Chapter 27

Chapter 27

Heath King's POV

"Baby, wake up. You need to eat something and take tablets", I said as I tried to wake her up.

"No. I don't want to". Her voice was barely above a whisper. She looks so cute right now. My smile didn't fade. She always used to listen to me. Never defied me anytime, but always hung to word. Now here she is, saying no for the first time and that too in the most cutest way possible. Her lips are puckered out.

"Mr. King, let me help", Maria said coming to us, but I stopped her.

"No. I will feed her. You can go", I snapped at her. I don't need anyone's help.

"But-". I cut her off.

"Maria, go". My tone came out strictly and she nodded before leaving us both alone again. Once she closed the door, I let out my breath and look back at Celestine. She is sleeping so happily. I didn't have the heart to wake her up. But I have to. Damn it! It's so confusing.

"Celestine", I whispered to her as my hand ran up and down, from the crown of her head to her back. "Baby, you need to take the tablets. Otherwise how will you recover, huh?". My voice came out like I am talking to a baby. My hand cupped one of her cheeks. "Wake up Angel", I said and she slowly opened her eyes while taking a deep breath and sat up leaving me sit there cold.

For a second, she made me regret waking her up. She sat up, but was about to faint when I let her head fall on my shoulder. I shook my head and almost laugh at her. Making her sit, I made her lean her back on the head board. There was an eating on the trolley along with the food. I took it out and put it in front of her and pour some soup in the bowl to make her sip.

"Celestine", I shook her gently and she opened her eyes and looked at me, then at the small table in front of her and then back at me. Her face showed confusion. "Have some soup, Baby". I took the bowl in my hands and see that the soup is very hot. God, Maria! How is she to drink this! It will burn her mouth! I took the spoon and dipped it in the soup and blew air with my mouth to cool it and warm it.

"Heath?". Her faint voice made me look at her with a smile on my face.

"Yes?", I asked bringing the spoon carefully to her mouth.

"What am still I doing here? Why are you feeding me?", she asked getting confused and tried to move away.

"Celestine wait! You have high fever. You fainted like three times now, you know that?", I said almost in a scolding tone. She put her left hand on her head, like she is having a head ache.

"Then you should have dropped me home. I.... I want to go home", she said starting to get out of the bed. My fingers instantly found her wrist and stopped her. She is not even able to open her eyes and sit for a minute and she wants to go home. She thinks I will just send her home, knowing that she is so ill. No way!

"No. I am not sending you home. Your father is not home, I know. Who will take good care of you there? Now don't say that there are maids and stuff like that. I am not leaving you in assistance of your maids. I am taking care of your personally, even if you don't like it", she opened her mouth to say something, but I cut her off. "You have no choice". Finality clear in my voice.

"But Heath-".

"I am hearing anything. You can't set a foot out of the bed without my permission. Sit here, eat food, take medicines and get better. I know I am being strict, but please, I can't bear seeing you ill", I said and she looked at me for one long minute before leaning back on the head board.

I put the spoon near her mouth and she tried to take the spoon from my hand, but I want to feed her myself and she didn't resist me, which brought immense happiness to me.

Celestine Allen Michelson's POV

He kept feeding me and all I can do is just stare at him. He is warming the soup before bringing the spoon to my mouth and letting me drink it. I coughed in the middle and he rubbed my back with care. My heart is feeling heavy again. All the words that he said last night, started to come in my mind again.

I am a stupid.... Love is far, I don't even know how I am going to make her look at me. I am loosing hope Celestine..... I don't know whether I will have a place in her heart or not.... All I need is one chance. Just one chance Angel....

My eyes became moist as I thought of it. He is still concentrating on feeding me without making me choack.

"Is it too hot?", he asked as he put the bowl away.

"No". He smiled at my answer and gave me medicine. He waited till I put it in my mouth and gave me a glass of water to drink. "You take rest now", he said standing up and pulled the blanket over me as I lay my back on the bed. His phone rang, but he cut it off. It rang again.

"You should lift it, it might be important", I said and he cut the call again.

"No. It's okay. It's just my assistant", he said and put the phone away. Then he suddenly looked at me again. "It's not a girl. My assistant is a guy", he said nervously. But before he can speak again, his phone rang. He sighed angrily and took the phone. "Just give me a minute", he said sweetly to me and went out to talk. I smiled at it and shook my head.

