Heath's POV. Don't miss it.

Please VOTE and COMMENT.