I looked around the room and found the huge pictures of us that I saw last night, when he brought me here. I don't know why, but I felt a little happy about it. No! No, no, no, no! I shouldn't feel happy! I should not feel anything, but get annoyed by him. Oh God, please help me to not fall in love with him. I don't want to. He came back in and threw the phone on the chair on the room and looked at me.

"That's my assistant", he answered, even if I didn't ask. I just nodded my head. "You still didn't go to sleep? You need rest", he said sitting beside me.

"I am about to", I responded and turned to the other side not wanting to face him. I wanted to ask a lot of questions and if I look at him one more minute, I am definitely sure, that I will. I heard him sigh and stand up before leaving the room. I closed my eyes and let sleep take over me.

I and Heath are sitting near the dining table. He kept serving food in my plate even if I stop him. He made Maria to make all my favorite food items. How did he even know all of them? He would just sit there watch me eating as he served himself some food and smiles at me in the middle. I smiled back too not wanting to seem rude.

"Enough Heath. Please, I can't eat anymore". I stopped him as he tried to put more food on my plate. I held his wrist to stop him.

"But, you have to eat more".

"I don't feel like eating. I may vomit if I eat more".

"Why? Are you not feeling good? Shall I call the doctor?", he asked with concern etched all over his face. He sat beside me the whole time and put his arm over the top of the chair. His palm cupped my cheek as he asked me questions. My hand went to push my hair behind my ear nervously. I pull away from his touch and looked at the plate filled with food in front of me. I hear him sigh sadly.

"I am fine. I am just.... full. That's it". I put a spoonful of food in my mouth and started chewing on it. But air around us is still awkward. His fingers went to my chin and he made me look at him, by turning my head. Our eyes met. Pain is clear in his eyes, with so many questions in them.

"Am I not even allowed to touch you?". His voice made me really think about it. If it was before, I would be flattered and would anything that he asked, but now, I don't know, I just.... I just don't understand what I want right now.

He didn't say anything as I sat silent and kept looking at him. He looked away for a second before looking at me with those sad eyes.

"Guess, I am not then", he said and his fingers left my chin. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath before leaving it and then looked back at me. He tried to smile at me. "I am sorry if I sound desperate. Come on eat", he said trying to change the mood. I gave him a smile and turned back to eat.

After the air around us was awkward, but Heath kept trying to lighten it.

"No. Your fever is still there. Lightly, but still there. I am not going to let you go home in this stage. You are staying here, till your fever will come down and you are better", he said with finality in his voice.

"But Heath, it's just a fever. Also I am better now. I have a lot of work pending and you should also go to office. You didn't go to office these two days because of me-".

"You don't have to worry about that. Even if I go to work knowing that you are unwell, I can't concentrate on my work properly. So, I am not allowing you to go home".

"Heath, please-".

"Baby we are not talking about this anymore", he said and stood up to attend a call.

Baby. Why wouldn't he stop calling me that? Why do my heart always skip a beat when he calls me that? What happened to me in these past two months? Am I going soft on him again? No! No, that can't happen. I can't start having feeling for him. Don't fall for him again Celestine. But all the care and love he is showing seems so real. May be they are real. So, what? That means I should forget what he does?

Is it wrong that I start to have feelings for him? Is it wrong for me to start something for him? Can I be able to bear if he does something again? God, so many questions and non have answers! Why does this have to happen like this? Why couldn't this all be easy? Why does it have to be so tough?

I sighed and closed my eyes as I leaned my head back on the head board of the bed and slid down. I snuggled more into the covers and let sleep take over to escape from all this for some time.

I kept thinking about Heath while bathing. About how comfortable he felt as I unknowingly snuggled into his while sleeping. I woke up in his arms. He felt so warm and cozy. He never snuggled or cuddled with me. It felt really nice. Stop it Celestine! You shouldn't be thinking about him! I scolded myself and continued bathing.

I came out of the bathroom and went to pick a dress from the pile of clothes that Heath bought for me. I wore a casual light blue dress that reached my knee and went down once I got ready. Heath is eating his breakfast in a hurry. He made me stay with his yesterday and I slept here yesterday night.

"Heath", I called out his name and he looked up at me with a smile. He stood up and went to wash his hands.

"Good morning Baby. Sorry, but I have to go to office. It's a very important meeting. I tried to postpone it, but it's not good to postpone it again the third time. I will come back in two hours, I swear. I hate it that I have to leave you like this and go. Stupid meeting. You take rest. Okay?", he said while coming to me and smile at me.

"Heath, I am leaving. Actually I came to tell you that". The smile on his face instantly disappeared once I said that.

"But-", he cut me off.

"No Baby, you are not leaving".

"Why shouldn't I? I am fine now. My fever is not there anymore. I don't want to take advantage of you by staying here more days and making you miss your work. It's better I take my leave now".


"Please Heath. Thank you for all the care and support. I think I should leave now". He didn't say anything for a few minutes and then nodded at me understandingly.

"Okay. But I will drop you".

"No. I have my car here. It's still here right, since I brought in my car that night".

"George, will bring it behind us. I am dropping you home in my car", he said and slipped his hand in mine and held clutched it with his fingers. I am shocked for a minute, but he behaved like it was a normal thing and we both walked out. He chose one car from his cars and opened the door for me. Once I sat in he closed the door and called George. He talked with him and came to sit in the driver's seat.

Once we started and went out of the gate, I look back and found my car behind us. George must be driving it.

"I wish you would stay another day". I heard Heath say and look at him.

"No Heath. I already stayed more than I should. I made you miss your work. Sorry for all the trouble. Also, I would have drove my car. You don't need to make George drive it to my house". He looked at me at my words.

"Come on. Do you really think that? I just want to drive you home myself and you know that too", he said and looked back at the road. He is right. Deep down I know that he's right. So, I didn't say anything.

The whole drive was filled with silence. I just kept thinking about me, Heath and us.

"What are you thinking about?", he asked.

"Us", I replied without thinking.

"Us?", he asked me with a smile and then I realized what I had done.

Us. Why am I even thinking about us? When did we both become an us?

"We are here", I hear Heath's voice and came out of my stance and looked at him. He is looking at me with those sad eyes.

I just sat in the car as awkward silence filled around us. I reached for the car door handle to open it, but stopped once I heard his voice.

"Wait!". I looked back at him. He looked away and sighed before looking at me. He turned his whole body to me and I turned to him. He took both of my hands in his and kissed the back of them. "Thank you for letting me take care of you these two days. Although I wouldn't mind taking care of you for the rest of my life. I wish you would stay there.... Forever".

I opened my mouth to say something, but stopped when he held his hand up.

"Celestine", he stopped once he said my name and looked into my eyes with so much sincerity in them. "I love you so much. So much that I can't tell you in words. I want to live with you, share my life with you, wake up next to you every day morning. I know all this is my dream and it may not happen", he paused for a minute.

"If there is any part of you, that still think there is some truth left in me, if there is any part of you that thinks that I changed for you, which I truly did, would you please give me a chance to prove it to you? Would you please give me a chance to show you much I love you? I promise you, this time, I won't break your heart. Never again", he said with so much honesty in his voice.

All I can do is stare at him after what he said. I know he is saying truth. Also there is a big part of me that thinks that he has changed. But, am I ready to give him a chance? Why should I though?

"I know you don't have to if you don't want to. I won't force you about it. But I won't every person deserve at least one chance. I know after what I did, I don't have the right to ask that. But my love for you is making me selfish to ask you that one chance. I am not asking you to fall in love with me again. But I wish you to fall in love with me. I just want a chance, a single chance to prove myself to you".

I didn't know what to do. Many thoughts are running through my mind at a time. My heart is beating fast.

"You don't have to give the answer now. You can answer it after you think about it".

I nodded my head at him. He went outside before coming to my side to open the door. I came out and smiled at him. "Bye", I said almost in a whisper. He caught hold of my hand and I looked back at him. He kissed my forehead and his lips lingered there for a minute. I can feel the love he had for me in it.

"I will miss you", he said looking into my eyes and my heart melted right at that moment. I wanted to give him a thousand chances at a time then. "I will be waiting for your answer". I bit my lip for a second and smiled at him. He left my hand and went inside while taking one last look at him. He is just staring at me and I smiled back before closing the front door. After a minute I heard him driving off.

I went into the living room and found my dad sitting there waiting for me. My eyes went wide. I thought he is coming tomorrow. What is he doing here?

"Good morning", he said looking at me. He must have definitely seen me and Heath.

Oh no!


Hey my cute dumplings!

That song really suits the chapter. So, what do you guys think? Please tell me. Your comments really mean a lot to me. So, do tell me.

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